宋代 陈亮 Chen Liang  宋代   (1143~1194)
Shuidiaogetou Chapter sent Demao Great qing To prisoner
Shuidiaogetou Chapter sent Demao Great qing To prisoner
Stories of extremely Jinling Tomb
贺新郎 同刘元实唐与正陪叶丞相饮
满江红 怀韩子师尚书
Gui xiang View suaveolens Thoughts Send Lu physician trained in herb medicine
3 music Jul Send Qiu Zongqing to prisoner
Shuidiaogetou Mao September Fifteen daily Ting Zhu Yuan Hui
Stories of ascend View more Building
Congratulate benedict Send Xin Young Wo See Huai Yun
Ruiyun Concentration of slow Adar Eleven Shou Luo Chunbo Day
Nguyen lang return The dragon boat festival birthday father-in-law
Lovers near Adar Eleven Japan to send leaves Regular If Gangneung Tomb
Butterfly in love Jiachen Life Yuan Hui
Shuidiaogetou And Wu Yuncheng Youlingdongyun
Stories of Dai Wang sent a small election
Divination operator September The number 18 Shou Zi-before date
Congratulate benedict Pay 辛幼安 Resume charm See Send
垂丝 fishing September Seven days from the life
Flying phoenix October Caroche daily Life Chamber
鹧鸪天 怀王道甫
谒金门 送徐子宜如新安
Henbane jul Fifteen daily Life in
水调歌头 和赵用锡
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

inflexion Tasha hang Shangsi Road to
转调踏莎行 上巳道中作

   Chen Liang

Luopu dust students, Wushan West Side.
Flag Pavilion tobacco, the spring depth.
Pear fall for, Tumiyouzhan.
Weather may also wish, unusual garden.
Evening among the feelings, very angry chaos.
Waterside beauty, the near to take a closer look.
Painting laughing, happy feast flow.
Not mean, sun_set_ Guguan.

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