南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
Yong Yule

Yong Yule

   Li Qingzhao

Sun_set_ Rong Jin,
Muyun combination,
In where?
Liu smoke dye concentration,
Mei whistle blowing resentment
Dash of spring to know!
Lantern Festival,
Integration weather
Sequence no power to wind and rain?
To phase response,
Dream Car BMW,
Thank him for companion Poetry & wine.
Plains Sheng day
Inner door and more leisure,
Remember the emphasis on three to five.
Shop Cuiguan children,
Twisted gold Xue Liu,
Chu cluster with economic competition.
Today gaunt,
DW fog coming from the wind,
Afraid of meeting the night out.
Inferior to,
Lianer beneath
Heard a joke.
  This is the first "Yong Yule" is the narrative section of the later years of life in Lin'an. It is written in what year, has not test, but for sure, this time the two sides have been suspended Song war, the provisional capital of Southern Song Dynasty, there a scene of peace and prosperity in the festive days, people also can play a lively manner. The written word is not her misfortune what, but tell the Lantern Festival, her unwilling to invite friends to play outside, would rather stay at home and listen to others laughing. Things have been trivial, but a number of fine through this plot, but it is very deep reflection of the author in his later years suffered a lot after the sad state of mind.
  Poem, beginning the _set_ of three questions. _Set_ up question from the three, people are a wanderer can see the heart activity, it is an issue of the traumatized soul.
  That is the Lantern Festival, just down the sun, moon and sun relative to just rise up from the east, revealing a veil-like clouds, it, seems like a rounded Biyu, crystal cute; west at low altitude, the sun is like a melting opened the gold, sink down step by step, the scenery is really beautiful and great. People know that this fine Lantern Festival, is a good opportunity to see light, you can very much love to play it a night.
  However, she was not worried about something. The sky looked, suddenly poured out, "I place in what is now Oh," the inquiry.
  It was a gloomy feeling to ask is how many have spent in the heart of a bustling world Lantern Festival, and now has pain, "people have changed everything off," the vicissitudes of the customer's specific question marks, is living alone with her typical of question mark issued feelings.
  Write the following two King, pointing to the spring. "Thick smoke stained willow", it revealed a warm spring. Just budding willow in early spring, as warmer weather, the evening mist low cage, Liu Piansi into the smoke hood. "Whistle blowing Mei Yuan", this time Plum has opened residues, and heard someone outside, blowing the flute, bamboo flute by the ancient thought of the "plum down" song, but because of their depressed mood, so the siren sounds Complaints of Miseries. Although the spring is very strong, her heart was floated another question: "At this festival, in the end the number of spring huh?" The implication: no matter how many spring, but also to enjoy their own it? This question has just reflected the mood of her old age.
  The following seems to invite a refusal of a dialogue: "Lantern Festival, Harmony Weather," is to invite her out said: "The rare Lantern Festival, also hit a rare good weather, or to play it out!" Can be How did she answer? "The weather is too warm, and abnormally warm, do not suddenly come to a storm?" This is really inconvenient when her heart confessed, had to temporarily take the phrase may seem unreasonable, then rational to stall. However, her words and experience is reflected in the giant country and the people after the robbery, since it With Life is unpredictable, unexpected calamity as to the suspicious attitude of the.
  The three question marks, can really write a true mood of his later years, with the early years (for example, reflected in the "Nian Nujiao" inside) that can not stand the feelings of loneliness compared with a move for a quiet, very clear.
  So she finally turned down the gracious invitation of friends.
  View, the "Dream Car BMW" is the identity of these friends to write truthfully. Qingzhao his later years living in Hangzhou, although poverty, but fame is still there. Her friends, she called the "companion Poetry & wine", they do not vulgar; to "Dream Car BMW" greet, but also know that the female members of a family must be rich people. But she finally refused Zhefan offer. To leave the theaters for the first is to further explain their reasons for not enjoying.
  "Plains Sheng day, boudoir doors and more leisure time, I remember that emphasis on three to five" ─ ─ "Plains" originally referred to the area of Henan Province, where specifically refers to the Northern Song capital of Bianjing (now Kaifeng); "five" originally referred to the lunar month of the 15th . Poems: "three to five full moon," shows that since ancient times that. Here the post-correction on Lantern Festival. Regardless of the official folk Song of the Lantern Festival are paying attention to is the annual Lantern Festival. Qingzhao Bianjing over many years in the Lantern Festival, the impression is of course not erase the. Today, although old in Lin'an, still, "Yi was then prime time" that he was young and excellent spirits, "shop Cuiguan child, a twisted gold Xue Liu, Ji Chu cluster with a fight," had some serious fun.
  "Shop Cuiguan child" is embedded chips in kingfisher feathers hats for women, when rich people like to wear fashion. "Twist gold Xue Liu," is in the Xueliu (a pattern made of paper or silk decorations) add gold wire twisted wire, which is only for rich people. "Cluster with" plug wear. "Ji Chu" to say the whole Qiduan Li.
  She returned from memory to reality. Contrast past and present, could not help but feel scared and cold, raw.
  "The wind coming from DW Frost," the word originally a Chinese novel "Liu Yi Chuan" to describe the Dragon in distress under the hair in the wind and rain Fenpi scattered. Qingzhao words in a change in the word to "cream the wind coming from the DW", to explain their age, old, white-haired head appeared, plus too lazy to dress up and, therefore, "afraid of meeting the night out." (Afraid of meeting, Zhang Xiang, "Explanation of Wording in Poetry": "Where the cloud afraid of meeting, it still goes too scared or too lazy.")
  "Inferior to, Lianer underground, heard laughter" ─ ─ ended too seems very plain, but in the flat but contains a number of life from the past! "Old people, too lazy to move." This is a layer of meaning. "After more than a big scene is seen I do not know how many, how is it as good old Oh!" This is another layer of meaning. "Their own life experience like, what people feel the same play Oh!" Another layer of meaning. Full of bitterness of a cavity Complaints of Miseries, by the plain one, but even more heavy. (Liu Yisheng)

Edited by: 白水
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