宋代 王洋 Wang Yang  宋代  
An order to become Long bridge Map to show the king and the people looking remember hi their There's the hope of success mourn for Short chapter
sleep peacefully
Aug Road House Wen Ying
Po Kok division as painting shaoling Pen The Jane Bernstein Extol The statement was due to play for the length of
Provision of side For the husband to joss sticks and candles burning at a temple
Do not double goose
combine Ningxia Quarter of the text to wine
Disease sputum Thoughts
Eye disease
Eye disease
Borrelia vote verse Zhong Guo Qian, Syria had no similar Not dream of write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
Borrelia again Ever After that things Yun Yun Fu
s move from instrument true Po Kok Division Abbot Promote lines of poetry
(surname) Up-take Xu Jiang will also start with two poems See Italy
(surname) Up-take Xu Jiang will also start with two poems See Italy
exhibit, display Nagaaki Assistant minister Jade Lee see rates and Friends of the end of a long statement said a further request has been paid One-sided Then this write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
exhibit, display Nagaaki See other by rhyme of poetry
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Wen Ying

   Wang Yang

Order one foot before the grass together, the beginning of the forest oriole sings.
The bird I think a good solid Yan, people like to have edge to not earlier.
If the spring to make it lighter to move, who is tired of listening to tracks such as sweeping pity.
There is fear of corruption go recently, Fang Shu Belleview late March.
Sunny garden get up and down the book, Ru-language silent envy when true knowledge.
What evil bald birds dove ink, from entertainment every overcast.
Weng Zuma women ejection children, only we'd drop the body with the Han Yu.
Ru quit one thing Mohan sigh, son of the spring home of gold clothing.
Ru has no fortune blame shallow, the date of the status of different sub-Fu ramp.
Human evil is like the United States promise, and the Orioles as Johnson put language.
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