元代 王子一 Wang Ziyi  元代  
Liu chen Ruan Zhao Strayed Taoyuan
Multiple poems at a time
poetic drama _set_ to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty

Liu chen Ruan Zhao Strayed Taoyuan

   Wang Ziyi

First off
(Red end of play on the boy too Baixing Guan Yi cited the cloud) Wu Nai is also on the boundary Taibaijinxing. Bong God Chiming, temporary removal of the lower bound, picket human good and evil. There are two fairy Tiantai Yuen Tung, Department of the Zixiao teen idol, only for worldly even move down disgrace this world. See also Tiantai Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao, the two known figure who trained himself to recession because of Jin Shi, evil slander handle stolen, Gan points below the mountains, comprehension practice medicine in degrees spring. Tiantai herbs on today will not help the clouds one, lost their return. But of a woodsman, guide him to that Yuen Tung to go, meet with the two fairies, into the happy match, how much is good. Unfortunately Liu, Nguyen did not break two bonds of this world, think of returning home eventually the heart, that I once again his season, late than never. Ping Kong Shu is a Nayun hand to guide people in the mountains herbs. (Lower) (positive end of play Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao outside play, each with a puzzle at the end, the cloud) the morning of a name surnamed Liu, who were brothers surnamed Zhao Ruan, Ju County's Department of the roof. Poetry and literature attacking the young, long comrades interest. Jianning when he saw North Korea, the world will be chaos, between this latent form of Linhe, no blog fame of the Council. Tiantai now under the cover a Maoan, do practice with his brother said. Qi Buwen sage words: the world will see a proper way, no way is hidden, to reach down large signs of the times also ha! (Singing)
Lu [Sin] [point] freely roam the hazy purple lips, feeling, indeed the name of Hugh care. Covertly Love, Tim Green mirror white hair.
Mixed Martial Law] [mountain forest, accompanied by the volume the old career drug furnace, out of sight car dust horses feet, less than a dream ants array bee Ya. Free to sweep the clouds look Seocho-quiet, boring to hoe when the moon from the kinds of plum. Que do not want a letter to the North, do not want to be missed Donghua. Seems to cover this and other roc wings, only to Langhu molars. Fear is cut body swords, and worrisome is broken brain Pumpkin. He learned how Qu Yuan Xiang River, Changsha, Jia Yi how to learn from him. Willing to return the lake to do Fan Li, Luan willing to do spurt out of the mouth the wine bar. Busy carrying off mountain herbs, call Cuntong Kap Shui Pengcha. Scared war discussion, Hai conquest; redundant dust to escape, avoid Fenhua; disposable wealth, the poor. Washing in Shi Feixin school saints were to speak of firewood fish will rise and fall, then. I know envy kill bad Fuse in disguise, worthy of laughter he asked the public and private Jin Hui Wen frog.
(Ruan Zhaoyun) brother, when the spring twilight when I seed you go on the drug Tiantai seedlings. Like this scene, really worthy of enjoying also. (Positive at the end singing)
[Oil] a gourd on the roof slippery stone paths, then see this practice Cuixia bamboo fence hut two or three, hear the cry of evil that Du Yu sun_set_, when the peach blossoms spring festival stop. Although I did not do coupled with long-ju farming, learning Yanling Li fishing raft. Rod often is linked to three hundred young money, how many arrived in the county government office sit three days!
[World music] also considered a number of busy east to take advantage of falling, glory, and who love him? Dare is the earthen pot while intoxicated killing several. Quick breeze, Paoxiu wide, tired Red narrow path, we meet not dismount off topic.
(Cloud) climbing shoe insurance, feel sleepy, under this Shoin, whisk stone sat a small open films. (Do sit Branch, Ruan Zhaoyun) me and you in the forest under cultivation, but the poor at home field, elevated-term perspective. Think that the DPRK for the Palace Lize impose on the world, celebrity voice to future generations, during which the loss of what was what, his brother can see are? (Positive end of the cloud) brothers, and that official's good in the end as I homebound. (Singing)
[So] that readers are in court, blame the evil Uncle recommended Yin teeth; Linquan, the pride of evil Caoqin Ya; Pan Creek, the old evil fishing Ziya. Human taste like horse liver, such as chewing beeswax taste the world, sigh have something Tuan sand dust.
[Branch] magpie step away luxury, nearly clear good, fiery cinnabar, boiled yellow tips. Firmly hold the distracted, anxious thoughts, sparse Carrier lock name. (Ruanzhao Yun) in recent years the world shortage of shortage, arms, and since dust can not hook quiet. If a hero was born at this time, watch for utilities such as pick up mustard ear. (Positive end of the cloud) Sage Masquerade, followed by avoiding, the second to avoid the color, followed by avoiding words. Brothers, only our knowledge is much higher miles. (Singing)
[] I would rather give up stray grass from the crown Xuan died, near Tanzanite degrees year-old China. Term of his hero and play map hegemony, and smoke from Xing Ge A, and from the cold of heresy. I trace your old mountain Tao light in dark, evil as strong as your family to rule the world.
(Bai play for the elderly, the cloud) that Lau, Nguyen two came, Wuxian the clouds together with their fans return, turned into a lumberjack, stand wayside, he will be two to ask for directions, but guide him to the Taoyuan hole to spend the night, would not meet with the two fairies? (Positive end of the line section to start with Nguyen, cloud) brothers, it was getting late, Yao Miao has adopted, will strike down the mountain to go home. (Singing)
[Articles] over and over again unitary endless mountains, trekking road deterioration. Was gradually lost that compete with clouds, we could not help feeling, indeed quietly indulge scared, see - much to the village greeted Weng. I am here to ask for the fans mountain lumberjack, the bamboo arrived in hospital due to excessive number of words every monk.
(See Section do, too white clouds) where the Sage after this? (Positive end of the cloud) I brothers herbs in the mountains, within walking distance to this play. (Singing)
[Transit] drunk letter under foot mountain, washing ears of the career. Behind is not lost chaos evil way, (with clouds) have met for the elderly, uh, (singing) arrived in the number of children selling turtle diagram. (Too Baiyun) two can pass a name, now lives where? (Positive at the end singing) I Dongzhuang Cuotai the two. (Too white clouds) I see you two students were neat, like official career people. (Positive at the end singing) off topic Kejia name recognition to do, (too white clouds) two may have even accompanied it? (Positive end of the cloud) If you ask me to accompany the, uh, (singing) is nothing but moose fish.
(Cloud) were niche surnamed Chen, Chao-name brothers Nguyen, now under the homebound Tiantai practice. (Too Baiyun) two is practice day in the mountains, there are even sent over his career? (Positive at the end singing)
[Children] you ask me Calendula even bud, and even career. I was there, housekeeping ape tall crane, when the door pine cypress tree Cha-ya. Jade is often said them to show case, Sin cape stack Qingxia. Side of a mountain in the busy prime minister, Lin step down people. (Too white clouds) are reading I see two gentlemen, to virtuous Founder Fang Jin Sheng Zhao admitted, two were not seeking to be held, but it is reclusive mountain for a come from? (Positive end of the cloud) and brother Mushan Lin elegant niche, then there is the final Yan meaning. That official, how do I learn from him. (Singing)
After the court [] did not want to spend a cart with four horses Xuan, I would like to no roots no roof over rafters. Out of a post of one thousand products Paul Bell, where Six Secret Teachings book three little law, he is the well respected big frog presumptuous claim. Duke does not hold more than fat, do not stay more than Chen Fan. Air firm papaya flower, fee pondering crystal tower. Lack of fighting Shau devices boast, dirt is easy to wall collapse, children see the surprise kill.
[Young children] empty area of ​​country songs, Picturesque, but only rice bag, rice bag racks, filled with chaos like Chang Ma. The banner of the daily high price of teeth, crown hijab step. People do not hold up, costume make luxury, the heart line is more cunning. Qian less consistent manner. Chaos by him, we more or less bullied, words words words mixed. Cross right and wrong. So does not matter the nobility, does not seek news of. Anonymity do making, learning Gengjia.
(Too Baiyun) two, where the foot of the mountain, a few miles away, it was late, go back for fear of Langhu if injured. Wu's take a look at the Mountains, the red wheel straight down, Yuen Tung people there can be accommodated for the night to go. (End of a show of hands to do is thank the subjects, cloud) Thank guidelines. (Singing)
[Evil] voted to make the mountain mining Chi back to the early outing on the river do strike, seeing way too dirty Tiao remote mountain shoes. How many Road westerly whip skinny horse arrived, sigh Ming back of the World. Ã sigh Yeah, there is also access to accessible, feel the dead wood Han Yan noise late Arthur. Hope that take the Castle Peak, red round and down, Wu is the deep clouds are people. (With Nguyen under)
(Too white clouds) I steered him to go two to Yuen Tung also, do not sent Yi children, reported to two fairy, and he into the Su-edge. (Poem) Tiao away to find true road feel, flea see the _set_ting sun turn the treetops. Right close Wonderland different landscape. Bi Feng Luan pay under Peach. (Below)
Second fold
(B Dan play fairy cited maid, the cloud) the child two children, is the upper bound Zixiao teen idol, even because of guilt, disgrace falling earth, now lives in Tiantai Taoyuan hole. This through the course of time. There are too Baixing Guan Yi boy ordered to report that the heads have Tiantai Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao two, five hundred children with the sub-lease cents, today to herbs, will be when the meet. Allotments maid who can not help arrange wine, fruit, we go in person to meet out of its hole. (Ruan Zhao is on the end of the same cloud) do not want into the mountain herbs, linger Rixi, Baiyun fans hit their return, met a woodcutter guidelines to Taoyuandong people boarding a night. Line a few years, has not been. Brothers, like this path, climb scraped, search also under hard Oh. (Singing)
[Gong] [is] good wind tight upright feathers light, black Revlon wet towel weight. I dislike the Red out for the pose, only to be Long Hill to the clouds are cleared, no life experience outside the escapement.
[Gun Xiuqiu] Hong seepage seepage down the Songhua the mountain fans, Mi Zaza long Taihen the wild trails closed, static lock haze ancient cliff cliff cliff deep hole, then shrugged Galaxy high praise peak mountain cliffs, downtown stir fry habitat crow-noise twilight days, sad sadly mysterious ape Xiao breeze. Xu Tao Tao partridge sings switch does not move, trampled knock knock Tiger Balm movement in Qiu Ju Long. Vast expanse of mountain cloud over the concept of deep, rolling right close human yellow road barrier, watched the enemy west east.
[If] I have to be learned scholar turn nine refining cinnabar Ge Hong, the towering Kunlun Akamatsu, so Shangsi into the abnormal situation in the. (Cloud) brothers, you see a stream of water, a few pieces falling, there must be people in this mountain also. (Singing), then see a stream water green, a few slices of Petals red, Wu ruin of the spring. (Cloud) brother, so the scene, is smooth and pleasant, I and a few we Ode. (Peter Nguyen) Ode brother just a few, little brother listening arch. (Positive at the end singing)
[Gun Xiuqiu] Oh who did the Yellow River water to the sky? Oh did not dare take the sky-Tau species? Claim as strong as the emerald water Oh Qian Zhang Yuquan rock flew into the top three, spent the next flash dry Oh Park, teams of downtown West swim lesson honey bee. March is filled with water, rain Oh, Oh take pity messy night wind. Oh nearly T.-P. wash water a river of light dust and Ying Ying, flowers Oh random wandering of wasted light spring work. Oh how much water arrived reminder waves before the waves, is an early flower Oh fly an East West, the years rush.
If the scholar [shouts] I am here when vegetation vibration, Chang Wang Fengtao anger at the Bay, the quiet and sad feel intimidating fear. (Ruan Zhaoyun) we two are going to find water near the road, there must be a material in front of the fishing can be accommodated. (Positive at the end singing) hope the fishing is not spring water crossing, (Ruanzhao Yun) This mountain has a monastery children dare it? (Positive at the end singing) smell but not Sengsi sun_set_ clock, (brought) Oh Brother, (singing) we were two who did firewood flat coax?
[Gun Xiuqiu degree dangerous bridge column here] I lean species of bamboo, overlooking clean by pines, (cloud) brothers, you see water coming out of a cup of rice. (Singing) See Green Wave floating cup flax meal, (do take, eating Division) (sing) to the line kitchen are separated by only Yunfeng. Process way twelve years, see the tower thirty-four heavy, towering away potential Luan Fei, Huang points Mingjin Bi exquisite. (Do play music within the Division, is the end of the cloud) What is sound? (Sing) are not a few sound Sin Ming dog heaven, but not a few songs from the valley firewood, (with clouds) until I hear we, (do the listening section) (singing) just listen to the ring 珮丁 winter.
(B fairy cited maid, will assemble at the end, the cloud) Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao duo is up. Inevitably lead the maid, the instruments went out to meet the wine ceremony. (See Section is to do the end) (poem) Ai gray days and the tree color, re-Lan Xia slim dark road. No bird sinus mountain cloud, the sound of water along the stream there are outstanding sheng. Bi yarn hole universe do, Apricot branches sun and the moon long. Between the people willing to spend out of free education cents bark Liu Lang. Brothers, you see rays Feng Yu, Yu Jing Ni cap, complains filled, enchanting emerald beads, which are come from? (Ruanzhao Yun) is a good Rocker strange! Good Rocker strange! (Positive at the end singing)
[] You have to stay Guduo people also come in where the heart of stone, could there be driving Qingluan sky Feiqiong? May the gods seem to spend so, shaking the article giant public. (Do meet section, once the cloud) Liu Lang, Lang Nguyen, please to leave behind. (Positive end of the cloud) he turns out our maiden surnamed women, then the Liu Lang, Lang Nguyen's call? Brothers, me and you Could that be the dream it? (Singing) did not surmise the hit romantic front, the introduction of flower alley. Collocate with nobile twelve lines, dare to dream, he is Wushan 12 peaks.
(Branch line to do) (is the end of the cloud) to this state, never a particularly quiet, though there is dancing like Chu Chen. I do not know hygiene Heyuan, too as this? (Singing)
Shiny shell off the blouse] [Que Pearl Palace, glazed tile Qi Zhen Zhen Zhu Ikara. Wide tent embroidered cage Luo Chao Chao, Yu-painted beams carved towering buildings.
[] Note Jinbo Bi Zui Taiping drum, silver candle burning sarong, complains lead to the painting in the hall, red cover Monte. This will be with heavy hearts, the early phase of human tonight, where life does not come across? Early forget longer leaking. (B once intended to do to light subjects, cloud) hastily cup, enough to be Sage, fear! Fear! (Positive end Xie) hygiene Fucai, many bearing indulgence, why grams when? (Singing)
[Scholar] if you see him close Huan Xi Zizi quiet pet, promote it and promote private Yisi quiet dark period, how to eliminate the Cuixiu hospitality holding jade bell? Screen on Golden Peacock, mattress hidden embroidered hibiscus, like Wu's good enough.
(Roles of young females play Golden Boy, teen idol, the cloud) we two Feng Xian Zhi Queen Mother, to offer this Bristol Fairy Taoyuandong two, and He was the husband happy. (Positive end of the cloud) brothers, these words where to start? (Ruan Zhaoyun) brother Qibu Wen wine enlightenment, take in case of Sin, is also common? (Positive at the end singing)
[Gun Xiuqiu] Zhennai is Luo Qi Cong, beautiful in a red heavy makeup master the situation, turtle feast fire dragon phoenix cooking, good enough for some slender white teeth dance songs, strong wine of amber glass bell, arrived in the number of words marked the beginning of a chant to drink one, column two Bristol teen idol into the next golden boy. Feel the dance floor, low willow heart month, Peach Blossom Fan at the end of every song the wind, Feast will end.
Tao Tao] [remember not to make a pillow of Xuan Yuan Hua Xu dream, can not learn the pillow Nanke Chunyu a dream, hope is not the King Wen a non-bear dream pillow, a pillow into a butterfly is not the Zhuang dream. What is also great blessings come down brother, down to the blessings are what big brother, King Xiang of a pillow just do Gaotang dream.
[] Hat the hot unilateral Wearing heavy, dripping sleeves pollution alcohol concentration. Tone silk bamboo products, shifting business molt; Nuo crisp powder pump, Gong go jade cup with ears flying. Yan wrapped in one makeup, pair Miao Wu Qing Song, a delayed giving dial Qing Long. I forget the brothers to win, but fight Drunk red.
[Two] a cup of evil entirely complains to send the two Italian words beginning with the harmonic language. Wenjun eloped with such efficiency than willing from Song Wu E, like the dark about Yingying Zhang, learning from Xuliang Hong Meng Guang. He was not riding a crane, what day can register Ao? Tonight just dragon. Luan said that even the only one phoenix, days and with male and female.
Sha Wei] [color cage with the light glittering onion, mountains and water around the roof hole. Potential deal, shaped twists and turns, Huju dragon fairy uterus. Intended to busy to find herbs Dion, who wants a path through Taoyuan. Ã life seems to turn Peng sigh, I still fear reunion is a dream. Moon blue room night is not shut, the first of several important people in the bead curtain. Concentric heart has the same evil results, together Huanhuan is concentrated on the York. Burning furnace to make Bao gold seal empty, stop burning candle shadow red and silver stand. Flower trees are in the roof, balcony dream into clouds and rain disappeared. Mandarin duck quilt pillow phoenix ready partner in total, the achievements of the young romantic Zhicheng species. (Same below)
(Roles of young females, the cloud) is a concubine Taoyuandong fairy attendants. Of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao two, and I have five hundred Sushi marriage fairy, fairy since last spring and became a marriage dependents, and a _set_ just to this. Chennai two bonds of this world is not broken, then think of returning home early. Today, I am so first ten pavilion to serve fruit wine, to be with other fairy Nguyen and Liu. (Ruan Zhao is with the end of the second once the car on the cloud) Zanxiong Di Taoyuan two from last spring to the hole, multi-sensory two little lady indulgence, mortal one _set_. Jumo said he was warm savory Jade, meaning grace readiness to stay, but blue embroidered Court room, do have ever been. Persevering minds want to return to the village, but the value of this project in late spring when the smell was one hundred wild birds Ming, meaning that I think of returning home, double Gache. Can not help but break from home, little lady Hugh was amiss. (B Dan Branch to do to play sad, cloud) I already have two from the trust that life, just one _set_, then is not peace? As the saying goes: the heart is difficult to Italy to stay. Jianqie lunch both hands, pro-ten in the pavilion, a cup of farewell. (Do wine Division) (now back to the end wine section, once the cloud) Jianqie chat Fu poem as a gift. (Poem) graciously sent with the roof, Wonderland, but it can come back? Go cloud fluid to be both strong drink, Yu Mo-frequency open the book without incident. When the hole should be spent in a long, determined not to return water to the earth. Melancholy Hsitou from other, Bishan moon shines changtae. (Positive end of the cloud) Thank you, little lady kindness, so nostalgic. But do not long for this, but between lunch and then will also Xunri. (Singing)
[Lu] [Flower fairy] when the sun off my Zuoshen Triassic worry not listen, it's only a sad painting how to. Are not people leave feeling light, listening to Wu that street prostitution treetops. The first cry of heartbroken voice.
[Unitary] arrived in the number of articles out of thin dark green Fengcheng, golf down to do a double Sha Tau Yu Ping. Until this ten short pavilion, not to avoid the mountain suddenly Ridge, then claim back the child to ask future. (Nguyen is with the end of the next)
(Once the cloud) he also went to two. I'll wait for this to be harmony between him Harmonious, Usnea were lean, not fight off the bonds of Chennai, abruptly think of returning home. Although the system is due to Su, but not without sadness; If the day with lucky, meet with him, also unknown. (Poem) human trackless water, fog, Yu-dong from Hong peach empty. Lest Shaoguang easily scattered, may be important when Liu Lang? (And below)
The third fold
(Liu and sediment net play three, leaving the king on the other end of the puzzle, cloud) were surnamed Liu, a German, now living in Tiantai village miles. When the spring when the agency, I do round the cattle king of the community first. Today, the village elders, please properly, sand Third, the king left, have in my home race community. Swine and sheep have been slaughtered under the street with the crowd burned a peace of paper scattered on Fu in the next Guapeng by confer drinking. Cattle table with Brother, you put Chapman tightly closed, if I have hit people, let him come off. (Do drumming public, burning paper, drinking Division) (Ruan Zhao is on the end of the same cloud) from the Taoyuan hole formed with the two little lady marriage dependents, feel a load off. To hear one hundred birds in spring and Dunqi Sigui the study, Cheng Hao Old Road home. Brothers, you see, this scene is more immediate change is different, people are sad Oh well. (Singing)
[Lu] in the [children] rabbit go black butterflies fly, not the past and move Rise and Fall, acute back things changed. Feng Luan achievements of pay, Ying Yan Lu, Su-edge cents lease five hundred years. A little while handle temporary Qi, who won back a dry Acacia haggard.
[Spring] was drunk Shining hole the red flower, Bi Cheng Cheng Kai Sheung Shui, the Liu earned income Nguyen Taoyuan, Cheong good is the United States, the United States. He is good enough for some downtown and looked at a group of people, do is a heavy world.
(To do the road section, Ruan Zhaoyun) brother, the way the whole scene does not seem old, but why? (Positive at the end singing)
[Welcome] downhill cents off well, such as cast, leap on the ladder like ridge, which is the butterfly dream home thousands of miles. Just can not close until the rain, the wind did not surmise underway. Desolately like rain so early do later on Jiangshan Li.
[] Met with Red embroidered thin people take this thirty-five close after this heavenly heavy winding mountain road, where the bridegroom also go back Maru Fei. Worry that the deep forest birds broken language, for fear that far-off line late, yeah! Yan Shu in the original partridge sings it.
(Cloud) come here early, saw that the temple, after a small bridge, is also the home of. (Singing)
[Singing] saw that drunk vote rustling West Temple, turn the line over the North Bridge by this general. Tuan came back on three tours to cooked, take the children clearly remember this. (Alarmed are intended to do late Division, cloud) good strange, when I went to this two pine trees planted by hand, with his brother on the Tiantai herbs, to this only one year before the project, how these two trees would grow to large Ruo , could not help my heart exceedingly puzzled. (Ruan Zhaoyun) I also remember that other large fast, dare is to fertilizer miles. (Positive at the end singing)
[Putian] music star who was a few cream, years old, why tsugae as holes, trees and flowers Seikei? Tender shoots of the season will run to the planting soil, trees towering up today Oh see. Non-met the day before this scene churn, not help people under suspicion a few hearts as children. Lost wall repaired piles of rubbish, cleaned up the net a few out the window, change the hut sparse hedge.
(Do hit home call door Branch) we open the door, I come home too. (Net cloud) if I have hit people, break open the door. (Positive at the end singing)
[] You see that Wind, pomegranate paper money blowing ash, pound the strike Guxiang thunder. When the village elders and congregation turned out to be friend, Ye Wang Sheri game, _set_ them with respect ignorance. (Do called cloud) Liu Hong, open the door to, open the door to. (Sing) to the front of this wood we children were taboo Pianhuan, get him silent silent light transmission glass. Feign a tight bow to know yourself a makeup drunk, high and low side-by-side letter Taoist.
[] I am today homecoming fight quail, Oh you children together open the door down slipper. (Cloud) Liu Hong, Open the door to. (Net cloud) you hit the seat is a glutton, how dare you call Liu Hong? I play to please you. (Positive at the end singing) Road name call me names, he expected there Keya mouth. Road is the evening meal is the person to hit I sip, the wine of his gluttonous eating. Hu to make any rash like Nenban, we dare to bully floating trace traces. (Net cloud) the public today when the village elders in my home race Cattle King Club, burning a street paper, pray for peace each security. Where people go to these two shameless, my wine and meat to eat, pour nightmare town I unlucky people a year. (Positive at the end singing)
[On] the small building to see him a little while, so do everything possible done. Tight arguments against people, the words are not fluent in code, easy for her. Joe can not see that as, bad experience, Diao day decisions, the early high-spirited young man sighed bite fear gas. (Net cloud) that other people hit the seats, down dare nonsense. Cattle table, sand three, who quickly played out. (People do play Division) (now at the end singing)
[Articles] Zhennai unitary is not re-color re-yin, relieve people do not have degrees. That this cow table, sand three, with brother, the king left, called the Yang Sing disease. Reservation will be walking hand and feet would kick, will we go against, this is when the baby tried every filial piety. (Cloud) I was Liu Chen Ruan Zhao with the brothers to Chunshang Tiantai herbs, go home this year. You are who, down to hit me? (Net cloud) you both look unfamiliar suspicious person, I recognize there's? You go! Go! (Positive at the end singing)
Man Ting Fang] [suspicious you said I look unfamiliar, they should be won in Yaowu, also combined very names who asked surname. Spit rainbow three little knowledge that a hero of the gas, all regardless of seniority hierarchy. (Net cloud) in the day my father Liu Hong, Liu Chen taste of that classic, herbs do not go on Tiantai Mountain, to this over a hundred years, to know he is the wolf leopard food meal? You also have great mention him? (Positive at the end singing) You said my meal on the rooftop of the wolf leopard food, who wants to me about the rain clouds into the Taoyuan period. Hugh was to boast a strong will, hiding God Mummy, large ancient Azeri Sandostatin bullied.
(Net cloud) which is celebrated two man, Peter is nine. I remember the day my father said to me, sir, Liu Chen herbs on the roof, this year personally planted two pine trees in front, to now over a hundred years, Wu was a long huge pine trees, my father Liu Hong has so many years the. Spring Road is on the herbs you go, you will see this tree, it grows so do the size of a year? (Do wake up to reality is the end section, cloud) then I put this sentence can be saved also. I had just to get in the door first, see these two trees, will feel some doubts. This other view, really go over a hundred years. Baby, this Feiru sins also, it is my stupid cloud. Seven Chinese side know that mountain, the world has thousands of years, believed to be also. (Singing)
[December] Nianguang sigh rush like water, have to see things such as chess. Looking back to the ancient time to today, the sad people have changed. If Yu Chang E Cave month, will to the Queen Mother of the Jade Pool.
[Yao folk] Yeah! Discount bulk raw peach Bu Bi Feng Luan habitat, end of personal hygiene is the most bitter parting. Back shrike swallows the thing to do, how early sighed affectionate afraid every year. Injury is also sad wave, climb down resentment Hui, add a few Pathetic Mi.
(Positive end to do to play sad subjects, cloud) Liu Hong your father is dead, and you are his baby, but it is a flesh and blood. I was with the brothers and Ruan Zhao Tiantai on herbs, their return just to Higurashi fans, firewood case of a person, directed to Yuen Tung to lodging. Lines to several years to find that gold nail Zhu households, like the king of the home. There are complains one, surrounded by two women, two home to meet my Feast, as the couple. And a _set_ just for the smell one hundred birds in spring and think of returning home hometown, had in mind, over a hundred years old. Knowing your enemy, but the letter at the fairy realm. (Ruan Zhaoyun) brother, so it seems that you and I will not go home so be it. (Positive at the end singing)
[Shua Haier] side channel Cave deep non-human world, including the hidden rain cloud vertical track. (With clouds) I think when leaving, (singing) How will heartbroken poem parting gifts, is clearly with the naked eye leakage stupid eyebrow. He said the hole should be spent as long in the water is not given back to earth. Having understood the meaning of them, this is a fairy realm, food and clothing mistaken do nepotism.
(Net cloud) listened to you this one, you really I am master, do the gods come home. Master, then there has been good enough for you? (Positive at the end singing)
[Evil] I am good enough for five fragrant spray magpie tail light mixing furnace, light glittering wine pour banana leaf cup. Lady foot reel stand sideways Zither, drunk Night Moon Yin Shu mad busy one thousand poems, spring eye fans hope yu a look around. Where to go today? I wanted to kill the dragon phoenix marrow liver, damage to kill my first cicada Crescent.
[] Have to pay four ghosts to sleep and hand line of the neck, also sat out re-Yan Ding food. Worthwhile child day thirty-six thousand years, is still cable tray to go back to the sword, no longer backwards then spend the next fence fans. Achievement of the romantic husband, matching the cross-Feng-luan, and poor bee arranged for the butterfly to the media.
[Him] the hot pot of world wide, two late sun and the moon, clouds than this fugitive glass brittle. But I do not know what do to this fairy, from the future to see every move of Seno Mo. Looking back more dead, I'm afraid Taishan Stone rotten, sea dust flying.
[Two evil] is now well married for Taoyuan, Lu asked what melon is not satisfied, he and I had met Wuling riverbank. Twelve Yaotai lonely fairy flute with Lanna, Tiao handed five hundred fans in the Grass Sun-path. Peach-hearted Queen Mother will be three years, rusty grate at the side of Chui Luan Danfeng, cold Ding Yun-ming Yu dog outside the Golden Rooster.
[Tail] off evil ran off the end of your mountain thousands of heavy, process thousands of miles a way. I am afraid to go hard to find spring, (cloud) brothers, we, and you go to. (Singing) took advantage of this stray peach half the stream. (Under the same Ruan Zhao)
(Net cloud) do not want my master Liu Chen, and she met cents back, has Geshi, Fang Wu extraordinary yond, hastily and Ruan Zhao in the complex to go into the mountains. Nevertheless, I do not recognize, he know is true? Do not have to pursue him. This is my community elders and each cow had not advised the king's wine, what to do? (Public cloud) and good weather today, banquet and Sheng, though hit by two seats this will disturb, and then also eat drunk drunk, full of bread, and we all scattered strike until next year capacity in the next also seats. (And under) (net cloud) are scattered every crowd also. After all, what these two people? Is not something that I muttered a tuk tuk, familiar look unfamiliar nothing about war. I do not know this really is I Liu Chen grandfather, but I do not know is that I really Ruan Zhao uncle. Not any place really distinguish him off, he was not going to be chasing. Yuen Tung mixing drugs even in burning Dan, as I only eat meat and drink cow king community. (Below)
The fourth fold
(Tsing Yi Bai cited on the boy, cloud) the date of Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao Tiantai on two herbs, with white clouds a I, lost its return, of a firewood, means the introduction of Taoyuan hole, and two fairy achievements happy match. Xihu two bonds of this world is not broken, the dynamic concept of homesickness. And go home than have Geshi, Wu Xian where different parties. Now he re-entry in the mountains, look for Taoyuan, vague and without trace. Can not help but really like the show, guide him to the hole, and then meet with the two fairies, the world is my saving his extraordinary mountain good. Children must be advance to Tsing Yi to report to that fairy cave, came out to greet him. Road not yet been finalized, and that Liu, two early to Nguyen. (Ruan Zhao is on the end of the same cloud) their own brothers and Ruan Jia Dao Shanzhong emergency visit that Yuen Tung, often come to, not the old way again. How can we hook with two fairy meet, so why not sub-thin edge light, cause there are today also ha! (Singing)
[] [New two-tone full of water so that] the situation along the wet Qingpao lapel, with one rod glow from the people. Crest Pro-line stream is not absolutely rock on and hope no palace pointing high. A child seems in get depressed, then sprinkle just Piansi Fairy dream sleep.
[Hall] look around in horse solitude, trees clouds Miao Miao Yiyi; heard shouts, faint water span of Castle Peak. Take a long look in Luoyang, Chang'an Road, off more than the official. Return dark and quiet, which I find really strayed Penglai Island.
[DF] drunk husband playful achievements of a small East Bed, Queen Mother of the West banquet take your climbing. This lift-induced heart rain clouds aside, remember that flowers and the moon appearance. Write to look like swallows nests around the red-lacquered doors, gratuitous born north to south, from seeing the more will be less.
(Make-line section, cloud) brothers, you and I take this half-day, the whole mountain stream, but actually I do not know where that Yuen Tung. (Ruan Zhaoyun) dare to have this shadow Taoyuandong may also wish to Chikurinji invisible. (Positive at the end singing)
[Huan] palace, five Hunxiao feel, then see this without the media pathway grass rustling, like the acute fried fried Youyan Road. Itching for a price hard to knead, then Wuling River section about how dark? Peach pieces scattered empty, flax meal must Yinhao. Made a fan of Chu Yun Xiu, flooding the blue bridge.
(Do sigh Branch, cloud) Laixun to find this and other, dark and quiet without trace, so I retreat to turn, Ruzhinaihe? Brothers, you and I were assigned a poem, talk to Ziqian. (Ruan Zhaoyun) brother please advocated. (Positive end of a poem) to the roof to visit Yuzhen, moss Whitehead has become dust. Complains lonely free deep hole, gully depression never goes old neighborhood. (Ruan Zhao poem) Cao Shu total non-ex-color, haze than in previous years, spring. Peach is still in the water, but no one was urging people to drink. (Positive at the end singing)
[Wild goose down] regarding the difference between Pepsi is my fault, the fault of thousands of empty curse people laugh. This evening board the emperor, while a church, temple jacket gratuitous overnight.
[Triumph] is that people complain that high chatter, no life today, I have hair. Gidding broken chain when the weigh-yu, students can rub separate pair of lovebirds. Dream Lethal labor, not yet reached the heart of the body first; points shallow edge of the thin, there is not on the tip under the tip. (Two at the end do vote Cliff Branch) (Bai is like, acute drinking cloud) Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao, Hugh Hu wondering. Wu Nai Taibaijinxing upper bound. Taoyuan fairy for you two and have Sushi marriage of points, you lost the day before yesterday herbs, I was into Woodman, guidelines hole. This complex to this, fans of their old way, to listen to my guide. (Nguyen is with the end of worship Branch, clouds) fooling the naked eye, did not know marching, down only hope Benjamin, indicating the road. (Singing)
[Wine] Zenken put miscellaneous songbirds learn Kun Peng-fei, irises and orchids mixed with basil long, busy place is the more people can be busy at least. Behind my back the unjust, no place to visit old firewood.
[Peace] but that advice with your God, who arrived with much Yanping Zhong good pay. You Ruoken help tilt the weak, I can make it back to the angry laugh. Remember thinking about and remembered for a price, (with clouds) off-road is a human, uh, (singing) is also hanging horse reins of the newspaper.
(Too white clouds) that open at the front of peach, Wu is not the Portal. You two this go off road get forgotten, only to be finished on power lines, with the board Tianfu. (Nguyen Xie is with the end of Section) (singing)
[Wind] Lamei after this changtae path in single, lonely and no one to rough road. This return to the Liu Lang, random hills Cuckoo called.
[That] element to a sweet way to switch back to the peak, deep forest tree density, Yuanti Tigers, knows where he taught flute. (B once cited attendants, Sound of the Branch, is at the end singing) Meng Xiang Wu blank and see this, misty clouds, smoke enveloped Rui, Fu-worthy consumers afraid we did not!
(B Once the cloud) they have to meet is also today unexpectedly. (Positive at the end singing)
[Zhegui Ling Yuen Tung] still see Hong Yu Jiao soft, and teams of beauty greeted one smile puts it. Harmony is also today, fish and water, Yan Ying pairs, Harmonious blending. Bao Yu Zhuan Shen burning furnace smoke fine delicate, purple-red makeup on stage according to the silver wax fever. People up enchanting, flute music played Shao. Still have emerald beads around the circumference, then success phoenix Youluan pay.
(Too Baiyun) Assembly of Immortals near, listen to me asked: (word cloud) Zixiao cents disgrace to this world, comprehension in Taoyuan cave. There are a total of Mu Qing Xu Yuan Liu, Rong Gan Xintao tired of floating dark. When late spring herbs into the mountains, and two women, said Su Sian deed. Was lost way back clouds, I suddenly meet the guidelines. Achievements of the two surnames marriage, the end of the century and his wife. As soon as he aged two Zisi home, did not retire bonds of worldly weight. Emergency return in mind, to visit children and grandchildren have more centenarians. See the front of the towering trees, where different parties wake up to reality cents. When all non-path again, where recognition Jiuyou place? Is my guide to go, the gods are still dependents match. Across the full three years off the ground, also went to the same sen-bit Penglai.
Title Taibaijinxing come Firestone
There are bonds of Zixiao Lady Su
Name the boy reported to the Tsing Yi Wonderland
Liu Chen and Ruan Zhao strayed Taoyuan
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