宋代 田锡 Tian Xi  宋代  
Debate confusion articles
Pay Chen Department disabilities chant Snow Song
fulfil Song shi Gu huangzhong twain Bachelor Chrysanthemum What was all part of the Office of bachelor
fulfil Tonglu (in ming and qing dynasty) county magistrate Diao kan cantus
another name for cricket
Era Peony thank sb. with a gift
Allograph assume Su yijian Bachelor To curry favor (esp. from a superior) And see Send So Question of the county, also
Registration of mountains Building
Dong Xi Book thing
read Member of the imperial academy group of things having a shared quality
Of wine
Kite Song
skilful writer
Returning Home
And security the title of Emperor Gaoxong's reign in Tang Dynasty
And Song Taixuan December Day
And Plain Spring Books
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Late winter Wen township Case of Xiao Ba go to take one's post

   Tian Xi

Yao Chun Ling outside post in Shaanxi in the best of my home.
Pavilion will be the occasion infinite love, hate and overnight hours flying on credit.
Nocturne no light pine following fire, Xiao Shan chaos on the line by slope.
When the relay seven thousand who accompanied the snow Samuume are put flowers.

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