宋代 廖行之 Liao Hangzhi  宋代   (1137~1189)
Dong xiange birthday companion
Congratulate benedict And the parent TIK Chi-yuen Autumn Huai above
Shuidiaogetou birthday father-in-law
Shuidiaogetou birthday Deng Yan scales
Shuidiaogetou birthday Wu Gongwang
Qin Yuan Chun and Su Propaganda and education charm
Qian qiusui birthday Foreign Gu
Qing yuan Seven Mile Bridge Book Store
Qing yuan The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) recall Luo Shunju
Man ting fang Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Korean students To adapt rhymes to a given sound fulfil A son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is younger than oneself Wu Gongwang
Only to find out Mrs. Hisanaga
Only to find out birthday father-in-law
Partridge days birthday father-in-law
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Question Zuxiong resistant Hin

   Liao Hangzhi

Heaven and earth a sterile cover, sun and moon constant swing.
Rolling rivers flow, day and night dismay Zhan.
Qi without Taoxing position, what with the structure Yun Jian.
Physical resistance is victory, defeat to timid personnel.
Jun Bo Yu see power, hand, foot and Gan corpus callosum.
Chi Gou no Nigerian father, Buddhists and more Yinyuan phosphorus.
Impatient with the ear easily, stubborn Dayton finally Enron.
I Munetaka also Kang, learning the world of its well-known.
Tao Wai Po first possession, weed bank up the roots of plants to be harvest.
Double-Fei Yan Ting lattice window, the word deep reed chord.
This means when it became, never made like no transgression.
Wu Wen is about the music, benevolent Sri Lanka co-existence.
Jun can impose one, as I see all day.
Final Fu Yi Zuo, Wu Tang only money.
Xuan him human, more resistant to the official nine to move.

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