Lama ballad Instalment uni-
Lama ballad Instalment twain
Lama ballad Instalment three
Lama Ballad Instalment four
Lama ballad Instalment five
Lama ballad Instalment six
ancient style poetry
《仓央嘉措情歌》(连载四) 《仓央嘉措情歌》(连载四)
Lama Ballad Instalment four 《仓央嘉措情歌》(连载四)
16 Beloved girl, To the study of law to practice, Junior I go, Zen in the movement of hill holes. 17 I went to the Lama before the proper way, Ming Road, asked him to guidance, But can not change their mind Valentine, where they stumble into. 18 Meditation (1) Lama countenance, How does not appear. Valentine thought the face, But in my mind brilliant. [Note: (1) Meditation: the Buddhist term for the concept of thought. The mind to imagine what you want to repair the image of God. ] 19 Think she thought fit, If this is to amend the law, In this life, Will become a Buddha it! 20 Cleaner Crystal Mountain's snow, Bell roaring (1) herbs above the dew, Son of the drug led to mannose composition of the wine, Wisdom blank line (2) fairy when furnaces, A holy vow to drink, Not falling into the evil way (3). [Note: (1) bell roaring: Sichuan-Tibet Adenophora alias medicinal plants. (2): Wisdom empty line: fairy name. (3): evil way: Buddhist term for hell, hungry ghosts and beasts. ]