宋代 王禹偁 Wang Yucheng  宋代   (954~1001)
Point jiangshouju lip Invigoration
The eight poems Return Yun-dong
The eight poems clear Wind Pavilion
The eight poems The 15th day of a lunar month _set_
Shi Yang The eight ice seal
North tower Sense of things
Disadvantages curtain Poetry
allo- Commerce Mountain
allo- Sihao Temple
sick leave
Disease book thing Money on the Jixian assistant minister
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

North tower Sense of things

   Wang Yucheng

Tip of the North Building a forest, view open board position disease.
Sideband Chuzhou City, battlements any winding.
Provincial governor house servant, but temporary military pool system.
Iyo Hanlin passenger side hereby dereliction of duty.
Ya Collar two books, the best when looking at Yin.
Degree of pelting rain late windows, wooden cross Grateloupia summer.
Huainan special climate, the Orioles twitter in the autumn.
Yan Qian mountains and fruit, are also willing to adopt drop-AIDS.
Official brew in bottles and pour the discretion of any alcohol Li.
Forgetting was really fun, nostalgia students away thinking.
Nian Xi Li Taiwei, yo state home base.
Write to the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bing, such as six-odd.
Banished to the county officials, one rejoice when depressed.
Taste for pregnant Song F, Hutchison Rise and Fall of Man sad.
Are very much advance and retreat management, aware of fortune machine.
However, soon after re-entry to use, such as Sri Lanka made suddenly left.
Junen bandits plastic column, if the shadowing day calamity.
June Miles, Yan shortage Jingbu return.
Off the ground, also known as then, no rebate will be his last.
Regardless of the personnel more, suddenly pushed by fate.
Moreover to the grass Zeshi, quinoa soup was brown complex.
Absurd result of get-hon, eight paternity Dan Chi.
Cheng Ming-Lu into three, and relaxation of the ancients.
Yutang strike the Hundred Days, the cumulative non-text word.
Shi is not the old strength, hope Lang is not humble.
Huai Yong Yang County side, the characters from Hee hee.
The amount of the fee income, Fung about its appropriate.
The Zaokang a wife and did not know Kim Chui facilities.
Three men and no Shu Nie, Ju Wan Yee love cheap.
Willing to punish the poor must find and easy to back no Jimi.
Fifty to be owned by farming, why hanging car period.
And I hope that the duke, and Yunlong Mountain elk.
Tang Yin Xi fortune, gentle Road glory.
Scholars take the phase, easy-to-Fushi chess.
Since the Five Dynasties, the Su-feng has Lingchi.
Arms for the conduct of public affairs, Mao soil lose athletes.
Ru Guan Shi Divination who only cold and hunger-free.
So far out sundae, the wind shifted yet been finalized.
Since no economic operation, with mediocre as Ukraine.
Tonight's return tonight's re_set_, not forgetting the North Building poetry.
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