And Deng Deliberation First joined the Test Centre
And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3
And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3
And Deng Deliberation Poetry was the same hospital Gentlemen 3
And Deng Deliberation House asked the same reason mountain sight with the word clock verse to a
And Deng did not try that thing hard to carefully consider the rate of use of the book Autumn Wen Head Sentence 3
And Deng did not try that thing hard to carefully consider the rate of use of the book Autumn Wen Head Sentence 3
And I accompanied the years Trial court that things were gentlemen
inscribe Danzao 4
Yan Xiang Temple
ancient style poetry
And Deng did not try that thing hard to carefully consider the rate of use of the book Autumn Wen Head Sentence 3 和邓慎思未试即事难书率用秋日同文馆为首句三首 Geng Nazhong Confucian crown to dim, the long arm of Yin Road open. Identification will be required to Kim, who came from Yushan. Thousands of thank-volume book, Kang glass of wine. Jun Fu surgery industry if, when and pheasant for the media.