现代中国 杯中冲浪 Wang XuSheng  现代中国   (1965~?)
Violent Siberian Cold Snap
In (good) sooth you Exactly A lotus
A person of (no) importance Buskin artist Final Contrail Poems
dull pain
(surname) overlord
surname sultaness
Birds and Nest Poems
cherish father
Lao Niang
Qiu Grasshopper
October uni- commentary
Multiple poems at a time
Modern Poetry

dull pain

   Wang XuSheng

Reading and neighbors often kind of white hair
Mother around to surprise
Wood and spent so
Then suddenly Geshi the pain of Health
Since the incoming after cerebral
True mother like shelling away
Shen Pan fresh voice and face a mere formality
Lost Jervis
It is difficult to explain in words the feelings of
This is not the pain the pain
I talk to who
The impact of a disability leave
Leave a bloodstain hard for others to witness the
In my left ventricle
Created by: 杯中冲浪
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