奥地利 里尔克 Rainer Maria Rilke  奥地利   (1875~1926)
Multiple poems at a time
outland poetry


   Rainer Maria Rilke

Olver Siou law engraved Hermes Di *
This is the soul of mine, You ignorant, quite far away.
They walk through the darkness in silence, as if
Hidden silver veins. Between the blood from the rock roots
Emission, diffuse to the people of the world,
Wing night in it as heavy as a rock.
In addition, no red things.
Is full of cliffs
Woven into the forest and the fog. Some bridge
Across the void, and there was gloomy
Grey lake, hanging in the unpredictable degree
Abyss, as if the rain clouds overlying low.
Through tame the wilderness, a path
Pale winding, such as a lock of cotton spread out.
They came along the trail.
Leading the thin man, wearing a blue shirt -
Silent, anxiously staring at the front.
He's walking like greedy beasts, wholeness
Eating small bites about Boo Wong Executive seal Suwa? Br> Jin Zuanzhe baggy folds. He is no longer
Harp in his left arm felt fine, it seems
A rose, grafted on the olive tree.
His senses seemed to have been split into two:
Vision as a hunting dog, in front of Mercedes-Benz,
Stop, return, and suddenly thrust out,
The next corner waiting impatiently -
But the hearing, are like a smell, lingering behind.
Sometimes he trance feel, it has captured
Footsteps behind: behind the two people
Also walking in this long way home.
But that is just the sound of their footsteps
Response, or skirts in the wind whistling.
He said to himself, they could not follow him;
His resonant voice gradually disappear in the distance.
Could not follow him. However, the pace of their
But his fear was so light. If he
Able to look back more than one good, even if a
(But a turn, which will complete the mission
Will come to naught), we will be able to see them,
Seen silently followed the two men:
Messenger of the gods, who travel to dominate,
Hood of his eyes sparkling below,
Slender cane stretched in front of him,
A pair of boats wing flutter in the ankle;
Left arm and helped her, ambiguous.
Who bear more than her love? A harp
Talk to the grief of all the women weeping over.
It conjured a world of grief, the natural world
Re-emerging in the meantime: forests and valleys,
Roads, villages, fields, streams and birds;
The grief the world, that world as another,
Also, where the sun, there are silent
Sky studded with stars, a sad sky
It stars Qi Huang and dark -
She had so much love to bear.
But at the moment of God in the elegant side,
Shroud drag slowing the pace of her,
She lost, gentle, surprisingly quiet.
She immersed in their own inside, like a
Pregnant women, not only do not see the front of the men,
Do not see life return to which the steep channel.
Immersed in their own inside. Dead
Completely filled with her. Like a fruit
Filling their own mystery and sweetness,
Majority of the dead filled her space
She also can not understand this strange experience.
She entered a new chastity,
Can not touch; her sex is like a young flower
Closed in the darkness, her hand
Far not used to the marriage; or even God
Front row and brought her the most gentle touch
All her pain, like a disgusting kiss.
She is no longer the poet's song
Swirling blue eyes who reverberation woman
The aroma is no longer the marriage bed and islands,
No longer belongs to the man.
She has long hair is spread out,
Scattered rain,
Is an infinite source of a share.
She is the root.
Suddenly, God
Hand stopped her with a sad
Voice: he turned the -
She does not understand, gently say one thing:
Shiny side of the door, a person
Stand in the shadow, the face
Illegible. He stood there,
Lock between the wilderness to see that the path,
Messenger of God turned sadly body,
With the little figure in the behind.
She has started back,
Shroud drag slowing the pace of her,
She lost, gentle, surprisingly quiet.
* Orr Firth is a poet and musician in Greek mythology the prototype. His wife, Eurydice premature death, he brought the harp into Hell, Hades couple moved with music. They agreed to return Eurydice human condition that does not leave the underworld before the Orphic not look back. Orr Firth looked back at the last minute the wife could not help but look, come to naught.
Began with a translation
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(Gazella Dorcas *)
Amazing little thing: the two words chosen at random
How can you reproduce the harmonious perfection that pure rhythm?
When you move the body, it will be filled as a wave sequence.
Angle of branch and harp, climbing up from your forehead,
You should be changing the face and the love of music,
Those lyrics, rose petals, like light,
Quietly stopped off in a person's face,
He put the books on the side, closed his eyes:
To see you: every gun as if legs
A jump is a bullet, but if you
Still, they will wait, listen:
As a woman bathing in secluded ponds,
The rustle of leaves stirred by the sound, turn Ningdi:
Yang faces sparkling trees and moving the wave shadow.
* Gazelle's Latin name.
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Portrait of a young man my father
Eyes is a dream. Eyebrows as if to feel
A distant thing. Around the lips
Fresh and charm, although there is no laughter.
Imperial officer served a bit thin,
Drape ribbons decorated it.
Bamboo is a saber sheath around his waist. Two hands
Motionless, overlap in the above,
Faded, and now almost invisible,
As if they were the first to escape into the space at the end.
All the rest, seemed hidden in the
The curtain itself, the almost incomprehensible
In the dim background Yang Kai -
Ah, a rapid disappearance of the photo,
I gradually disappeared in the hand inside.
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The toughness of a family, ancient and prominent family
Hidden in thick black eyebrows in arcs. Eyes
Moderate blue, filled with the pain of a child pious
And a little humility, humility is not the kind of fool -
It is the feminine: as if a waiter's face.
Look very ordinary mouth, wide and straight lines,
Calm quiet, but when necessary will not hesitate to words.
Things do not seem to be printed on the forehead of the vicissitudes of life,
Like in the shadows, even in the habit of looking down looking up.
All this, in general, just some vague images -
Never, either in happiness or misery moment
Create a solid, the results can not be changed;
However, if there is some force, from distant places,
Scattered forward with a serious thing to plan a great job.
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Body wash
For a while, they have become accustomed to him. However,
When they lit the kitchen light, flame in the darkness
Disturbed by the flashing beating the dead of the strange
Yet become completely familiar. They wash his neck,
Because they know nothing about him, cleaning the time
It lies with the piecemeal another section of code out of the experience.
At this time, one of them can not help but cough,
Her cough when the sponge dipped in vinegar have had to
Stay in the dead face, wet. Another
Stand still for a minute break. A few drops of water drops
Stiff brush from falling off, it would only terrible
Distorted hand as if to seize the whole room
It understood that he was no longer know what is thirsty.
They did understand. As if suddenly embarrassed,
Coughed a short way, they will continue cleaning.
Now, they action is more hectic, in the silence
Wallpaper pattern printed on the large shadow of their
Rotating, staggered, staggered, as trapped in
A net, until they finish his work.
Embedded in the lattice without curtains block the windows in the night
Do not know mercy. People who lie still unknown,
Clean, naked, will be around all the arrangements.
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Glory of the Buddha
All Central Central, all nuclear nuclear,
Like almonds wrapped themselves increasingly sweet -
The entire universe, the most distant galaxy,
And beyond, is your flesh, your fruit.
At the moment, you feel no snuggle with you all,
You great in the vast space of shell expansion,
There, the thick sap is flowing, overflowing,
Are you unlimited peace and quiet light.
Hundreds of millions of stars swirling across the sky,
The spots are a brilliant sky above you.
But your hidden inside another world
When all the stars die, it will still exist.
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Footer ancient Apollo statue of the residual
We can not see the legends of his head looks like,
A pair of eyes seemed to be a mature fruit. But
A splendid body of his body is still Ying Liang,
Reminding us of scenes a lamp; Although his gaze moved to the bottom,
Still in power in the flash. If it were not the reason,
He will not be curved in the chest to make you swirl
There will not be smiling through the calm of the hip and lower abdomen,
Extension to that dark center, the source of life.
If so, this stone will appear dull
The dilapidated, falls below the shoulders and transparent,
Will not be as bright as a wild beast's fur;
Will not feel it all the boundaries are
If a star burst: it's every corner of the
Are staring at you. You must change your life.
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Summer, before rain
Suddenly, something - something unspeakable
From all around the green in the escape;
You feel it creeping forward side windows,
The silence. Did you hear the woods near
Heng birds of the family shouting hoarse urgent, as
Photograph of a person's collection, "St. Jerome" *:
Just a lonely voice and passion
Could be so penetrating, sharp call it
Will be answered in the impending storm. Wall
And ancient portraits humbly back down,
Know that we speak as if they should not be present.
At the moment, reflecting the sunlight faded tapestries:
Cold, mysterious, reminds you of childhood fear,
Those disturbed by the hour, ever so long.
* German Renaissance painter Durer's famous masterpieces.
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Black Cat
Ghost, though invisible, still looks like a place
Issued under the eyes of the strike in the echo; but here
The dense, black fur witch charm space
Let the sharp gaze has completely melted and disappeared:
Crazy like a wild, when all around
Do not make him calm, it will slam howling
Thick walls, as the impact their own night,
Feel the storm gradually cease, the mind attributed to cool and bright.
It seems that all eyes fired
It had been in hiding; it is like
A reader, flipping through them,
Pernicious eyes, frowning,
Curled up to sleep when guarding them.
However, seems to have suddenly awakened by whom,
It turned and stared at you,
Erect you see: their own small
Amber in its eye in captivity,
Like a prehistoric insect.
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(Paris Botanical Garden)
Even if, like Exquisite Vladimir brush Wagner *
They can not show the red and white, just like
Some people boast of his mistress moving appearance
Can only say, "she was so beautiful, even her sleeping position
Are exceptionally lovely. "They are rising from the green room,
Stepping on the pink legs, side by side, slightly
Shaking, as if composed of a huge feather flowers
Lure (Bifuruini ** also charming style)
Themselves; until they bend the neck,
Blurred eyes buried in soft feather:
Apple red and black there hidden.
Jealousy screams shook the parrot's cage;
They are looked up in surprise, a
Pick one, and went into his imagination.
* France, a famous 18th century painter, representative of the Rococo style.
** The famous courtesan of ancient Greece.
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Late last evening
(Obtain permission for Ms. Nona)
Then the night and the distant thunder, at the moment
Personnel carriers are out of the train, heading for war.
He looked up and continued playing the piano,
Look beyond space, in presence of her face -
Reminding us of scenes staring at a mirror: the face of her
Filling every detail of his youthful appearance,
His face looming pain, mobility
Music to make it more beautiful, more Erotic.
Suddenly, the mirror image of fragmentation. She stood
Window, as if all this has nothing to do with their own;
Her heart pounding, like drums.
His hand stopped. The wind blowing in from the window.
Mirror stage, like a black skull cap and its
Ivory top revealing a strange ominous.
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Dirty work not yet completed the journey,
As if we tied the legs, all the way to stagger,
As awkward as walking in the Swan.
Die - to drop everything and no longer feel
We stand firm on the ground every day -
Swan Lake is like landing when disturbed.
Wait for it to meet the water tender,
As if filled with awe and joy,
Separate waiting at the sides of small streams;
And it is, infinite silence, infinite sober
Distinguished, elegant, cold as ice,
Start a new kingdom in the glider.
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All this stands in her, the whole world
Standing on her, as tall and straight, like a tree,
Elegant, awesome, no image
It is purely the image, as if the ark of God
Solemnly down on the shoulders of a nation.
Her patience to stand and bear it all:
Escape as swift, short, long gone,
Was beyond the imagination of the vast, did not comprehend everything
Kap Shui calm returned as a woman, carrying
Full surplus of the jar. Until the middle of the game,
The first white veil slowly decline
Such as an event that will be coming
Prepared to do, changing the image of her at first -
Gently glide, almost covered the whole face,
Can no longer _set_ off; the veil of magic, the
All her problems can only be one answer:
Ask yourself, ask your child no longer is.
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Angels recalled, tonight
Singing my heart to make them ... ...
A voice, seems to me,
Tempted by the deep silence,
Rise, and finally decided
One never comes again;
Gentle and fearless,
It will merge with what things?
Night lights, my quiet friend,
My heart and lift the curtain you are not;
(Perhaps we will eventually get lost;) but it is the south
Gentle slopes are illuminated.
Still you, oh, study lamp,
People want to read from time to time
Stopped, surprised, and from his
Move away books, watching you.
(And you simply cancel an angel.)
Do not panic, if abruptly
Angels _select_ed your desk _set_s;
Gently smooth the bottom of your bread
A few, came up with folds of cloth.
Coarse grains that point you to it,
Then turn it to taste
So toward the pure lips, it
Slightly raising one simple wonders of the glass.
How many strange confidences
We have flowers revealed
So that the scale of microscopic
Tell us the weight of passion.
All the objects are ashamed
Having been integrated into our sorrow.
From strongest to weakest
Which can not stand it
We volatile emotions,
We fight, we cry -,
In addition to the table this tireless
There are bed (coma table).
Like what happened
Just as we blame Apple
Because it is delicious.
But there are other dangers.
Let it stay in the tree,
Or marble sculptures to it,
In the end, the worst:
Curse it into wax products.
No one knows, it rejected,
This invisible person, how we are governed
When we succumb to the life of the invisible
Trick, in the invisible.
Slowly, with the temptation to change
Our center has shifted,
That it tricks the mind follow:
It is, after all, the great master of the dead.
To 阿尔贝福里埃 couples
Hand, warm and messy bed,
Where the stars sleep
Left Zhehen
When they rose to the sky.
This bed is ever
When the stars look like open,
Bright and dazzling,
In the middle of interstellar friend
Immersed in the eternal impulse?
Oh, my hand just as two beds
Was abandoned, cold,
Because there is no light
The weight of bronze-like stars.
We are dying in front of the word
Xu is a word full of suffering,
But in the face as the conscience of the mother
The last word will be fine.
Because we will state
All efforts to meet the aspirations of a
No bitter taste of what
Able to accommodate them.
If we sing is a God,
The God to answer you that it's quiet,
None of us is in progress
Only to a silent God.
This subtle transactions
It makes us tremble,
A legacy of an angel
But we can not have.
Centaur has its reasons
It leaps through the seasons
This is a beginning of the world,
Then fill out all the effort.
Can only hermaphrodite
The accommodation is in its integrity.
We are looking around
Those who have lost the other half of semi-divine.
Rich corner of 11
Oh, beautiful horns, from where
Blessing we wait?
You're just bitter cup
A slope, pouring it!
Flowers, flowers, flowers,
When made into a bed fall
Sphere filled with jump
See how much fruit has formed!
And all this endless
Chong will come attack us,
We have already filled in order to punish
Not contented mind.
Oh, too wide angle, what
Miracles by your dedication!
Oh, hunting horn, sounded
All things to the sky in the air.
Like a glass of Venice
Gray was born to know
And that the dim light
Would make it fascinating.
Your hands so gentle
Have dreamed of prior
Balance to be that long
In the hour we are too full.
13 ivory fragment
Gentle shepherd, played out of his
The role of warmth to survive the
His shoulders
Chatting up a female sheep.
Gentle shepherd, than a shepherd
Longer survival game
Yellowish ivory hand-held piece.
You lost sheep
As you continue with the same
In the long depression in the
You look look
Statement of the endlessly
This is a hard ranch respite.
Summer crossing of 14 women
You can see the way young man leisurely walking a happy,
We are all longing for, a woman walking?
When she turns to the road would be
Old handsome gentlemen greeting.
Under her parasol, with a passive gratitude
Her gentle cruel choice to make:
Disappeared in a flash of light is too bright, the
She brought that figure to be light.
Sighing in his girlfriend's
The whole night in crest,
Short burst of touch
Drifting across the sky at a loss.
As if the universe which
Primitive force an
Again for all the lost
Loving mother.
Small porcelain angel
If people look down on you,
When the full year, we
For you and decorated with raspberries.
This is how insignificant we are
You wear this red hat,
However, moving up from all
Jazz warm addition to your crown.
It slowly withered, but it is lasting,
Sometimes seems to distribute fragrance;
Preceded by a ghost,
You remember the little forehead.
Who will complete the temple of love?
Everyone carried to a post;
Everyone is shocked and came to the final
Because of this God, when its turn
Use it to destroy the temple wall of the arrow.
(So we know it.)
Abandoned on the wall in this
Grown sad.
Rush of water, rushing water -, forgetful of the water
The land of casual drink with you,
In my palm hesitated a moment,
Do you remember!
Clear who race through love, indifference,
Separation of almost flowing,
Too much of your coming and leaving between
Fibrillation some time.
19 Little Cupid
You Oh, the center of the game
When we won that is lost;
As famous as Charlemagne,
The king, emperor and God, -
That the person you are begging
With poor posture,
And it is the face of your numerous
Make you strong. -
This may be better;
But you, on us (but worse)
Embroidered cashmere shawls as
Center of black spots.
Oh, let us strive to hide its face from the
With a scary adventures,
It must be pushed back to the years of deep
To weaken it is difficult to tame the fire.
It had come from us so close, we will
Separated from loved ones and then move for its own purposes;
It wants us to touch; This is a savage god
It is a group of Black Panthers and the desert pass.
Into us, with a long retinue ranks
It wants to illuminate all of our hearts, -
Then, it is like to escape from a trap,
Those who have not yet encountered the bait.
There, under the grape arbor, leaves and shoots
It met our suspicion:
It is like a rustic wild child forehead,
There is an ancient and imperfect mouth ... ...
Before it becomes heavy bunches
As if for heavy loads and fatigue,
A short while we grazed terror
This summer, the well-being deceptive.
Health and pretty smile and it, like the injected
It is proud of all the fruit headdress;
It is understood the trick surrounded
Shake it gently to make it sleep.
Is not just to maintain a precise balance balance
Is you, oh God Moments,
You call out our mistakes,
The two hearts are crushed hurt
Composed of a huge heart, bigger than nature
Also want to
Expand the ... ... you, cold and arrogant
Mouth is an insult to the praise of the text
Ignorance towards the sky ... ... a
You, while adding the side of destruction of life
Until the final separation they are just some of the fragments.
May God by us and proud,
The moment because of our excellent,
In the midst of ferocious waves
Towards the end of us, and before overturning.
We had a moment of reconciliation:
It survived the, persistent forward,
And we, sad heart
Amazed by its efforts.
The reunion of the numerous
Let us join together as it were,
Order appears to
In the coincidence between the intention.
Everything around us to listen to -,
Let us listen to the end;
Because the orchards and roads
Always belong to us!
Angels, they become more cautious!
I like the question that I have.
Let me at least give it plated
Limoges the glaze.
Let me red, I green, my blue
The joy of its round eyes.
If it is found that they are mortal, very good
For a predetermined paradise.
Pope into the fast peak,
No reduction in its majesty,
In accordance with the divine law of the place
He will lead to the devil.
The balance of this wandering
Maybe we consider too little;
Tiber river have reflux
All games are like anti-game.
I think of Rodin
One day he said to me valiantly
(We chartrons, are on the train)
Too pure, cathedral
The wind will stir up a contempt.
We must yield to
All the ultimate power;
Our problem is always reckless
Despite the endless regret.
Then, often so
We have offended, and all changes:
Calm into hurricanes,
Abyss of the mold has become an angel.
Without worrying about the return.
Organ must buzz,
Making music filled
All the love notes.
We are completely forgotten
Confrontation between God and those who worship ceremony
That we envy those pious souls
Their naive manner.
This has nothing to do with pleasing,
Does not even matter conversion,
As long as we understand the subject
Those additional instructions.
26 Fountain
I just kind of teaching that you,
Fountain, you fall back its own -
Risk of water, charged with
From heaven to earth life regression.
In addition to your whispers murmur
What can not provide me with an example;
You Oh, light the temple pillars
Self-collapse caused by your nature.
When you slump, what each bead string
Cadence complete its dance.
I feel like a student, clumsy imitation
Your endless subtle colors!
However, the more you teach me to listen to songs from
Dizziness is in this moment of silence
When the night, loud and strong through your liquid
The return of your own breath away.
Sometimes more pleasant to listen to your ideas;
Man, oh, my body,
Your strength as strong as
How nice,
Feel you are the leaves, trunk, bark
And all you can become something
You, so close to the spirit.
You, so free, so uniform
Self-evident joy in your
A tree, the tree pose
Sudden slow down
The pace of the kingdom of heaven
Fortunately, where the placement of its life.
28 goddess
Empty at midday sleep
She was uncertain how many times over,
Do not leave the terrace
Even the slightest signs of the body.
But if Nature felt her presence,
That the habit of the Unseen
Will respond to a strong light
According to her soft clear outline.
29 Orchard
If I take the liberty to write you,
Foreign language, perhaps in order to use
The simple name, which has been torturing me
The only Empire: orchards.
The poor poet, must make a choice
To say this name contains everything
A little too rough waters to capsize,
Or worse: a fence to protect.
Orchard: Well, the privilege of a lyre
Simple way for you to name;
The name is different from that attract bees,
This is the name of breath, waiting for ... ...
Hide the ancient name of shining in the spring,
If all full transparency,
The syllable in its symmetry
So that all the double and rich.
What towards the sun, affect
The desire of so many heavy?
Expressed by you, this hot,
Where is the sky?
To our mutual delight,
So snuggle on it?
So crazy men are easily Rouge of the North
See the earth turning
The force due to the number of confrontations.
Carefully looked at the orchard:
Its weight is inevitable;
But the same does not apply
Brewing for the summer of happiness.
The earth has never been in your foliage
So true, oh golden orchards,
Has never been on the grass, your shadow
Came up with the lace so floating.
How to leave our heavy
This is to feed us, this experience
Fleeting but self-evident
Infinite tenderness.
However, in your center, quiet springs,
Like to sleep in her old circle,
Speaking of which just turned cf,
This round and she was such a blending.
By their grace, what is the use,
All of these have been obsolete God
Is a rustic past to promote their
Become wise but childish?
As wearing insect Phi
When honey buzz
They gradually become round of fruit;
(Holy toil).
On their own because no erased,
Despite such abandonment;
From time to time to those who threaten our
God is doing nothing.
I still have memories, whether for hope,
When I look at you, my orchard?
I eat around you, oh, plenty of sheep
Make your shepherd you thought.
Through the foliage so I look at you
This will come in the night.
You have labor; for me is Sunday, -
I rest on what I use?
To be a shepherd, there could be more reasonable?
Is it possible some of this is my peace
Today, Apple quietly into your?
Because I will leave you completely understand ... ...
This orchard, the whole orchard, can not be
Your shiny dress, around your shoulders?
Do not you feel its soft Xicao
Volts at your feet, so to make you happy?
How many times do not show off,
It becomes expansive plain;
Once the orchard and the hour of escape
The existence of your side to fight through the loss.
Sometimes a book to accompany you ... ...
And your eyes, often coincidentally come and go,
The mirror in the shadow chasing
Similar to the changes of a slow game.
Orchard of happiness, everything for the perfect
All of its myriad fruit plan
And who understand that its old instincts
Obey the twinkling of an eye of youth.
What beautiful work, order how orderly!
So insistent in the twisted branches, the
And ultimately, confused in their power,
Quiet in the spread in the air.
Your risk is not what I, and they are not just as
Brothers, oh, orchards, oh my brothers?
With the burst of wind, from afar,
Forced us to become soft but tough.
Ancestors of all the joy
Through the accumulation of piles of our hearts;
Their hearts, stoned, in hunting,
They rest quietly
Campfire extinguished in about ... ...
If those bored moments
Our lives were their own drawn out,
Due to them, our hearts are still full.
How many women must have from our hearts
Escape intact,
As a boring skit
Proper interval.
Who do not wear wearing today
Also unwanted ragged dress,
They look strong
Is dependent on other people's blood.
Children, children!
All of these are the number of rejected orders,
To make a trick on us
Always wanted to stay.
Indoor Portrait
Not those memories
Sustains you in my heart;
You do not wish for a better
The forces belong to me.
Make you appear, the
That detour is warm
By a lingering tenderness
Painted in my own blood.
I do not need
See you there;
Enough to let me come into the world
Lose you less.
To know how I can
What is the sweet life?
Perhaps through gazing
I palm pictures
Full of lines and wrinkles
We are in the void where
Hold and maintain a
This is all bad hand.
Sublime was a parting.
Some things are not us
Trailing us, but go their own way
Got used to from the kingdom of heaven.
Is art the ultimate encounter
Not the most tender farewell?
And the music: we look back on his thrown
This is the last glance.
However the number of ports in the port
How many doors, perhaps await you.
How many fans from the window,
People see your life and efforts.
How much grain the next stretch of wings
Let the storm blowing them,
A gentle holiday
Will look at their flowering belong to you.
How many lives have been echoed;
Once your own life into the sky
Into its world,
Nothing ever made such a huge compromise.
We do not close your eyes sad?
We want to have both eyes open,
Before the advent of the deadline, so that
We are going to lose everything.
Do not we terrible teeth shiny?
The more cautious we should have the charm
So close as a family man
Living in this peaceful years.
While the worst Are not we Jinzuan hands
Hard and greedy?
Should be simple and good hands
To pick up the gift!
Since everything in the passage of time, let us
Perishable sing songs;
We are eager to melodies that meet
The reason will be because we exist.
Let us sing it with love
And art with the departed;
Let's leave of more than momentary
Often, our front
Soul soaring birds;
Heaven is a sweeter
Have to keep it balanced,
As we walk
Heavy cloud below.
Filled with grief, let us benefit from
It is warm quick.
Angel's vision, perhaps the crown of trees
Is the root, drink the sky;
The soil, the deep roots of beech tree
As if the silent peaks.
For them, the earth, is it not so transparent
Such as the face of a solid body of the sky?
This warm land of the forgotten dead
In the spring next to the wailing.
My friends, all my friends, which
I do not give up; even the passer-by
He comes from an incredible life
Just look who is a gentle, open yet helpless.
How many times a life, not consciously,
Their eyes and posture, interrupted
Difficult to detect the escape of others,
Only cast a bright moment.
Strangers. Every day we
Make up the life of a few, most relevant to them.
Please sights, oh, careful strange woman,
When you lift your eyes toward the heart of my blurred.
A swan in the water moving
Completely surrounded by their own,
Sliding like a painting;
So some of the moments
We love the life of a
Into the emotional space.
Close to this life, in pairs,
If only swimming swans,
In our turbulent soul ... ...
It gave the increase of life
Happy and puzzled
Shaky image.
Oh, the yearning is for those passing by
There is no hour loved the place enough,
I really want to refund to them from a distance
Forgotten gestures, this unnecessary act!
Regain my feet - this time alone -
Slowly reshaping this journey,
Stay longer in the fountain again,
Touch the tree, rubbing the benches ... ...
Lonely little church board
No choice but to refer to all owners;
This cemetery opened the iron gate,
This together with the silence of silence.
Is not it time contributed to
This subtle and pious touch?
It is strong, because this place is great;
This is the sorrow: it is almost as we do not know.
Tonight, something in the air passage
So that we looked down;
We want to pray for prisoners
Their lives have been stopped.
So we think of the termination of life ... ...
That is no longer life to death
There is no future;
We must be strong in vain
Vain sorrow.
All day and all wander in front of
All night have plunged into an abyss,
And consciousness of childhood intimacy
Wiped off at that point.
Our hearts are too old and unable to think of a child
Not due to hostile life;
Instead we lied in life,
Trapped in the same number of prison life.
What kind of horse in the fountain water,
How Falling leaves touch us,
How empty hands, or what kind of mouth
We want to have the courage to speak -,
Gradually subsided as the lives of many variables
Dusky how much pain the same dream:
Oh, let the mind free of the people,
To find and comfort of God's creation.
44 Spring
Oh, the melody of strength
Formed from all these trees
Poured instruments -,
Too short with us
Voice of the song.
Only on individual beats
We were able to keep up with
Long abandoned by you
The face of numerous,
Oh, the rich nature.
When we must silence
Other people will continue to ... ...
But now what to do
You can return to
I make up the the boundless heart.
Everything is ready and moving
Goes without saying that the joy of walking;
Earth and all the rest
We will soon be intoxicated.
We walk around must be obtained
For all that, all heard:
We even have to resist
And sometimes have to say: Enough!
If you are still in the spring;
However, the location of the best
Is slightly positive look
This exciting game.
Increased strength in the capillary
Suddenly the old man that it
Years is too stiff, they will not able to climb along
Years, prepared a parting in them.
Their bodies (it is natural that
The impact of the brutal offensive, the arteries
She is still boiling, an impatient unbearable
Command, and nature does not know)
Refused to venture too abrupt;
Rigid when it was, seemed suspicious,
In order to continue its way, it will
Simple throwing game that is also hard earth.
Strength for the elderly and those
Wandering's killer
When the exception of air
Suddenly floating in the streets.
All those who no longer have strength
People walking in the air,
Have been invited to join this divorce
To them mixed with the earth.
They are sweet pierced
With its extremely sharp tip,
And click on the down stroke of the
People who are still resisting.
Can not be described as gentle,
Sweet, if it had never
So that we fear,
What are the benefits?
It is so beyond
All acts of violence
When it ran to over
Who can not resist.
In winter, death as murder
Into a home housing;
It is looking for sister, father,
Played the violin for them.
However, when the earth turning
Hoe shovel in the spring under the
Death run into the street
And to pay tribute to the pedestrians.
From Adam's rib in the
Out of Eve;
However, when the end of her life
Where she will die?
Adam could be her grave?
Whether, when she tired,
Arranged for her place in the
Interest rates in a closed body of a man?
Such light may be able to
Gave us an entire world?
Or that the new shadow
Vibration and gentle,
Better connect us with the world?
This is so similar to our shadow
Spinning, shaking
Around a singular support.
Brittle leaves, and their shadow
In the road and grass,
Suddenly a familiar position
Shelter us, into our
It is too new light.
In the day of the golden years
After two carriages full of bricks:
Rosy tone in the petition
Then one by one to give up.
This softened the tone
How as means
A new plot on life
Between us and the future.
The silence of the winter collection of a
In the air by a
Silence instead of birds chirping;
Came the voice of each
All it can add an edge,
To perfect a picture.
All this just from
We will start the activity of mind
The depths, when the mind is
Complex design
This silence is full of
Unspoken contempt.
Mask in the fog
And between the shade mask,
This is high time, nature
Unusually reveal itself.
Ah, the beautiful nature! To see her on the shoulder
And that bright and clean and brave hearted ... ...
Director in the summer while she was going to the
Re the role of drama as a jungle.
49 Flag
Tormented by the arrogant flag winds
Neutral blue in the sky, the
Until it changed color,
As if it will tear the roof to the
Other people. Not bias the wind,
The world's wind, the wind connected with,
Evoke the same value of your position,
Oh, you, the behavior induced by those interchangeable!
Flying the flag to reveal its entire coat of arms, -
And it implied a number of folds in the universal!
What a proud moment, however
Declared at a moment when the wind
Such a country: committed in France,
Or suddenly in love
Those legendary Green Irish harp.
Reveal the whole image, like a man playing cards
Flashed his trump card,
With that position and unnamed smile
Renewed can not tell what the image is
This changes the goddess.
50 windows
You do not is our geometry,
Window, you simple shape
Easily sketched
Our huge edge of life?
We loved that man never so beautiful
When we saw her there
In your border; are you, oh window,
You made her almost forever.
Impermanence are all canceled. Life
Who stand in the center of love,
By around this small space
We are its master.
Window, you Oh, wait scale
How many times have to be filled
When pouring a life but anxious
Towards the life of another.
Isolation but to attract you,
Changes such as the sea, -
Mirror, abruptly, reflecting that we face
And through it to see the melting together;
A freedom to be eclectic
Sample, due to the presence of opportunity;
Among us had the same result
External grand variety.
Vertical plates for us to supply
Pursuit of our rations,
There are too warm night
And the day is often too bitter.
Endless meals,
Accompanied by some blue -,
We should not be lazy
To eat with your eyes.
How many dishes have been on our side
Just when ripe plums;
Oh, my eyes, drink a rose who
You will have to drink the moon!
Out the candle,
Attributed to the room space,
We were sad fire grazed
Loss of flame along the site.
Let it be a fine
Grave, under our eyelids,
And cry like a mother like
She was very familiar with danger.
This is a permanent scenery, this is a big bell
This is the night so pure relief -;
All this prepared in our hearts
The arrival of a message, or a gentle face ... ...
So we live in a strange predicament
In the distance is too sharp bow and arrows between;
In the chaotic world of the angels may not see
And a spotlight and hampered by too much between her.
We permutations and combinations
Words, with so many ways
But how can we
To achieve equality with a rose?
If we can tolerate
The intent of this strange game,
That is, an angel
From time to time to disturb it.
I have seen in the animal's eyes
That quiet life in a continuation of
Impartiality of the peace
From the calm of nature.
Only animals know fear;
But it is still moving
It is rich in open countryside
A grazing appears
It is no longer coveted elsewhere.
Is it really so much danger should be
For our humble item?
World can be disturbed,
If it is more stable?
Inverted vial,
Who gave you this thin bottom?
Unfortunately, for you shaking floating,
Air ecstasy.
56 sleeping woman
Woman's face, in her sleep
Closed, she is like tasting
A completely different noisy
Full of her body.
Sound sleep from her body
She learned to enjoy
Has become a kind of oblivious to the Nan language
Under the eyes in silence.
57 doe
Oh, doe: Your eyes filled with
How many beautiful ancient forest interior;
Sufficient confidence in the number of
Integration with many fears.
All this was seen when you jump
Delicate and sensitive.
However, nothing
Ignorance upon your brow
Nor even that you know ignorance.
Let us pause, let us talk.
Was me, tonight, stopped
You still listen to me.
Soon, people will claim that
They are neighbors on the Avenue
In these beautiful trees we automatically transfer.
I have finished all goodbye. From childhood onwards
How many times have shaped my parting slowly.
But I'm back, I will start again
This is frankly the return of the liberation of my eyes.
Leave it to me, is to enrich the regression,
And my joy will never repent
Because love is exactly like on these isolated
But forces us to action and something.
Translated by Wei Ho
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Valle quatrain
1 Little Falls
Linzey fairy, always dreamed of
Who is her naked body,
Your body is aroused
Rounded and rough waves.
Kept interest rates are, you change the clothes,
Even the hair;
So the run back, your life
Remains is pure presence.
Country, docked in the middle
Between the earth and the heavens,
The sound of water and bronze,
Soft and hard, old and young,
Picked up as a gift
Attentive towards the pair of hands:
Beautiful perfect country,
Like warming up like bread!
Light rose, a wall in the weathered -,
However, in the hill slopes,
Flower, Ting Li a, hesitated
Like in her appearance after offerings.
Probably a lot of shadows into the
Vine tree sap;
And too much light in it over the
Stamped, lost the road.
The old place, the tower is still standing
The bell again and it seems in memory -,
Everywhere you looked, without sorrow,
The ancient figure was sad to be shown.
How much effort to run out of the vineyard
Plated into them when the sun is golden ... ...
The distance, the bright space
As we know nothing about the future.
Ivy is soft along the curve,
Distraction of the road to stop the goats;
Light is a beautiful goldsmiths
Want to use a rock edge.
Poplar, just in its place,
Vertical line with its relative
Green is slow and robust
It extends forward, spreading the.
Silence of the country, the prophets are silent,
For the wine country;
The hills here are still feeling the Genesis
Is not the end of worry!
Country, because those who desire it and very proud of deformation,
It, subject to the summer
Like, as walnut and elm,
Because of repeated and happy -;
Country, almost new only water,
Dedication of all the water,
Vowels are placed around the light
Hard consonants in your room!
Do you see that high, angel Ranch
Fir forest in the dark?
Just like heaven, the light in the singular,
Looks far more than remote.
However, until those in the bright valley ridge
How to treasure the air!
All floating in the air and mapping the
Will dissolve into your wine.
Oh, the happiness of summer: the bell sounded
Has been in sight for Sunday;
The heat of labor feel like vermouth
Around the short and curly vines.
Even in such a numb, the alarm noise
Still along the road running.
Place in the non-binding, with broad power
If Sunday is so sure!
It is almost invisible in the glittering
Slopes in the long wings on top;
A bright night left some
Blending into the silver of the day.
Look, no light, light weight
Longzhe these submissive outline
And there, the small villages, far,
Someone has to comfort them.
Well, these are the altar filled with fruit
And the beautiful Benedictine mat incense sticks
Or pale olive branch, - and then
The flowers are dying, surrounded by crushed by.
Walked into this vineyard can be found
That natural altar, hidden in the shade?
Virgin sacrifice themselves as mature
Prayers, took out the bell from her fruit.
Let us come to this temple carry
All feed us: bread, salt,
This is the beautiful grape ... ... let us put the Virgin
Confused with boundless maternal rule.
This chapel, after years, the
United then the gods of ancient and future,
The old walnut, this magic tree
Give its shade, such as a pure temple.
Clock Tower sing:
Better than an earthly tower
I warm to the ripening of my bell.
It is pleasing to the ear it would like to wish good benefits
Valais blessed woman.
Every Sunday, voice bursts,
I shuffled around my manna to them;
May it good benefits, my bell
Valais blessed woman.
Would like it sweet, may it good benefits;
Saturday night in the Xihu
Drops landed my bell
Valais Valais woman to man.
Years, people around the agriculture
Constancy of the axis of rotation;
Virgin and Santa Ana
Each say their words.
Another added the words
And the more ancient -
All these words to pray,
And then grow from the earth
This obedience of the green
It is, after long toil,
Inflorescence dedication busy
Between us and the dead.
A pink mallow in the high grass,
Obedience dim, neat vineyards ... ...
However, in the hillside above, receive their
The sky is a magnificent, luxury sky.
Layers of warm country after another superbly
Towards the vast sky, it noble understanding
Make a difficult past, it always
Become strong and alert.
Everything here sings the recent life
Tomorrow is not the kind of destruction;
We are wondering, where the force in their original
What a heroic: the sky and wind, hand, and bread.
Is not a spreading yesterday
Always stop at the old profile.
The image of the earth rejoice because of his
And commended its original time.
The night is so quiet, so quiet
Infiltrate us from the sky.
It is said that palm-like in your palm
It depicts the nature of the picture.
Small waterfall sings
It is exciting for the shades Linzey fairy ... ...
We feel the presence of absence
Space have been drinking.
Before you count to ten,
All changed: the wind off
The tall corn stalks
It blows elsewhere;
It is flying, it glide
Along the cliff
Toward the light of the sisters.
Her turn, she had
This wild game was dominated
Moved to
Other elevation.
Like to be a stroke
It seems the vast surface
Bright, because these gestures
Perhaps this is the gestures to make it shape.
Turn lane, jump flash
Along the sloping vineyards,
Like a ribbon tied
Around summer hat.
Vineyard: hat head
The invention of wine.
Wine: blazing comet
Promised to the coming year.
So many serious black
Makes the mountains more elderly;
It was an ancient kingdom
People think of Saint Charlemagne
Sage in its many inter-parent family.
But coming from a height
Sky all youth,
Joan of it secret.
Drill a small clematis
Clutter fences outside
And this white morning glory
Monitor the close of the hour.
It formed a bush path,
Doors and windows are being red hole.
Full? Summer is full?
It will fall as accomplices.
The wind blowing all day, after
Qing Ji endless in
Reconciliation of the night
Like a gentle lover.
Everything became quiet, bright and clean ... ...
However, layer after another on the horizon, and
Was lit, gilded,
A mass of beautiful cloud concave.
Like a man about his mother
As he did talking about the,
This country to drink a warm
Filled with endless memories.
As long as the shoulders of the hills
This is purely attributable to space began in
Under the gesture, it made the hills
Shocked by its origin.
Here the land is surrounded by the unknown
They deserve it as a planet
Role; gently humiliated
Wear it the aura of the earth.
When a spotlight to: how to fly
Through those of pure distance;
When a nightingale's song
The measurement can be.
Silver hour still welcome
Dissolve into a warm night, pure metal
And add to the beauty of the slow
Quiet slow music like return.
The old earth to start, change:
A pure planet story, after our labor.
Scattered voice, left the day,
All out with the team, return to the sound of water.
The path along the dust
Green is close to gray;
This gray, though obedient,
But his mouth silver and blue.
Higher, the other _set_ on the
A willow tree light show
Flip it leaves in the wind
Near the green in a black front.
Nearby, completely abstract green,
A phantom-like gray-green,
Surrounded by quiet background
Century, the tower was defeated.
These towers proud and calm
However, they recalled
- Since when has ever -
They live in the air.
The light of this and thorough
Endless links
Make their material more slowly
And their decline is more heroic.
Towers, huts, stone walls,
This marked the way to even
Vineyard land of happiness,
Have strong features.
But the gentle light admonish
Became severe,
Makes the surface of fresh peach-like
All of these things are filled.
Working with country singing,
How happy the kingdom of Labor;
When the water continued their song,
Vines grown bud one by one.
The kingdom of silence, because of water gurgling
Reverberation is silent,
From this silence into words
With a rhythm and move forward.
Artists this country as the wind
It has always had its material knowledge;
Once found, the hot, it knows how to do it
And because of labor and Yan Fen.
What can not hold back the impulse of his magnificent; who
Can not be decisive against the shock mad -,
And still he retreated a step back,
Mirror bright space pulled into his work.
Do not avoid their own,
It commended the country;
So it is gentle and violent,
Suffered threats and was saved.
It is a pious devotion
To the revelation of its sky;
It stirred up by wind it
Attract the most fresh
Never have seen that
Light over the hill:
Hesitation horizon
Jump forward to coming.
Path does not lead anywhere
Sandwiched between two pieces of pasture,
Seems to leave the arts
Winding their goal achievement.
Path is often nothing
Before them, facing the
Only the pure space
And season.
What kind of goddess, what kind of man God
Attributed to this space,
So that we can feel better
It is the face of the light.
Bulk solution of its existence
Filled with the turbulence
Pure Valley
That is its broad nature.
It is love, it sleeping.
Master metaphor us
Into its body
And sleep in its soul.
People who gaze across the sky
This will eventually commended the sky
Of eternity:
Shepherds and those kinds of grapes,
Is it by the human eye
It only becomes a permanent,
The beautiful sky and its wind,
It is a blue wind?
Then it's quiet,
So deep, so powerful,
God like a complacency
Is refreshing sleep.
But not only in the fields
Farming's eyes,
Goat's eyes are also involved in
To make this solemn place
Tends to slow the perfect look.
We have been staring at it
Like to stay in this long, or
Make it last forever
In a memory of such an ambitious
No angels dare
Add it to the light.
The sky, full of concern,
Here the earth about;
It rose from the earth since the memory
Into the sacred mountain.
Sometimes it appears to move
When people listen so attentively -,
So show it back to life
Rather than words.
Beautiful butterfly to the ground,
Toward the natural kind
Book to show it in its flight
Is so gorgeous.
Another closure in our
Sniffing the flower edge -,
This is not the time to read it.
There are so many other,
The blue small, scattered,
Fudong Zhao, swirling with,
Like a love letter in the wind
It is the blue twigs,
A love letter to be shredded
Some people are saying it
As it prepared to receive people
Are hesitated at the door.
Translated by Wei Ho
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Rose _Set_
"Rose Collection"
If your Xianyan sometimes we so surprised,
Happy roses
Because of your own, in your inside,
Holding a flower petal, you rest.
All regained consciousness, bud
Still asleep, endless petals, touch
This is how much the center of a quiet tenderness
Reach the ultimate mouth goes.
I see you, Rose, slightly open the book,
Contain so many pages
Well written and clear
No one to interpret. Magic Book,
Open to the wind, and close your eyes
To read ... ...
Out from there Puchi Butterfly
With the same ideas.
Rose, you Oh, great things perfect
Endless patience
And endlessly revealing, oh head
Sweet is too long in the absence of the body,
You unparalleled, oh, this time drifting
You are the essence of the Most High;
Place of love, we just forward
Your fragrance around.
However, we recommend that you
Refill your cup of bitterness.
Fascination for this trick,
Abundance dare you get drunk.
You are rich enough to become your own a hundred times
In just a wild flower;
This is the love of the situation ... ...
But you never thought elsewhere.
Grace is grace, surrounded
Gentle touch with the gentle ... ...
Yes, it is your heart
Kept rubbing the inside;
Stroked his own heart,
With her own bright luster.
So you invent
Narcissus theme of self-sufficiency.
A rose is that all roses
With her own: an irreplaceable
Perfect, this sweet words
Surrounded by the thing itself.
She never know how to say no
We hope that the mass,
Those gentle intermittent
Way in the ongoing process of departure.
Sustains you, fresh Cleaner
Rose, next to my eyes closed -,
Humanity is a thousand and one eyelid
Many piles
The bird warm towards me.
I pretend that offer all kinds of sleep regardless of
I had so wandering
In this maze of fragrance.
Your dreams are too successful,
Which a large number of flowers,
Wet like a crying woman
Bend your bow toward the morning.
The strength of your sleeping sweet,
In a vague desire,
Gave birth to a gentle body
Between the cheek and chest.
Rose, the fierce burning but is bright,
Arguably named Joan Rose
The remains of ... ..., Rose exudes
Joan tantalizing aroma naked.
Rose from the temptation, Puzzled
Her inner quiet; the ultimate lover,
Eve is so far away, far away from the initial panic -,
Rose endlessly with the loss.
Empty when the girlfriend,
When ignoring the bitter heart of everything;
Like the comfort of her show to prove the
How many touch floating in the air.
If we give up living, if we deny
And will come once the matter is,
We can make good friends thought of this short
She wrote of her fairy tale our side.
I have you there so
Awareness, full of roses,
I praise make you confused
I am cheerful heart.
I smell of you as if you are
All life, roses,
And I feel like such a
The perfect girlfriend, friends.
Against whom, Rose,
You adopt
These thorns?
Too sensitive to the joy of your
But it forces you
Into this and other armed
And something?
However, the weapons you use this exaggerated
Guard against who?
I have for you the number of natural enemies
They fear these weapons can not.
On the contrary, from summer to autumn,
You hurt people
Give your care.
You may wish, Rose, do we have the passion
The hot female companion?
Whether you win more memories
When a happy and start again?
How many times I saw you, Rose, Luckily the dry,
- A piece of a petal shroud -
In a Hong box, the one next to the wick,
Or alone reading a favorite book.
Summer: Only a few days retention
Contemporaries who rose;
They breathe Hanbaoyufang
Around the haunting soul.
Each one is dying to do
Of somebody bends,
Survived, when the sisters
Like other roses disappear.
Only you, oh-rich flowers,
You have created their own space;
You reflected on the side of the odor
The mirror.
Your fragrance linger like the other petals
You countless bitter cup.
I hold you, but you spread,
Wonderful actor.
Do not talk about you. To your nature
You is beyond words.
Other flowers adorned the table only _set_s
And you make it a new look.
Put you into a simple vase -,
Look, all changed;
That the same word,
But by the angels sang.
Is the body you use your own
Preparing the final essence,
Overflow from your body, your last essence.
Overflow from your body, this sultry Yan Fen,
Is your dance.
Are in favor of each petal
And in the wind
Take steps invisible
Fragrance walking.
Oh, the eyes of the music,
Whole have been surrounded
You get in the center
We all moved, you will be the share.
And you happen to, we do not know.
To become one hundred butterfly
You can read all the books all over the page.
Some of you like a dictionary;
People pick Rose
All the pages eager to join.
I do, I love roses correspondence.
If you _set_ a template for yourself?
Can we make it as full of itself as a rose,
She cultivated the kind of delicate material
We have to do so, the result is futile?
Yes, because labor is not
Can become a rose.
God, watching from the window,
Achievements of the house.
Tell me, Rose, you closed
Where their own to the
Slow essence, forcing
The prose of space
Full of hot air mad?
How many times the air
Pretending to be all things worn out,
Or, pouted,
Showing pain.
However, the skin around you,
Rose, it is playing with poise.
The twenty-first
Is it not make you dizzy
Stem on your spin you around
You want to end the round Rose?
And when their impulse will drown you,
You know nothing about flower buds.
This is a turn into the circle of the world
Center of the quiet courage so that it
Completely off the rose-like circle.
Is still you, your own
Grown on the land of the dead,
Rose, you toward the day
Clothes covered with golden
This solid happiness.
They may be permitted, they
Empty skull
Has never been so aware of?
Rose, late, night would like to have docked bitter
Great success due to celestial light,
Rose, you can be a summer sisters
Easily the heart happy?
Day after day I see you hesitated
In the tight cor_set_ in the beam line.
Rose, while the side reverse to bloom
Mimic the slow process of death.
The status of your endless to make you realize
All things being in a fuzzy chaos?
Nothingness and being, the coordination of this unspeakable
We do not understand.
Rose, if you stay out of the respect,
Precious and elegant?
In what is a rose, the number of life
Depleted in our body?
No return. You are with us
This wild life, this life, this life
It is not for you all.
Translated by Wei Ho
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Duino Elegies
First song
If I cry, the angels who queue
Hear? Even if I am one of them suddenly
Flocking to his chest: his extraordinary life
Will melt me. Because beauty is nothing but
We are just beginning to withstand the fear, we
This panic, because it was even bother to calm
Destroy us. Every angel is terrifying.
So I stop myself weeping in the darkness swallow
Sound. Ah, difficulty, and to whom, when we can
Call upon? Not to the angels, not to the mortal,
Sensitive animals who already know
In this interpretation over the world, we
In fact, no real home. Perhaps somewhere on the hillside
Still retained a tree for us, let us every day
Revenue fundus; yesterday's street remains our
Retention, as well as a loyal custom, it and our
This understanding, moved to live no longer leave.
Ah, there the night: the wind filling the infinite space
Gnawing face of the night. It Does not persist for everyone -
That in the solitude felt so painful, it is eager to
But vaguely desperate things? Do lovers will be an exception?
But they continue to use each other, to hide their own fate.
Do not you know? The emptiness in your arms
Thrown into our breathing space; perhaps even the birds will feel
It ripples spread, more rapid flapping wings.
Yes - the spring need you. Often have a star
Waiting for you to look up at. Waves from the distant past
Coming to you, or when you are from a
Walk under the open window, violin music
You will want to listen. All of these are mission.
But you can complete it? Are not you again
Her stop in place, when huge, bizarre ideas
Zada contacts in you, but often stay for the night? )
However, thoughts of when singing woman in love;
Their happiness than the love of a woman far more pure.
Please sing it again and again can not be perfected in the ode;
Remember: the protagonist of the tragedy will not go away; even his
But naturally, once the power runs out, they can only lovers
To recover her body, as if no longer the second time
Create them. When you read Sitan Ba * was so into?
As if each of abandoned girl can be the kind of
Distant, moved beyond the object of love, will say to yourself,
"Maybe I could like her?" - The pain of this most ancient
Is the final statement should not be on us more fruit?
Should we not get rid of now lovingly
Bowstring tension to the moment in flying beyond their own
Limitations. We will never allow any place to stay.
Lifted into the air; but they are still incredible
Maintain the kneeling position, what did not notice:
Is such that their listening attentively. You can not tolerate
The voice of God - far from it. But the wind's voice listening
And that shape in the silence of the endless messages.
At the moment, it is people from premature death whispers in your mouth.
Would not their fate quietly to you the speaker?
Or, stands a monument in front of you will enlighten you,
** As I saw last year in Formosa epitaph.
They asked me what? Gently remove the expression of pity,
Earth, has not yet learned to give up almost the customs,
No longer want to wake up to see roses and other things
And to give them the meaning of the future; is no longer worried
His name, easy to forget
No longer desire their own desires, amazing. See
The significance of the old pool swirling with scattered,
Amazing. Death is a difficult thing,
Feel a little eternity in the final, you need
Coerced all the generations, between life and death, kept in
They do not suck the pain and joy, as the child grew
Nourishment of our soul - to leave it all to live it?
Tribute to the legend of Illinois *** Do not profound meaning?
When the initial slow sharp voice pierced the surrounding
** Full 圣玛丽亚福莫 Sa churches, famous buildings of Venice.
Second song
Every angel is terrifying. But, hey,
One of you, who hide the glory of brilliant, standing in the doorway,
But if at the moment, from the stars behind the archangel
We are a dangerous step toward a small step: we will be as
Unlimited accelerated heartbeat and death. Who are you?
Start-up time is a masterpiece of the universe, is the darling of creation,
- Is in full bloom divine pollen released into the atmosphere,
The light is purely the doors, corridors, stairways and the throne,
Is the essence of the formation of the space, Fuller cast shield
Returned to their own, nothing destructive.
But we, but the feelings of being hot evaporation invisible; we
With his breath escape, away from; in the passage of time,
We all drift into the void, as if the food on the wave of hot air.
Occasionally, as if not careful, we inhaled
A little bit of nature? Will show their faces in our
Sign on, even if ambiguous, such as pregnant women face subtle look?
Do not pay attention to their own (how could they
If the insight into the secret lovers, they might to the night
We live in a house there too. We only
Fly from the edge of all things, like the wind drifting helpless.
All things are conspiring against us makes no mention, perhaps
Lovers meet each other, I asked you.
Will also shelter in them. It seems to me
Growth, until he could not bear to pray for you:
Rich sweet, like autumn grapes;
Desire in: I asked you. I know
Your touch mesmerized, as caressing will persist,
That you so tenderly cover the site
Will not disappear; because you feel just a continuation of
Flowing below. So you in the embrace of
Almost see forever. However, when you experienced
Terror when the eyes first met, the window of hope,
For the first time (even if only once) take a walk in the garden:
You create a gentle world for his lethargy in his lower eyelid
He seemed ... ... but under the protection of the inside: who can protect him,
Ah, the sleeping guard, he did not know; yes, sleep,
Can also dream, ah, what kind of fever to his cheeks flushing: ah,
How he subsidence. Suddenly, strange how he trembled
Inside the world love him, love his very wild place,
Dark forests, his light green heart
Tiny life than his last. He Ailian Zhao,
Blood into the more ancient rivers, reached the "hate terror"
Shelter of the canyon, where his ancestors still gluttonous with it.
Every "fear" all know him, tacitly him blink.
That the temptation to smile? Even know you before
He would have loved it, because you also with him,
No, our love is not like to spend it, one year
But the clamor of a mixture of many lives; not a single child,
But many sleep in the depths of our father, as if
Spread out in the fate of the dark or under a clear sky
- All these, my dear, are the first of you to.
And you yourself, how can you know
What you hate the woman hidden in there. How many
Dark and violent men are you wake up from his veins. Dead
Let him look at you affectionately to do daily chores, - take him out,
Near to the garden, give him everything, let him forget
Layers of the night under the weight of desire ... ...
* Poseidon's Roman name.
Fourth First
Expanse of space, continuing the pursuit and final home.
Around like a sketch, it was carefully prepared
Their exact contours of the true feelings
It rose: the parting scene
So easily identifiable. We are familiar with the garden
He is just a substitute for make-up - a rush to go home
Ordinary people across from the kitchen.
I do not want to put up half solid mask of the person;
I'd rather watch the puppet. At least it is substantial.
I am willing to put stuff in the skin, and their manipulation of the rope
Only the appearance of the face. Here. I'll wait.
Even if all the lights are off; even have a voice
"End of the"; even if the gray mist of nothingness
There is no one of the ancestors of silence and I sit together,
I'm still sitting here. Imagine what will happen is always possible.
My life, your life becomes so bitter,
- As I grew, you are forced to again and again
Enjoy this strange future, it's finish
This pistil, fertilization in their dust
Tired from the ambiguous smile of the waves.
Where: a withered wrinkled old man,
Had been performing weight lifting, and now can only play the drums.
Two people have lived, and the other
The bladder in the death of a spouse does not hear
The son of a nun: strong, strong,
Energetic, look naive.
The gift is still young in the "Tribulation"
Toys, comfort
Long illness of it ... ...
Severely fell to the grave:
Sometimes, after a brief pause, you will try to
Wake up love in the face of a bright, shining
Almost never any pity for your mother; can it disappeared in the middle,
Driven into the large tears to your eyes.
However, you can not help
Flowing with beautiful inscriptions praising it:
"Smile in the dance." *****
Will continue to rotate the stick from the top of their vain
Shaking the fall ... ...
One can show the point where the lack of pure
Empty excess;
Square, ah, Paris square, never Xiuxie stage
Bows, ruffles, folds, flowers and fruit pattern -
All infected false colors - made
Where they never could master the skills -
Happy tower,
Long ladder they stand empty
Finally trembling, snuggling with each other - if lovers can be so
Love people?
Not only does not show all of the power of these awe
Not just roads, not just the lawn at sun_set_,
Immediately after the storm not only a thorough heart of the fresh,
Sleep is not only imminent, and a feeling ... ...
There are night! There are deep summer
Will not just her ... ... a lot of women will be vulnerable to the grave from their
Always seeking to earth. Children, as long as a real experience
Earthly things, even if only once, enough to use in a lifetime.
After the pursuit of happiness, into freedom.
Really exist in this is brilliant. Even you know this,
All you seem to lose, sink or even the dirtiest streets in the city
Less than an hour, a period of time between the two
Want others to see it, although even the most likely to show happiness
World can only exist in us, and love. Our life
Now only the memory of the image across the road in a small, completely
Is this a miracle. Ah, great, please can you proclaim our achievements in all of this,
We are after all not unworthy of the vastness of space, these
The space belongs to us. (It's great, how much fear,
Because the feelings of thousands of years where we have not let it overflow. )
But the tower is not too great? Ah, the angels, it is great it?
- Even on your side? Chartres cathedral is great * -,
The music can fly higher, far above us. However, even
Angel, even though I am, you will not come. I call
Always full of separation; was such a strong flood barrier,
Outstretched arms. What it wants to hold hands, in the high
Ah, can not grasp you infinite lofty.
The first eight
To Rudolph Casner
Patch of open spaces. Only our gaze
Turns back, surrounded by plants, animals, children,
Not out of curiosity, not as a spiritual practice, because
Laurel will have a heart ... ...
We need clear, this flies in the world has been in some strange way
Call us. And we, of all things, the most ephemeral.
Only once. Will never be reproduced. But as long as such a complete
So we continue forward, efforts to achievement it
To put it firmly in the hands of our simple,
Filled with the image of our gaze, in our silent heart.
Firmly grabbed it, forever ... ... ah, but what we can
Into that of a country? See art? Can not grasp it
Need long time; happened here? Can not. A
Are not. So, the pain up for you. In particular, the heavy love
But when they are between exposure to the stars, all
He can not take away not with a handful of soil on the speech of others, but
Gentian. We are in the "here", perhaps to say: house,
Also keen to tell them. When the silent earth
Lovers come together to force it do not secretly looking forward to:
Their own will gently abrasive, in many people in the past
There is one thing, the end is one thing - happiness
Death of these things because you know you are praising them; short
They expect us - the most transient of us - to save them.
We are looking forward to completely change them, not visible in our hearts,
Earth, Is this not what you wish of the: in us,
Not insightful, rise? Is not that your dream:
Become completely invisible in one day? - Ah, the earth: not visible!
You do not need to impress me so much of spring - a spring,
Loss no longer exists ... ... infinitely rich
Filled in my heart.
The first X
Please let me praise the angels sing in front of my joy, my praise.
Or broken and can not under the mallet percussion
Sisters can not be comforting, and completely submerged in their own
Spread out in your hair? How we wasted an hour of pain!
How do we gaze across them, look into that bitter "continuation", the
Naidong our branches, our dark evergreen,
Within the years of our season - not just the time of
A season - and the location and ownership: rock, soil and home.
That is the "rider", that is the "token", that larger constellation
If the pattern is blessed by hand flashing the bright M **,
It represents the "mother" ... ...
However, the dead youth must walk the walk alone, the elderly, "sorrow" in silence
Went with him to the entrance of the valley,
There, the source of joy of spring
Call out its name, said: - The people there,
They stood in the foothills,
She hugged him with tears.
He alone climb the mountain in the original pain.
However, if the infinite dead people awakened in us a symbol,
(Began with a translation)
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
To Orr Firth's sonnets
There stands a tree. Oh pure detachment!
Silent animal, from animal and bird's nest cave,
They are not as quick-witted original
Not because of fear that their own light so quiet,
Vague and insignificant in their hearts. There is almost no
Her perfect, so she would not
First wake up? Behold, she stood up but was fast asleep.
Where will the death of her? Oh, you come to listen
The music aims to break off in your song before?
As you teach him, singing is not a desire,
Not for what will be a last;
I turned to the earth and the stars live?
Young people, it is not your love, and even if
In the real bird, is another aspirated.
Without a gas there is sound. Ray of God who blows. A gust of wind.
It carved up for your cheeks,
It shuddered behind you and re-combined.
The bow and arrow of the vector, and
Your crying always flash a smile.
Do not be afraid to suffer, although heavy,
Heavy Notes mountains, the sea is also important.
Even if the planting is your childhood, those trees
But the breeze, but the space ... ... ... ...
Because this is Orpheus. He is the deformation
This and that. We should not
Other names to worry about. He was forever
Russia, Sri Lanka is just the ear, if he sings. He came and went.
To you, never left my feelings
Spring for the joy in Roman times
The boy woke up a happy
Butterfly of intoxication are flying out from their hum;
I pay tribute to, and that many re-open lips,
They already know what it means silence.
Both the hour of death constitutes a pause
Look at days. Is there no constellation called the "cavalry"?
It is dominated by it to promote it hold up.
This sturdy nature of existence
Not that way in the chase but is suppressing the system?
The new distance. The two are one.
Do not want to take the same path?
Regarded with a combination of stars who bully.
Let us be happy a moment
I believe graphics. Also goes to suffice.
Hail, can we combine the wizard;
Inherent near our day.
I do not know our actual location,
The relationship between our actions in accordance with reality.
Open space in the load-bearing ... distance ...
Pure tension. Oh, all power of music!
Currant ... ... all through your mouth to tell
Death and Life of ... ... I expect ... ...
You will read about from one face of the child,
It can be to your mouth without bradycardia to describe?
Words in another place, wit found in the flow
Unexpectedly released from the flesh of.
Speak boldly, how to Apple name.
This sweet, it is just condensation and dense,
Oh experiences, feelings, joy -, huge matchless!
Rising from the darkness of a color show
Which perhaps the fat of the soil
Now just ask: do they can be happy? ... ...
Mission to us to roll into a ball, but rushed to its owner?
But they are masters of the long sleep in the root,
... ... Only a little music, a stomp, a warble -:
Please be fruit tasting the taste of dancing!
Jump orange show next week. Who can forget them,
They are delicious to your conversion.
Beaming in the homeland of the breeze in! Redness, and peeled
With the innocent, not willing to be stripped of the shell,
Who is full of happiness with the juice!
Perhaps it is the weakest and most dangerous part.
The power of those who threatened us
While many of you feel the death ... ... you know,
Help you, it will be difficult. First: Do not look
_Set_ me in your heart. Afraid that I look too fast.
Bottom, chaotic,
Is an ancient roots, the hidden source of
People may not see.
Bairan Weng's aphorism,
Branches crowded branches,
Not a stretch swing ``````
Have a! Oh, the climb in the climbing `````` ``````
Can they still be broken.
This one is actually above
Lord, ah, you can hear new things
Happy land. The most happy to be successful.
Oh, the teacher taught her, and countless
There are printed on the roots and long
We are the driving force.
However, the pace of the time,
As trivial trivia
All those who hurried away
Those that reluctantly
Silhouette so bright in
Sound, Xiao Na, swaying, -
The championship will be dumped
Strictly disciplined hard steel is not congenial to them,
Or should all of a sudden on a map to find them?
These powerful friends, they hijack
We are the dead, but never close to our wheels.
We have far more open to our feast - our bathtub,
And they are too late for our long-messenger
We also catch up with the total. Even the solitary
We no longer take the path as a fan of beautiful trails,
Past the fire, and raise more and more
You, I know you, like a flower unknown,
First dancing girl, she suddenly stopped in suspense
Disease is near. Has been the shadow of the invasion,
Waste into the open door, however.
Once groups have been disdained in the mad woman attacked
Harmony will be overshadowed by their clamor, your beautiful,
They can not destroy you a head and harp
No matter how angry they scuffled, and they vote Meng
To your heart's sharp stones
You will become too soft and natural to listen.
At that time you still stay in the sound body of rock and the lion
Trees and birds in the middle, you are still there to praise.
Part II
Breathe, you - the poem is not visible!
Purely by the exchange of space. Balance,
I have to occur in which the rhythm.
The only waves
I am the sea it gradually;
All possible sea, you are most frugal -
Win the space.
These fields have the number of space
Like my sons.
Drawings if any one go
Stay true master stroke:
Der Spiegel also often host a smile,
No smiling faces of people breathing.
Soot fire stretching over the fireplace,
Ah, who has recognized the loss of the earth?
Singing in the rebirth of the whole heart back.
Covered with pure mesh.
Dawn, like the distant woods ... ...
Sixteen fork angle like a deer,
But that will stay beautiful until
Finger good comfort, more than you expected,
You easily, when you meet again in the tank,
Gradually cool, release the warmth of young girls -
With gratitude when you open the hands of young girls.
Walk the gardens in the city; time
Ming language with a band like lambs
We talked quietly. If there is a joy,
It does not belong to somebody. It belongs to whom?
How it disappeared in the past, among pedestrians,
In the long years of anxiety.
Vehicle passing around us, indifferent to the situation.
No children ... ... but sometimes there is one,
Ah, is going one, Looking falling ball.
(Memory of Egon letters Rilke)
Or iron Buddha is no longer locked neck.
The heart is not a question is raised because of deliberate tolerance of spasm
However, moderate to distort you.
Complex and alive, like the boy also presented
When the different kind of pure and noble into the heart,
Thor-like open heart. He came to rely on power and influence,
No less than the secret quiet and light induction,
Children out of the game as quietly unlimited intercourse.
As long as the machine even has the opinion, to lose control.
Pose a threat to the outcome of it all.
Hand of glory, do not delay to show off more beautiful.
Such as refueling, it's factory in the quiet of their own.
But survival is still as fantastic; a hundred places,
Useless space in the music, often new music,
Shock with the most deified of rock to build their own dwelling.
Tire conquered people, since you abide by the hunt,
It will be you hanging from the cave in the karst.
Quietly to see you in the hole, as if you are a side
Celebrate the banner of peace. Can then: slave tilt
Your edge, throw a bunch of pigeons from the cave the night,
Pale, dizzy, throwing one bright ... ...
Sigh away from any mercy to those who wait,
Not only from hunters, he alerted,
Killing is a form of grief by wandering ... ...
All occurred in our own
In the spirit of slow growth is pure.
Wishes to change it. Oh, go for it in the flame,
In a fire in one out of you, it shines deformation;
Operations master earth that the Spirit,
Swing in the image, it a turning point favorite.
Being closed in the dock, and has a coagulum;
Asylum in the unusual space dim, actually that safe?
Solid material. Miserable zai: without the presence of hanging bell hammer!
Happiness is the separation of each of the sons of space,
All behind you, like the winter just gone.
More singing, more praise, Fangui pure association.
Here, in the past by the middle of wine country in the residual,
And the foundation of your inner infinite shock.
Successful completion of their good, which only once.
Delight, you have to count yourself successful nature of people
The sum of the amazing and erase count.
View of spend it, which loyal earthly flowers,
We are given destiny, from the edge of doom -
But who knows! If they repent wither
Deep sleep with them: Oh, the next day a new look
He easily from the depth of the joint return.
Perhaps he is still buried; they bloom,
Praise converts, and now the same thing as you,
All quiet like sisters, in wilderness in the wind.
Oh, you, Stephen the mouth, you grant the mouth,
You, marble masks, blindfolded spring
Diamond in the rough. Drainage flow of ancient tomb
Here sleep on the marble ear.
You always talk to it.
We repeatedly split.
This God is the rehabilitation of the land.
We are sharp, because we seek knowledge,
He is also indifferent to reject,
People are not satisfied that his world.
Because nature is more quiet.
Found in the world beings.
About the fate of those hours in the measure to us,
Do you want to, just as much as the number of girls and Lovers interval
She loves him but to avoid.
Everything is far away, a round that is never completed.
You see the festive table,
Singular face plate of fish.
Fish can not speak ... ... people have asserted. Who knows?
Pleased to sing it, praise it, unparalleled,
Isfahan or Shiraz spring and roses.
Please clear my heart, you never forsake them;
They love you - they are ripe figs;
Wind your communication with them,
Between the wind appears to have upgraded squid, with overwhelmed.
Avoid this bias - defect associated with
This determination has been generated: there!
No matter what your heart melt into a pattern
Case concept, which is a complete and glorious silk carpet!
High-ranking officials at both ends of the door, under the balcony!
Oh, this bronze bell, clapper day it hit it,
Or the one in Kyle Naik, cylindrical, cylindrical,
Almost dragged the eternal temple.
Gudang away, the yellow of the day from the level of
Perhaps no one wasted. But only imagined.
Call on me, many times in your moment
Use it against you endless;
It is begging the general close to the face like a dog,
Was always turned away,
You just repeated denudation.
Where they are greeted, the results were sent into exile.
Of never existed was too old.
Oh, it always new pleasure: from the founding of loose dirt!
Almost no one to help the initial risk-takers.
But the city eventually born in the Gulf of happiness,
Eventually filled with water and oil pots.
Prolapse of the gods just daring us to plan,
Immediately destroyed in the unhappy fate.
But they are immortal. Look, we allow
Listen to that one, he finally meet us.
We, a family of thousands of years: generation to generation of parents,
It is always earned what, if it lent to us.
Site formation; is this man beat
You feel fresh. It has long been to many times,
Twilight years also reveals the future of brown.
Each passing hour of getting younger.
Hit gap wedge screaming,
Gap in this universe (blissful Timing
Alas, where we are? Increasingly free
We are like a broken kite flying half-empty,
Wind tearing laughter, leaving patches of scar.
Straighten out those who call it, sing of God!
Rest of the hill, the castle when it destroyed?
Heart is, infinite is the gods,
When the Creator lend a rape?
If the truth of our fate To expose?
Oh, the specter of death
Reminding us of scenes wisp of smoke
In the Realm of the force constant
But as God's custom.
Oh, come on, go, you almost still a child,
Please for a moment, the image of the dance
Manner in which we go beyond the natural death.
Who in the world at the moment of a death
Looked at me.
Feng Zhi Translation
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
The bell came bleak
Shore, as if the castle garrison
From the dark valley
Lightly golden steamer
Thing that catches my eye
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Let the winds scratch fields.
Fruit as soon as possible so that the final maturity
Feng Zhi Translation
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Finally, a village house standing
The last one standing in the village houses
So lonely, like the last building housing the world.
A small village just round after round,
Two slices of wilderness, the timid, the
Mysteriously, Boulevard front of the house instead of the trail.
The people left the village long-term drift,
Perhaps many people will die in the middle.
Yang Wu 能译
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
I had a life
Growing circle.
Maybe I can not finish the last lap pocket,
Has been around for thousands of years;
Is a great song.
QIAN Chun-Chi Translation
You stranger: music
In our innermost
This sacred farewell:
When the heart around us
As the other side of the air:
Can no longer stay
Translation Written by Chen
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Christ, the Virgin mourning
Filled my whole life, can not talk
Although I have turned to stone, still remember
How do you grow
Grow into tall healthy teenager
When your shadow covers me in separate
This grief is too deep
Now I can not
Life brings you life with
Zheng Min Translation
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Ah, my friends, this is not fresh,
Praise the "new" people, and soon silence.
A tall building, it is novel and infinite.
Behold, the stars are a group of old fire
Do not believe, that the longest transmission line
Has been turning the wheel spin to Japan.
The future will catch the most distant and something
1922, misoprostol
Feng Zhi Translation
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Poet, in the end what you call? - I praise.
Where you have power in every kind of attire, the
In each mask is really? - I praise.
1921, misoprostol
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Love songs
Not to touch your soul? How can I make it
In the center of a great will to dizziness.
Only when the eyes silently lifted. -
Tension through the stillness of the limbs -
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Jesus, I see your feet,
Like the thorns of a white beast.
The first time in this night of love.
We have never yet had lie with
Now only be surprised, surveillance.
But look, ah, your hands are torn: -
Ah, Jesus, ever have had our hour?
I have two radiating splendor sink.
Feng Zhi Translation
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
The fate of a woman
Like a king in the court to take up hunting
A glass, pour a glass of any drink, -
Also like the glass that the masters of the subsequent
It open, the collection, as if it does not exist:
Fate of thirst, and perhaps sometimes take action
Then a small life
In the cupboard has its many valuable
(Perhaps those precious things considered.)
Strange land where she had been borrowed as
Simply become old, blind Gui,
Feng Zhi Translation
Always ... and again ...
There are terrible silence at the end of the valley the valley:
We always go out again and again the two
Went to the old tree, we have always to
Feng Zhi Translation
Unlimited expansion of their own lives,
Golden brown books, in the shadows
Faded from the shelves one by one;
You think of those traveled places
You come forward to stand in front of you
As if from a distant past
Raised the anxiety, imagery, and prayer.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Olive Garden
This is like a dark olive groves;
He put his forehead covered with dust
Buried in the hot dust is full of hands.
I can not find you, you're not my heart, not.
I can not find you. I am lonely.
I am alone responsible for human suffering,
It is because you, I promise.
But you do not exist. Ah, inexplicable shame. . .
Indifference leaves in the woods stretch.
Believers sleep excited.
Night is coming and there is nothing special,
Dogs are sleeping, stones are lying,
Wait for the morning come again.
The night will not be another dark and light.
For all the people who had to abandon his exile,
Oh also the mother's heart close to them.
Translation Written by Chen
You're sure to think: Which one?
Floating down the lights in his face
People become terrible deformities,
Heavy on the overhanging arm gestures,
That means it is: any one person.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Sing a song to hypnosis.
I would like to shake you to sleep gently humming,
Protect you sink into and out of the dream.
I would like to be the only person houses,
Clock sounded the call of everyone,
Windows are not tremble, the dust is also very heavy.
I recognized the emotional turmoil such as the sea.
I arched concise language
United States, talking about me, like talking about
Full of mature figs. Expand
Not so much darkness.
On his face, and singing.
Treat her weak, I have to stretch their
Until all my heart in her heart.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Hour prayer poverty and death / [Austria] Rilke book / Dasha Translation
Das Buch von der Armut und vom Tode
1.Vielleicht, da? Ich durch schwere Berge gehe
Perhaps, I entered through the layers of mountains
Veins hard and lonely as an ore;
I fell forward, can not see the end of
Rocks are all close at hand.
This is great that I am a tiny dark;
Hill ah, you never stay in place all the mountains, -
Year-round snow, frozen sky stars,
Cyclamen over the open valley,
You ah, and the mountains and the minaret in the mouth
(Not yet sounded the Azan Maghrib sound):
I can now go on your inside? Are in basalt
I am full of awe you fissures,
Deep fear in too large cities,
You will be my place in them to the drowned city of Shenzhen.
Well, you tell if a person had
The survival of his madness and concerns.
Madness and concerns that the chaff will be like before you blow it away ... from ...
Lord, ah, you forced me into a strange moment.
Maghrib: Islam has a daily "five o'clock worship." "Koran," said: "You in the late evening and morning, Allah Whose praises all things should be. Heavens and the earth praise, as well as a tribute to the evening and at noon only to Him" (30:17-18), that is the daily "five o'clock worship." Fajr prayer before dawn to sunrise; Zuhr, when just after noon; Asr ceremony at sun_set_ to the west before; Maghrib, between sun_set_ and dark; Isha, until dark before dawn .
3.Mach mich zum W? Chter deiner Weiten
Let me be the people who listen to rock,
My eyes, I looked through
Your lonely sea,
I accompanied the rolling river
In the din of surf
Deep voice of the night.
Sent me to your wind, clouds Yang
Desolate country,
Where the majestic monastery like costumes
Enshrouds never lived life.
Where I would like exposure among the pilgrims,
I am no longer able to Fraud
They are safe with deadening,
4.Denn, Herr, gro? En St? Dte sind
Lord, ah, a large city is
Hopelessly disintegrated;
Largest city as if to escape before the fire, -
It can be no solace solace
Where people live, hardship and hard,
More than the fear of the firstborn of cattle;
Them alive, but knew nothing about.
Always live in the same piece of shadow
They do not know, calling out the flowers
Full of vast, happy day with the wind, -
They have to be young, have suffered the unfortunate boy.
So they shivered again closed.
After the curtain in the shelter room, they
And not the bitter cold war years and strength.
Ling bed all parked in the dark
Gradually they desire to enter the inside;
Where people die with and was surprised to die hard.
Distortions made in the anonymous night.
Early in their beautiful old hand.
For his life to create a beautiful uterus,
Shame at his door as a _set_
In the forest of golden hair fine hair,
No words to the table by pulling the penis
Thanks to all in full bloom with the night,
Let all things even more than fragrant lilacs
Worse still, the wind swaying in your wing,
Jehoshaphat even more than joy.
Clothes him in the increased growth,
When he looks Bingxiao snow melt,
There will be no surprise his eyes peep.
With dew, to not kill the dishes,
To that life - quietly, such as short prayer,
Pouring warm as the wind field.
Let him once again relive childhood;
Review the subconscious and the incredible,
Tell the secret of different layers of legend.
Waiting for the main maternity death: death
Lonely as a huge and magnificent gardens,
Is a square away from the person summoned.
Jehoshaphat: Josaphat, one fourth-generation king of Judah, in the face of the enemy's battle, let the poetry of worship team as the vanguard of the battle. See "Under the Old Testament Chronicles."
Mighty giver, ah,
And attention was an important figure in the birth of death of people,
Please use your recourse to his hand
Lead us to him.
More like his old enemy lies in time, -
Who is always awake in the dream of drunk people.
Please let me be the ark of the dancers,
A person singing, a Baptist.
I would like to praise him. I would like to
My blood will be more bang than the sea roar,
People do not like wine, but fascinated.
Spring night, if not many people
Stopped in my bed around
I would like to bloom in my music in the years
Light quiet as the North in April, because
Soon grow into a wisp of fragrance and shouting:
I will leave a distance,
Another will be my lonely
See the ninth song "Jehoshaphat" Note.
12.Und gieb, da? Beide Stimmen mich begleiten
If you sow in the city and once again I fear,
Please give me two voice my company.
I would like to take shelter, together with their anger at the time, the
In each place you desire.
13.Die gro? En St? Dte sind nicht wahr; sie t? Uschen
Large city is not true; they confuse the
Day, night, animals and children;
Nothing real events from the distant,
Changes are, ah, nothing around you rotate,
Fall into the alleys and lanes to rotate your different kind of wind,
Be, altered by anger, was excited.
14.Denn G? Rten sind, - von K? Nigen gebaut
Because the garden is true, - kings of construction of the garden,
Emperors in the garden are a moment, seize the day
And those who smiled and talked to
They make these tired sleepless night the garden;
Soft in speaking their language, such as bushes in the breeze,
Their furs Lo Sang brilliant light,
Shi Jing is like a light drag splash splashing stream.
Grate in large branches,
(As if the pale sky dreamily flash),
As if into the heart of the illusion,
Then I saw the palace alive;
Because poverty is from the heart of a great light ... ...
18.Du bist der Arme, du der Mittellose
You're poor, you are penniless,
You rock, shelter,
Your body no stripped of their possessions, poor wind,
Your reputation barely cover your nakedness;
Orphans ragged clothes in your
Is also the costumes, like a property.
You poor girl like the belly of embryos
Delighted to believe the existence of the fetus, fetal force
Bliss fall on the roof of the city,
Happy with; such as wild flowers on the tracks
Sad journey to the lost of poverty in the wind;
Compared with the birds huddle what of you?
The dogs did not eat for several days then what?
Long and silent grief then what?
Although they are just broken bits of stone, not the grinding mortar,
You are great poverty rose,
All need you, you have much too heavy.
So that bone fragments of each person playing the body powder.
19.Du, der du wei? T, und dessen weites Wissen
You ah, your personal experience and extensive knowledge of the
Practice it, not because of the poor person's anger
Be abandoned, be trampled upon.
Other people seem to have been left abandoned;
From the roots produce, fragrance, such as Melissa,
Dark to the festival,
When a burst of sudden urgency of the summer rain falling.
They were so quiet; quiet, almost in the objects.
They will be like a friend and go all the way,
Disappeared in the tiny objects, the
Misty an idle equipment.
Treasures like to cover next to the guard,
They guard the treasure, but can not see their own -
If they are small boat Fudang in the abyss,
Such as bleaching linen drying in the field
Is spreading, is open.
22.Und sieh, wie ihrer Fü? E Leben geht
See Na, how their feet through life:
Like animals, through the tangled life
Every road, full of memories
Is the rock and snow, is lightly traveled
Worry, tender and the cold grass.
Full of great compassion of their sorrow,
Have been completed in which the pieces of human small worries;
The strings in his hands as if walking through.
With a maternal;
Warm in the understanding, trust in the calm,
Reach out and touch as cups.
Bust in their mouth just as the mouth,
Was wise to straighten out, accept everything,
25.Und ihre Stimme kommt von ferneher
Their voices from afar,
Leave before sunrise,
In the vastness of the forest, take a long time,
Had seen the sea, the sea about.
Daniel: Daniel, Israel, due to resolved not to conquer Judah Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, defile himself with the royal food and wine, God has given his intelligence and knowledge, proficient in all visions and dreams. See "Old Testament Book of Daniel."
Like around distribution of famine in the bread
Their bodies, and that the physical preparation for the embryo
Sleep like a seed in the seed,
Eternally to be you.
27.Und sieh: ihr Leib ist wie ein Br? Utigam
See Na, their bodies just as the groom,
Beauty, passion and Juesu.
However, they have strong physical desires Shengru Long,
See Na: they will live, will multiply,
Will not be time to conquer,
Will grow the fruit in the forest,
Blessed are they, these people have never gone,
The static on the queue in the rain without a tile people;
Will exceed all of their lives end
They even are no longer their own;
Dongfeng Ostwind, in Germany, Britain and other countries in the winter wind, the equivalent in the Chinese context, "North Wind."
32.Und deine Armen leiden unter diesen
Seeing all the terminally ill because,
Tremble as if they are suffering from fever,
Been expelled from every home,
Vomiting if the rot in the sun thing, -
Is every chance, to be prostitutes Yan Zhuang,
And if there is a shelter of their mouth,
Oh, where he was? And time that the property
With increasing his great poverty,
Bishop walked naked in front of people.
He is sincere and beloved beings,
He come to earth as a Love Zither;
His earthly body is a miracle within,
He was not tired all day long
He walked about the grass along the edge.
About how to make every one of their own
His pure heart no end,
He is always more light to light,
His quiet room filled with joy.
Smile on his face growth
With his childhood and full-back,
Sisters of the heart only vocalization,
Pollen gently singing
Slowly sinking into the flower end.
They accepted him, flawless people,
Their eyes closed as the rose,
Cherubim, that amazing butterfly
To speak to the countless animals,
Die, as if light was not quiet canning,
He has been distributed to Shino: his sperm
Wandering in the stream, singing in the forest,
This is a note written Francis (Francesco d'Assisi1181-1226) of the poem. Next song is no different. Francis of Assisi, the Catholic Franciscan founder, patron saint of Italy, also translated Francis. Born in Assisi, Italy (Assisi), the father is a woolen merchant. 1205, founded the Franciscans, too poor to promote life, clothing, linen and Municipal feet, begging alms, Fellow between each other "little brother." 1209 Franciscan care body repair will be Pope Innocent III (Innocentius III) approval, was officially established. Died 1226 home, 1228, Pope Gregory IX for the saint whose posthumous title chase.
34.O wo ist er, der Klare, hingeklungen
Why, they did not expect was the poor
Why he did not rise in their dusk -
Non-specified, publication of the recorded presentation to send or are specifically authorized. Reprint please indicate the source. Published in "Faith" website http://www.godoor.com/default.asp
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