现代中国 马骅 Ma Hua  现代中国   (1972~2004)
country Teacher
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

country Teacher

   Ma Hua

Last month the piece of cloud from snow-capped mountains in the back of the scales
Back, [1] needs to bring peach pink, green barley needs,
But no need to bring my love, only the noisy students to follow. [2]
12 black and red face, familiar, like the coming days:
A little bright, a bit dirty. [3]
  First, this poem from the clouds in the sky to start, after a peach, barley, slightly touched his heart, the center of gravity
  Fell with "black and red in the face" of the students who escaped the last and from the time dimension (and students as "a little bright, a bit dirty" and "the coming days), reaching a contemporary poetry rare in the open, the point of clarity as a verse from the state of the poem "I," more so in some Selflessness, and "I" on the snow-capped mountains, deep feelings of the students, but also None of these words are not in the flash I was hooked.
  Second, this is Ma Hua, Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan write poems, "Snow tanka" in the second song. In "Snow Tanka", the
  Ma Hua, a reversal of his previous poetry skilled in irony, good lay out of style, with a solemn naive Tibetan snow, solitude and simplicity of mountain life inside their recourse to confirm each other, writing a general clean-clear snowmelt verse. "Snow Tanka" is not only his own swan song, contemporary poetry is trying to return to basics approach to self-adjustment of the farewell.
  Hu continued winter -----
  [1] scale cloud is a precursor of rainfall, cloud scale means that the village is about to usher in the arrival of abundant rain. The charm of this sentence is that it is not just that scale cloud came, but said, "Last month the piece of" fish-scale cloud from snow-capped mountains on the back "back", to build there is always that cloud scales, and even of a small cloud of them feel so familiar, in the quiet of this area revealed the lonely life on the Sky Snow, subtle changes in the weather clear in mind, on the other hand feel, this same piece of "back" fish-scale clouds seem of no fixed abode from home to visit it again to favorite places, it seems to correspond with the personality and author.
  [2] the authors do not say "the rain moistens the peach and barley," but the true nature of the images ("peach need pink, green barley needs") to refer to a quiet life in the breed, seemingly clumsy rhetoric into reality is a big state. Referring to the Sky (scale cloud) and images (peach, barley), the authors mention only humble ourselves, but only with a negative word "No" to quickly kick the tires to concerns from the ferry to the front of their own self- students.
  [3] the words, "only the noisy students to follow," looks like a sad, reproachful meaning, reading the last two sentences will understand, "only the noisy students to follow" is actually being so anti said that it was these "little fresh, a little dirty, "the country of students, teachers constitute the life of a village the warmest, most happy, and even constitute the ideal all of his future life (" familiar, like the coming days "). "12" the exact figures, inadvertently revealed a due diligence of the rural teachers of their familiarity with the students. "12 black and red face, familiar, like the coming days," although the odd metaphor deceitful, shocked, but in the context of the whole chapter, actually seem so peaceful, diluted.
  ---- From the new editor of Cai-day "Top 100 Modern Chinese Poetry"

Created by: 迪拜
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