宋代 田锡 Tian Xi  宋代  
Debate confusion articles
Pay Chen Department disabilities chant Snow Song
fulfil Song shi Gu huangzhong twain Bachelor Chrysanthemum What was all part of the Office of bachelor
fulfil Tonglu (in ming and qing dynasty) county magistrate Diao kan cantus
another name for cricket
Era Peony thank sb. with a gift
Allograph assume Su yijian Bachelor To curry favor (esp. from a superior) And see Send So Question of the county, also
Registration of mountains Building
Dong Xi Book thing
read Member of the imperial academy group of things having a shared quality
Of wine
Kite Song
skilful writer
Returning Home
And security the title of Emperor Gaoxong's reign in Tang Dynasty
And Song Taixuan December Day
And Plain Spring Books
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

pity, regret, rue, begrudge Spring term

   Tian Xi

Early Spring Congjiang States, the lake Mei Yang Liuling head.
Weeping willow plum snow belt, the season-phase catalyst delivery times.
Cold Spring force over bullying Jiangbei, valleys Oriole Health wing.
Smoke ban sings Aria Court, South Park, Tao Li has become a footpath.
Where to sweets in a good, Chun-Bo Fei Xu king embankment.
I recalled last year's late spring months, the new makeup of Beijing Danfeng Los Que.
Tianjin Shuilv Yan Shu deep wells complains million peony hair.
Imperial carriage receives favor from the emperor, the Song Qi Feng Ruiai rural cage.
Squire thousands of officials and Wan Qi, Yiwei Habayashi and 佽 fly.
Chu Chui Sui Jia Luo Palaces, seven kings from the line to accompany you.
Xia Golden Calf aroma into the car, Ke Ming Si in the section of Rainbow Dragon.
Zhu Xi Liu-side in front of the bridge, boats will be Festival Park, Wang Tong.
Take your seats towards the coral Xia, Johnson E hawksbill candle night banquet.
West Wing moon palace leak, Minghe semi-submerged down the Big Dipper.
Vertical drinking is not intended À greed Huan, purple people unfamiliar noise fan noise.
Hook Gualian open Zhiwei Yu, dawn and ocher robes DPRK supreme.
REHABILITATIVE apartment only Linqing Wei, Truman and the End of the World was no different.
Forget mad Shijiu special finishes heart, but the high old-fashioned book Yue Qin.
Unfortunately Chunfang gradually want to return, the tobacco side Lili Wuling.
I remember the time Luoyang Road, songs the soul empty and stray fly.

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