唐代 韩愈 Han Yu  唐代   (768~824)
Demote Blue shows off Grandnephew name of a river
On the Festival of the Moon to Sub-official Zhang
Stopping at a Temple on Heng Mountain I Inscribe this Poem in the Gate-tower
A Poem on the Stone Drums
The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty Holiness Poetry
Qin cao 10 would go to gymnastics
Qin cao 10 Yi-Lan Cao
Qin cao 10 Cao Yue-chang
Qin cao 10 Mt. qi (between shanxi and shan3xi) grasp
Qin cao 10 Fulfill cream parade
Qin cao 10 Pheasant flying towards grasp
Qin cao 10 Do hu grasp
Qin cao 10 Residual form of exercise
Nanshan Poetry
(surname) Artlessness poem
Qiu Huai Shi 10 a (poem)
Went to Gangneung En route Wang donated Score Buque (a surname) Eleven Gleaning Ministry councillor Member of the imperial academy three bachelor
Evening Line Embankment ascending
Song of the Night
Heavy cloud Li guan Illness donated
Jiang han answer Meng Jiao
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Zhang with the water sector Ministry councillor Membership Qujiang Spring outing Send White Score 2 Scheeren

   Han Yu

Misty light from the overcast night open, blue sky, white sun reflected tower.
Trees bloom Qujiang water, bottom busy would not come.
  After a long period of rain in the evening light Yinzhuan Qing, up from the new Bi Qujiang, trees such as washing, colorful, Rinpu Tuyan. Enthusiastic Yu, invited Zhang Ji, Bai with the swim Qujiang. Unfortunately, the mud after the rain is not due to Bai. Back end there, Han Yu wrote the poem, sent to Bai.
  Structure of the poem is also very innovative. It will turn three quatrains broke the law, a series of three paint a portrait, the fourth sentence was suddenly asked to make a statement. This structural feature is also worth a claim.
  This poem is addressed to Bai, in addition to share their passion, but also with regret and blame the other party fails in His promise means. Not directly reveal themselves waiting for the poet, disappointed, complaining of feeling, but very cleverly written scene bright and clean fresh air after the rain Qujiang unique beauty. Qujiang in the spring, trees and flowers Qujiang charming tower, was rendered the more beautiful, more show how out of pity to live up to the moments of beauty. Although the last sentence only gently asked, even though tone is very tactful, yet the mood the poet expressed most vividly. Ingenious poet, but also can be seen here.
  (Lai Han Ping)

【Source】 卷344_61

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