宋代 李石 Li Dan  宋代   (1108~?)
Chi Chun Xie
Like a Dream
Like a dream Memories Do
Child health check stirring of love
Child health check
Child health check
Child health check
give a send-off party
Trace Lian
Wu Yeti
Wu Yeti
Wu Yeti Chun sent
Chao Zhongcuo Parting Words
1 jian mei Memories Do
1 Jian Mei
Lin jiangxian Drunk drink
Lin Jiangxian
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Lee canal To compose verses to match those by others (as a literary exercise) write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words

   Li Dan

Sven Baiguan rich, is not easy to glimpse the public purpose.
This had a total of birds, who make up three of its legacy.
Can be described crude predecessors, anti he did not dare base.
India may be a while, the pet if the Chinese Gun speech.
Golden fairy hands, pose for the debris removal.
Micro-water snow Lou Yin, Hong-road stars down.
Aging and now a few people, tie up to years later.
Does not work with five words, retaining the temples wire.
Endless Tibetan sages, one by one biological AIDS.
Beggar the public and possession of the tongue, when the guitar is still known.
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