清代 吴锡麒 Wu Xiqi  清代  
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry


   Wu Xiqi

Read Fangweng _set_
The distant past dreams fail, ovens Ming bowl to send more than love. Without their horses outside the Soviet Union Huang, Liang between the old and the students benefit. Wei Wang hit a thief fishing day, dying to cross the river such as the singing voice. Zhang Yin directly connected with the wizard, sitting on billions of plum out.
九日 board Ting Jiang
Exaggerated fear of people climbing story, 九日 career horizon and water. Shadow side of the early Ming Jiang, Luo Yan, independent look at the sun_set_ yellow flowers. Acacia brothers dream too hard, so the pavilion was not home. Lost a good state of mind with the gull, a live Ting Autumn Reeds.
Ye Yan Ziling Temple stool
Mr. escape fat blog, re the ancestral state. Star Zhonggu off, great sun_set_ Jiang Liu. Push the bronze horse empire, free wild gull body envy. Men who pass, only seeking the enemy in vain. Currency is employed with the soup, the final laugh Lui vote pole. Ji fame enough light, rain and old sheep fur. Very Yishu Pa crazy, crazy holy by the wash ears. Geng Xianlv total coupling, biographies, animal husbandry, Yi-min. I also caught on, the list due to travel system. Gray myriad fans, must we feel future generations. Withered trees famous, head loss Liehou. Who prophecies Chen Chi V, Pavilion has been destroyed Wu Trichosanthis. White hair to see the portrait, there are so Castle mound. Several cotton sub-name, Qi Li Poly Fishing Ou. Stubborn timid can still shock, MIND not chou. However, the bamboo should be smug, leaving ring A peak head.
Lion Song
Xiong Lei Chen Rokko drive space, empty green Cypriot households Yin blurred. Tan Curly special shape of the tongue, try to escape wolves Chu Haw Par. Meaning, as the thin changtae shop, and fell almost without moving non-stone. Steep back to the fright of Health pleasure, right close to open xiandu Cave. Snake line cord is not acres, Wuli offer rugged miles. Monkey with before who painted rose to the top of Mount Yang can heel call. Sudden death claim of another captured, the day For the empty afternoon Asr. Jumped into the Hugong pot stand. Yu Chui sprinkle coarse pine walls. More delicious raw rock crevices and old song, do not order land is strength help. Song Ye Shi abyad not alone, the ancient stone pine green to force the skin, hanging loose to the strange stone dragon Hu. Yu sheng days the wind and from the tone, leaving Sri Lanka to be covered in clouds. Nine out yu Ma Xuan Qu, the chest of both the hills and gullies. Calls Jie Hu! Chest of the Vals all, future generations thinking Ni migration of the painting.
Bai Yang Lake of the month
Taoyuan County had afternoon, evening parking Bai Yang Lake. Wind on the water, the quietly sails alone. Dan tobacco sight fishing much raw mushroom Lo dream. Flying falcon from the West, the loose top phase exclaimed. Li Long from the deep valleys, toss beads get chin. White cross messy, if the death of stars flee. Chill to pay very hot, a non-thermal Rush. Involving passenger ships for profit, I unique jug. Shortage wave vague miles, jis thought of the future.
Chung-home light
For clouds blowing off the teal, yi Yuqing not fly. Willow Green no time, the level of phoria Hui. Jones Lang Son on which the temple, overlooking the fishing Angeles. Temple drying nets, I am similar reactor wall. Name that is his son, EMI still dependent. M ashamed to be a negative person, light from the door to women from the court. Yuanyan v. embrace, but could not wear the sword go. As day dawned, water wind, thin figure on the month. Andhra farmers wife's father, chicken millet comfort me hungry.
Question Kwong Yan Ming Zhan and wash inkstone if the inscription rubbings (Yan-side Juan "night-day spring wind" five words, the main hole under Mingfu India, this possession Wang Lanquan Tingwei Department. Kuang Lu in the eastern Guangxiao inkstone washing, Weng Tan Kai degree to Guangdong, the extension of its word to return, together with the Ming fitted into shaft, cable question.)
Jun Poetry is in the Xiaoxiang Dongting, the cry soul withered remnant bamboo orchid Yen. Go begging for a spoonful of the Chu river, not from the free hand hibiscus. Yan Jun from the dealings of this total, the pool of water on slowly flowing. Hainan rain left the old words, who read Deformed experience difficulties. Do ye mountains high above the crow, far away at the gate of hell Mo. Days so that the domain was never written, Cylinders small tick moss spots. Sheng reed to make clean pot, denoted as "Red Elegance" Who _delete_d. Blue Man Group song February Hu, Duo Flower Man Mother Miaowu shake. The double life of mynah mynah eyes, Jianjun hand-painted Crescent Bend. Qin yi hold back death, loneliness and stones left survive. Dr. Jun Xi Miao Miao soul, rock and tears Come Shanshan, clouds fog driving safety car can climb. Days from the wind rustling spring night, the holes Mingfu Pei Wen ring.
Prime Minister Wen Qin Ge (Central Fujian Ho Chin family for the possession, inscribed Wenshan poem: "pines for a couch Yu Xiaoxiao, Miles is not the solitude of a border. Yaoqin left sitting in the world to consider, Junen still fear Zhuanghuai consumer." After the title goes : "When the first year of King Yan grace and removal Q called up, overnight clearance of the original temple, recollections of making, in the knowledge of the spectrum, to the piano." beam instrument in the same year the Andean countries to expand his writing is not, I was for this song.)
Tiger Hill
City gas depressed tiger crane shortage, Dongfeng easy customer ileum. Liu Zhen Niang grave every year, drew a Singing Sorrowful painting sun_set_.
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