南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
Point Jiangshouju lip

Point Jiangshouju lip

   Li Qingzhao

Take time strike swing,
Up careless whole slender hand.
Lu concentrated flower thin
Khan light through thin clothing.
See someone,
Nobile shovel slip socks,
And shy away.
Yi Men Looking back,
Ome olfactory confused.

【Reciter】 朗诵天地

  Jingkang chaos before the words Li Qingzhao is a happy life. Her words of this period, mainly writing a strong pursuit of love, longing for freedom. Style is basically bright. "Point Crimson lips" ("quick fix swing strike") is probably in the early works of this period.
  Qingzhao these two phrases and Li Yu, "A Gok beads" in the "Red Velvet Black chewing, smiling to the Tan Lang spit" just like the girl to write a successful modality. Meanwhile, the two phrases Qingzhao also vividly revealed the girl's inner world. She sniffed Ome, not really smell, but nothing had happened came to show their hide her nervous. This Ouyang Jiong "He Ming Dynasty," in: "good graces with, it will be slender fingers, stealing gold thread twisted phoenixes." Fong Chong "rumors Lady Lantern" in the "Jiao wave slide, Hand twist Yu-Mei Low said, "have similarities. This is real life today, the young girl to play with Bianshao, handkerchief, etc., to hide her shyness, tension is similar. As for the "look back", that also, and Ouyang Jiong "Nango child" in the "water on the sand female visitors, recalled, laughing that banana grove live" and "review", Li Xun, "Nango child" in the "Yu-fiber virtual point flowers deep to fight for review, both Yeongil peacock dance "of the" review ", even though they show the content, expression of feelings, not exactly the same, but they are simply looking back to the action, the performance of more complex heart activity. Qingzhao these two phrases in the "back" is the young women come to disturb her unhappy free play, she came to see Who disturb her, she was so embarrassed to get him to see who is , what kind of person. This is the performance of her innocence, courage, the performance of her traditional social restraints of feudal contempt side. Such thoughts and feelings to their content is far more than the description of this aspect of life.
  Before the Qingzhao, although the words are written the vast majority of women, however, able to depict the image of women, and write the inner world of women, but also a sense of not much. Qingzhao the song "Point Crimson lips," the language simple, vivid image, not only psychological description, but also a certain meaning, and indeed wrote a feudal society girl (who's self-portrayal of the word) the good work. And Li Qing's famous words it as "a Jian Mei" ("Red lotus incense residue autumn jade bamboo mat"), "Zuihua Yin" ("mist thick clouds all day and never worry"), "Wuling Spring" ("Wind live Dust fragrant flowers done ")," Sheng Sheng Man "(" searching ") and other can match. (Ma Xingrong)
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