英国 米尔顿 John Milton  英国   (1608~1674)
Multiple poems at a time
outland poetry


   John Milton

Recent Peimeng heap Holocaust
Vengeance, O Lord! Saints have been a disaster,
Bones scattered in the cold Alps;
When our hour of ancestor worship wood and stone,
They have you believe that pure truth;
Do not forget them: Please record their Shenhuan,
Lamb of your group, be it bloody Peimeng groups of people
The fold in the ancient massacre, the perpetrators were the mother
Even the baby fell off cliff. Lament their
Reached the peak from the valley, and thence to heaven.
Please flesh and blood of the martyrs sown in Italy
All the territory, although the triple crown of the tyrant
Still dominated Italy: seed the numerous students,
Into millions of people, understanding your true meaning of
They will die as soon as possible to avoid the Babylonian style.
(Translation of Tuan)
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My blindness
I do take into account: the end and half to already
In the dark world of the majority of lost light,
At the same time that does not mean death to be used
I am no longer of use, even though my soul more willing to
Use it to serve God, my Maker, and dedication
My heart, otherwise he denounced the training back -
So I stayed to ask: "God does not give light. Have to people
Work during the day? "- But the patience to stop
This complaint, replied: "God does not force people to work, and
Not given back: who is the most acceptable
His gentle restraint, will come to serve the best:
He distinguished Wheeling, ordered thousands of angels running,
Overtaken the land and sea, not a little to stay: -
Only people who stood on standby, but also in the ministry. "
(Translation of Tuan)
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I thought I saw
I seem to see my holy bride
Pale, fainting, back from the hands of death,
Like the back was a great son of Zeus -
Harker Atlantis to see the happy husband.
My bride, as in accordance with the healing salvation,
Washed away by the cleansing ritual of the puerperal filth,
As I am sure I will have a chance
See her in heaven, clear and unrestricted,
She came dressed in white robes, pure as her mind
She took the veil, but I imagine the visual
Send love to see her, sweet and good light,
No one else will have more joy in his face.
But when she wanted to embrace my moment, I woke up
She disappeared, the day brought me back to the night.
(White fly translation)
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Appeal to the light
You can visit my safety, (1)
Often feel out your lights out; but Oh,
This two have no chance with you; they do flip,
To glimpse the light of day, but could not see a ray of hope;
Is a layer of the barrier blocking the eye image
Kept hidden or light shade. But I do not therefore
Muse will be too lazy to wander roaming in Wonderland;
I still love the poetry of the springs,
Maolin, sunny slopes; But every night
I mainly look for the it is you (2), Huan Shan, and Yamashita
Washing your feet in the water trickle holy? The
Flowers Xiquan; I do not think from time to time
The two and I was the same fate of the poet
(I wish I also want to share their reputation),
Blind Sammy Reese (3) and Miou Ni Disi (4),
Also think of the ancient prophets Dilixiasi, Fei Nisi;
Then I can arouse your breath and U.S. brewing
Verse of the mind sees; like that does not sleep the birds,
Secretly singing, deep in the forest areas
Try playing upon Nocturne. So, every year
Seasonal cycle, but I was never here
Fail to get the day, good morning and dusk,
Fan Ying Sheng spring or early summer roses
Or a group of cattle, or human face divine beauty;
On the contrary, I am surrounded by clouds
And never bulk of the dark, human contacts,
I have never broken with the knowledge of the book has whole family, the
Natural phenomena, as if out in front of smear,
A loss, just as no word paper articles,
The wisdom of a heavy door had been tightly closed.
Therefore, the divine light Oh, but to ask you
Shine on my heart, so that the quality of my heart
Bright light; eye you plant here,
From here to disperse the cloud barrier; me to
See and speak not to see the mortal scene.
Note: (1) poets of the original in the description of hell, now describe human, and thus further Muse (you) called and asked him to help.
(2) poems here that God is the God of the great poet Yau resia (Urania); he lived in Jerusalem, the Holy Land.
(3) mythical poet.
(4) is Homer.
(5) the nightingale.
Translated by Yin treasured book
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