宋代 富弼 Fu Bi  宋代  
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answer Zheng zhou Tso Lung, see Send Original rhyme
Dingzhou read the ancient Church
Guo Shao Takao baas
Han virtual cabinet
Buddhist hymn
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lodge at inscribe Zui Weng Ting
october Score siri Early start See snow ascend Bai township _set_ Look busy To say what should not be said Take the book was Takao baas
Song Wu Ting
Park Five Elders of Sui Garden
Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
Years beginning at age Guichou Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Park Five Elders of Sui Garden

   Fu Bi

Old house off between political cause, try to enjoy a robe temples crown.
Reconcile Ding Nai Shi Linyu, Reinforcing Yin and Yang Huan Wu Zuo.
Ancestors strong junior forget, come home remembering Qi Lu cold.
Grant from the Qin Zhi, if my generation, such as people looking appearance.
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