宋代 文有年 Wen Younian  宋代  
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Question Motoko former residence
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ancient style poetry

Question Motoko former residence

   Wen Younian

Seoul Man Lang Pepsi are diffuse, as I recognized the unique Mountains.
Tanzanite read the town not a thing for fear of shame Wutu Jian Yan.
Ling Wu Zhongxing Power cover Germany, the world should people help the righteous cause.
Ning will be good apartment Admonish Chung, BES stand smell a coward.
Taishi underlying strength in the pen-shaped, two U.S. energy and since ancient times, no.
Gun Gun was under the footnote in the know Shek Wu Fu Weng times.
Pine Mountain Coal messy Chu ocher, lonely valley thunder pass copy work.
To play a long heave a deep sigh lingering ripe, anything at all with the Xiang flow.

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