法国 拜斯 Saint-John Perse  法国   (1887~1975)
Multiple poems at a time
outland poetry


   Saint-John Perse

Expedition (Excerpts)
I am worried about the distance matters for the soul of the city's allocation of one hundred bright lights are barking ... ...
Lonely ah! We commend our supporters grotesque manner, but our thinking has long been under the wall in the other camp:
I am desperately waiting for any person ... ... I hated pain for you ... ... while you collected from us the song, what should say? ... ...
Command of an image leading to the Dead Sea Owl Oh, where to find the wash water, light the night our eyes?
Lonely ah! ... ... Large group of stars toward the horizon, the kitchen where the star is also a domestic incorporated.
Heavenly kings allied operations in my roof. Therefore, the masters of the high-altitude camp in the above post Shegang. ,
Let me alone, in the lips and tongue the gun between the princes of the arrow, meteor fall from the sky in the night wind trip to rely on the rain! ... ...
The soul of a woman quietly asphalt adhesion and death! Needlework stitched by our eyes! We look forward to being under the lash praise!
Night out of their milk, I hope you all have to beware! Let wiping a trace of honey lips prodigal son.
"... ... The fruit of a woman, oh woman of Sheba! ... ..." I reveal the soul of the least prudent, to be the night the smell Xunde nausea,
I thought the protest activities of fantasy; Guadan I smell in the morning, the ride left pian! ... ...
- Ah! When the stars live in the neighborhood maid adventure tour, we know that so many new spear
Season in the endless crowds of people's clothes naked sky, - groups into the sky, and unanimously declared that
How absurd the world! ... ... In the dim light, the old man blinking eyes, a woman leaned over to fondle nails
A sticky chin colt to have to be out into the hands of children, children not only think it clear stamp of a blind ... ...
"Lonely ah! I have not ordered anyone to wait ... ... if I wish, I will go from there ... ..." - then the whole body from top to bottom Stranger
Wearing his new ideas on the way in silence and get some of his supporters: his eyes, hold in mouth full of saliva,
Someone who is no longer an entity. The earth by their winged seeds wandering, as the poet travels with their own words ... ...
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Exile (excerpt)
Strange night, so much lost the intersection of breeze in the room ... ...
Who is wandering before dawn, the city for me na? When the perishable for the exile was renamed the stars falling into the beach for a party to the Pure Land, the
That whirring sound of the wings of the house to visit the dog to someone who is the girl? That was abandoned, no one who loved the big girl?
He has worked in the Green Point prophetess and the church sold themselves to wander around her prostitute name. Erased morning the door barefoot in our membership in the St ... ... between the left blot
Maid, ah, wait on others before you. Can you love vanity, hang new curtains, let the words of a chaste maturity.
Plover birds heard moaning. Sad dawn comes, look for the word Hyades star virginity. Tears Lian Lian,
In the old coast, my name was called ... ... the ashes of the divine in incest wafting plume of smoke.
Nutrients reach all parts of the day pale light gravel middle of it
Some wonderful pieces of history, riding propeller blade, the premise is full of fallacies and changing the sky drift, began to turn the fun of those comments.
Who were there? Who wings fly? That night, despite my opposition who are still stranger from my lips, enjoy the song?
Recorded things, ah, use your stylus at the end, the table on the beach, empty of Laban says, engraved overturned.
Sea water will wash away this year, we chart the most beautiful figures.
Female Beggar Oh, time has come to an isolated cave in the rock dumped in the mirror.
Deacon wearing a felt shoes, wearing silk gloves, with many wooden hoses, scrubbing the dark reveal the prohibited symbol.
In this way, all the physical suffering of salt put on clothes. We stay up all night the ashes of the fruit, you short the beach rose, while the night his wife was sent away before dawn ... ...
Ah! Kei everything in the memory of the unreal thing, ah! Exile all the madness of blowing piccolo music: pure water free of Nautilus, and we dream of a pure moving objects,
Psalms before morning and night to be abandoned, rigid wings vespers in the amber of the bait captured a large ... ...
Ah! Allow people to burn it, ah! Allow people to burn all of these residues in the spit feathers broken claw, mounted over the hair and the dirty bits of cloth,
And the birth of the poems from yesterday, ah! One night at the intersection points of lightning birth of the Psalms, as if the dust falling into the breast milk of women, there is always the slightest trace of ... ...
I did not add you to use all the winged things, constitutes a non-pure functional language.
Now I want to erase the idea of a great poem ... ...
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Rain (excerpt)
Our roads are also countless numbers of our wandering with no fixed residence. JI drink in God's mouth is made of clay. You, the mother liquor in the morning to bathe the deceased person - this is still the land around the thorns of war - and the living face to wash it; Oh, rain ah! Wash sad mob, the mob's pleasant bar ... ... because the way they are narrow
Narrow path, and their wandering with no fixed residence.
Rain ah! Wash the strong stone floor. Under the shadow of their power. Huge table edge to those who do not have been sitting out the wine of human plasma by intoxicated people, who
Not tears and dreams have been tainted by women addicted to people, those in the bones of the speaker does not care in the name of their own people ... ... the edge in the huge table, in his
Under the shadow of their power, those strong in the stone floor.
Wash the worries and formal action bar, wash, doubts and false illusion of a decent bar. Oh, rain ah! Wash the good people, who thought pure eyes of the nebula up; clean fun noble, elegant deep corner of the shade point person; virtuous person nebula point, point of talented people in the nebula; wash owners McKay Nasdaq eyes, eyes full of a sense of justice and celebrity
Scales in the right ... ... there are those noble people in the eyes of the scales.
Wash, wash the hearts of the great kindness of All Saints, before the great amount of ritual educators, the public swearing on the lips. Oh, rain ah! Law clerks and judges wash hands, midwives, and buried the corpse's hand, disabled and blind people's hands, still dreams of the people hold the rope and whip the forehead of the murderous past ... ... With the great saints of you, great educators
Praise it.
Wash, wash from a quality of memory on the history of nations it: the great official chronology, the great chronicle of clergy and academic bulletin. Wash the imperial decree and the Charter and
The third grade book book; conventions, covenants and agreements it great; rain ah! Wash all the beautiful ancient parchment document it; clean shelter and the color of the walls of leprosy hospital, ... ... and the old mule fossil ivory color of the teeth ... ... wash it, rain ah! Wash the memory of this magnificent bar.
Oh, rain! Washed from the people's hearts on one of the most beautiful float word it: the most beautiful aphorisms, the most beautiful passages, crafted sentences, totally natural chapter, wash. From people's hearts, and washed monotonous and melancholy tunes and sad songs of love it; their skills on the fields and back to the lyrics of love; they express feelings of happiness of the Literary Field; wash style typical juvenile style salt and artificial honey. Wash, wash dream public opinion and knowledge of the shoulder; from the human heart, there is no resistance, no hate to clean, oh, rain ah! Wash it the best talent, and the reason for the great works of love it.
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Annals of Poetry (excerpt)
Old Oh, we went to the old. Hour with this significant appointment has been accepted, but long ago. As night fell, so that we bring back hunting the sea, not a family man ringing the stone steps. Voice is loud and the sky under the city without a home, there is no stone roses covered courtyard.
Our ancient algae covered the hull. Is the burning of its time. Southern Cross has appeared in over customs; destroyer returned to the island; Hal law of the jungle than the Eagle is the world
Community. Together with the monkeys and pythons. Under the weight of the sky, mouth cavity appears boundless.
Old Oh, look at our hunting: all be a waste, we empty-handed. Run out was not any running; things to say never said. We go back to carry the starry night, the understanding of life and death, dream of telling more than one deep. Arrogance behind that glorious, Fan Qing Road, sword flashing this light the soul of prosperity.
In addition to the legend of sleep, the whole expanse of life and reproduction of life, survival is all the passion and all the power of life, ah, at night virgin strode past, Yi Mei Durian - in our door frame great silhouette walking - the entire stock in a strong heel air blowing!
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Sea Standard (excerpt)
Nine vessels narrow
Lights in the night the first extension, the delay came in the marble and bronze works of art lover Oh,
In the strange silence of the crowd without saying lover, ah,
Tonight you will also witness the sea:
... ... Narrow vessel. Our sleeping bed narrow.
Vastness, in the desire of a closed room, our empire is much wider.
Summer came, it came from the sea. We will tell the sea,
Festival in the city, what we are strangers, and the stars one night from a festival under the rising sea,
Came to our bed, smell the holy diapers.
Adjacent land useless for us to draw its borders. Rolling waves all over the world the same channel; from the same channel wave of Troy
Hip roll drive it directly to us. This channel has blown away from us breeze past a sea of ... ...
However, one night room noise sound Selfish: The Luohao sounded even death itself, nor be heard!
Oh men and women in pairs, like the ship it, and the room filled with high sea!
One night the cry which the land gods, and others by hunting animals orang; city in decline, a woman in front of reverie ... ... I wish we could j
This is known as the sea is always the dawn - the essence of the wings, weapons, revoked, love and the sea the same session, one, love sleeping in a bed with the sea -
And this word is still room for:
1 -
"... Oh ... Love, love, you crow I was born to keep such a high, feeling it from the sea to women! Trampled all the vines on the sand, the waves of the good deeds of each body on the beach singing blisters ... ... tribute. to pay tribute to the vitality of the divine!
You, greedy man, I take off my clothes; even more than the boat's captain of the master of calm. Always such clothes unpacked to be recognized only one woman. Summer started, and it to the sea for a living. And my heart to show you more than your pure clear water and a woman; seeds and sweet juice, milk mixed with acid, and blood together with the salt, gold and iodine, but also the taste of copper and the composition of symplectic Shibuya - the whole installed in the sea on me, as installed in the mother's jar ... ...
Men born in the sea on the beach lying on my body. May he pressed his face in the sand under the cool spring water in the draw, would like him as a tattooed male fern pattern with God was in my flat
To the joy ... ... I love yo, you thirsty yet? I was thirsty more than your lips fresh woman. I bury my face in your hands, as if buried in the beach between the palm of your hand cool. Ah! May
It is the night you breathless Qin Liang and almond crisp dawn, and the first taste of foreign land port on the coast of the fruit.
One night, I dreamed a dream even than the lush island ... ... sailors who come ashore to find a blue water, and found - is the low tide time - the whole of the sleep sand replenishment bed: tree-shaped sea receded, and only in the top left of the branches of these prints just as devastated by a large Zhu Zhu Road, palm trees, and as one ecstatic Aunt
Mother, wrapped apron, hair a mess, in tears live by the sea.
The above are some of the dream picture. But you, flat forehead, man, since you the truth, sleeping in a dream, facing round spout water, you know who it is that layer of protection Punic:
Pomegranate meat, cactus heart, fig Africa, Asia, crop ... ... I love yo. The fruit of a woman more than the fruits of the sea: from my dress to play neither whitewashing nor
Women play the hands, accept the deposit of summer sea ... ... "
2 -
"... ... Hearts of men, alone. Men are strange, not shore, but parked beside a woman against the shore, and sea, to you I am still the East, as it mixed the Sands to you and your shore, clay in your lap - and the birth of her students with the scattered wave with a woman - started slowly linger among the ... ...
And the more naked you are the more virtuous, just because your hands are covered, you are not deep virgin - it is bronze or white jade statue of the goddess of victory. Is drudgery
Fisherman algae that covered a large network and the end of the ancient urn with double Apex salvaged. But the long face of the woman of my body, I smell the heat under the woman, by her own
The light body fragrance woman. That body fragrance fingers together like a half-pink flames.
As salt present in wheat, you've got the sea in its primitive existence, the things your body belongs to the sea, easily accessible to you develop a taste of the happiness of a woman ... ... night, in the bottom, your face is turned over, your mouth is for eating the fruit. My breath in your chest free unobstructed. The desire of the sea filled with the tide from all directions, like that of the lunar crust near-Earth tides. The female of the land decorated with bubbles, and submissive to the lustful arms open sea, the pool has been open to its sugar, swamp. The water poured into the grass crunching sound of water tankers sent scoop. Night full of incubation ... ...
Oh I love seafood, so that people far from the sea, deep in the valley closed stocking Pastoral - mint, lemon balm, sweet clover, a mild alyssum and oregano - that people there talk about beekeeping, the man in the where the care of sheep production, female sheep under the cushion body fur, pollen and kissed the black wall of the land. Fruiting in peach, grape plugged and pole of the season, I cut the wood into the water in the hull fixed shelves rope knot, so I came to love the sea! And my anxious unease came the sea! ... ...
Narrow vessels, linked closely together, the body can be faithful mistress Oh, your rhythm is more compact. What is the ship itself? What is the image of the ship design? Shake is no mast
Boat and the boat back and forth between the two places, votive vessels, together with the hole in the middle of it; it to the shape of the body to accept the underwater look at the curve were processed along the wave curve, bend
Bending music in Ivory pinned a double hull assembly arch ... ... who always used this approach to the keel and the ribs and the role of the bottom ribs together.
Ship, my beautiful ship, rib bending, carries the man's night of the ship, carrying a rose you are my sight-seeing. You sacrifice thrust in the water chain. So against our death, driving the black crows in the enterprise scarlet sea species clusters on the road ... ... is called the dawn of a broad boundless ocean, vast and boundless sea horizontal career in tilling the land of dreams
Think we have the purple border. The long-distance waves filled wore red zircon, as a group of lovers!
Only in the love boat have more advanced occupation. "
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Into (excerpt)
The process of the world like this, this, I can only say good. - The establishment of the city. Stone and bronze. Dawn fire thorn
These great bare red
Green stones, shine the light and the church as the cornerstone of public toilets,
And that the crew at sea, we can smoke drifted him there, he saw the face of the earth has been radically changed (from the sea you can see a burn the grass and fertile, and mountain diversion project.)
So in the morning in a sacred name to create a lip to accommodate the city. Withdrawn from the mountain camps! And those of us in there in the wooden gallery of people,
In the new world and Municipal head barefoot,
Why should we laugh, how can we, in our position, tone, and the girls laugh their asses ashore?
Since the dawn has been sailing on these people have nothing to say? ---- Food to! ... ... And those vessels, the white peacock than heaven higher following the Queen Weng, across the sandbar, stay
In this dead in the water, floating there, a dead donkey. (We must decide this blank pale fate of the river, its color like the juice is pressed out to the color of the locusts.)
New rising over there on the shore of a huge noise, blacksmiths are the masters of their fire! Crackling whip those into the new street car into a car removing not born evil. Ah, the mother mule, we have the photo in the copper under the sword! Four stubborn, head and fists tied together to form a live flower, _set_ off the blue sky, those who shelter under a tree construction meeting to discuss their chosen field of view. They make me understand the meaning and purpose of buildings: decorative front to the back to hide; red corridor, foyer Blackstone, the net out of water film library in the local _set_ting; a cool place to put pharmacists. So bankers here, boasting of their keys. In the street already has a singing alone, he is drawn to those on the forehead of God on their people in a password. (Garbage in the open area, insect noises kept ringing sounds) ... ... This is not about us and to you people the other side of the joint between the occasion; water in sheep's clothing bag provided for the cavalry and the Prince of Port Engineering their fees are paid by the fish currency. (One child died and grief because of the monkeys ---- he had a beautiful sister ---- gave us a pink satin shoes on the quail.)
Lonely! The birth of a giant blue eggs of seabirds, and the leaves in the morning between the Gulf of lemon studded with golden! ---- This is yesterday! Birds have flown away!
Tomorrow, festivals and noisy, planted apple trees on the street, and in the morning, cleaning away large tracts of dry palm leaves, fragments of large wings, ... ... tomorrow festival
Pier election officials, the outskirts of vocalization, in the mild storm brewing,
Yellow city, wearing a helmet shadow, the girls hung windows in the pants.
In the third lunar day, the people who guard the Peak folded their tents. A woman's body was burned in the sand. The threshold for a man to desert his father ---- the job is: to sell perfume bottle business.
Rollo Translation
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Eulogy (excerpt)
Baking in the Wind, in the meat, sauce is ready,
The smoke and lively way back to catch up with the way of man.
At that time, a sleepwalker, cheeks dirty
From an old captain had a strong, sly but bright orange stripes in my dreams
Came out
Is decorated with beads of sweat, the smell of the meat toward,
He went down,
Like a lazy woman: his canvas clothes, underwear and his hair all messy with.
I love a horse ---- What is it? ---- It is really straight at me,
Under its mane.
Both nostrils its dynamic hole looks very pretty two
Things in a dynamic cavity of each have a bulging top
When it is running, sweating it out: it is sparkling shine! ---- And I
The moon was one of the ribs crushed by it, in my childish knees. ... ...
I love a horse ---- What is it? ---- Sometimes (because animals cooked
Learned the power of what will cause our praise)
It is lifted to its bronze deities head gasped and clapped like a clock network lines.
Own rhythm landed on the red hill.
Rolling forward in the strait of sea turtles, like dark stars.
Berth led to a mind full of kids dream. ... ...
To be a quiet smile with the eyes of the people,
A silent man, serene smile on his brow under the wings, flying
Extreme (with his eyelashes the ship does not move by way of the sea fraud
Road, he returned to the things he had seen ... ... that does not move with his eyelashes
Mao's side of the ship
He gave us the promise of more than one on the island,
Like he was a younger man, said: "You will see!"
This is his, and the captain together with the idea. )
Heaven! We send out a cry crowded animals!
I'm awake, dreaming Anni Bo dark fruit in its many warts _truncate_d pod
True of fighting in the ... ...! Eat a whole crab, a soft fruit trees. Another
Scarred trees, in the past, it is often open trunk juicy flowers.
Another strain, you can not touch it, as you touch the wood, it
It will not rain down like flies and colors that! ... ... Ants moving in two
Running directions. Women in the flowering maple leaves myself with a smile,
Those at the base of the flower is the Black and Purple for diarrhea horned animals used. ... ...
Genital smell is fragrant. Sweat to cool itself open up a road.
A lonely man would bury his nose in the folds of his arm.
Those banks of swelling up in the crazy sandwich insects wedding
Collapsed under the. In the hands of rowing oars germination. A live hook-side
Dogs are the best bait to catch sharks taken. ... ...
I'm awake, dreaming Anni Bo dark fruit; dream to see bunches of flowers leaves underarm.
... ... Now the calm water like milk, like
All poured into the void in the soft morning.
Brush off the deck the day before elections, with the dawn of a mixture of water, similar to the same dream,
Describe the wonderful sky. The day's delightful childhood, through the
The lattice blinds roll up and landed on my song.
Childhood, my love, it's just like it? ... ...
Childhood, my love ... ... This eye comfort bicyclic and love ... ...
It is so calm and so cold,
It is so and continual,
It was strange there was a link on your hands
Thoughtful day ... ...
Childhood, my love! In addition to giving, do nothing. ... ... At that time, I
Spoken of it? I even do not want to move a bit
These clothes, in despair, in your green void of the morning. ... ... That
When me about it? We need only to be used
Like an old rope. ... ... And that heart and that heart in there! Let
It dragged on the deck, more lowly than an old mop, more cluttered, and
More dilapidated ... ...
Others turn to the deck, and
I still asked them not to sail ... ... but as for the lamp, you'd better
It put out ... ...
Childhood, my love! It was early morning, it is those
Gentle begging for things, there Cantabile in hate,
Gentle lips trembled like the shy, to say the things from the side,
Ah gentle, and that in the begging, and like most men, gentle voice,
If he agreed to the subordination of women bent his husky soul ... ...
Now I ask you: This is not easy to breathe early in the morning ... ...
And the day of the provocation of childhood, tenderness Cantabile, his eyes stretched it?
Now leave me, I want to walk alone.
I will move on because I'm busy: one is a bug waiting for me to discuss.
I delight in
It has many small eyes compound eyes: multi-row, the unexpected, like a cypress fruit.
Otherwise, I like the texture of the stone that has a blue alliance: and you
Also left me,
Sitting in my knees the friendship.
Rollo Translation
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So snow, the first parting of the array of snow, fell on fantasy and reality woven into the huge cloth, there are all sorts of memories to forget the sufferings of the people, we Shuangbin fragrance sheets only. It is early in the morning, gray light of early dawn shrouded salt, about as early as six o'clock an hour, as if inferior to a temporary port off, thinking the gift of a sanctuary, where quiet strings littered the great mantra.
This night, unconsciously, Fen Yang endless snow goose feather, that Zuozuo skyscrapers - are fireflies pumice-clear, high to hold up the traces of countless hearts and heavy loads, stop growth, but also the negative heavy Chelsea to forget. But only those insects, leaks of which bottom line, but their memory trance, about too and very bizarre. Heart of these things played a remarkable impact, we never know.
No one was surprised, no one has noticed, this velvet-like moment, this Qing Cui, the most trifling things for the first time passing, hitting towering rock face, like mascara for a folder. Covered in bronze and chrome steel angle, in the dumb Heavy porcelain and glass tile gravel, and snow falling on the array, no one alerted, and no one spot, and this initial _set_ting of the water vapor atmosphere.
Edged sword scabbard just like the Zhaxian Yi Chan ... ... snow in the next, look, it's wonderful for us now! Jing Qiao Feng Yu dawn of the whole body, like a legendary giant owl term of refined gas blowing, the muster is that the shape of White Dahlia. Wonders and the joy of coming to us from all directions. Let us face to that step OSA Five To designate it, just the old in the summer, the architect who pointed to where we've seen better under Nighthawk eggs.
Translated by Yu Lian Ye
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