dedicate Chang'an don Ani Poetry 10 1
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 twain
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 three
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 four
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 five
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 hexad
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 seven
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 eight
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 nine
Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 decade
present Minister of public works in ancient china official Ani Poetry 10 1
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 twain
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 seven
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 nine
Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 decade
present Liu ji Out of the Wu Wanglang Six Poems in order for a
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order twain
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order three
Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order four
ancient style poetry
杨朱焉所哭。 歧路重别离。 屈原何伤悲。 生离情独哀。 知命虽无忧。 仓卒意低回。 叹气从中发。 洒泪随襟颓。 九重不常键。 阊阖有时开。 愧无纻衣献。 贻言取诸怀。