宋代 王令 Wang Ling  宋代   (1032~1059)
8 juniper map
feel sad with withered plants in the autumn
allo- Huang duan decline
allo- Old man Wang yuan S
Disease since heard that quite Tanzanite greedy hill far away Cannot swim
choose a place for residence
It does not rain
Do not want to fisheries
To _select_ instruct Sheng- beauty Ge sub- bright
Yangtze Boundless expanse of bright as a mirror
Choushuzhangkuang Shijianruoxu the ideas in one's mind
Take everything but the kitchen sink.
Take everything but the kitchen sink.
Heard of The goatsucker Recalling yesterday Jicuiboyi Zhu yuan assist
Accompanied the high operating
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Me consider ancient A thousand of coke Bo Qiang

   Wang Ling

I think the ancients Come, do not vary when the ancient and modern.
Who of the World of Health hereby, do not want to think and do nothing.
He died of independence, far from the self-talk song ever conceived.
Extends the line of my music, forget the world of the engrossed hereby.
Since the shock to the Air Miles Xi, Qi Ning stoop to pick up efficiency.
Load long road Come, I want to row and who with.
Jiuding tired to weight Xi, Lei Gu costumes of Eph move.
Xi Jiao body that balance, the weight of the world the right light.
Xi Road, Canton Road, thought, heard of come and go.
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