宋代 王禹偁 Wang Yucheng  宋代   (954~1001)
Point jiangshouju lip Invigoration
The eight poems Return Yun-dong
The eight poems clear Wind Pavilion
The eight poems The 15th day of a lunar month _set_
Shi Yang The eight ice seal
North tower Sense of things
Disadvantages curtain Poetry
allo- Commerce Mountain
allo- Sihao Temple
sick leave
Disease book thing Money on the Jixian assistant minister
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

fall H. mutabilis L.

   Wang Yucheng

Memory in Cheung Chau County, Shouzhi hibiscus flowers.
Chunzaiqiucheng tree, green leaves whirling.
August dew, the blossoming open red corolla.
Jiang Shu Kam Light Mission, broken scissors Akagi Xia.
Hong invasion guests to sit, who officials brush Yan Ya.
Lingshuang with Song Ju, Montreal, such as Sangma.
Cold Weather million wood off, chop remaining asparagus root investigation.
Spring Thunder soon move, and grows new Zhike.
Should be good due to pulse, not at the human more.
Dili today to the city, rent house, such as cellulitis.
The number of pre-order plant roots, soil replacement Xinsha owned.
Yugou irrigation drain water, cover the heap covered field Lufthansa.
Not unearthed by the spring, summer parties are buds.
Fall unexpectedly poor gaunt, and small flowers, especially not Kerry.
To gas transfer properties, good self-concept can be rude.
Also with the wild man, strong as a group plus hairpin.
Harm will be caused by insults Yin, thin permanent home is not sufficient.
So sick body, young Shuangbin China.
Although the Yunnan-Guizhou Ziwei, white hair will do nothing.
Hill County Council, seek, look for smoke management turnips lying.
Abundance of pro-Feng Ji, committed any wasted.
Yan peaceful world final, scattered to pleases Poets.

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