南北朝 庾信 Yu Xin  南北朝   (513~581)
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Wu Yeti
complain a style of old Chinese poems
Dance seductive woman
Wu Yeti
swallow a style of old Chinese poems
Willow Song
Feng and Extensive river poem
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Draft sing of one's feelings poem twenty-seven head five

   Yu Xin

Six start roaring. Vertical and horizontal cross uncertain.
For competing Citylink Yu. Zheng Mao turned the wine reduction.
Bones of the body off for sub-Utah. Teng Cuan has been hanging nest.
Strong beginning to open in the ice. Wind is blind folded plastic.
Qingyun Ma floating foot. Moon move the bow end of a bow.
Chu Gong teacher is around. Bing Qin xiao not next.
Shi Zhi golden period. No longer has any application package.

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