dedicate Chang'an don Ani Poetry 10 1
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 twain
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 three
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 four
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 five
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 hexad
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 seven
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 eight
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 nine
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 decade
present Minister of public works in ancient china official Ani Poetry 10 1
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 twain
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 seven
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 nine
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 decade
present Liu ji Out of the Wu Wanglang Six Poems in order for a
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order twain
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order three
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order four
ancient style poetry
晷运无穷已。 时逝焉可追。 斗酒足为欢。 临川胡独悲。 暮春春服成。 百草敷英蕤。 聊为三日游。 方驾结龙旗。 廊庙多豪俊。 都邑有艳姿。 朱轩荫兰皋。 翠幙映洛湄。 临岸濯素手。 涉水搴轻衣。 沉钩出比目。 举弋落双飞。 羽觞乘波进。 素卵随流归。