南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
Huan Xisha

Huan Xisha

   Li Qingzhao

Window of the spring has been busy yard deep,
Shadow is not heavy heavy curtain,
Li Yao Qin Yi Lou silent.
Yuanxiu coming out reminders dusk,
Light wind and rain get thin overcast
Xie Lihua For converting ban.

【Reciter】 朗诵天地

  Small, busy, dark, is Konggui portrayal. The Spring Shen Nong, Xu did not leak, so the curtain does not re-roll, heavy shadow term. Passions and restlessness, can not form the words, can only be asked of Yaoqin now!
  "Deep" character is poorly at the eye. Gui deep, deep spring, Wife, "Yilou silent," said Sanzo seven, "The silence was the sound," Implication of affection is not spit, more infinite charm.
  Showings dang day, the indoor and outdoor. "Yuanxiu the cloud", see Tao, "Returning Home speech": "Clouds Chuxiu, the birds fly with knowledge is also tired." Clouds the clouds go, time has also come to flies dies, press feel at dusk. The night comes even take small wind and rain, overcast misty light, "get" means both wind and rain get light shade, but also refers to this time, the environment, the poet first hi also worry of emotion. Results at the end still end up with hole in the wind and rain destroy the flowers, want to thank Nan Jin Worries on.
  Comment on this ancient poetry critic word "Ya practice", "light caused by the language of language" (International Journal of flying the "Cao Tang Shi Yu"). Write apartment in the spring complain to the speaking silence, but also by an inadvertent cloud, small wind, Shu Yu, slightly overcast fade, the elegant, slightly funny disclosed. This Wan Qu, Yun-way through the teaser is in line with the aesthetic taste of traditional poetry. (Hou Xiaoqiong)

Created by: 白水
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