宋代 李吕 Li Lv  宋代   (1122~1198)
A drop cable Junan County, Bamboo Solutions sent Wei Yu
Man Ting Fang
drunk abjection
Chao Zhongcuo
Before transfer
Partridge days lovemaking
Before transfer Xie sent the peony
Write Your old sigh
Shuidiaogetou And Peter said
Only to find out
Point Jiangshouju lip
Make fun of that
Before transfer
Before transfer
Before transfer
Before transfer
Lin Jiangxian
Bahuiwengyou Saphenous Ping Shi
Tuck Hut
Feng Discrimination of Companion Master News doubt make a big turn
Sea line
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

have Lampblack Zengxuweiyin Fu novelist

   Li Lv

I have dark green and Ze Yu Jian, the public taste from the eighteenth get along.
Blue plastic deer seal product is very labor account book lights sweep the Buddha what benefits.
South Officer bone was corrupt, Pan fairy for some time now to find Li Bai.
Who were the ancient plastic Secular law, who donated light foot bi Mao Zhai.
I am not the man Furen grinding, chien possession of a few luminous cell invasion.
For light geese Youjun willing to show, five days Jingzhao no consensus.
Study pond water as the black book, do not save Jin Jiaqing about Ecuador.
Merry hydrolyzate mountains long, carved from responsibility is not only light.
Hsu Yu-human gods axes, hand colored pen Sky.
Wei officials talk of a recovery efficiency Seoul, Lei Li rocky mind to make beads.
Britain put pen to paper 谩 clouds Zhang, Zhi waves turn Bizhai.
Teng did not obstruct inspectors every time, will post the highest Pengshan text.
Is the thing to send begging Jun Hu, Feng Tian potential phase with the enemy.
Development potential of more than cover punish evil things, My Dao How can we allow the evil science stopper.
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