宋代 李含章 Li Hanzhang  宋代  
Mortgaging Announce city 3
Mortgaging Announce city 3
Mortgaging Announce city 3
Hebei line
Monk family
Inscribe lushan mountain On into Temple
inscribe Wuling tomb Nursing rong Ting-
View Tour Taoyuan
fisherman's family
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

inscribe Wuling tomb Nursing rong Ting-

   Li Hanzhang

Lin Xiu Huang cluster diameter of the Law, and visitors can avoid the vulgar clamor.
Qujiangehua security, brush, small window Yanyuebandan scoop.
SFAS Yinwan move mountains beans, green leafy plant water plantain sub-Pa.
Do this every pity clear air, cold nights could be worthy of Yu Xiaoxiao.
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