半窗幽梦微茫,歌罢钱塘,赋罢高塘。风入罗帏,爽入疏棂,月照纱窗。缥缈见梨花淡汝,依稀闻兰麝余香。唤起思量,待不思量,怎不思量。飘飘泊泊船揽定沙汀,悄悄冥冥。江树碧荧荧,半明不灭一点渔灯。冷冷清清潇湘景晚风生,淅留淅零墓雨初晴,皎皎洁洁照橹篷剔留团栾月明,正潇潇飒飒和银筝失留疏剌秋声。见希飏胡都茶客微醒,细寻寻思思双生双生,你可闪下苏卿? 楔子
【仙吕·赏花时】他是个矫帽轻衫小小郎,我是个绣帔香车楚楚娘,恰才貌正相当 。俺娘向阳台路上,高筑起一堵云雨墙。 【么篇】可待要隔断巫山窈窕娘,怨女鳏男各自伤,不争你左使着一片黑心肠。你 不拘箝我可倒不想,你把我越间阻越思量。
(同梅香下) (夫人云) 下次小的每,打扫书房,着孩儿安下,温习经史,不要误了茶饭。 (正末云) 母亲,休打扫书房,您孩儿便索长行,往京师应举去也。 (夫人云) 孩儿,且住一两日,行程也未迟哩。(诗云)试期尚远莫心焦,且在寒家过几 朝。 (正末诗云) 只为禹门浪暖催人去,因此匆匆未敢问桃夭。 (同下)
(正旦引梅香上,云) 妾身倩女,自从见了王生,神魂驰荡。谁想俺母亲诲了这亲事,着我拜他做哥 哥,不知主何意思?当此秋景,是好伤感人也呵! (唱)
【仙吕·点绛唇】捱彻凉宵,飒然惊觉,纱窗晓。落叶萧萧,满地无人扫。 【混江龙】可正是暮秋天道,尽收拾心事上眉捎,镜台儿何曾览照,绣针儿不待拈 着。常恨夜坐窗前烛影昏,一任晚妆楼上月儿高。俺本是乘鸾艳质,他须有中雀丰 标。苦被煞尊堂间阻,争把俺情义轻抛。空误了幽期密约,虚过了月夕花朝。无缘 配合,有分煎熬。情默默难解自无聊,病恹恹则怕娘知道。窥之远天宽地窄,染之 重梦断魂劳。
(梅香云) 姐姐,你省可里烦恼。 (正旦云) 梅香,似这等,几时是了也? (唱)
【油葫芦】他不病倒,我猜着敢消瘦了。被拘箝的不忿心,教他怎动脚?虽不是路 迢迢,早情随着云渺渺、泪洒做雨潇潇。不能勾傍阑干数曲湖山靠,恰便似望天涯 一点青山小。
(带云) 秀才他寄来的诗,也埋怨俺娘哩。 (唱)
他多管是意不平,自发扬,心不遂,闲缀作,十分的卖风骚,显秀丽,夸才调。我 这里详句法,看挥毫。 【天下乐】只道他读书人志气高,元来这凄凉甚日了。想俺这孤男寡女忒命薄!我 安排着鸳鸯宿锦被香,他盼望着鸾凤鸣琴瑟调。怎做得蝴蝶飞锦树绕。
(梅香云) 姐姐,那王秀才生的一表人物,聪明浪子,论姐姐这个模样,正和王秀才是一 对儿。姐姐,且宽心,省烦恼。 (正旦云) 梅香,似这般,如之奈何也! (唱)
【那吒令】我一年一日过了,团圆日较少;三十三天觑了,离恨天最高;四百四病 害了,相思病怎熬。
(带云) 他如今待应举去也呵! (唱)
(梅香云) 姐姐,那王生端的内才外才相称也。 (正旦唱)
【鹊踏枝】据胸次,那英豪;论人品,更清高。他管跳出黄尘,走上清霄。又不比 闹清晓茅檐燕雀,他是掣风涛混海鲸鳌。
(带云) 梅香,那书生呵! (唱)
【寄生草】他拂素楮鹅溪茧,蘸中山玉兔毫。不弱如骆宾王夜作论天表,也不让李 太白醉写平蛮稿,也不比汉相如病受征贤诏。他辛勤十年书剑洛阳城,决峥嵘一朝 冠盖长安道。
(梅香云) 姐姐,王生今日就要上朝应举去,老夫人着俺折柳亭与哥哥送路哩。 (正旦云) 梅香,咱折柳亭与王生送路去来。 (同下) (正末同夫人上,云) 母亲,今日是吉日良辰,你孩儿便索长行,往京师进取去也。 (夫人云) 孩儿,你既是要行,我在这折柳亭上与你饯行。小的每,请小姐来者。 (正旦引梅香上,云) 母亲,孩儿来了也。 (夫人云) 孩儿,今日在这折柳亭与你哥哥送路,你把一杯酒者。 (正旦云) 理会的。 (把酒科,云) 哥哥,满饮一杯。 (正末饮科,云) 母亲,你孩儿今日临行,有一言动问:当初先父母曾与母亲指腹成亲,俺母亲 生下小生,母亲添了小姐。后来小生父母双亡,数年光景,不曾成此亲事。小 生特来拜望母亲,就问这亲事。母亲着小姐以兄妹称呼,不知主何意?小生不 敢自专,母亲尊鉴不错。 (夫人云) 孩儿,你也说的是。老身为何以兄妹相呼?俺家三辈儿不招白衣秀士。想你学 成满腹文章,未曾进取功名。你如今上京师,但得一官半职,回来成此亲事, 有何不可? (正末云) 既然如此,索是谢了母亲,便索长得去也。 (正旦云) 哥哥,你若得了官时,是必休别接了丝鞭者! (正末云) 小姐但放心,小生得了官时,便来成此亲事也。 (正旦云) 好是难分别也呵! (唱)
【村里迓鼓】则他这渭城朝雨,洛阳残照,虽不唱阳关曲本,今日来祖送长安年少 。兀的不取次弃舍,等闲抛掉,因而零落!
(作叹科,云) 哥哥! (唱)
(正末云) 小姐,我若为了官呵,你就是夫人县君也。 (正旦唱)
【元和令】杯中酒和泪酌,心间事对伊道,似长亭折柳赠柔条。哥哥,你休有上梢 没下梢。从今虚度可怜宵,奈离愁不了!
(正末云) 往日小生也曾挂念来。 (正旦云) 今日更是凄凉也! (唱)
【上马娇】竹窗外响翠梢,苔砌下生绿草,书舍顿萧条,故园悄悄无人到。恨怎消 ,此际最难熬! 【游四门】抵多少彩云声断紫鸾箫,今夕何处系兰桡。片帆休遮西风恶,雪卷浪淘 淘。岸影高,千里水云飘。 【胜葫芦】你是必休做了冥鸿惜羽毛。常言道好事不坚牢。你身去休教心去了。对 郎君低告,恰梅香报道,恐怕母亲焦。
(夫人云) 梅香,看车儿着小姐回去。 (梅香云) 姐姐,上车儿者。 (正末云) 小姐请回,小生便索长行也。 (正旦唱)
【后庭花】我这里翠帘车先控着,他那里黄金镫懒去挑。我泪湿香罗袖,他鞭垂碧 玉梢。望迢迢恨堆满西风古道,想急煎煎人多情人去了,和青湛湛天有情天亦老。 俺气氲氲喟然声不安交,助疏剌剌动羁怀风乱扫,滴扑簌簌界残妆粉泪抛,洒细蒙 蒙邑香尘暮雨飘。 【柳叶儿】见淅零零满江干楼阁,我各剌剌坐车儿懒过溪桥,他圪蹬蹬马蹄儿倦上 皇州道。我一望望伤怀抱,他一步步待回镳,早一程程水远山遥。
(正末云) 小姐放心,小生得了官,便来取你。小姐请上车儿回去罢。 (正旦唱)
【赚煞】从今后只合题恨写芭蕉,不索占梦揲蓍草,有甚心肠更珠围翠绕。我这一 点真情魂缥渺,他去后,不离了前后周遭。厮随着司马题桥,也不指望驷马高车显 荣耀。不争把琼姬弃却,比及盼子高来到,早辜负了碧桃花下凤鸾交。
(同梅香下) (正末云) 你孩儿则今日拜别了母亲,便索长行也。左右,将马来,则今日进取功名,走 一遭去。 (下) (夫人云) 王秀才去了也,等他得了官回来,成就这门亲事,未为迟哩。 (下)
(夫人慌上,云) 欢喜未尽,烦恼又来。自从倩女孩儿在折柳亭与王秀才送路,辞别回家,得其 疾病,一卧不起。请的医人看治,不得痊可,十分沉重,如之奈何?则怕孩儿 思想汤水吃,老身亲自去绣房中探望一遭去来。 (下) (正末上,云) 小生王文举,自与小姐在折柳亭相别,使小生切切于怀,放心不下。今夜舣舟 江岸,小生横琴于膝,操一曲以适闷咱。 (做抚琴科) (正旦别扮离魂上,云) 妾身倩女,自与王生相别,思想的无奈,不如跟他同去,背着母亲,一径的赶 来。王生也,你只管去了,争知我如何过遣也呵! (唱)
【越调·斗鹌鹑】人去阳台,云归楚峡。不争他江渚停舟,几时得门庭过马。悄悄 冥冥,潇潇洒洒,我这里踏岸沙,步月华。我觑着这万水千山,都只在一时半霎。 【紫花儿序】想倩女心间离恨,赶王生柳外兰舟,似盼张骞天上浮槎。汗溶溶琼珠 莹脸,乱松松云髻堆鸦,走的我筋力疲乏。你莫不夜泊秦淮卖酒家,向断桥西下, 疏剌剌秋水孤浦,冷清清明月芦花。
(云) 走了半日,来到江边,听的人语喧闹,我试觑咱。 (唱)
【小桃红】蓦听得马嘶人语闹喧哗,掩映在垂杨下。唬的我心头丕丕那惊怕,原来 是响当当鸣榔板捕鱼虾。我这里顺西风悄悄听沉罢,趁着这厌厌露华,对着这澄澄 月下,惊的那呀呀呀寒雁起平沙。 【调笑令】向沙堤款踏,莎草带霜滑。掠湿湘裙翡翠纱,抵多少苍苔露冷凌波袜。 看江上晚来堪画,玩水壶潋滟天上下,似一片碧玉无瑕。 【秃厮儿】你觑远浦孤鹜落霞,枯藤老树昏鸦。听长笛一声何处发,歌[矣欠]乃 ,橹咿哑。
(云) 兀那船头上琴声响,敢是王生?我试听咱。 (唱)
【圣药王】近蓼洼,望[艹频]花,有折蒲衰柳老蒹葭。近水凹,傍短槎,见烟笼 寒水月笼沙,茅舍两三家。
(正末云) 这等夜深,只听得岸上女人声音,好似我倩女小姐,我试问一声波。 (做问科,云) 那壁不是倩女小姐么?这早晚来此怎的? (魂旦相见科,云) 王生也,我背着母亲,一径的赶将你来,咱同上京去罢。 (正末云) 小姐,你怎生直赶到这里来? (魂旦唱)
【麻郎儿】你好是舒心的伯牙,我做了没路的浑家。你道我为甚么私离绣榻?待和 伊同走天涯。
(正末云) 小姐是车儿来?是马儿来? (魂旦唱)
【么】险把咱家走乏。比及你远赴京华,薄命妾为伊牵挂,思量心几时撇下。 【络丝娘】你抛闪咱比及见咱,我不瘦杀多应害杀。
(正末云) 若老夫人知道,怎了也? (魂旦唱)
(正末做怒科,云) 古人云:“聘则为妻,奔则为妾。”老夫人许了亲事,待小生得官,回来谐两 姓之好,却不名正言顺。你今私自赶来,有玷风化,是何道理? (魂旦云) 王生! (唱)
【雪里梅】你振色怒增加,我凝睇不归家。我本真情,非为相唬,已主定心猿意马 。
(正末云) 小姐,你快回去罢! (魂旦唱)
【紫花儿序】只道你急煎煎趱登程路,元来是闷沉沉困倚琴书,怎不教我痛煞煞泪 湿琵琶。有甚心着雾鬓轻笼蝉翅,双眉淡扫宫鸦。似落絮飞花,谁待问出外争如只 在家。更无多话,愿秋风驾百尺高帆,尽春光付一树铅华。
(云) 王秀才,赶你不为别,我只防你一件。 (正末云) 小姐,防我那一件来? (魂旦唱)
【东原乐】你若是赴御宴琼林罢,媒人每拦住马,高挑起染渲佳人丹青画,卖弄他 生长在王侯宰相家。你恋着那奢华,你敢新婚燕尔在他门下?
(正末云) 小生此行,一举及第,怎敢忘了小姐! (魂旦云) 你若得登第呵, (唱)
【绵搭絮】你做了贵门娇客,一样矜夸。那相府荣华,锦绣堆压,你还想飞入寻常 百姓家?那时节似鱼跃龙门播海涯,饮御酒,插宫花,那其间占鳌头、占鳌头登上 甲。
(正末云) 小生倘不中呵,却是怎生? (魂旦云) 你若不中呵,妾身荆钗裙布,愿同甘苦。 (唱)
【拙鲁速】你若是似贾谊困在长沙,我敢似孟光般显贤达。休想我半星儿意差,一 分儿抹搭。我情愿举案齐眉傍书榻,任粗粝淡薄生涯,遮莫戴荆钗、穿布麻。
(正末云) 小姐既如此真诚志意,就与小生同上京去,如何? (魂旦云) 秀才肯带妾身去呵, (唱)
【么篇】把稍公快唤咱,恐家中厮捉拿。只见远树寒鸦,岸草汀沙,满目黄花,几 缕残霞。快先把云帆高挂,月明直下,便东风刮,莫消停,疾进发。
(正末云) 小姐,则今日同我上京应举去来。我若得了官,你便是夫人县君也。 (魂旦唱)
【收尾】各剌剌向长安道上把车儿驾,但愿得文苑客当时奋发。则我这临邛市沽酒 卓文君,甘伏待你濯锦江题桥汉司马。
(正末引祗从人上,云) 小官王文举,自到都下,撺过卷子,小官日不移影,应对万言,圣人大喜,赐 小官状元及第。夫人也随小官至此。我如今修一封平安家书,差人岳母行报知 。左右的,将笔砚来。 (做写书科,云) 写就了也,我表白一遍咱:“寓都下小婿王文举拜上岳母座前:自到阙下,一 举状元及第。待受官之后,文举同小姐一时回家。万望尊慈垂照,不宣。”书 已写了,左右的,与我唤张千来。 (净扮张千上)(诗云) 我做伴当实是强,公差干事多的当。一日走了三百里,第二日刚刚捱下炕。自 家张千的便是。状元爷呼唤,须索走一遭去。 (做见科,云) 爷唤张千那厢使用? (正末云) 张千,你将这一封平安家信,直至衡州,寻问张公弼家投下。你见了老夫人, 说我得了官也。你小心在意者! (净接书云) 张千知道了,我将着这一封书,直至衡州走一遭去。 (同下) (老夫人上,云) 谁想倩女孩儿,自与王生别后,卧病在床,或言或笑,不知是何症候。这两日 不曾看他,老身须亲看去。 (下) (正旦抱病,梅香扶上,云) 自从王秀才去后,一卧不起,但合眼便与王生在一处,则被这相思病害杀人也 呵! (唱)
【中吕·粉蝶儿】自执手临岐,空留下这场憔悴,想人生最苦别离。说话处少精神 ,睡卧处无颠倒,茶饭上不知滋味。似这般废寝忘食,折挫得一日瘦如一日。 【醉春风】空服遍瞑眩药不能痊,知他这[月音][月赞]病何日起?要好时直等 的见他时,也只为这症候因他上得、得。一会家缥缈呵忘了魂灵,一会家精细呵使 着躯壳,一会家混沌呵不知天地。
(云) 我眼里只见王生在面前,原来是梅香在这里!梅香,如今是甚时候了? (梅香云) 如今春光将尽,绿暗红稀,将近四月也。 (正旦唱)
(带云) 王生,你好下的也! (唱)
(梅香云) 姐姐,俺姐夫去了未及一年,你如何这等想他? (正旦唱)
我则道相别也数十年,我则道相隔着几万里,为数归期,则那竹院里刻遍琅[王干 ]翠。 【红绣鞋】去时节杨柳西风秋日,如今又过了梨花暮雨寒食。
(梅香云) 姐姐,你可曾卜一卦么? (正旦唱)
(夫人上,云) 来到孩儿房门首也。梅香,你姐姐较好些么? (正旦云) 是谁? (梅香云) 是奶奶来看你哩。 (正旦云) 我每日眼界只见王生,那曾见母亲来? (夫人云) 孩儿,你病体如何? (正旦唱)
【普天乐】想鬼病最关心,似宿酒迷春睡。绕晴雪杨花陌上,趁东风燕子楼西。抛 闪杀我年少人,辜负了这韶华日。早是离愁添萦系,更那堪景物狼藉。愁心惊一声 鸟啼,薄命趁一春事已,香魂逐一片花飞。
(正旦昏科) (夫人云) 孩儿,你挣挫些儿! (正旦醒科) (唱)
(夫人云) 我请个良医来调治你。 (正旦唱)
(夫人云) 我如今着人请王生去。 (正旦唱)
(夫人云) 王生去了,再无音信寄来。 (正旦唱)
他不寄个报喜的信息缘何意,有两件事我先知。 【斗鹌鹑】他得了官别就新婚,剥落呵羞归故里。
(夫人云) 孩儿休过虑,且将息自己。 (正旦唱)
(夫人云) 孩儿吃些汤粥? (正旦云)母亲, (唱)
(云) 我这一会昏沉上来,只待睡些儿哩。 (夫人云) 梅香,休要吵闹,等他歇息,我且回去咱。 (夫人同梅香下) (正旦睡科) (正末上见旦科,云) 小姐,我来看你哩! (正旦云) 王生,你在那里来? (正末云) 小姐,我得了官也! (正旦唱)
【上小楼】则道你辜恩负德,你原来得官及第。你直叩丹墀,夺得朝章,换却白衣 。觑面仪,比向日,相别之际,更有三千丈五陵豪气。
(正末云) 小姐,我去也。 (下) (正旦醒科,云) 分明见王生,说得了官也,醒来却是南柯一梦! (唱)
【么篇】空疑惑了大一会,恰分明这搭里。俺淘写相思,叙问寒温,诉说真实。他 紧摘离,我猛跳起,早难寻难觅,只见这冷清清半竿残日。
(梅香上,云) 姐姐,为何大惊小怪的? (正旦云) 我恰才梦见王生,说他得了官也! (唱)
【十二月】元来是一枕南柯梦里,和二三子文翰相知。他访四科、习五常典礼,通 六艺、有七步才识,凭八韵、赋纵横大笔,九天上得遂风雷。 【尧民歌】想十年身到凤凰池,和九卿相八元辅劝金杯。则他那七言诗六合里少人 及,端的个五福全四气备,占抡魁震三月春雷。双亲行先报喜,都为这一纸登科记 。
(净上,云) 自家张千的便是。奉俺王相公言语,差来衡州下家书。寻问张公弼宅子,人说 这里就是。 (做见梅香科,云) 姐姐,唱喏哩! (梅香云) 兀那厮,你是甚么人? (净云) 这里敢是张相公宅子么? (梅香云) 则这里就是,你问怎的? (净云) 我是京师来的。俺王相公得了官也,着我寄书来,与家里夫人知道。 (梅香云) 你则在这里,我和小姐说去。 (见正旦科,云) 姐姐,王秀才得了官也!着人寄家书来,见在门首哩! (正旦云) 着他过来! (梅香见净云) 兀那寄书的,过去见小姐。 (净见正旦惊科,背云) 一个好夫人也!与我家奶奶生的一般儿! (回云) 我是京师王相公差我寄书来与夫人。 (正旦云) 梅香,将书来与我看。 (梅香云) 兀那汉子,将书来。 (净递书科) (正旦念书科,云) “寓都下小婿王文举拜上岳母座前:自到阙下,一举状元及第。待受官之后, 文举同小姐一时回家。万望尊慈垂照,不宣。”他原来有了夫人也!兀的不气 杀我也! (气倒科) (梅香救科,云) 姐姐,苏醒者! (正旦醒科) (梅香云) 都是这寄书的! (做打净科) (正旦云) 王生,则被你痛杀我也! (唱)
【哨遍】将往事从头思忆,百年情只落得一口长吁气。为甚么把婚聘礼不曾题?恐 少年堕落了春闱。想当日在竹边书舍,柳外离亭,有多少徘徊意。争奈匆匆去急, 再不见音容潇洒,空留下这词翰清奇。把巫山错认做望夫石,将小简帖联做断肠集 。恰微雨初阴,早皓月穿窗,使行云易飞。 【耍孩儿】俺娘把冰绡剪破鸳鸯只,不忍别远送出阳关数里。此时有意送征帆,无 计住雕鞍,奈离愁与心事相随。愁萦遍、垂杨古驿丝千缕,泪添满、落日长亭酒一 杯。从此去,孤辰限,凄凉日,忆乡关愁云阻隔,着床枕鬼病禁持。 【四煞】都做了一春鱼雁无消息,不甫能一纸音书盼得,我则道春心满纸墨淋漓, 原来比休书多了个封皮。气的我痛如泪血流难尽,争些魂逐东风吹不回。秀才每心 肠黑,一个个贫儿乍富,一个个饱病难医。 【三煞】这秀才则好谒僧堂三顿斋,则好拨寒炉一夜灰,则好教偷灯光凿透邻家壁 ,则好教一场雨淹了中庭麦,则好教半夜雷轰了荐福碑。不是我闲淘气,便死呵死 而无怨,待悔呵悔之何及! 【二煞】倩女呵病缠身,则愿的天可怜。梅香呵我心事则除是你尽知。望他来表白 我真诚意,半年甘分耽疾病,镇日无心扫黛眉。不甫能捱得到今日,头直上打一轮 皂盖,马头前列两行朱衣。 【尾煞】并不闻琴边续断弦,倒做了山间滚磨旗。[戋刂]地接丝鞭别娶了新妻室 。这是我弃死忘生落来的!
(梅香扶正旦下) (净云) 都是俺爷不是了!你娶了老婆便罢,又着我寄纸书来作什么?我则道是平安家 信,原来是一封休书,把那小姐气死了,梅香又打了我一顿。想将起来,都是 俺爷不是了! (诗云) 想他做事没来由,寄的书来惹下愁。若还差我再寄信,只做乌龟缩了头。 (下)
(正末上,云) 欢来不似今朝,喜来那逢今日。小官王文举,自从与夫人到于京师,可早三年 光景也。谢圣恩可怜,除小官衡州府判,着小官衣锦还乡。左右,收拾行装, 辆起细车儿,小官同夫人往衡州赴任去。则今日好日辰,便索长行也。 (魂旦上,云) 相公,我和你两口儿衣锦还乡,谁想有今日也呵! (唱)
【黄钟·醉花阴】行李萧萧倦修整,甘岁月淹留帝京。只听得花外杜鹃声,催起归 程。将往事从头省,我心坎上犹自不惺惺,做了场弃业抛家恶梦境。 【喜迁莺】据才郎心性,莫不是向天公买拨来的聪明?那更内才外才相称,一见了 不由人不动情。忒志诚,兀的不倾了人性命!引了人魂灵!
(正末云) 小姐兜住马慢慢的行将去。 (魂旦唱)
【出队子】骑一匹龙驹畅好口硬,恰便似驮张纸不恁般轻。腾腾腾收不住玉勒常是 虚惊,火火火坐不稳雕鞍[戋刂]地眼生,撒撒撒挽不定丝缰则待撺行。 【刮地风】行了些这没撒和的长途有十数程,越恁的骨瘦蹄轻。暮春天景物撩人兴 ,更见景留情。怪的是满路花生,一攒攒绿杨红杏,一双紫燕黄莺,一对蜂、一对 蝶、各相比并。想天公知他是怎生,不肯教恶了人情。 【四门子】中间里列一道红芳径,教俺美夫妻并马儿行。自如今富贵还乡井,方信 道耀门闾昼锦荣。若见俺娘,那一会惊,刚道来的话儿不中听。是这等门厮当,户 厮撑,怎教咱做妹妹哥哥答应? 【古水仙子】全不想这姻亲是旧盟,则待教祆庙火刮刮匝匝烈焰生,将水面上鸳鸯 忒楞楞腾分开交颈,疏剌剌沙鞴雕鞍撒了锁[革呈],厮琅琅汤偷香处喝号提铃, 支楞楞争弦断了不续碧玉筝,吉丁丁[王当]精砖上摔破菱花镜,扑通通冬井底坠 银瓶。
(正末云) 早来到家中也。小姐,我先过去。 (做见跪云) 母亲,望饶恕你孩儿罪犯则个! (夫人云) 你有何罪? (正未云) 小生不合私带小姐上京,不曾告知。 (夫人云) 小姐现今染病在床,何曾出门?你说小姐在那里? (魂旦见科) (夫人云) 这必是鬼魅! (魂旦唱)
【古寨儿令】可怜我伶丁也那伶仃,阁不住两泪盈盈,手拍着胸脯自招承,自感叹 ,自伤情,自懊悔,自由性。 【古神杖儿】俺娘他毒害的有名,全无那子母面情。则被他将一个痴小冤家,送的 来离乡背井。每日价烦烦恼恼,孤孤另另。少不得厌煎成病,断送了泼残生。
(正末云) 小鬼头,你是何处妖精?从实说来!若不实说,一剑挥之两段。 (做拔剑砍科) (魂旦惊科,云) 可怎了也! (唱)
【么篇】没揣的一声狠似雷霆,猛可里唬一惊丢了魂灵。这的是俺娘的弊病,要打 灭丑声,佯做个呓挣。妖精也甚精?男儿也,看我这旧恩情,你且放我去,与夫人 亲折证。
(夫人云) 王秀才,且留人,他道不是妖精,着他到房中看,那个是伏侍他的梅香? (梅香扶正旦昏睡科) (魂旦见科,唱)
【挂金锁】蓦入门庭,则教我立不稳行不正。望见首饰妆奁,志不宁心不定。见几 个年少丫环,口不住手不停;拥着个半死佳人,唤不醒呼不应。 【尾声】猛地回身来合并,床儿畔一盏孤灯。兀良,早则照不见伴人清瘦影。
(魂旦附正旦体科,下) (梅香做叫科,云) 小姐!小姐!王姐夫来了也! (正旦醒科,云) 王郎在那里? (正末云) 小姐在那里? (梅香云) 恰才那个小姐附在俺小姐身上,就苏醒了也。 (旦、末相见科) (正末云) 小生得官后,着张千曾寄书来。 (正旦唱)
【侧砖儿】哎!你个辜恩负德王学士,今日也有称心时。不甫能盼得音书至,倒揣 与我个闷弓儿! 【竹枝歌】打听为官折了桂枝,别取了新婚甚意思?着妹妹目下恨难支,把哥哥闲 传示。则问这小妮子,被我都嘶嘶的扯做纸条儿。
(正末云) 小姐分明在京,随我三年,今日如何合为一体? (正旦唱)
【水仙子】想当日暂停征棹饮离尊,生恐怕千里关山劳梦频。没揣的灵犀一点潜相 引,便一似生个身外身,一般般两个佳人:那一个跟他取应,这一个淹煎病损。母 亲,则这是倩女离魂。
(夫人云) 天下有如此异事!今日是吉日良辰,与你两口儿成其亲事。小姐就受五花官诰 ,做了夫人县君也。一面杀羊造酒,做个大大庆喜的筵席。 (诗云) 凤阙诏催征举子,阳关曲惨送行人。 调素琴王生写恨,迷青锁倩女离魂。
题目 调素琴王生写恨 楔子
[仙吕赏花时] 灭纣主残殷以敬天,祀后稷南郊以配天。愿陛下福齐天,九五数飞龙在天。昨日商今日周别换了一重天。
[仙吕点绛唇] 后稷躬耕,帝尧征聘,封姬姓。农务兴行,周业从兹盛。
[混江龙] 太公修公刘德行,岐山下市井不年成。王季立丕承祖考,太伯贤远入蛮荆。次及西伯文王善养老,直至当今天下致昇平。当此际纣君暴虐,废天时殷道难行。宠妲己贪淫寺庙,信恶来滥法极刑。建鹿台宫为九市,奏淫歌夜至达明。酒为池可行舟楫,肉为林不问羶腥。裸形体去逐男女,剖心肝故杀公卿。天降灾三年不雨,民失业四海逃生。听众口一词可伐,会诸侯八百来盟。戊午日孟津师度,甲子日牧野交兵。彼纣王火中燔死,妲己氏剑下尸横。秉金钺吊民伐罪,偃旗鼓□□□□。阴阳再判,日月重明。万邦入贡,五穀丰登。家无事,国先宁,绝揽扰,得安宁。顺皇天洗净日边云,与黎民去却心头病。恰救得苍生安息,便不能得龙休安宁!
[油葫芦] 今日祝册修成将坛墠登,心志诚,愿三天上享降威灵。官里无贪淫贪欲贪能性,都子为忧国忧民忧成病。配三才天地人,明三光日月星。百姓将及时甘雨将君恩并,却难主上望长生。
[天下乐] 点点咸呼万岁声。今上神灵,虽圣明,不如云予仁若考多艺能。愿三天神意察,把吾皇寿考增,宁可促微臣老性命!
[那吒令] 定华夷九鼎,得乾坤正型。恰箫韶九成,倣《关睢》正声。早春秋九令,入桑榆暮景。金声鸣清庙钟,玉振响明堂磬,血食列俎豆牺牲。
[鹊踏枝] 为君疾不能兴,求占卜可宜行。虽生死各尽天年,要阴阳不顺人情。比及齐七政璇玑玉衡,先索推五行启木柜金縢。
[寄生草] 演九五三一数,兆乾元亨利贞。当元定太初一气剖判为伏羲圣,自后立六十四卦彖彖是先君定,如今折四十九茎蓍草卜当今命。果必有祸福,愿先天无咎神鬼言。设若见吉祥,是主人有福牙推胜。
[ㄠ篇] 陛下放心!不足以为天异,何劳的苦圣情。陛下梦身穿赤色是周家正,陛下见天分乾象为文章盛,陛下慌地开坤轴主烟尘净。太阴昏,被日夺了东海月华阴;帝星无,为云遮了北斗杓儿柄。
[六ㄠ序] 不争掩弃却周天下,永别离老弟兄。交谁忧念四海生灵?凤凰雏羽未全成,犁牛子角未能騂。然如此,把后朝遗嘱的分明。耳边听,口不住称神圣,臣唯能喏喏连声。临大节怎敢违尊命,钦依圣教,死后愚诚。
[ㄠ篇] 臣虽无能,辅朝廷,寄命叮咛,密旨亲听,社稷重兴。付能臣支撑,忠信难凭,天地为盟,上有苍冥。倘或天不容,吾皇驾崩,陛下放心,这公事便索行。临至日,若是上下交征,内外差争,老微臣怎地施行?(驾与剑了)这剑斩不臣夷背逆诛谗佞。圣旨道:无銮驾如朕亲行。臣既能如此持威柄,其教不严而治,其政不肃而成。
[赚煞] 恰把密旨暗中传,不想大事须臾定。臣怎敢使赤子匐匍入井?臣该万死,怎敢当篡位夺权恶罪名!他小则小神武文明。此件事不为轻,怎敢谄谀龙情?臣依着天道人心顺处行。(驾云了)且休问人心怎生,现如今天心先应。臣夜观乾象不见别,见明滴溜照东宫一点紫微星。
[中吕粉蝶儿] 想众口嗷嗷,苦残殷纣王无道。昨日致师於牧野商郊。一戎衣,天下定,宣明王教。怎生便凤返丹霄?哭一声痛连心血流七窍!
[醉春风] 当初成大业建元疾,今日弃臣民归去早。无为而治数十年,陛下今日早了,俺几时了?直等立新君呵了。恰葬罢山陵,索问乎国政,定其尊号。
[迎仙客] 今日册东宫登宝位,代先帝拜南郊。(云了)听言绝擗踊一声险气倒。然如此省艰难,怕乞良的成病了。殿下!这孝子心难学,将奈何周宗庙。(驾云了)
[上小楼] 谁不知商均德薄,都子为丹朱不肖。殿下仁胜殷汤,贤效虞姚,德似唐尧。现如今狱讼彰,盼望着,黎民歌乐。殿下践皇基,正是用天之道。
[ㄠ篇] 习先考能用贤,学文王善养老。自然配却三才,应却三台,窜却三苗。但凡事谨守着,父之道,别无得教。子这的是普天之下太平之兆。
[满庭芳] 臣合当金瓜碎脑。君再让八般大礼,臣索跳九鼎油镬。若论着安邦治国非臣功效,是两般文武大小臣僚。(驾云了)不干臣事。召公奭扶持的乾坤定天清地浊,毕公高燮理的阴阳正雨顺风调。若论着顺有道伐无道,戊午日兵临孟水,甲子日血浸朝歌,亏负杀吕望六韬。(小驾云了)更是枉了他贵蓑衣不换柘黄袍。
[普天乐] 龙椅上紧扶着,大小官员扬尘舞蹈。若有个敢喧呼的正犯新条,依班次休怠慢分毫。百官每听处分,一齐的忙呼噪。扶持着有德的君王,谁敢违拗?不是请来的先君剑利水吹毛,他子索封侯拜爵,称臣上表,列土分茅!
[耍孩儿] 悲呵,悲定寰区的圣主归天早,喜呵,喜继万世君王定了。休道人,子这天无语垂象也报斯民,便阴阳二气和调。先君崩,愁云冷雾迷坤宙;新君立,和气春风满市朝。臣不敢奉先君诏,德不及夔龙禹稷,才不及伊尹皋陶。
[ㄠ篇] 便交臣身居冢宰为阿保,这一遍公徒也不小。知他蒙先君寄命托微臣,不知的道有心待窥伺皇朝!休将军国咨臣下,能把文章教尔曹。(太后云了)(做不稳科)臣坐子坐,把不定心头跳。伴君王坐朝问道,把微臣立草为标。
[三煞] 不肖呵,虽近族呵削了大权,贤仁的,虽草泽呵加与重爵。正箫韶明周礼开学校。一壁交有司家削减的刑罚省,一壁交关市处征收的税歛薄。释了故杀,饶了强盗。济贫困,不敢侮於鳏寡;免差徭,而况取於逋逃!
[二煞] 从今后,划地拖带着一身疾病;从今后,划地使作的心碎了;从今后,划地学舜之徒,孳孳为善从头鸡儿叫;从今后,划地为宗庙呵,春秋祭祀周三祖;从今后,划地忧天下呵,日夜思量计万条。臣不得已非心乐,划地似临深渊般兢兢战战,履薄冰般怯怯乔乔。
[尾] 宣化的臣民内外服,将傍的君王寿数高。等天子将摄行的国事亲临御,微臣报国忠心恁时了。
[越调斗鹌鹑] 从先帝升遐,当今嗣国,宗祀明堂,歌谣圣德,诵《尧典》微言,达《洪范》至理。寄命时托柱石,抱孤的慎鼎彝。化被蒿菜,仁沾动植。
[紫花儿序] 奏武乐一人有庆,拜旒冕万国咸臻,偃兵戈四海无敌。恐民乱摄行国事,为君幼权典枢机。但将傍的他朝夕,归政与君王就臣位,便是我孝当竭力。上不愧三庙威灵,下不欺九曲黔黎。
[小桃红] 微臣冠服衮冕执桓圭,坐休近蟠龙椅。他每北面而朝,能可南面而立。臣恐夫尊卑,将无能冢宰权休罪。第一来曾奉的先君圣敕,第二来现佐着当今皇帝。若不如此,怎敢看稳拍拍文武班齐。
[雪里梅] 为甚不交你皓首退朝归,似你般白发故人稀。能可你赞拜休名,逸居免跪,凡事便宜。
[鬼三台] 陛下道他当日,执纶竿为活计。早忘了戊午日兵临孟水,甲子日,胜商纣,一戎衣,夺与咱江山社稷。陛下道,微臣恋他子甚的?咱家里太公望子之久矣。他未尝离先帝玉辂车中,他须曾到文王飞熊梦里!
[金蕉叶] 末不谁把贤门闭塞,为甚把銮舆指斥?你快说离却淮夷的日期。(净云了)既不到淮夷,怎知这背反朝廷的信息?
[调笑令] 客旅每报知,这的是真实。可知道路上行人口胜碑。我子为君王幼小权监国,除此外别无他意。「公将不利於孺子!」慌向丹墀内俯伏呼万岁,臣死无葬身之地。
[秃廝儿] 臣子是为冢宰安邦治国,怎敢道欺幼主立位登基?愿君臣表白臣所为,免令的,小民每,猜疑。
[圣药王] 君也头不抬,文武每口难启。恁地呵,老微臣不死是为贼!臣委实无此心,到如今说甚的!尽忠心有口怎分析,惟有老天知!
[麻郎儿] 事既该十恶大逆,罪合当万剐凌迟。愿把臣全家监籍,乞将臣九族诛夷。
[ㄠ篇] 恁地,却依,正理。坏了臣於法合宜,坏了臣於民有益,不坏臣於君不利。
[络丝娘] 若不坏呵,三千里流言怎息?若不坏呵,如今武庚助纣作业,管权又背乱为非,蔡叔将军储供给,霍叔又戈甲相随!蹅踏东土,震动京畿,怎奈何四五处烟尘并起。谢太后和君王赦臣无罪,若谢恩了敢虚做了真实。
[东原乐] 微臣当辞位,宜弃职,乞放残骸归田里。娘娘道不放微臣出宫闱,进退两难为。微臣叩头出血,免冠请罪。
[绵搭絮] 为甚把金盆约退,非敢把懿旨相违。微臣身沾着罪恶,点污尽忠直。濯呵濯得了腮边血污,涤呵涤得净面上尘灰。娘娘,子这绿水何曾洗是非,白首无堪问鼎彝。现如今内外差池,事难行当恁的?
[拙鲁速] 一人交太公拥旌旗,三监共武庚听消息。这老子若到那里,不分个等级,莫想问周室宗族纣苗裔。他恁大年纪,统领着军骑。他老将会兵机,敢土平了三四国。
[ㄠ篇] 此一行,眼见的老微臣三不归,怎施呈大将军八面威。未曾了前罪,又持着兵卫。怕主公难意,大臣猜忌,愿情的把家私封记,老妻留系,伯禽监系,俺一家儿当纳质。
[收尾] 恁两个柱石臣,善事当今帝。咱尽衰老齐家治国。等齐了管叔鲜、蔡叔度,现放着毕公高、召公奭。
[双调新水令] 当初被流言千里地定了江淮,更怕为臣的坐观成败。今却能够见公侯伯子男,呵,叹自己年月日时胎。当初把福变为灾,今日否极也却生泰。
[驻马听] 当初离凤阙瑶阶,管叔鲜诬我全无经济才。自从启金縢玉册,姜太公从头钓出是非来。我想金縢锁鈅未能开,知他我满门良贱今何在?子为有神灵,也显得我无罪责。我有别心呵,这其间神不容地不载天不盖!
[乔牌儿] 士民每当拦断十字街,见官里步行出午门外。锦衣花帽权停待,官里向前行,您将我肩上抬?
[挂玉钩] 你真个不放也,我舍了老性命,就肩舆上跳下来!(放了)(云了)为甚懒向龙床前蓦,臣又怕第二遍流言赶下来。庶几广民之爱,君托付,臣庇赖。元首明哉,股肱良哉!
[川拨棹] 我一脚地过江淮,怎生便祸从从天上来?是怨气沉埋,被元气沖开。雷震瑶台,风鼓阴霾。您怎生燮理阴阳,调和鼎鼐!那风,撼乾坤搅世界,走沙石昏日色,偃田禾伤稼穑,拔林木倒殿阶。
[水仙子] 您可甚春风来似不曾来,不知当日灾因那个灾?若不如此呵,尽今生老死居朝外。老微臣甚风儿吹到来,天心与人意和谐。非是臣威风太,只因君前过改,禾复起枯树上花开。
[沽美酒] 如今被论人当了罪责,不想那元告人安然在。快将那陈言献策的请过来!(净云了)向口上疾忙便掴,非是臣不宽太。
[太平令] 打,打这廝冻妻子舌尖口快,打,打这廝图哺啜信口胡开,打,打这廝大共小着谗言搅坏,打,打这廝没的有把平人展赖。将口来,豁开,至两腮。不恁的呵,这人说是非的除天可害!
[甜水令] 今日个将汝擒获,对证无差,并赃拿败,须是你福去一时来。他每个个称词,一一从实,老臣频频加额,折证的文状明白。
[折桂令] 见的臣胸中无半点尘埃。霍叔,将他官削了去下玄帛,蔡叔,将他递流入千里琼崖。把这两个,七事儿分开,转送交普天之下,号令明白。为甚把背歹心刑於四海,交知这吃剑头日转千阶!便把你碜可可的血浸尸骸,不由我普速速泪落双腮。兄弟呵,哭你的是痛杀杀昆仲情怀,坏你的是清耿耿国家盟册
[雁儿落] 当初呵摄政有利害,今日归政了无妨碍。现如今天年已六旬,圣德光三代。
[得胜令] 陛下今日国政自能裁,老臣今日舞蹈口难开。生不负先君命,老还归宰相阶。往常坐地的情怀,臣委实身无措心无奈。今日拜舞虽囊揣,倒大来千自由百自在!
[落梅风] 伯禽备法驾非公道,微臣免朝请忒分外。君臣遇一朝一代。(太后云了)娘娘道,临大节不可夺当为鉴戒。听道罢,痛连心性,气夯胸怀。臣不忠不孝,无德无才。想建千年基业,留万世恩泽,会为君,能使臣,托孤的主人安在!
题目 说武庚管叔流言 楔子
[仙吕赏花时] 豚犬东行百步忧,趁里鵰鹗西风万里秋。非拙计岂狂游。凭着雄才大手,谈笑间觅封侯。
[仙吕点绛唇] 虽是我家业凋残,少年可惯,人轻慢。长铗空弹,贫贱非吾患。
[混江龙] 我与人秋毫无犯,子被这兄昂昂误得我鬓斑斑。久居在箪瓢陋巷,风雪柴关。饭甑有尘蛛网乱,地炉无火酒瓶干。划地向天涯流落,海角飘零?中年已过,百事无成,捱不出伤官破祖穷愁限。在人闾阎之下,眉睫之间。
[油葫芦] 你休笑我书生胆气寒,看承我如等闲。子为敝裘常怯晓霜寒,(云)只重衣衫不重人,信有之。有人也作儿曹看,恨无端一郡苍生眼。我量宽如东大海,志高如西华山。则为五行差干运难迭办,不得随圣主展江山。
[天下乐] 因此上时复挑灯把剑看!那的每酸寒,怎挂眼,都待要论黄数黑在笔砚间!他教童蒙数子顽,我辅皇朝万世安,枉将人一例看。
[哪吒令] 我怎肯空隐在,严子陵钓滩?我怎肯甘老在,班定远玉关?(云)大丈夫仗鸿鹄之志,据英济之才,我则待大走上,韩元帅将坛。我虽贫呵,乐有余,心无惮。脱不得二字飢寒。
[鹊踏枝] 赤紧地仕途,主人悭。那里取握发周公,下榻陈蕃?直冻饿死闲居的范丹,难忧愁杀卧高卧袁安。
[寄生草] 伊埋没在耕锄内,傅说劬劳在板筑间。今日有宁戚慢叹白石烂,有太公空钓在蟠溪岸,有灵辄谁济桑间饭?哀哉堪恨小人儒,呜呼不识男儿汉。
[ㄠ篇] 你个田文傲,怎做剑客看?待贤知得伊辞惮,学鸡落得人轻慢,无鱼赢得咱悲叹!你虽然紫袍金带禄千锺,不敢养锦衣绣? 军十万。
[六ㄠ序] 投奔你为东道,依靠你如泰山,似惊鸟月冷枝寒。镜里空看,冠上空弹,前程事非易非难。蛰龙奋起非为晚,待春雷震破天关。有一日应飞熊得志扶炎汉,离了绳枢瓮牖,平步上玉砌雕栏。
[ㄠ篇] 得见天颜,列在朝班;书吓南蛮,威摄诸藩;内屏奸谗,外镇边关;整顿江山,平治尘寰。紫绶乌靴象简,不教人下眼看。这萍梗身闲,尘土衣单,(带云)我不常如是,也须有个天数循环!轮还我不平愤气空长叹,充塞乎天地之间。那漫漫长夜何时旦?看斩蛟北海,射虎南山。
[金盏儿] 屈於不知已岂愁烦,伸於知已有何难!他无意济辙鱼江汉,何愁晚,空教我趋前退后两三番。我能可困於陈蔡地,饿死首阳山。我想挂冠归去好,谁待义手告人难!
[醉扶归] 论文呵笔扫云烟散,论武呵剑射斗牛寒。扫荡妖氛不足难。折末待掌帅府居文翰,不消我羽扇纶巾坐间,敢破强虏三十万!
[赚煞] 持翰墨谒荆州,似展羽翼腾霄汉,子今夜梦先到襄江岘山。楚天阔宁如蜀道难,得了白金骏马雕鞍。我若是到荆樊,则原得人马平安,稳情取峥嵘现眼。略别波放鱼子产,试看屠龙王粲,有一日锦衣含笑入长安。
[正宫端正好] 穿草履践程途,几时得鞭羸马催行色,拂西风满面尘埃。昨朝风送烟波侧,今日个落日个青山外。
[滚绣球] 我比那买官的省玉帛,我比那求仕的费草鞋。好难寻呵紫袍金带,今日见荆王便是苦尽甘来。如还到院宅,把书拆开,多管是降阶而接待,岂不闻有朋自远方来。你看我坐间,略陈素稿安邦策,荆王呵,你子索高筑黄金拜将台,更不索疑猜。
[倘秀才] 如今布衣人平登省第,真乃是挟泰山以超北海。如今他可也不问文才子论财。难寻东道主,因此上久困在书斋,别无甚利害。
[滚绣球] 非是王仲宣胸次高,赤紧的晏平仲度量窄。喒远远地谒他来,初相见,弟兄情怕不廝亲廝爱。他问道:「老兄此一来,有何贵干?」咱实诉:「知得老兄峥嵘,特来投奔。」则一句,唬的他不抬头口便难开。便待推託,怎违相知面皮?好,好,等三日赉发老兄。少呵,等十朝待半月;多呵,得赉发银一两钱二百。那一场赉发人大惊小怪!当得无话休,或一句差,「这廝没饭生受时,我曾赉发他盘缠来!」对相知朗然花白。如今友人门下难投託,因此上安乐窝中且避乖,倒大悠哉。
[呆古朵] 半生牢落,一介寒儒。走将来权临极品,印掌三台。掌荆襄帅府威风大,不想白衣中日转千阶。又不曾驱六甲风雷,辨三光气色。至如写下论天表,草下平蛮策。王粲子是簪缨门下人,怎做得斗牛星畔客。
[倘秀才] 止不过屈志在蓬窗下,亲近着管城砚台。又不曾进履在圮桥下,收得甚兵书战策!然如此有志屠龙去南海。古今无壮士,前后少英才。非王粲疏狂牲格。
[滚绣球] 论用武呵,不让姜太公伐无道一战功,论谋略呵,不让孙武子减灶法下营寨,论征边呵,不让周亚夫领雄师过雁门紫塞、论迎敌呵,不让齐田单纵火牛即墨城开,论心力呵,不让蔺相如渑池会那气概,论智量呵,不让管夷吾霸诸侯那计策,论屯驻呵,不让班定远久镇在玉门关外,论英勇呵,不让燕乐毅仗霜锋走上燕台,论智力呵,不让齐孙膑马陵道上诛谗佞,论行兵呵,不让韩元帅九里山前大会垓。席卷江淮。
[尾声] 他年不作文章客,异日能为将相才。待与不待总无碍,时与不时命将耐。论地谈天口若开,伏虎降龙志不改。有一日拜取兴刘大元帅,试看雄师拥麾盖。记汝等将咱廝亏害,把你掳掠中军帐门外,两个跋扈襄阳吃剑材,那时节才识长安少年客!
[中吕粉蝶儿] 尘满征衣,叹飘零一身客寄。往常食无鱼弹铗伤悲,今日个怨荆王,信谗佞,把贤门紧闭。你今日死葬坟围,越闪得我不存不济。
[醉春风] 我本是未入庙堂臣,倒做了不着坟墓鬼。想前贤多少困穷途,王粲呵,命薄的不似你!你!我比先进难及,子那昔人安在?王粲呵,你可甚后生可畏。
[迎仙客] 雕檐外红日低,画栋畔彩云飞,十二栏干在天外倚。我这里望中原,思故国。不由我感叹伤悲,越恼得一片乡心碌。
[红绣鞋] 泪眼盼秋水长天远际,归心逐落霞孤鹜齐飞,倦客襄阳苦思归。我这里凭栏望,又感起倚门悲。母亲呵,争奈我身贫归未得!
[普天乐] 楚天秋,襄山翠。对无穷景色,总是伤悲。动旅怀,关心地,壮心离愁英雄泪,助江天景物淒淒。气吁做江水淅淅,愁随做江声沥沥,泪弹做了江雨霏霏。
[喜春来] 淡烟漠漠添秋意,黄叶萧萧听捣衣,秋声秋色两相宜。我便如铁石,对此也心灰。
[石榴花] 现如今满林春笋蕨芽肥,犹兀自无处觅山溪。剑花生涩马空嘶,又不曾战敌,虎倦龙疲。山林钟鼎俱无济,便休说命矣时兮。顶立立地居人世,恰便似睡梦里过了三十。
[斗鹌鹑] 既不处麋鹿群中,又不入麒麟画里。为死了吐哺周公,险饿杀采薇的叔齐。自洛下飘零到这里,划地无所归?又不见末尾三梢,闪得我前程万里!
[上小楼] 我一片心扶持社稷,两只手经纶天地。谁待要执戟门庭,御车郊原,舞剑尊席!怎知鸟兽同群,豺狼同列,儿曹同位?兀的不屈沉杀五陵豪气!
[ㄠ篇] 未称俺慷慨心,我非贪潋滟杯。这酒浇我愁怀,洗我愁肠,放我愁眉。壮志难酬,身心无定,功名不遂,因比上葫芦提醉了还醉。
[满庭芳] 须是我羞归故里,只为我昂昂而已,怏怏而回。空学的赡天才,无度飢寒计,又不曾展眼舒眉。子被你误了我也儒冠布衣,熬煞人也淡饭黄虀。本有路到青霓内,奈浮云蔽日,百忙里寻不见上天梯。
[十二月] 几时似宾鸿北归?我便似鸟鹊南飞!仰羨投林倦鸟,堪恨舞瓮醯鸡。方表喒萤能夜飞,鸿鹄志燕雀怎知。
[尧民歌] 真乃是鹤长凫短几时齐,从来鵰鹗鸾凤不同栖。挽盐车骐骥陷汙泥,不遇孙阳未能嘶。只争个迟疾。英雄志不移,异日登鳌背。
[哨遍] 则为一纸书飘零楚地,数年间困杀英雄辈。非自己不能为,待贤心言行相违,信着二逆贼。我做了鹪鹩巢苇,他便是恶虎当途,没乱杀成何济?一自荆王归世,酷殢酒消除郁闷,镇登楼? 立金梯。恨离愁不趁汉江流,怨身世难同野云飞。这里叛乱将兴,政事难行,异端并起!
[耍孩儿] 若要收伏了汉上荆州地,何患山围故国?利兵坚甲不须多,笑谈间烟灭灰飞。鞭醮干一江汉水清波涨,马吃尽三月襄阳绿草齐。不是与挟仇气,儿曹之辈,疥癣之疾!
[ㄠ篇] 紫泥宣诏到都堂内,八辅相都言称职。整朝纲薄税敛省刑罚,新号令四海传檄记。骤迁东汉三公位,不教人道依旧中原一布衣。男子汉峥嵘日,撇了一瓢而饮,受用列鼎而食。
[三煞] 臣事君以忠,君使臣以礼。我把奸谗馘首干戈息。若教我但居相府十余载,强似你高筑长城千万里,太平兆无多日,我治的桃林野耕牛闲卧,华山畔战马空嘶。
[二煞] 我治的苍生解倒悬,我治的山河壮帝居,我治的两轮日月光天德。我治的四夷玉帛朝南面,我治的万象森罗拱北极。无瑕玉堪作皇作家器。燮理阴阳气序,调和鼎鼐盐梅。
[尾声] 看我事君王如腹心,辅皇廷作柱石。扶持得万乘当今帝,稳坐龙亢金椅。
[双调新水令] 一声雷震报春光,起蛰龙九重天上。蒯越呵,你便似臧仓毁孟轲,王粲呵,你做了贡禹叹王阳。我则道老死在襄阳,峥嵘日不承望。
[驻马听] 一封诏赴阙来王,纠纠威风壮纪纲。万言策出朝为将,辉辉星斗焕文章。墨痕奸佞血淋浪,笔端鼓角声悲壮。男儿当自强,虹霓气吐三千丈。
[雁儿落] 又不曾扶持刘庙堂,便怎彩画入功臣像。止不过留心在笔砚间,又不曾苦战沙场上。
[得胜令] 怎做得架海紫金梁,则消得司县里绿衣郎。臣曾夜宿孙康巷,暮登天子堂。一封书谒荆王,引得人海波三千丈。万言策对吾皇,兀的是功名纸半张。
[甜水令] 也不是祸不单行,闪的我心无所向。恰便似风外柳花狂。子为归计难酬,凭栏凝望,望不断烟水茫茫。
[折挂令] 因此上醉登楼王粲思乡。子为囊箧俱乏,因此上酒债寻常。受过了客旅淹留,且放些酒后疏狂。那酒,本浇我羁怀浩荡,消磨了尘世怆惶。少年科场,殢杀觥觞,恐怕春光,却忧成镜里秋霜。
[乔牌儿] 不由人肚里气夯,有甚脸来到俺筵上?你个引韩信三荐萧丞相,那时情今日想。
[水仙子] 我不合精神颜色劝瑶觞,你恰甚和气春风满画堂?我只道不明白饿倒在颜回巷,几曾见列金钗十二行!尽今生劫劫忙忙,又无那江湖海量,只是虀盐肚肠,吃不得玉液琼浆。
[川拨棹] 书吓得反贼降,抵多少鞭敲金镫响!九层台上,百万儿郎,戈戟旌幢,弓箭刀枪,便有八面威风,将军气象。金鼓鸣惊上苍。
[七弟兄] 振雷霆势况,动关山响亮,珂珮韵锵锵。七重围里元戎将,五方旗号合堪傍,一轮皂盖飞头上。
[梅花酒] 今日我见帝王,志节昂昂,喜气洋洋,相貌堂堂。得意也王仲宣,待贤也汉君王。陛下且莫过奖。君仁德赛文王,臣虚负作贤良,比昭烈武成王。
[收江南] 又不曾落梅风里钓寒江,高宗梦里筑岩墙。得白金骄马锦革荐香,荐微臣表章。此恩生死不能忘。
[鸳鸯煞] 张仪若不是当时一度怀惆怅,苏秦怎能够今朝六国知名望!填还了万里驱驰,报答了十载寒窗。唱道执着百万军权,三台印掌,卧雪眠霜,雄纠纠驱兵将。再不对楼外斜阳,望断天涯思乡党!
题目 穷书生一志绸缪
正名 荐贤士蔡邕闭阁
醉思乡王粲登楼 Wedge (Sensitivity in white on the end of play, poem) yellow paper lamp in a Furu, nine by three history belly home. Look at bang standard canning, son how not to read. Niche surname white, two-sensitive name in white is the younger brother of Lotte. The penetration Taiyuan people. Old school, seven to the text, through six by nine. Philosophers, are all familiar with. However, the chapter on poetry, Shishu handed legend write, all that literary talent is not under my brother Lotte. My father is white army, who worked with Jin Gongfei degree, conquered Huaixi, war front by one hundred. Zeibing siege was unexpected, difficult Jin risk among the public in Qiangdao, my father to come forward to go to war, to save his life, his body six shots, so on and I became the father Damon and Pythias. Later I made my father tuna sores, public pro-Jin to ask patients, for I the father said: "If a limb, what will?" I made my father back: "Well no that, just had a son, white sensitivity in young Diligence, like Messire merit promotion, a happy that carry on. " Jin public Qixia of I father said: "I hope for the Italian general nursing sore gold, this sub but not Guahuai. If there is no taboo, one with a daughter, small print Xiao Man, with your wife in that Si Min. Bestowed on generals in a jade belt, stay with the letter. "unexpectedly passed away after his father, Jin public also died. A phase for the custodial family background has always been never to go. I am now the one ahead fame, and second, to hang filial piety, to a jade belt to ask the marriage, were born to. (Poem) pick up piano practice book away, take the lead seems in the Xijing. Depends on jade as a media card, Kam marriage to happen to film. (Next) (Lao Dan Pei play on his wife lead the public hospital, cloud) Laoshen surnamed Han, is the percent of Han Wen Gong also. Name surname Pei-fu master degree, given the rank of Jin Guogong the post, unfortunately, death death has passed. Threatened when I late husband, had Laoshen said: "The old crusade Huaixi, Zeibing trapped by unexpected, thanks to the steps to the white army, to come forward to go to war, Shatui Zeibing help me later joined the army gold sores give white hair, I personally visiting, if such is the general died, my daughter is willing to Xiao Man, and that heir wife. the gift of jade as generals in the letter. sensitization in mourning after the result of white, never achieved. I was sick today, but heavy, After I die, that baby must attend funerals. if not to, uh, so he served and you will find that people have a baby come into this marriage were combined. people have kindness, not non-reporting. if you go against me The last words, a double death. "Yan Bi dies, then do not want white-min, the never to mourning, nor pass a message. Must travel long distances, Yunshan Tiao delivery. And slowly find out that the baby was there, the people will find him, as co-dependents in this marriage. Laoshen only have this woman, was nineteen years old, raw talent Shu Shen, a heavy reticent, even take wisdom and knowledge, no relation to the book is not without poetry is not read. Health is more a home girl, small print Fan Su, was seventeen years old, and Miss companion study. His exceedingly Guaijue, but the meaning of the book his sister, his first solution unresolved Oh, that chant to write more dyed are good, some adult family home to make his trail cover to the kings Oh, there is no saying that Nizi are talking about the text response. Inside and outside the person, not an extol him. Therefore, both call him Ren Chu Mei-xiang. Always remember this baby learn language, the Shedi back of Korea, had Laoshen words: "Sister, that God Chun Fan Su cute, until he was adult when you strike nephew A chapter to be a young married woman." Laoshen said: "grew up with and see other Nizi." Hey! Disease is also a good time. Zensheng seen today in terms of the two baby books. (Zhengdan play once the children play with Fan Su Xiao Man on) (once children cloud) Fan Su, endorsement we go to. (Zhengdan cloud) my sister, we come over. (Do see Division) (Mrs. Cloud) baby, you say what book? (Once the child goes) you baby I ask you: "Mencius" says: "West Mongolia dirty, everyone had their noses and the" chapter, is intended to collecting? (Mrs. cloud) of this chapter to the effect that, although human life is good, essential bit stained. Although people fall evil way, and also encouraged a new leaf. This is a saint Mian people who would like to turn over the body and the meaning. (Zhengdan cloud) dare to ask, "men and women accept not pro, gift also," This chapter is intended, why they say? (Mrs. cloud) the effect of this chapter, though a gentleman who said the right to pass up changes, also the amount of time the trial has not rash. (Sensitivity in the white cloud) in the niche white Min. Xijing can also come early. Asked people to come, then this is the Shanxi government, informed Azeri door soon, especially in the white sensitive to Meet. (School Bulletin Division) (Mrs. Cloud) is among the missing, do not want a baby to have. (Once the children receive the book section, cloud) both people, I, and we avoid. (Mrs. cloud) does not claim to avoid, the sensitivity of the white baby, we see over servant. (Institute of public cloud) Come scholar. (See Section White Cloud) relative to the country to donate the first museum, kid funeral ceremony together, fight the distance Chennai, news unreasonable. See the old lady not to neglect duty, there really is lucky. (White worship Division) (Mrs. Cloud) free baby gift. So join the army pass away, not once Laoshen mourning, contentment under Lumu heard of three years, Xiao Zhiyi. (White Cloud Min) boy run funeral three years, when the Son of Man is, then school will also not waste. (Mrs. Cloud) real man learn excellent Dengshi, is so appropriate. Scholar seated. (White Min cloud) not, kid enforcement sweep when responding to dilemmas of the festival, security dare Taijun Shizuo. (Mrs. Cloud) off too modest, sit down. (White Min cloud) as the old lady Cizuo, Min Gu Ci in dare? Report sat. (Sit Branch) (Mrs. Cloud) two baby come near, thanks to a brother who. (B Dan worship Division) (sensitive in salute Division) (Mrs. Cloud) two sister Bai Gege, why salute. (White Cloud Min) categorically not, the first phase the country dying, brother and sister had not made the gift, the jade will see a niche as a keepsake miles dare gifts? (Mrs. Cloud) scholar, is even off topic. Two baby, and thanks to your brother were. (White salute Division) (Mrs. Cloud) will be tea. (Zhengdan delivery Theaceae) (wife of cloud) far behind from scholar, a relative said that the huge country, not a wine, but with a Zhancha eat? Scholar I do not know, since the phase after the death of the country, and this under Laoshen who eschew all this wine, scholar off to see the responsibility. (White Cloud Min) is the old lady said, why wine? Conditions kid can not drink. (Mrs. Cloud) two baby, quit her brother, who go back Xiufang. (Once the child back Cloud) I do not know what his wife, the main means, but I worship him with his brother. (Zhengdan cloud Hey! This again meet, talk Ibo so, really as the enemy of the race Oh! (Singing) [Lu] [Flower fairy] that when the students more than he was gentle, and Anzhe Xiangfu Tam Tam virtue stands alone, and even more afraid of the text is not hereby or Down? Co-I three-shift Meng Mu, should not this world. [Papers] more pressing unitary Palace where we Zunsian Cao, Dong valance at the end of paper. Are not intended to Ru is greet, talk back and forth between a few words, almost nine times between about classics. (B Dan next) (White Cloud Min) niche quit the old lady, and go to the inn. (Mrs. Cloud) scholar, to go off to the hotel, it rolls back garden classroom go to bed Oh, you can have lunch. (White Min cloud) as the old lady Chuigu, kid pick up the pack will come also. (Below) (Mrs. Cloud) public hospital, carefully pick up those who go to bed lying at the clean, but the combination of objects, the lack of off-taught, answered the diet on the off gains and losses section. When he's ready the resting, I went to visit him in person. (Poem) Jing Su Chi apartment door section of true Italian hospitality female tutor support. Late husband Jin big reputation to stay forever so clear aromatic smell. (Below) First off (Sensitivity in white on the poem) bamboo bed cold lonely piano books, ink marks the arrival of spring inkstone incense. Man attempted romantic Chi, tick every lamp in a long bitter night. Since yesterday the green classroom, met his wife, I do not know what the primary meaning, will not issue marriage completely, then said, "Miss Bai Gege." By my words back: "The first phase state in Japan, had not been made brother and sister of the ceremony, state and see the kid as a keepsake of jade." Lady hurried back to the words: "What scholar is off topic." The saying "a baby brother who worship." Miss I do not from the ceremony. I see Miss capacity meter, hyperopia and Wei, myopia and beautiful, elegant side for the wife. "I" goes: "but not desirable, so the heart does not mess." Letter there also. I had not seen me say, from the see after Miss toward the forgotten meal, then spent the night sleep, the heart smug Ruyousuoshi. Kid go to bed in the rolls of the classroom, although thick wife treat each other, and finally non-niche of the willing. How can a mere sip from the shop? Repeated teach people to ask this niche marriage, his wife back to the words, and finally do not have one to understand. Ruzhinaihe? Just before they go to the public hospital, said niche to resign his wife, thanks to sweep home and see if he has not even words, I do discuss those. (Lower) (once children, cloud) people are tired of boring Oh good! I often remember, my father Lin Mingzhong, my mother said: "I sign Huaixi, besieged by thieves, and the edge will be the first, all depends on the army to come forward Shatui Zeibing white, to save my life, so the girl children to join the army, son of Xu and Min in the white wife. will be a jade belt to the letter. "Wu that season, I was 12-year-old also. Father last words, to understand the case. In the latter do not want to ask Pak sound barrier, thus never achieved this marriage, my mother the day before yesterday, and Fan, Su-line about the book at the hospital in public and reported sensitivity to white, and I want to avoid, I do not know what the main Italian mother, but my thanks to He did his brother. That he returned to words: "The first phase Guocun day, had not been made brother and sister's gift." Mother sidewalk: "scholar is even off-topic." I see that students, eyebrow thinning projects show Rongzhi substantial, the annual party twenties, before name has been all over the world. If aggressive fame, what do not to! Well me worried. This has even non-crazy Italy, is the future of the customs, conditions and language of their ancestors, Ming-note heart. Case back but preface, I see the mother Youhemianmu ancestors in the heaven of peace! Recently, over and over again that students go home to his wife, thanks to sweep speech, I carefully pondered, and does not fight him to go home Oh, the distance, off Mountain barrier, when this marriage was on? I am two days ago, quietly, under a sachet embroidered children, above a poem, the poem has more meaning contained. I can not send people, only with my school, Fan Su, and I leave half a step child. Xiao Nizi smart students that things cute all over, it is more elegant of children. This matter if he knows Oh, we all know that a. Zensheng is good? Fan hormone-ridden two days said to me: "Sister, took to the back garden seen." I curse will be gone. Tonight point lights, do not do live, and he talked books, too, if he began Oh, I seen it, and spent his back garden, I this Sachet children, write in that students study the door first. If that raw Lost, reading this poem Oh, they know what I mean. If others pick up the, uh, I do not know if pushed. Non is more than my heart, Qi Buwen people without thought, he must worry about. This morning and evening prime Fan dare to have to be. (Zheng Dan, the cloud) Su Fan undefined status, since the green classroom, and Miss Lady line is in the middle of talking about the book, there is sensitivity in the arrival of white, wife I do not know what the master intended to make Miss worship him brother. Since then, stealing as I miss, does not seem happy, will have some sense. I miss the person is polite, something that was embroidered out the door. For him so Oh, I do not have even half a step away from him. I advised him several times seen the backyard spent his firm preferred not to. Today is March Wangri, and values close to the Ching Ming Festival, just before the public hospital, said, flowers are blooming in the garden, Wan Hui Zhengyan, I do not care Zensheng, born to persuade him to go. (See Dan pediatric) (once children cloud) Fan Su, where you go to? I was waiting for you to talk about the book miles. (Zhengdan back cloud) to be talk about the book of Miss Chan miles! (Once the child goes) Fan Su, I would like to figure out the river, Luo book, yin and yang, gossip sentence and health. Since Fu Xi Shen Nong, spread of Confucius and Mencius, the Emperor Kengru burning Code, carry on their evil strong. Lu Confucius' residence were a bad king, was on the wall "poem" "books" "Six Classics", to pass later, the celestial dome are not mourning Sven. Each book browsing, feel one's mind Kaihuo, not tired all day. I am a woman, was not a worker, and if this reading, not for addiction disorders or Down? (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, but across the open book with the saints, to benefit more than men! (Singing) Lu [Sin]] [point of deep red lips funeral Qin win the book, said absolutely holy holes, pits Hui Leng. Han scholars, he _set_ aside all simmer ember each tracing film. Mixed Martial Law] [Kong Anguo Biography "moderate" and "language" "Meng", Ma Rong _set_ "Spring" Zushu with Zuo Qiuming, speech, "Book of Changes" off Schiff son rule, "chancery," Lu Fu Sheng, the school "li remember "false Yangzi Yun mistaken for" Mao Tao "Annotations ZHENG Kang-Cheng. Develop over the road without illustrates Chiang, Ji Q Xiangming good words. We grandfather Naiwen Lin Hua Zhou, conditions wife's family is Confucianism industry Zanying. Mourning the first phase is almost died out, so Miss Zhen Jue house sound. Then why hanging head Cigu, snow capsule firefly. There is also the rule regulating the family, was famous surname. But as long as the move secret, together heaven, know days, Sunchon Road, every day of the heart, knew her fate. Cunyin is competing, Wan Li salt fine. (Once the child goes) you and I repeat that one book. (Zhengdan cloud) also talk about the book Miss miles! Miss Fan Su and just before the old lady in the back garden to burn incense, see that scene, more than good. Take the good days Liang Ye, do not crumble, do not live up to this spring? No claim about the book, we go to play. (Once the child goes) sage says: "I have five and 10 on learning." Moreover, our generation or Down? (Zhengdan back cloud) article like magic, can Zensheng nowhere? In addition to the change of position is the. (Singing) [Hulu] Miss you strike oil workers look after the nine, I three. (Once the child goes) moon disappearing men, age is not on our side. Why do not you written? (Zhengdan singing) is his rush order and Ching Ming Festival, this beautiful old to do during Fangfei King. Tonight month that killed swing free video. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, you are to the rear garden to it? (Zhengdan cloud) Miss Juxiu say that the scenery in the back garden, you are the listener. (Once the child goes) what it taught me to listen to? (Zhengdan singing) you listen to the sound waves to the ear clearing rhododendron, smell wave pear nose Xin Hong brush. Miss you reading right heart trillion for the spring tour, temporarily leaving three feet short candlestick lamps. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, and you do not fight I busy line, the old people know how a can be also? (Zhengdan singing) [World music] During this period his wife dream Weixing Yan sleep. (Once the child goes) the old lady with you with my school, but you had to move make me waste study. (Zhengdan cloud) if the old lady knew Oh, I quit sidewalk Miss are all the Fan always. (Singing) Fan Su to dawn, the pro-negative Jing. (With clouds) moving funny Miss Su Fan waste study. (Sings) I cut Zhongnanshan than the TV drama school Guan Ning. (Once the child goes) I do not know what your main intention, which sooner or later it just went back garden. (Zhengdan singing) is not my idea of children do not, sooner or later you earn sip lines. (Cloud) Qibu Wen 春宵一刻值千金! (Singing) you off to live up to the Yinghua March King. (Once children cloud) change of position of the, uh, you were born to me by the, you assume that things are. Tonight felt some cold spell, so I add another dress, I cited to you. (Zhengdan cloud) we went together to come. (With lower) (upper white-min, a poem) and a half seems like a half pearl flowers, Cui Qiao Yun Bin worthy of praise coming from the total. Since know the feminine side, will be a lengthy Hunmeng Chu Gap. Min niche is also white. Since the day before, met Miss side, it just looks like jade angel, beauty enchanting woman, a niche thinking dream sleep two days, tea is not tea, rice is not rice, the old lady is not never ran this marriage issue. Tonight night, on Long Delicate, niche, and in this study than in Menzuo, I had to ask a piano that we. Chin also! I supplicate you Zan: I want to go hand in hand with a single step and lakes for several years, I now ask one, are you a fairy shoulder, Lady waist, belly off the snake pattern, yi Yang Jiao Mei, Jin Hui Yu Zhen, seven strings on the ice . That day! Zensheng child by a burst of wind, will my music, Yu-blown I was pinching it into a powder makeup lady to go inside the ear? This will be your piano shelf, the four seasons worship, not lose, like the moment thanks. (Fuqin Branch, clouds) I ask a we. (Zheng Dan, the cloud), Miss, we about to go quietly. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, off to make a fuss, I hold that Jade is slowly about to go. (Zhengdan singing) [So] that readers are Ding Dong Yu-shaking sound, light step lotus overnight; overnight lotus step light, step changtae next month; step changtae next month, Limbo socks soaked cold. (Cloud) Miss, you see bright bonus, Liulv smoke, spring is also a good side. (Once the child goes) is also a good view. (Zhengdan singing) thick spring ninety days, the daughter of price Spring Night Wing, and the end of a difficult pleasure. (Cloud) saw this pink Liulv, is also a good spring Oh! (Singing) [Magpie] spent a total of willow branches riding laugh greeted the wind and the moon more love. Brewed green Jiao, pale deep blue. Of this scenery, can know the man of the wind moving tone horn. (Cloud) Miss Fan Su see this beauty of a really good time, even into a few sentences, Xingwu we laugh. (Once the child goes) appreciate further. (Zhengdan singing) [Grass] bitterness Hanlin was parasitic Yin Nan Jin, Dan is not a stroke. Watch for Begonia wind cold Kam machine shaking shark raw silk, yarn shrouded glass net Grass Yan Cui, Chueiyang Lucy Pearl penetrate into the green wire. Star pool spread chaos like that jade plate crystal balls, pine shoot black dragon on just Piansi endorse Xuanyuan mirror. (White piano Division) (once children cloud) Fan Su, where the piano is so loud? (Zhengdan cloud) must be sensitive in that white students Fuqin miles! (Once the child goes) Fan Su, his shot is what the piano tune also? (Zhengdan cloud) we quietly unto children outside the window to listen to. (White Cloud Min) have Belle, I make a song. (Song saying) Come on out tiny clear night, the wind across the dew Come desolately quiet court. Come take my love but not beauty, letter scales Hong Yao Xi difficult with apricot. Come worry more by intestinal Yuduan, music minors Come Leiru dumping. Come home thousands of miles ridden body, Andhra Yu Fei Xi Lihen level. (Once the children to listen to Branch, cloud) that students for the word, good people are sad! (Zhengdan singing) [Unitary] his music is not the final chapter of intestinal first off, (with clouds) I can not even sad together. (Singing) I worry more by ear was heard. One-way process to endure into the territory of Acacia, Acacia cries always make a star do v. lovelorn. Operation in the fight to the piano without a single complaint with you wandering, more time to channel the child window outside alone another person. (White and playing Division) (Song Yun) isolated Fengqiu Huang Xi empty wail, Come hear from Phoenix where this situation. (Zhengdan Cloud) Oh you do not Danyi Qu worth mentioning! (Singing) [Order] the six unitary tube weep alone Fengqin in language, blame away from the Phoenix refers to the students. (Cloud) Miss, we go back to. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, what do you panic? (Zhengdan singing) This is an honest public he is not Mr.. (Do shock Branch, cloud), Miss Wu is not someone to have! (Once the child goes) people there come from? (Zhengdan singing) sparse thorn stab get cold sound of bamboo, flowers falling residual Pusu Su Ying, te flute Suniao Yi Tang. (Do the listening section, singing) to listen to sink a long while empty servant Fortunately, no one is quietly tied to static. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, what a fuss! It was people, hello crazy also. (Zhengdan singing) I did not Xinqie is not something that I am mad sex. (Laughs Branch clouds) Oh, Oh, Oh! Backwards I laughed for a while. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, how are you laughing? (Zhengdan singing) just before the laugh laugh, dark swallow one's cries. (White Cloud Min) This window just Piansi someone's words, could there Cheonggeum of it? I opened the door to open this study we see. (Zhengdan singing) [Articles] listen ah unitary door shut, like wiping the pedestrian, suddenly heard this, woo stealth, fierce eyes of the condensate, Hsi's 零零, evil's Delicate. But dollars to flowers Nongying, he surprised me fool. (Cloud) Miss, we strike back, the fear of someone to have. (Once the child goes) listen to a fear of doing it. (Zhengdan singing) This is the lady clear, Fan Su fact has, after moving tune in the garden, late at night night free line. I am afraid the old lady who only knows no clean, do not got a teaser out of the wind. Lady love of his notice of serious and ruthless. (Cloud) if the old lady know, uh, he said: "quit others are all the little slut Fan Su, call over the kneeler!" (Singing) Oh at least thirty Zhu stick, I was actually afraid to go to the wave are you that seven generations of Schering. (Cloud) late at night also, we go back to. Wu is not someone to also! (Once the child goes) we go back to. (Zhengdan singing) [Evil] you make a road within walking distance of La Cite, the hospital early quiet quiet person. (Once the child goes) who came out this morning and evening? (Zhengdan cloud) is not someone else. (Singing) is playing that students listen. (White cough Division) (once children cloud) he will know, uh, it turns out I doing here? (Zhengdan singing) students guess we merciless like affectionate. (Once the child goes) it turns ruthless like affectionate? (Zhengdan singing) love to know we even intended to listen to. (Cloud) late at night, we go back to. (Once the child goes) that sooner or later, what time is it? (Zhengdan singing) listen to strike over Chugeng Shen, Hugh was also more Lanna corpuscles. (Once the child goes) you want to come will come, you're going to have to go, then be afraid of these children. (Zhengdan singing) to stop the pace of children to be very Mangjiang that line. (Once the child goes) line to go there? (Zhengdan singing) plane trees that line over children while Kanai. (Once the child goes) what is going there for? (Zhengdan singing) while the body well Lanna children _set_ off. (Once the child goes) the line in front of you, I will go back with Oh. (Zhengdan singing) Oh and swayed my shadow children, (once the child goes) Fan Su, you then said I do not see your miles. (Zhengdan singing) too good to kill my children out on. (Below) (Once the child goes) I concealed Fan Su, leaving these children Sachet, write in that students study the door first. Oh, if it was raw, he naturally saw also. (Poem) to arbitrary down peach water, will lead into the roof Liu Nguyen. (Written under Sachet) (go see the white-sensitive subjects in the cloud) Hey! This turned out to be Miss Tingqin can Zensheng go? I will be here in time to go. Hi! Chennai struggle to go far away also. Could that be a young male looking to steal, I have to wonder, some will go mad. Hi! Is a niche missed. Let me go back to study. Under this month that it is even an object? (See Section picked up, clouds) Yeah! The original is a Sachet children. This is the lady deliberately left behind, I take it in the study, we look carefully. I tick this light and bright. Acacia knot up and down the two children, this sachet embroidered with a child on a lotus pool of Johnson, more cross-neck duck two children. This is a poem above, I think we. (Poem) knowing purdah, the South capacity bitter night long. Hugh Lang powder easy to do, bequests, purple sachet. So this lady deliberately Sachet child is left behind with the niche. I carefully Detailed again we: concentric knot above it, he said one mind with me; the middle of a lotus, lotus to lotus root, with the generator of his or her spouse; Here are two children cross the neck duck, his Italian and niche a bed with quilt, then traded the neck. This poem, said "nobody in purdah," he said in purdah, no one knows the place. "Nan Yung bitter night long", South capacity who is also the ancient Mei Fu; staggering than his capacity as the South, for his small print Xiao Man, therefore capacity than the south also. "Hugh Lang easy to do pink," named for the niche white, so that powder Lang. Hugh easy to do, for my wife to go home tired and secondary speech, he will teach me to go off, bequests Purple Sachet, and deliberately left with niche as a keepsake. Original niche is so pay attention to Miss! Beginning from today, books that talk about playing determined? Only search parameters daily morning twilight ceremony, this sachet dependents. Sachet Oh, no less harmful for your niche is to kill! (Poem) sachet intended to re-win the gold, the fault of Acacia Speranskia invasion. Was passionate gloomy redundant, Ru Huan will call it heart. (Below) Second fold (Lady with Zhengdan, the poem) Xiangfu dignified official career at home, locked the door re-Bi peach. Notice of no reputation vibration, offer leisurely degrees year-old China. Laoshen Ms. Han. Since the green classroom, talk about books with each baby, between the white sensitivity in unexpected arrival of his on this issue marriage. Old dressed in a speech standing in the way, the brother of Miss worship him, he was in the back garden on the church rolls upside in the book. White is a scholar do not want to worry every day. Laoshen think about it, this baby is a filial of the people, will be thinking of his dead parents, so the disease in the study, a lie can not afford. Yu Dai Laoshen visit in person, he is a patient Chennai war, the fear of his toil. Today the first of the Fan Su, pass the Laoshen words, to study in the visit, and then with a good doctor modulating, what is wrong. Fan Su, you go to the den, visit scholar ill and how, then please modulating Good Doctor. If I were back and forth earlier. (Zhengdan cloud) bother about it. (Same below) (the ill-sensitive white on the poem) body, such as Xiao Gu, such as wood, do not blame the rain melancholy call to open. Dark dreams die like crazy, things are not harmonious wedding day. Since the child got Miss the sachet, the second day of a lie can not afford. I have this day Sachet children, with high support, incense in worship, thought Miss. Sachet child, I was killing you harm! (Sleep Division) (Zheng Dan, the cloud) Su Fan undefined status, knowledge of the world what, give up fame as violation of parents, loss of body go to soup fire. Solution to the former Han Gao Pei, Han Ting Stealing Beauty, about Yong Fu Shen, Hsiang-ju is music, covered with unsolicited carry on. Are all two-phase nostalgia, it still can not forget the. Students do not like this lady saw the face, forget the day meal, 2 Waste sleep, three days into the disease, 4 can not afford, so the whole world-Bu Zengjian lovelorn, not ridiculous. Lead just before the old lady words, asked the Health and disease removal undefined status, claim to be born, and go Oh. (Singing) [Transfer] [Nian Nujiao] stone flush Suniao, swing Canhong, Pu Susu rouge scattered. (Cloud) can be as early as the first had also come to the study door. (Singing) Door cover changtae College Cho. (Cloud) I and the children that spit Jin, Yun broken Zhichuang I Look we. (Singing) Run breaking Zhichuangtouqiao. (Look white subjects. Cloud) disease in two days seen it so thin, so poor people! (Singing) It was in that parade Qin students, some meet, but never made a view about. It seems so passionate multi-threaded, which led to the skin lightly between the early, such as cutting. [Towards] the six students that he does not think this offer Fu, do not want to question the bridge. Then I was Wenjun, the mood this Chinese phase such as dry ill. (Cloud) I go into this study. Mr. Hail! (White Min hug once in panic subjects, cloud) Miss, came also. (Zhengdan cloud) you one reason or another! (White shame Branch, cloud) shame to kill me too! Little sick in body, I was so harmful, little lady Xiuguai. (Zhengdan cloud) you think is the! (White Cloud Min) porphyrin lady why this point? (Zhengdan cloud) pay tribute to his wife, Mr.. The places unknown whether ill and Coors? (Singing) mountains never good to teach him for the medical service, to your body and withered. (White Cloud Min) show Miss may have even passed? (Zhengdan singing) and only a bitter attack by Chi history, put the article to fall off. (White Cloud Min) Miss there are even trusted to speak it? (Zhengdan cover white subjects, singing) You can be in the province of nonsense. (White Cloud Min) also victims of niche Hunmeng reversed. (Zhengdan singing) quasi teach you dream Lethal labor. (White Cloud Min) Miss side of the niche to have missed it? (Zhengdan cloud) I Miss Road to fear with a single step Bing Du, the (singing) of the bowl to a large roasting Ai. (Cloud) fear his brother died, cut a willow rafter children. (White Cloud Min) cut a willow rafters children, but why? (Zhengdan singing) to you to cremated. (White Cloud Min) can Zensheng cremated under the niche! Days here and others, only a small niche and the lady in this niche have a word, search for the little lady only real complaint we row. (Positive end of the cloud) What are your words? (White kneeling v. Branch, cloud) and Bing niche mere thousand miles, only to miss the match and did not want his wife contrary to the first relative to the country last words and refused to success. Since that day in the green classroom, met people like this lady, it got so disease. Today, sitting like a niche line of thought, forget the food waste sleep, what I look at this through the heart of the book! Little life in an instant, except only a small lady, only to save the niche. If not, this command will not carry insurance. (Zhengdan cloud) is what language! Men were born between heaven and earth, when the fame in mind, spirit of the heart, conduct fame to display parents. To the king of it, is its fame as a woman abandoned, mourning the body, confusion of the Shen Yi. Qi Buwen Sekishi goes: "sex is zero, Kongjishise." Lao Tzu says: "The five colors cause blindness, deafness pentameter is." Teacher says: "beware of color." Wise up to who is the first step, conditions relative to the country lady, disposition Duan Fang, behaved more like stand by, as to eat or sleep measures, something that lost in the degree ceremony, chaos in the words, so-called Shukutoku of women also. Miss saw this first step, we made this state, fear of indecent assault it? (White Cloud Min) know he Zensheng! Not help is miss lady. (Zhengdan laugh, cloud) that other scholar, had taught him to come to rest. (White Cloud Min) niche no other of the divisions, these claims only heartfelt words, the real complaint with the little lady. (Zhengdan singing) The beginning of the mouth] [ask your ancestors not fight madness, vain mess Jazz peer ridicule. You Lianzhao do this last phase of the improvement of Health Yan Hui music. (White Cloud Min) niche can not be dual life, died of heaven, but also meet Oh! (Zhengdan singing) and never recommended pillow mat, they expect the same coffin, just want to steal a period not remember the night hear the Tao. (White Cloud Min) little lady Kelian Jian, the achievements of this marriage, pleasures of the niche must be reported. (Zhengdan Cloud) not only read the hole, Mr. Holy Book, the gift of the Duke of Zhou Bida. Old lady visiting the undefined status, how just nonsense, is what gift is? (Singing) [] Then you go Saibei that young age, there is a road to Xiao Qing, were hung in one day Baiyu Lou head Charts, worry what the next Bi Feng Luan peach pay, earned a belted back towards the stand. (Cloud) plus declared Mr. modulating, undefined status, then go back to his wife also. (White-sensitive subjects in the knees, cloud) niche no modulating only pity than willing to see the little lady, just too niche to save a life. (Zhengdan cloud) from Mr. Please. As a woman, bow down to people! Qi Buwen sage says: "Wu Wei brought the matter to Germany and lust." Believed to be also. (White can not afford to Section kneeling, cloud) Hugh Road niche kneeling the knees, is willing to pass sentence if the little lady, uh, not niche knelt speech tomorrow. (Zhengdan cloud) I Miss young, undefined status Attendants from the left and right, aware of its details. Training from the mother of the child, Shen Zhen protect themselves, in parties and hairpin, cut straight do not eat, I do not sit straight, do not start the line side, not Xunsi want to, although not respect the coherence of indecent assault, servant's words, dare to commit security Down? Vain changed experience. I really do not the. (White and then kneeling in sensitive subjects, cloud) between the niche concept in Dianpei, sit back and tolerate little lady does not fight to save? (Zhengdan cloud) since your first step. Undefined status and to see Miss Mann slow movement, if it was empty Oh, I leave to his side, and talk a word. Willing and unwilling, almost see the color language. Slightly better sound, that is, when flying report. Mr. Fear shallow love, their anger against caused, Ruzhinaihe? (White Min cloud) as the little lady, see Xu Oh, I have an object and you will go. Teach your mind at ease. (White and Dan Branch take the sachet, cloud) This object is left behind and I do miss the token, you will be a go, might do. (See Section Zhengdan then Sachet, cloud) the sachet children, is the lady from the embroidery side of life, everyone there really a meaning it? Miss you more miles without telling me! Nevertheless, the actual situation without trial, I have this thing, we try and inform a single step. (White Cloud Min) posts I have a simple child, wrote a long time for. (White subjects take the simple concept, cloud) to send the word [Qingping Le]: Journey pregnant desolate, heartbroken about dusk. Acacia is not like the taste of evil, man of thin but very close to stumbling. Diocese miserable every night, teaching people how can ponder. If you've got that one knows, no harm for him haggard. Heartless worship in a hundred Min Dong Bai, a small application intended to Fangqing lady makeup times. (Crying Branch, cloud) If life is not met, would like to meet on the ground. (Zhengdan then Jane Branch, the cloud) if successful, President of Fortunately, if things are not harmonic, undefined status can not help in Reservation Chu, Mr. fight when tolerance Down? I would go back to the old lady also. (Poem) means rain cloud heart love things to do in the eras a Jane. (Down) (White Cloud sensitive) to the little lady also, if he was my Jane quote children, to where, met Miss, will allow a word is niche honor. If the resistance among some, uh, white is also sensitive, Youhemianmu stand in this world? Into the matter and fail, niche of life, then half past Sharp. Lovesickness Oh, then I have to kill the victim! (Lower) (once children, and a poem) Swallows Yingti things occasionally, so bitter linger butterfly bee media. When the furnace Cho's heart what shame, won Yoshina eternal pass. Good mental state restless the past few days. After the garden since then, leaving that child Sachet Oh, that tantalize ill health, I can not make him human. Just listen to his wife was so sick Fan Su asked to go until he came back, I just do not know to be, how can he see what he says. (Zheng Dan, the cloud) is also prime Fan undefined status. Just came back to the old lady said, I posted this simple children, sent with his sister to see what he says. (See Section) (once children cloud) Fan Su, where you go to? (Zhengdan cloud) Lady undefined status sent to explore the white-sensitized to the disease. (Once the child goes) that sick body how? (Zhengdan back, clouds) I say with some weight. (Back to the cloud) that the body is very heavy sick to see death. (? ┒ often ? Zensheng disease so they also! I deliberately did not dare ask him, Zensheng nowhere? (Zhengdan back, cloud) asked Miss fitness room, its meaning has been quite, uh may wish to do so. (Back to the cloud), Miss, just before the Fan hormone-sensitive disease to explore the white, he would figure to me, Miss Shen meaning, I do not know what was written above. (Once the children received simple subjects as anger, clouds) are also bold good little slut! (Zhengdan Cloud) Yeah, how can a can? (Once the child goes) Fan Su, you come kneeler! (Zhengdan cloud) Fan Su guilty, do not kneel. (Once the child goes) so you insult the door this little slut households lost, here is where you dare This is so rude! I do not in Oh, shall be relative to the country home, I was not married the girl. You and he will forward it to show me such Yinci, Wind & Fire of the Lady Tang Huo I know Oh, woe to teach your site. I will slap this slut's mouth a little break to you, and said I was a girl at home, rely on the evil white fork, I just simply paste this child and his wife to sue, you little slut, the next your next copy half to! (Zheng Dan kneeling laugh Branch, cloud) I will have a kneeling also, that my future students, I do not know what was written above the miles. (Singing) South] [Yan had it! He will not make contact Pang children that changed, my face up against it's hard to describe Chennai dress down. How he rushed steaming anger consumers, I can jump Pi Pi heart, hands and feet child drops a shame I do not know Benedict speed reverse. Busy supplicate knee kneeling, strong Zhazheng just Peixiao. (With clouds) Miss, if his wife grow old and go, uh, (singing) You were sent to the dry Acacia Luoyang young people. (Once the child goes) a good little slut bold too! (Zheng Dan Branch will be a sachet, cloud) Miss Qiexiu angry waves. (Singing) [North Korea] Meixiang 嗏 six provinces trouble, hey Miss you off focus. (With clouds) this object, but also a fall. (Singing) You said that the object is to Guizhao. (With clouds) play Suo. (Singing) This is what a search to find the whereabouts. (Once the child goes back to see Sachet) Hi! Zensheng fell on his hands! (Zhengdan clouds) are not said to you: "bold little slut, here is there? (Singing) This is the first phase to be the country's deep house, dare to be the lady to move tune. (With clouds) lady who is miles. ( sing) Miss Wood's apartment in the married women, to dare to transfer obscene banter, to the wife as that of tight, Wind & Fire, to me difficult to recruit criminals a bad house, please paternity long fast Fleet of Foot, (with clouds) to his wife to go to, (sings) to teach slaves child eating a copy. (Once children cloud) Fan Su, and slowly we discuss with you. (Zhengdan cloud) the first phase state notice of rigorous, servant concubine not light out. Ms. today not from the parent training, not nuns Germany, mother to send Jane back pass books, juvenile period and Yu Qiang drill hole to the body many people to object to the letter. cosmetic tired recently careless embroidery, pushing said Chun Kun, the original end. was stolen today When the body accidentally confessing his sin. change of position of the, uh, do have a talk. anti-sin, plus responsibility for me, is what treatment! me and do not ask you anything else, this sachet embroidered with two children pay the neck duck , what means that the main evil? (singing) [Autumn] hi employment loss you describe. (With Cloud) This is a lotus. (Singing) is not inadvertently grass. Change of position of large as well, but so down to provoke laughter. (Do take the Branch, singing) I have this purple sachet line to be reported to his wife. (Once children Chezhu Branch, cloud) I was just playing to fight you, then you want to go there? (Zhengdan singing) You are a girl home, but even as a side for. (Once children Chezhu Branch, clouds) is not a well. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, you can not copy my lower half to the next? (Singing) [Go] Please put Saibei. (Once children, cloud) Fan Su, you move along and indulge more. (Zhengdan cloud) that the wall is a lady. (Singing) Zensheng reported delay line to Jianqie Rao. (Once the child goes) I have not had. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, you just do not hit me before? (Singing) You do not slap my cherry blossoms Fan Su mouth. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, you hit me the next two waves. (Zhengdan cloud) that you would dare soup with willow waistline. (With Cloud) "Come kneeler." (Sings) occasion, what was my turn to makeup. (Cloud) Miss you panic it? (Once the child goes) I can see panic miles. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss you afraid of it? (Once the child goes) I can see fear of miles. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss you Mo off panic fear, I fight you playing miles! (Once the child goes) I were to kill you fool! (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, you the truth, it is that you end child Sachet granted that students come from? (Once the child goes) also-ran. (Zhengdan cloud) How do you hide it from me? (Once the child goes) I afraid to know, so can not say to you on. (Zhengdan cloud) and thus do not compete for Miss play it raw solid hope, can not afford so confined to bed, life down instantly. Things have not been, Fangdui Mei Xiang said broken, again kowtowing obeisance, apply a small Italian lady: "If life is not met, the government is willing to phase in period." Words and Qi Xia, feel the concubine of Tears. Therefore not avoid Thunderfury, sacrilege Yuk Ngan, Becky, dare to pass good letter. The concubine humble opinion, it jade raw appearance Li, Zhu cheek if painted, rhetoric and drive in Jama, hon let the king in the minutes, depending on when the decision-making later in life, looked down upon wealth as Tannangquwu. If Ms. Cheng has the heart, is very beautiful woman with wit, why not! Feelings flies that students see this, I really want to die. Miss benevolent love, in the heart An Qi Zai! (Once the child goes) with time, you made the wrong men. Qi Buwen "engaged the wife, ran the concubine." Conditions relative to the country and my daughter is, back with the young mother illicit sexual relations, the future Youhemianmu stand between heaven and earth? I born a woman, abandoned fame, violate Zunqin, loss of heaven, into the disease, since the funeral of their drive, which was people rather than benevolence, what I save indeed! (Zhengdan cloud) if care section, wrong people's lives, nor to have also. Miss deliberation of the subject. (Once the child goes) with time, you break, I decisively refused. (Zhengdan cloud) "The Analects of Confucius," says: "People without faith, I wonder, could." Whole world that students without a home, a living, used her material to the letter, poem see many, this is dishonest, for women Zi Qi ? Since the sister firm intention would not, I will this Sachet children, told people to go with the old lady. (Once the child goes) and the resident, and you do discuss. (Zhengdan cloud) Thousand demand as a fool. (Once the child goes) here Fangdiao! As such, uh, so I then wondered if we. (Zhengdan clouds) to save a life, build a seven wins Budo. Does not claim to worry, what _set_s Miss purpose, the Fan that health, then go back to prime. (Once the child goes) and so I write the number, you carry a back to him, he met a glance what I mean. (With Zheng Dan Jane Branch) (Zhengdan cloud) I put the to the water. (Once the child goes) of where you go? (Zhengdan cloud) I get to go with the old lady. (Once the child goes) sister, and that you will send students to, if with his wife Oh, I also Wang Song. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss off panic, I sent with that scholar to the water. (With Dan Under) (sensitive in the White Cloud) was just a small lady Fan Su, children and posts will be Jane Sachet, to go to a lady, long time no news apricot is similar to the time such as ten years. Tang Huo some obstacles, can Zensheng nowhere? I sleep and we leave with a few. (Zhengdan on) (up and hug the white section, cloud) Miss, you come too. (Zhengdan cloud) you again also! (White Cloud Min) Bah! I have mistaken the. How do I do? (Zhengdan singing) [Complain] Meixiang parting with credit today. (White Min cloud) that Jane quote children, had not received Miss? (Zhengdan fingertips Branch, singing) to a small body of your child to complete the. (Min White Cloud) have even better news? I know that we teach. (Zhengdan sing) the situation with his handwritten word Chuaizhuo Yin Wara. (White Cloud Min) Miss Echo, I think we. (Zhengdan arms but not to take Branch, sing) Yeah! Where each disappeared. (White Cloud Min) so you do not care how he was gone! That day! I can die also. (Zhengdan singing) hey! Things you can not stay only one element to take hold in the hand with child health. (White Cloud Min) Wu also does not kill me fool! (Zhengdan Jane Branch-and-white) (white Guijie, cloud) Miss books, dare light obscene, wait for me on a clay incense burning, little lady for me Ye worship we. (Zhengdan cloud) I will not. (White Cloud Min) you would not, and I shall Ye we. (Thanks to Xing Branch) (Zhengdan cloud) do not see your mother like so ha! (Singing) [Return] This simple post Saibei side wins a small child, Scene will be to see even burn incense. You do not fight like this Kuangke foot hormone heart parameters can be learned thanks to Vitex King Wen dismount, see your mother's letters back to see Joe. (White Cloud Min) I open the view, the element to the above four poems. (Poem) knowing purdah, the turn of the spring tonight. Will also write poetry, take pity in front of people. Shame, who wants to have today also, a little lady so hard, why would report? (Zhengdan cloud) I had just as President, almost awkward, hard to describe. (White Cloud Min) Miss went about my period tonight, I do not know sooner or later to have more. (Zhengdan cloud), then he asked mile. (Singing) [Children] he thought Shu She Jingping Azeri desolate, just Piansi balcony on the road Tiao away. (White Cloud Min) Miss Zensheng mercy tonight? (Zhengdan singing) he is to be packed cloud, afraid of leaks Chunjiao. To be with you tonight ... ... (White Min cloud) tonight and the lady health reason or another? (Zhengdan not hold back, said Branch, singing) to a word on my tongue is swallowed. (White Cloud Min) can Zensheng have swallowed? Fast that wave, like we teach niche. (Zhengdan singing) is not to say it to Mr. and keep our noses. (White Cloud Min) Miss Zensheng allotments you come? (Zhengdan singing) he will be whispered to you my road, (White Cloud Min) said what? (Is busy singing) when he taught you off to sleep late at night, (White Cloud Min) Tonight I sleep, where to get it! (Zhengdan cloud) with you and so on. (White Cloud Min) how not to say? A niche and so what? (Zhengdan singing) with you, etc., etc., until the Ming Dynasty. (White Cloud Min) little lady off to play, faster waves that child! (Zhengdan singing) Goddess of Mercy] [good recovery on the gas you swallow a sound wire Zhangjing Zhao, he left to be filled pillow quilt you also thin, you move along through the night cap bare children. (White Cloud Min) sky late, the sun has also dared to drop Oh. (Zhengdan singing) How exactly noon the sun off hope, Bu Cengxian stay until this urgent color material. (White Cloud Min) sooner or later to have more really miss? (Zhengdan singing) [With] Sha Wei drum Hasty will ban you Listen to the evening newspaper, and other health houses are dark but sleep. The sound of a lengthy expose Qiaolou product picture angle, 珮珮 leakage of water droplets copper pot jade knock, brush tail wind wind Zhan banana shake, Yanyan month high on the fancy shadows, quietly away from the private room out of blue embroidered curtain, wiped off the line corridor on the railing, rattling, shaking the curtain waiting for you, Baba snapping window lattice change of position was I coming season. (Below) (White Cloud Min) to a little lady, Wu's niche is also not happy to kill! Live up the damage the past few days lovelorn, Miss had only just posted this simple child, joy is a good niche. This is a moment where some hungry belly up, small good answered the raw meal, opt for a full dress, waiting for the arrival of Miss, harmonic adult sexual relationships with a total efficiency Yu Fei's music, I'm afraid that the season Miss you hard miles! (Below) The third fold (Sensitivity in white on the poem) from Wan Lai silent solitude, a moon on the fancy. Look silly standing court order, under the Miracle-e hope to kill. Min niche in white, Miss do not give a sense of Mongolia, appointment tonight I promise. This is also seen to sooner or later, little lady, if you do not come Oh, I watch for the disease in recent days, far into the earth, seeing the people who live without it! (See Section day, cloud) the sun can also still early miles, I let me see a few running hand we. Days also! What are my heart to see this book! I do not know when it sooner or later, we ah Look at me! Before noon also. Days also! Hath so long today. I tried poetry we: Following the sundial reading Peter evening, feel was _set_ting strong closing doors. To go to Begonia flower, about the sun why they take root. Yeah! Can not back when. Let me take a ride. (Sitting Branch, cloud) I Zensheng sitting to live? I look at we. Days also, when can Zensheng or not! I Yangji you we, you and I sing Well, Zensheng not move? I kneel with you and do not move. I bow down to you, do not move. Bah! Bladder adhesive to live your miles, good offensive group is also throwing hair! Niche Bucai kill waves, also a white Qing Xiang. Today with you, on purpose not later, you then said I do not recognize your miles when the day Yao Wang, ten sun, was top of the hill in the Kunlun Hou Yi, shot down nine, just leave you one. You go dawn to night, urging the number of good people. Oh you are happy, shy with you that the fair face red Fufu; you troubled Oh, clouds in the southeast, the fog long in the northwest. Listen: gratuitous three-legged black, round and light flashes. Andhra Yi bow, shoot this one down. Yeah! There is good will be a good Taoist, certainly from the days. In advance not trouble him, or not, the trouble had just, uh, could soon head down the well. Yeah! Drum beat also can be early on_set_, but also ringing bells. In this niche, waiting lady, dare to be to have it sooner or later. (Zheng Dan, the cloud) Su Fan undefined status. I pick up a child under the Hong Zhuo, please I miss going to burn incense. I like the white side can be described as sensitive in people with, from the see, Miss, flies into a disease that almost killed the weekdays have learned, once the waste carry on. Road side beauty just because the world, to change to make the world a gentleman heart. Matter in which that trick unless concubine scared, how can he get into? Today, without telling his wife, pushing the night burning incense, a Miss and I go to health appointments. It is an nobile side mirror, the world and more heartbroken people. (Singing) [More] [transfer] thought that the star quail fighting the article, we bow to the ground every few home forehead. It took months just for the spirit of a people met to teach heartbroken. I said the six countries with a mouthpiece, and lower the amount of Qi Zhi, can not just add a night makeup, push the night burning incense, so as Yuebaifengqing, spend concentrated air is crisp. [Order] purple flower garden on Rongrong pear, willow light wind tower, hazy Grass Pond. So like a good day Liang Ye, ladies only Lang, compared to. Italian servant servant of the household servant to vote when the doors, the achievements of the only solitary phoenix Phoenix. This is a Moonlight south tower, east wall was a spy. That pink shirt] [Health Ganyishuchuang imagination go Gaotang. (White House once forward sensitive subjects, cloud) Miss, you come too. (Zhengdan panic Branch, clouds) Who are you? (Min White Cloud) is me. (Zhengdan singing) deer scared children scarred heart I can hit. Ruo sooner or later who dare not like? (White Cloud Min) I then said the lady comes. (Zhengdan singing) Zensheng change of position can be lunacy. (White Cloud Min) I do not want is a little lady, you Shuzui we. (Zhengdan cloud) can be as early as is my miles, is his wife, uh, can Zensheng up also. (Singing) If I saw how to tell his wife? (Min White Cloud) is sick at such a small faint also. (Zhengdan singing) pavement is harmful waves your spirit, you will eyelids open. You always have good thermal python Dongyang. (Cloud), Mr., and in that car waiting for you, I miss it to have. (Once the children on the cloud) sky late also, I burn incense to. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss you we burn incense. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, who will incense boxes to children. (Zhengdan cloud), Miss, incense boxes children here. (Once the child goes) I Nianxiang we. This stick of incense, is willing to die over his father, early to heaven. The second stick of incense, like well-being of the mother church. (Zhengdan back cloud) I heard this lady who would like incense. (Once the child goes) I have not the like. (Zhengdan cloud) I miss shows like this, then I would like to marry a Miss Merry wind flow, can be gratifying hi, good brother also caused marked Peugeot, Fan Su Zan towing. (Once the child goes) you see Zhejian Ren! (Zhengdan to the clouds), Mr. Yin was spent under the coal is not I Miss Hong. (White Cloud Min) niche dare not dare? (Zhengdan cloud) Sir, you may wish to go. (White Cloud Min) niche sages read the book, late at night with the woman with the night period, what Mo is indecent? (Zhengdan singing) Three [Ghost] Bah! This is the appointment of the romantic situation and is not a music channel Yan Hui Lane. (White Cloud Min) "child and not fishing with a net places do not shoot." (Zhengdan singing) hey! There are also crooked on Luanjiang. (White Cloud Min) niche dare it? (Zhengdan cloud) President, I ask you Zan. (White Cloud Min) Q What niche? (Zhengdan singing) because what you disease in Gaohuangshu? (White Cloud Min) Miss niche compared to. (Zhengdan Cloud) Oh Miss you both for your last wave. (Min White Cloud) is also good moonlight. (Zhengdan singing) busy in the month to show off what Delicate Long. (White Cloud Min) I go in front of Miss Xiang, how all sorts of steps that can not move? (Zhengdan singing) I had not enough time to victims on the mad mad, just can not get to meet the fool on the panic panic. (White Cloud Min) met Miss, I could not help Intuit Intuit's afraid of the heart up. (Zhengdan singing) see him tremble with fear, no place to sleep like you want to dream. (White Cloud Min) in the past might it? (Zhengdan cloud) you might do in the past. (Singing) [Kim] This is the banana leaves Taoyuandong sun flowers, to be better than flying jacket mighty temple of fire smoke. (Zhengdan push Baiyun) (once the child is called the cloud) are they? (White panic Branch, clouds) are niche. (Zhengdan singing) Mountain vague cloud on the balcony, do the Blue Water Bridge, Bo Pan up. (Once children anger Branch, cloud) but turned out to be sensitive in white! You only read the holy book of the hole, will be up to the Duke of the ceremony, so you act, is what treatment is? (White Cloud Min) is not ashamed to kill Wu niche also. (Zhengdan Cloud) Yeah! Miss changed his mind also. White-sensitive, you go there that secretly mouth. (Singing) [That] make fun of it Pimian grab, and I was sick King Xiang. Yeah! Zensheng to Fan Hui of Wushan slim Mother, child archaisms no bar when mouthful, do not need Gong Jian gentle. Lovers hate that fool no one to seam possession. (With clouds) hair, hair, shame it? (Singing) I am also ashamed to kill any powder Fu Lang. (White Cloud Min) for taking me you gray. (Zhengdan singing) [Children] Please bald servant labor intended to throw into confusion degree off-center, I miss playing harder and harder it is for. (Children and once beat Zheng Dan Branch, clouds) Who of you that sooner or later lead him to! (Zhengdan cloud) flashes a hand-off lady. (Laughs Branch, singing) This is Jane, please send me pass by the book tour. Who Cheng Wang, the line we, do have weathered. (Once children anger Branch, cloud) which is a shame Fan Su households lost little slut! (Zhengdan singing) [St] Yao Wang said he is this a, this one, are small farmers lost this disgrace door gossips. (Once the child goes) I told his wife to go also. (Positive sneer Branch, singing) to kill to see injuries, Nazei Oh to see the stolen goods. (White fear of kneeling subjects, cloud) we hope Miss pity niche. (Zhengdan singing) Please pretty sick up until wave Duochou Lang. (A sachet Division) (labor clouds) play Suo. (Singing) This is who with his purple sachet. (Once the child goes) good sister, I fight you playing miles. (Zhengdan cloud) I hurt miles! (White rose section, cloud) were you I would kill the fool. (Once the child goes) was to have! (His wife hit, Keke, the public do panic Branch) (Zhengdan singing) Lang [Ma] that sound in nine children is your child your mother, (wife goes) This must be the prime Fan little slut! (Zhengdan sing) Yeah! The first one first catch clutch Meixiang. (Once the children panic Branch, clouds) Who are you? (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, quietly, is the old lady came. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, cited by you directly to the old lady, how can a can? (Zhengdan singing) from Anthurium your noisy bridal chamber, be on the West Side since faltered. (Once the child goes) Fan Su, the old lady asked me, what can push me? (Zheng Dan Dan pull pediatric) (singing) [Unitary articles] hey! Wish. (White Cloud Min) how the little lady can have? (How Dan refers to white subjects, singing) Mo panic. (Referring to sing from the Division) when I. (Mrs. Cloud) first Huanguo Fan Su little slut to! (Sensitive to the once white cloud) Miss, I hope you covered her we. (Zhengdan cloud) you be blamed ah, the rationale of the course. I can figure what to! (Once the child goes) stop what, good sister, you are first in the past, your self back to the good of it? (Zhengdan cloud) by him, you two just here, I used to see his wife, if that too Oh, joy you off, but said Oh, you off trouble. (See Mrs. Division) (Mrs. Cloud) little slut kneeler (Zhengdan kneel Division) (Mrs. Cloud) little slut, you know what sin? (Zhengdan cloud) I do not know sin. (Lady playing Division, cloud) this little slut! You said I do not know. You do good acts mile! (Zhengdan singing) than his non-biological female line, not outside the Yang family scandal. (Mrs. Cloud) who cited a lady with you, back garden, go to see White-sensitive? Oh if you actually say, I will spare you, if you do not actually say Oh, I killed you little slut! (Zhengdan Cloud) who see to? (Lady playing Division, cloud) I saw personally, you Jiangzui! (Zhengdan cloud) lightning off the old lady hands. This non-concubine of sin, are his wife of over also. (Singing) You obtain a statesman-like move lax. (Mrs. Cloud) This little slut, I mean even climbs. (Zhengdan cloud) Please rate Mrs. Thunderfury, Chen Yung Jianqie from the right and wrong: the date of the first phase the country last words: "The White Lady sodium sensitivity in the Miss-law, save for the reported death of ex-army, such as violation of the last words I I wasted step. "ringing in our ears. Sensitivity in the arrival of white, what meaning does the trial his wife, brother and sister forced to miss the gift of each other. That being the case, where only sensitive in the Annex to send in security, the thickness of farewell he returned home to look its absolute. Are left in the back garden of live classroom rolls. The beauty wit the Wind to the moon, the heart of non-wood and stone, not at nothing thinking? Undefined status of the crime, the solid can not escape, no one's transgression, but also can not avoid also. (Mrs. Cloud) I still have not even sin? (Zhengdan cloud) his wife have four crimes. (Wife goes) I have the four Kwu? (Zhengdan cloud) is not relative to the country from the last words, one of the crime also. Not notice of, the crime of the two also. Pak can not be reported grace, sin of the three also. Flesh and blood can not cover the ugly sin of the four also. (Singing) [Mother] network wire from the dignity of the long puzzling intellectual propriety. (Cloud) I would like for the child moved three Meng Mu, Ling sword mother of the child, the mother of the child haircut Tao, the mother of the child was picking. Ancient holy before, future generations fame. (Singing) a few months have been a fool to do such a sound Za acts. (Mrs. Cloud) Oh you say so, nothing was. (Zhengdan singing) does not give up endlessly begging for a strike next fall. (Mrs. Cloud) strike, strike, strike, Zhe Nizi I mean even back down. I think it is raising her daughter not long gas, are not I a also. (Zhengdan singing) Oh only change of position of the end by only two he co-mandarin duck off. (Lady playing Division, cloud) little slut, down only by you that! I do not spare you, come with me Huan Guo Xiao Man! (See Dan Zheng Dan from the cloud) will miss the old lady and delighted that it is rolling in the hit stick in my body, is longer than shorter than I, once said that. Now the old lady told you last mile! (Once the child goes) Xiuren dripping. How to see the mother? (Zhengdan cloud) in front of your mother, what shame? You see go, who is Bile Yan. (See his wife once kneeling Division) (Mrs. Cloud) good little slut, you shame it? I am lifting you how to? Qi Buwen married female with male, often ancient ritual. You can not do this today so dirty, I am a man without a scarf, Wu does not have gas to kill me! (Do drink Branch, cloud) little slut, and go back into the house tomorrow and you care about. Huanguo little beast to! (Dan next) (Zhengdan see the white section, cloud) President, I also miss a trick. The last mile with your old lady! (White Cloud Min) niche fear, how to see the old lady? (Zhengdan cloud) might do, pretend to be careful off the old face child in the past. (Ms. Bai Xian Branch) (wife of cloud) of small animals, you shame it? How to do that a reader! I am with you brothers and sisters, whom, under which such acts are done! There is so noble and wise parents, gave birth to your children this unworthy man, and I be sound Young Oh, you know that little beast is unreasonable, do not forget to know that the NPC grace our household. If I do not see your face that the father had killed Oh, Azeri house call to bash you! Until dawn clock strike, they went away from my house. Bah! Small young man home, not deliberately in the fame, but unto them carefully on the sex, what I see you have a face to see me! (Next) (back to listen Zhengdan Division) (White Cloud Min) shame to kill me too! There can not stay for long, until the clock strike before dawn Oh, they claim from his house to the water. (Zhengdan Cloud), would you worry off. (Singing) [Snow] Hello plum-like face, Lang also thrush. (White Cloud Min) said you have a child. (Zhengdan singing) and has over a thousand small mouth matchmaker. (White Cloud Min) I did not dare to live here, should move towards a need to have cable, you see my side of the children called to Miss Ye Hao. (Zhengdan singing) I do not need miserable sister channel with a single step discontented, good things never demons. (With clouds) I also said to the lady. (Singing) You only teach children the heart to lengthen. (White Cloud Min) Miss Given this heart, break down my servant also. (Zhengdan singing) [Qingshankou] hey! Might wish, you go in the future efficiency happy couple, the girl must be a panic. (White Cloud Min) This is a small, thin of life, hath a wife to go in the future every fast also. (Zhengdan singing) left to the right with the whole do not want to, cocoa hit the side of the old lady, Oh how you can have when the mouth. Shame to do this better, teach you to pick up book drop, hit Diego outfit, then go to Section field, and suggestions Concord, sleeves Fantasy, an outstanding sheng. King Lam feast strike out Jianzhang, imposing hood, only waiting place. What town is rural but also return home, but also what church worship hall Diocese. Picture to discuss the old unforgettable, brilliant flower that blossoms before the Jinping, that season also makeup for a matchmaker I lie. (White Min cloud) do not have any urge Miss Fu Xiaosheng words? (Zhengdan cloud) Miss Hosta a gift with a single step, Jinfeng a hairpin, you know what its meaning? (White Min cloud) I do not know, send me Hosta Miss nobile, but the primary means? (Zhengdan singing) Miss [ending] I love hard as Jade Hairpin, red heart, such as Huang Chin-feng, meaning you do not do you a white phase. (White Cloud Min) sub-Fu Xiaosheng to Miss what? (Zhengdan Cloud) Yeah! These children struggle to forget the anti-. (Singing) thanks to two things to teach on line, Mr., (white-min cloud) that those two things? (Zhengdan cloud) Miss Road, Phoenix Chi if you are unsuccessful, Yanta title, can be early to Oh! (Singing) relative to the country to do Anzhe enthusiastic champion Lang. (White Min cloud) that one is what? (Zhengdan cloud) is not Jiaoren call you. (Singing) to call you fickle, Changan to do the party boy. (Below) (White Cloud Min) clear sky also, niche packed up, to seek fame, take the one to go. (Poem) Showers reminders only see the flower, the moon suddenly cloud fans happy. Fisherman even swing into lotus, ducks scattered their flight. (Below) The fourth fold (Book of lead outside the play only from Lee on the poem) holding the moon by holding infinite royal master Jinglun forty spring. Surname foes at home and know, previous years Charts human. Old man surnamed Li were purple, deep of the word, from Scholars and third, tired Mongolia Zhuoyong, with North Korea for several years, because the old lady to clean dry clean, Xie Shengen poor, the official seal to monitor the censor, was granted the post of board of civil chancery. This one person, but the white son of white sensitivity in the army, throw off test paper, Japanese unwavering shadow, should one hundred, the saints see the joy, for Hanlin scholar. Then he forgot the parent in Japan, and Jinguo Gong Pei Jie Du crusade Huaixi, was Zeibing siege, infantry fighting white to come forward to join the army, and his body was six shots Shatui Zeibing, save too Pei Jie Du. After the white army gold sores expositions, will want to hang life, Pei-Guo asked, what will, to join the army, saying: "Small government is no other Well, just have a son, Minghuan white sensitivity, the less learning Confucian industry, like the phase state the amount of was promoted, without the shake of a lived and carry on. "relative to the country gave the answer:" Do not move a single step but the concept, a one woman, small print Xiao Man, Si-Min on the promise that the wife, in order to report a single step to save grace to die. "sub- He died after all. Today, in one fell swoop champion and third-min Bai, Feng saint's life, the PEI phase state is old and young, take to the capital, thanks to live in house sitting. The old lady Zhuhun, so sensitive in the early white finish the match. Naturally, I am now to call an official matchmaker, his marriage to go on this issue. Or so, and I call to an official matchmaker! (Only from the cloud) bother about it. Official matchmaker, Messire call your miles. (Net play matchmaker, the cloud) come, come. Home is the official matchmaker, both inside and outside this capital, courtiers people are I Yue He marriage. Some people call me the first door I see him. Who call me? (Only from the cloud) Messire call your miles. (Official media goes) Oh, Messire call me. I'll go with you. (Only from the newspaper section, cloud) Messire, the official matchmaker to a call also. (Li Shang Shuyun) him over. (See Section cloud official media) Messire call matchmaker, and that car use? (Li Shang Shuyun) Wu that matchmaker, it was ordered to move you to take to the PEI phase state Yueqin go, said a sage life, the old lady Zhuhun, Xiao Man that lady with you, move spring champion-law. Chen is a good day is today, we have to get married miles, can not be delayed. (Official media cloud) bother about it. (Li Shang Shuyun) so, you then told a Hermit, where to go next pro, the old lady and then they come also. (With lower) (once with his wife, Zhengdan cited public hospital, the cloud) Laoshen Han, Mongolian saint grace this life, will I picture two, to take to move to Beijing, thanks to house a living, are also Reif Jide . Public hospital, the door first spy who, if anyone comes, I know revenge. (The official media, the poem) I do matchmaker weird, everyone that I loose tongue. I said he was very rich poor, ugly me that he Jiaotai. Dowry or two about deception, I am falling red with white Lai, like this other part man, will chart a great career. Undefined status is the official matchmaker, Feng Sheng Yue Qin ordered to go to the PEI phase state. Can also come early. Retaliation to the public hospital, there is the official matchmaker is the first door. (School Bulletin Division) (Mrs. cloud) over him. (See Section official media, cloud) undefined status to official matchmaker, on instructions from the saint's life, the Board of Civil Li Shang Zhuhun poor, will champion this spring, move and Miss husband. Today, Chen is a good day, it is necessary to this marriage. I know of is the official matchmaker, bonus wine and food preparation, which sooner or later, so dare to have. (Mrs. Cloud) matchmaker you go, Miss our household, has been married, and not dare to promise. (Matchmaker cloud) poor old lady Men, and I have been instructed saint's life, you Ganwei declared anti-imperial? You have to get married today. (B play the Hermit, the cloud) boy surnamed Huang were also, is that the native of the city, doing a Hermit, today the Board of Civil Feng Shang Shujun Li Zhi, a country I go to the next phase pro-Pei. Retaliation to the public hospital, Hermit Road has come also. (School Bulletin Division) (Mrs. cloud) over him. (See Section Hermit) old lady bowed. Feng Li Shang's life, the Hermit to the next pro-I. (Mrs. Cloud) who wants to have this strange thing, Ruzhinaihe? (Once children cloud) Hey! Now how can a can? (Official media goes) is good to teach Miss know, today we have to get married get married do battle! That champion said, he wore a Mishina public service, you have no one at home, never expect to worship him, there is a woman who bow down to people! Every time you are prepared, which dare to be champion sooner or later to have. (Zhengdan cloud) Hey! Who wants to have this different things today! Today Feng saint's life, Chici a champion to our household to do son. Indisputable so, uh, where students also made to pay that Oh! (Singing) [TWIN]] [fresh water to make a bridal chamber in Chici today with the pillars of wood. (Cloud) Miss, but I dare to ask you what, (singing) is that you send Sachet An enemy in? (Once the child goes), said that good scholarship mile champion. (Zhengdan sing) are only for his third of the seven-step. (Once the child goes) Some people say that Ren Ren Chu Chu. (Zhengdan singing) with a straw that was to get married. He Cheng'en Jade Palace in gold bands, more worthy of that lan Wutai. So looks like child birth. (With clouds) to him today we door Oh. (Singing) is willing to worship I never expect the first generation. (Hermit cloud) Wu that matchmaker, you go to the hour, Yubei fragrant fruit, paper candle thousand, altar fighting bows and arrows, grain-inch grass, and that sooner or later to also be pro-am champion. (White-crowned cited only sensitivity of waiting on the poem) Gong Yue Jin official flower purple monkeys, boast three-day official visit Fengcheng. I do not know festoons floor in the female, if a rushed throw Hydrangea. Sensitivity in a small white officer, who wants to have today also. I am from the examination halls, the throw is too examination paper, the throne room, the sage pro-test, day unwavering shadow, respond to one hundred, sage teaching: "the former Li Hanlin, but the case." Niche in one fell swoop champion and third will be a day plus A thirteen, the official Hanlin scholar. Feng saint's life today, teach me to PEI with national Ha-law. Nevertheless, like the old lady That day was humiliated, Youhemianmu be found? I do not come to be, Chennai saint's life, not against. I am now in the body, to his home, then push the strangers, I think he recognized what? (Branch line, singing Hermit Branch, poem) Jincheng step by flowers, please post under the new Malay. Phoenix City today Luan spouse, happy couple hundred harmony. (White Wat concealed the teeth, and sat with Dan Branch, the Hermit goes) to the grain-inch grass. (Official media cloud) you is fine ass, off to nonsense! (White Cloud Min) Hermit to strike. (Hermit below) (Zhengdan cloud) I do not find words to be, he said I ignore, I was this scholar, I have a few children we eat. Miss Mei Xiang wondering to, as long as we were unsuccessful, it is also good, if unsuccessful, uh, (singing) [In] the first horse to listen to the deep thorn in the towering cliff, when one reason or another suffer pain Chi endure. (With clouds) that won the official vote of each scrubby, uh, (singing) shy in the chest outside of Jiu Xiao Yun. It never can seem to spring to. (White sitting instability Division) (Zhengdan cloud) Why did he take the instability? (Singing) is not his poor bones consumers Messire house. (White Cloud Min) hey! I have a good full stomach also. (Zhengdan cloud) that you are straight Nenban pride! (Singing) is that you not be able to hungry belly of yellow powdered food. Off to pay attention to teach him to do, not dare to earn that two more had broken Tianling Gai. (Official media cloud) every good lively musicians musicians. (White Cloud Min) off moving music, "Guan Ju" music rather than prostitution, grief without injury. Move him to do! (Official media cloud) to the wine, and drink a champion cross-cups child. (White Cloud Min) is paying even the tea for wine, good wine File Title Oh, but I taste a wine, dazed for three days. Born non-drinkers. (Official media cloud) the wedding couple, guiding children with some wine. (White Cloud Min) of my life not wait to see the woman face, but his wife meet, split brain one-third. (Official media goes) is not said Fuchangfusui. (Zhengdan laugh Branch, cloud) if I do not gray he Oh, this nonsense straight man to do tomorrow what I think he will! Star Road, not days of wine, to have the Jiuquan. Sage says: "However, wine immeasurable, less chaos." Teach a few people who do not drink to? Juxiu ancient sage said, is that modern Li Hanlin, drinking a bucket, one hundred poems, called Immortal. This said, but taste a little champion, dazed three days! (Singing) Jo Brand hey [children] can be any amount of alcohol you a wide sea. (Cloud) (born man willing to have this room, the woman born of a family is willing.) He said that a woman's life, not wait to see the surface. (Singing) Qibu Wen-free after the most major. When the solution was re-Hong Luo with? "Wu Wei brought the matter to Germany, such as lust." [] Bean leaves yellow candle in the cold Oh his reading, fasting, and a few had thrush Oh cursory to chapter _set_s. (White Min cloud) if they are saints taught me to, uh, off-road is a Nizi, you is the jade angel who love him. (Zhengdan Cloud) He said non-saints Chi Ming, uh, (singing) we do not love angel Jade Road. (White Cloud Min) man a real man to fame in mind, to do what this wife! (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, uh, (singing) than the Song Hong tonight is nothing to do with harmony. Heaven and earth have initial chaos, there are faint daytime sun and the moon to push rows of men and women with women husband harmony. He will be deeply buried Avenue, just all good, those children with the three powers? They do have ranked three, but also need to Reinforcing the yin and yang, harmony Ding Nai. (Cloud) this champion to cover their faces half-tooth Wat, known to his students, I Look we. (Singing) [Drops of gold, according to him so imposing, decidedly odd students clear Weird. (Cloud) I look forward that we students a look. (Singing) I am here to push the cut candle next to the silver stand. (White Cloud Min) matchmaker, there are also burning Anthurium. (Dan Wang laugh Division) (once children cloud) how you laugh. (Zhengdan singing) I did not see King hygiene conditions, and I shall be dirty Nazei, particularly at night of joy I laugh. (Once the child goes) how do you this so funny ha ha? (Zhengdan singing) [Zhegui Ling] Tonight a "friends from afar." (Once the child goes) is that Qinjuan? (Zhengdan singing) for you today on the water chestnut, coupled with nobile. (Once the child goes) you wave, who? (Zhengdan sing) a catch of the day you ashamed face up away from the door, now a thousand turn high spirits on stage. Off from the future Qinnong Yu Teng Fengtai, as early as the Han Liu Lang strayed into the roof. (Once the child goes) dare not it? (Zhengdan singing) does not claim Yi Cai, I think that's aware that many owe you a few with no Wan Yi Acacia, he will step moon Gui folded back. (Once the child goes) You wait a minute more joy, Hugh mistaken. (White Cloud Min) Wu was the little mother, you say who miles! I have no words to be, do not tolerate such nonsense of you mess Road. You then said I do not recognize you, you flap came, I ask you are we. (Zhengdan cloud) Miss, I said you off that wave. (Singing) [Wild goose down] Yeah! Angry customers this spring under the door. (White Cloud Min) You said I can not hit you? (Zhengdan Cloud) Oh you is the new champion. Also is the household of a new son, Zensheng hit me that? (Singing) is that I owe you less pus and blood debt. (White Cloud Min) random nonsense you said you tube, side is that who? (Zhengdan singing), according to Mei Xiang Hu mouth open. (White Cloud Min) I am a son your home, your paternity is long, I Zensheng not hit you? (Zhengdan singing) reported a high degree the right to delay, raising his hand to be. (Wat white teeth to be the angle Division) (Zhengdan clouds) Who miles you play? (White Cloud Min) Fan Wu is not prime! You can Xiuguai little lady. (Zhengdan laugh Division) (singing) [Triumph] this car is not up and down the wall of the small slave child. (White Min cloud) that wall compartment Miss Mo Bushi it? (Zhengdan singing) that the wall is dress down your skirt hand hairpin. (White Min cloud) that night was his rebuff to kill Miss niche is! (Zhengdan singing) that is I miss deed Zhenlie. (White Cloud Min) is the old lady stop the wedding also, (Zhengdan singing) is the I that old lady to make the plan, the good impulse to open, take a goldfish to teach you to earn bags. (White Cloud Min) Fan Su, a saint's life today, I can be out of it? (Zhengdan singing) Yubi pro-poor, although you can also arrange a jade Mirror claims. (White Cloud Min) Meet your mother we. (Lady on the cloud) is who I said, the original is in the White Min. (See Section) (White Cloud Min) mother please sit tight, the wine, I with my mother to cup Oh. (Zhengdan cloud) Resident! (Singing) [Wind] I Lamei day his wife never quit. (White Cloud Min) wife not to drink, drink a few glasses of horizontal niche. (Zhengdan cloud) will face off to drink. "Cross-tea is very good for wine Oh Ken File Title wine." You say "but taste a little, dazed three days" also. (Singing) You said you narrow drinker. (White Cloud Min) no music before the feast, not a joy. Musicians and musicians every move! (Zhengdan Cloud) "move music off!" Guansui 'music rather than prostitution, grief without injury, how he move! "(Singing) listen to a random house business without fuss. (White light on Lady goes down)-in-law sit down, we worship by your son two. (Zhengdan cloud) Resident! Hugh worship. (Zhengdan hold Division) (singing) I see he is busy supporting the policy parameters-in-law move. (White Cloud Min) I worship the mother, you have helped me to do? (Zhengdan cloud) you do not to have been. (White Cloud sensitive) to what I said? (Zhengdan Cloud) "there is a wife that bow down to people." (Singing) you wear a purple robe of gold towards the king with. (White Cloud Min) you do not have forgotten a child! (Mrs. Cloud) off the white champion you blame me, not Laoshen drive you to, uh, how can he have today? (White Min cloud) the day the old lady Chuigu Mongolia today Enrong, share the wealth also. (Zhengdan cloud) Mr. champion wit, do not disgrace the country with lintel. (Singing) Put wine] [Han-chi has been compared, such as harmonic, Wenjun Ying laugh gills, (once children cloud) Fan Su also a joy today also. (Zhengdan singing) This is a marriage of heaven. Now known in the world, with more than just being ladies. [Peace] I miss this one that offer all kinds of Jiaotai, the new champion with ten thousand kinds of open-minded. Ji Ho infinite royal birth of his pet, into a sense of wearing numerous spouses. End of a Beautiful, strong, holy, holy this is cut. (Public hospital on the cloud) Well! Reported his wife, the scholar knows, there are heavenly mission to. (White Cloud Min) fast row incense table, reception angel. (Zhengdan singing) is willing to absolutely _set_ the people An Guotai. (Li Shang, the cloud) a minor official Li Jiang, Feng saint's life, to Jin Guogong house, and into this marriage together. Official promotion gift reward, were born to. Can also come early. White-sensitive, you a child Wangque knees, listening to the life of the saints: Father joined the army just for you, the difficulty was to save Peijin Gong, Xu Xiao Man wife to report kindness, sensitivity in today's third later in life, success of this pro-government closure of three generations, thanks to his wife Kim Bae two thousand. You the listener: (word clouds) open Xun Chen Jin, Xu left a jade knot marriage. Min Bai Yun Road, in the fruit Teng, Feng Sheng married life match. Coronet, Xia Pei Chi Xiao Man, thanks to Lady million ounces of gold and silver. Today, a tour official promotion gift, a door of Dai Tianen. Bachelor of marriage very proud of the subject Jin 第一折
题目辕门外单气张飞 First off (End of play Qigong Zi red collar only waiting on the clouds) still have to respect the Warring States Period Week Hegemons gaining the upper hand for Liehou. The rate of soil bearing rule of the coast, Wal troubled strong spring. Is Qigong Zi is also a. Zu Liguo Linzi, since the beginning of the week when the closure seventy-two country, and after eighteen countries, since the result of the struggle between Wu and Yue, after King Ping Zhou, the Spring and Autumn of the world. This sub-twelve countries, is Lu, Wei-guo, Jin, Zheng, Cao, Cai, Yan, Chen, Song, Chu, Qin, I Qi, Qi a border but I East wide, Sangma everywhere, like millet plot mountain, Lai Man music industry, rain wind tone. As a result of a dream last night night, see a bright moon, out from the Cape, Qiali transit, suddenly obscured by clouds. Caesar then shocked to find that, when midnight midnight. Unknown Mr. Ho Luck, the doctor may request the tiger to sleep a wink, and my dreams. It is your morning has gone, it is also during the dare to be. (Net play close my eyes on the tiger, cloud) Qi Dong Qi Dong, raw Qiaoxi, not bald, is blind. Little Tiger is also the official is close my eyes, is the Qi in the doctor's post. My life is good tussle, if extraordinary play, I play with open eyes the tube; if not beat, and I look forward to co-management where people are playing. A son calls, I wonder if there even something to be born to claim. Can also come early. To retaliate, said there had also slept tiger. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that there had also slept tiger. (Qigong Zai Yun) him over. (Hou cloud only) bother about it. Of the past. (See Section do) (net slept tiger cloud) son of a minor official calls have anything? (Qigong Zai Yun) sleep a wink the tiger, and even call you to do nothing, to make a dream one night, see a bright moon, out from the Cape, Qiali transit, suddenly was cloud cover. Unknown Mr. Ho Luck, you to realize their dreams. (Net sleep a wink Tiger cloud) I said why things turned out to be a dream. What is not playing tight! Son, you look Sibo, but also on who is bright, clear who is also bright, clouds are fog. On inside the cloud, cloud inside the fog, clouds month, good luck omen. Today, if not money, son, you must chew the wine was. (Qigong Zai Yun) Zhesi HU! People, please come by on the doctor Yan Ying. (Only waiting cloud) ignore it! (Please do Branch, cloud) Yantai Fu please! (Yan Ying play outside on the cloud) Tsunatsune ritual is Yi Lun, and people pay good mettle soon. Rule regulating the family as the land, in Mingming in Newman. Infants and small official surnamed Yan name, word flat Chung, given the rank of Qi on the doctor's job. Call this a son to be born to claim. Can also come early. It is, to retaliate, said there is little official Yan Ying came also. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, with Yantai Fu came also. (Qigong Zai Yun) Road have requested. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. Have requested. (See Section) (Yan Ying Yun) Yan Ying son calls have anything? (Qigong Zai Yun) doctor, do not you come, some to make a dream last night, see a bright moon, out from the Cape, Qiali transit, suddenly was cloud cover. Hereby request the doctor to round this dream, the main unknown what Luck. (Yan Ying Yun) son, but also on those who are negative, Hao Ming who is also, obscured by clouds, the fortunes of this person is not encountered. Son did not marry his wife, all the wise lady, hidden in the countryside, or in the forest between the foot. (Qigong Zai Yun) doctor, he Zensheng able to see? (Yan Ying Yun) son is not difficult to see, hit the city come hunting sunrise shot, a quarter to noon, will be met lady sage. (Qigong Zai Yun) has quasi-What remark? (Yan Ying clouds) are decidedly non-standard difference. (Net sleep a wink the tiger? ? Yan dwarf is nonsense. Everyone has this dream, two days Chunkun, sleep and more dreams and more, I also draw the first throwing divination, and people have to realize their dreams, and now sell more turtle Gua children, not working. Road from time to dream is the heart, eyes dancing eyebrows long, magpie noise is busy eating, sneeze nose itch. They said throwing divination by drawing lots, always a good note, nothing serious, it is Hu said. (Qigong Zai Yun) who listen to you HU! Sleep a wink tiger, allotments so, pick up belongings pommel horse bird dog, come on hunter-gatherers, were born to. (Net sleep a wink Tiger goes) was that! I am out the door, the size of the head, then clean up the pommel horse, RBI lackey, son shot to fight hunting. I can not do something, is to dwarf Yan. He said tomorrow to play around the office, and saw sage lady. If you see Oh, will stop, if not saw Oh, Yan Ying also my children, I worry for you miles! Dream is the heart like, Yan Ying Hu playing cried; if not see ladies, he slowly white lie. (Next) (Qigong Zi cloud) around the field and I call to those who can! (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (Doing call Branch, cloud) can be safe in the field? (Outside the field to play on the cloud) four base plug Emperor Guan Li River, towering peaks Qi yue column; such as Hill plot Yip Su Min, Jiujiu Wal-Mart No. Qi. A is the field energy is also, under the command of Junior in Qigong Zi for the post of President, General military on. Field exercises are taught Shima, son calling, claim to be born to. Can also come early. To retaliate, said a field can come also. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, there are also fields to come. (Qigong Zai Yun) him over. (Hou cloud only) ignore the past. (See Section) (Qigong Zai Yun) field can come also. (Tian can cloud) of small government came also. (Qigong Zai Yun) and Yibi owner. So, and I will Xu Hongji, etc. to those who call. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. Xu Hongji, etc. An in? (With Xu Hongyi Xu Hongji play on the outside) (Xu Hongji cloud) martial arts mastery dare to war, killing one used to wage war rally; support for the good will of Qi, Wei was the frontier town of the name. A is Xu Hongji, brother Xu Hongyi, under the command of the Qigong Zi about Tsuginoikusanokimi the post. Point just before the military back also, the son calls, I wonder if there is even something to be born to claim. Can also come early. Retaliation to go, there I said to the two also. (Hou cloud only) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! There Tsuginoikusanokimi Xu Hongji, Xu Hongyi come also. (Qigong Zai Yun) him over. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. In the past. (See Section) (Xu Hongji) two sub-calls I would use that car? (Qigong Zai Yun) I now want to make hunting shoot, field capacity. (Tian can cloud) have! (Qigong Zai Yun) you will be with him two, even pick up the pommel horse to go hunting and shoot, can not delay. (Tian can cloud) was that! Xu Hongji, Xu Hongyi, I command a shame horse, packed up and other things to play around with the son to go. You two first cloth yard, a son Paul out of the city. (Xu Hongji cloud) to come. (Tian can cloud) Tsuginoikusanokimi go cloth yard, found the spring hunting Dixiang; big raise livestock net income, cycles singing triumph cavity. (Under the same Tsuginoikusanokimi) (Qigong Zai Yun) Dr. Yin and Yang are accurate, if the response to this dream, the official seal must also rewarded. Rate of disability Linzi to power, for the non-principal wife seek marriage; search hunter Pro Spring Country, when the case of beauty should be a dream Yin. (Next) (Yan Ying Yun) son back also. Book says: advanced in music, Savage also. Cover that country's people, is a rustic style. Today there is no son of his wife, did not treat the inside, not at its external governance? Was this dream, come on in the San hunter-gatherers, the case of Xian Zai lady will be with Gentleman. A bright moon Just empty, but was miserable fog clouds Yang; deep Lin Lu know where, only to hunter-gatherers in North Korea. (Next) (outside play Polo collar Bu Laoer children, the net, once the tea) (Polo Laoer cloud) the plot is clan ancestral hills, the deep things Sangma Village village. Harvest spring planting pastoral music, no degree is nothing more than old China. Hyphenated Zhongli old man, name one letter word. This product is ancestral Qi Yi people's salt-free. Exchange a family of five children: her mother Liu, Zhong child is a baby, a young married woman Chow, the girl is Zhongli spring. Quite at home among the Land, some coarse grains thinner than accept food, people call it big with me as the bell. Zhongli girl spring, older two-year-old, Minghui Mind, mind and above-board, is that some children Yen ugly. Day recite poetry and literature, the night view of sky, versatile and all directions, the history of every nine by three dawn. Not due to learning and achievement, can exercise their talent. Both civil and military, military strategy deep, the boat was a safe country, your family statecraft. Chennai has not employ many people struggle. Now when Yuchun between Heaven, it is the busy season, so baby cow bell to go big, young married woman, you look carefully at home silkworm were! (Tea once the cloud) the father, but open, then show off his girl to write the word attack, sword wheel gun, learn where to use? I was farming village people came, and now the busy season, for the children of farming dam to go, and I own a home, but also results linen spinning, but also to adopt mulberry silkworm feeding, but also to serve her in-laws answered the. Do not twist his daily cross, not vertical lift, it was busy answered the support of his Zende? (Bu children cloud) is also old, you left off listening to further ado, language, attacking both the written word Oh baby, is good. Hilltop Oh someday baby, but also I Liangkou Er benefits. You call him out, I asked him. (Polo Laoer cloud) silly disciples, he is my girl, which do not support him is not the end. You and I were evocative him. (Tea once the cloud) that I call him father, I can not do something, but then he said I climb miles! I am by his father and told him to come out. (Call Branch, cloud) unsalted aunt, father, call your miles! (Zhengdan play Zhongli Chun Shang, cloud) undefined status hyphenated Zhong Li, Ming-chun, is also salt-free women. Aged two years old, living in this village deep. Ancestors official career, my father designed this service to farmers. Undefined status are born lazy attack pin means, a good learning poetry and literature, rather a working knowledge of military matters. Father calls for, there are even things I do not know, claim to be born to. I would like ancient kings, to control the world, spread to the present, but also extraordinary easy Oh! (Singing) [Sin] [Lu] Since that point red lips grams cutting Yin Tang, Robert created, this homing, Zhou room kings, Peace and Prosperity for the statue on. Mixed Martial Law [Spring] was also magnificent, said a national home of the state. Sector breakdown of the soil, crumbling _set_ a border. Fortunately, it is the value of Nim-year-old downtown song, like every beautiful music scenery. End of the line beauty and humility, and his teachings to feel, Bing by Tsunatsune. (See Section, cloud) sister Hail. (Tea once the cloud) aunt, father call you miles! We see go to. (See Section) (tea once the cloud) father, my aunt came also. (Polo Laoer cloud) to the baby also. (Zhengdan cloud) father, call your baby have anything? (Polo Laoer cloud) baby also, you Zhuang Huren home girl, refused to do the needle refers to the peasant life, every day is learning martial arts school, writing reading, learning how to use him? (Zhengdan clouds) Oh, my father had this also! (Singing) [Oil] gourd pin means you hurry home my cottage, and my climbing embroidered bed, as I ask Qin learn sword chant articles, fight dark sigh as I called on the heroic spirit. I will boast military strategy Qubing will be applied. (Polo Laoer cloud) baby, I will do according to the livelihoods of women can be bad? (Zhengdan singing) I never intended to Jian Chi, Mind Gang, rivers and lakes known as the amount of my chest, I struggle to know and to be hidden fortune. (Polo Laoer cloud) you are a girl home, then studies that martial arts, there is also the amount to you. (Zhengdan singing) [World music] has - on exclusive outstanding superior strength, I will be notorious, the surnamed Yang. With my machine to seek wide logistics intelligence. (Bu Yun children) baby also, you learn that art of war into a war policy, and who dare to keep the enemy is? (Zhengdan singing) will battle any battle row, Huili Yang Yi Fu to soldiers, I _set_ border crime with the Royal party. (Polo Laoer cloud) baby also, I here there are official, but also promising officials, but also promising merchants, the calculation is not as Anzhe every village farmers happy. (Bu Yun children) baby also, that Deng Shi Road, but Zensheng? That for the merchants, but how? You say again, I listen we. (Once the cloud of tea) I really benefit from each village farmers are happy. (Zhengdan singing) [Grass] to study the parasitic climbing position, financial administration of human operators, Deng Shi Chang prestigious official Middle goods, goods traveling thousands of miles for the business growth plans. Makers every field silkworm more prosperous times. (Tea once the cloud) aunt at home is busy, I Sang mining strike, to relax on that Peony Pavilion, to the good Shuazai. (Zhengdan singing) You move along a cool play The Peony Pavilion, I sat in the Army until nine lotus account. (Polo Laoer cloud) baby, you now have is not small. Spring will do now, summer will be temporary, it is busy silkworm, when taken along with his wife to feed silkworms mulberry leaves some may be bad? (Zhengdan cloud) the father dare not promise life? Undefined status go, go, go! (Polo Laoer cloud) young married woman, carefully watching baby, do not idle wandering. (Zhengdan cloud) wife, we go to San mining. (Singing) [End] I now stand with the hard, dare idle wandering. Accompanied by the village women to adopt children mulberry basket, playing stack up romantic glamorous makeup, the line into the home number to make mulberry for silkworm busy. Rush spring, when their internal and external furniture. With me a brain trick, awesome shape, one day be together state social security cases. (Once under the same tea) (Polo Laoer cloud) to the mining mulberry baby also, little old man thing, Guanzhuang watching Tian, were born to. Spring farming efficiency hospitality, the summer solstice hoe suffer Xin Hui; grain received into the fall, winter and happy three old people rich. (Below) Second fold (Field to work with Xu Hongji, Xu Hongyi lead dog collar pawn driving eagle flag on the play) (field can cloud) Mok field can be also. Zhong Guan came to this country with, the size of the armed forces, planted yard, dare to be son to have it sooner or later, will be laid out by the paddock! (Xu Hongji cloud) General, had also manipulated rigorous. (Tian can cloud) son also dare to be. (Qigong Zi Yan Ying same, only waiting limp on the horse) (Qigong Zai Yun) is also a Qigong Zi. Came to the outskirts, Wu is not the yard. (Do horses go limp Branch, cloud) Zensheng roe roe deer, rabbits can be, but no one? Wu is not a white rabbit! Throw everyone off, so I shot this rabbit. (Do archery section, cloud) with! Rabbit is also shot in the left and right and I brought! (Pawn cloud) reported that the son learned that the rabbit can go with arrows. (Field to catch Branch, Cloud) Yeah! Rabbits live miles away also with arrows. (Qigong Zai Yun) hair splashed with me a group to go gold Pi arrows also, where to go, but strike to be dry! A crowd followed, works to catch up. (Do catch Branch, cloud) Jingan him to go tight, slow to catch him walking. Tin can, you keep _set_ting the paddock, I advised to catch up with him. (Next) (field can cloud) good Qiaoxi also, I half-hunter, only to have a white fur rabbit, son shot, go with a gold arrow Pi, son chase will go. All the soldiers, I looked around to find the rabbit to go to catch. (Same below) (tea basket once children, and singing) [Shake] carrying the herbs in the mountains blue, my children mess bald curly hair. This year may be a good collection of silkworm, silkworm is also what a good collection brother, Yurun of soft, dewy fancy, turn South San Guo trekking. (Cloud) undefined status Chow, father, mother language, accompanied by my aunt to adopt Sang. Back to suburban garden also. Aunt some action. (Zhengdan basket on children, cloud) undefined status is also salt-free women. Spring and early summer when the case of the occasion, sericulture is busy. Mongolian language the parents, along with his wife adopted a mulberry silkworm feeding. Salt-free, when you have that fortune season! (Singing) [Lu] in the [children] pink dish when careless lazy Zhuangshu these are busy sericulture farming Crackdown timing. Love sword attack break from school books, hidden deep forest, the potential field, native farm. (Once the cloud of tea) You see this aunt has taken holding a book at the San, have any good? (Zhengdan singing) This book has to make an effort, I have to notice of the state to be broadcast Yang reputation. (Tea once the cloud) aunt, you have never come out, you see that people close to the girl, not like you have to adopt mulberry silkworm feeding? You like it, the one adopted Sang, two Laishua a play, not sit also be superior? (Zhengdan singing) [Drunk] Look at the neighborhood spring Chun's Angels, more and this Xianglv little girl, home Wan Hui Ye Zhen Zhen, the number of children make this trip a few. Toru Yulin not go and watch different dates spine, countless mulberry. (Tea once the cloud) we slowly taken Sang, see what people come. (Qigong Zi limp horse to catch the rabbit, the cloud) walk walk! Just to catch up, with gold Pi, went into the mulberry. (See Section do, cloud) can be Zensheng gone? Wu was among several taken Sang Sang woman, I ask him soon. Wu Sang was adopted woman, you have seen a rabbit, with a Zhijian it? (Tea once the cloud) Cacalia you asked here, I say to you, you go to look for asking the child to the South China Sea, and even river deer that you! (Qigong Zai Yun) Wu woman, there is also the way to go Linzi? (Zhengdan singing) Red embroidered [that] he asked I was Linzi road. (Clouds) Who are you? (Qigong Zai Yun) is Qigong Zi is also a. (Zhengdan cloud) is Qigong Zi. (Singing) You can then how come Anzhe Rural Market? Hey, you have a son Qi Hou Shu Yu. (Qigong Zai Yun) Zhesi good rude also, what Shuyu place? (Zhengdan singing) Know ye not that the seedlings in the ground, will not read the cooked wheat, (cloud) field seedlings in the ground now. (Singing) You Doble, you sub-Hua-Liu Jian Tian Mu sudden. (Qigong Zai Yun) is ominous is also good. Throwing hair for this group, women by the mining mulberry gas! I am out of this mulberry, can not see Yan Ying Zensheng? (See Yan Ying limp on the horse panic Branch, cloud) son, what amount of that rabbit to play a tight, straight arrived here! (Qigong Zai Yun) Yan Ying, your circle of dreams! Lady nor see, taken down by a woman an angry mulberry. (Yan Ying Yun) son, where? I Look we. (Shock Branch, cloud) saw this woman, born as the appearance of non-secular. Day afternoon when Zhuo, this could there be wise men dream lady? Hugh asked is not, I pointed to his title poem, see what he says. Wu that woman, I make you listen to the poem, the dawn of what you see. Poem reads: mining to mining Sang Sang busy busy, Zhao Zhao Sang-line string day; weaving segments under rungra and horses, the unknown that the clothes. (Zhengdan cloud) in the prime minister towards the dare? I back him one. You the listener, poem reads: General General busy to busy, Zhao Zhao daily struggle strong; plenty of country and boat, and no one dared to _set_ a border. (Tea once the cloud) to adopt a Road has also adopted the Sang Sang busy busy, a busy road, General General also busy. If men and women can not be bad gut, if you do not go on tight, I saw I beat you to your mother. (Yan Ying Yun) ah, ah, ah! Really is a sage! Wu Sang woman was taken, where your native of Surname Name who? You try that, I listen we. (Zhengdan singing) [] I paid pomegranate grace to serve the country as a farmer, this is the hard-working with the farming hoe. (Yan Ying Yun) busy when the cable is hard-working also. (Zhengdan singing) does not light see Cheng Ho sparse millet. (Yan Ying Yun) native of you there? (Zhengdan singing) live in border states Qi corner, Yap earth rural folk. (Yan Ying cloud) I own both of the people you are, when allegiance to the monarch also. (Zhengdan singing) When allegiance to tax poor subjects, Sheng Xinglong China volt household salt. Jun Hou for the time being content to forgive, listen, I talk about to be even for a moment. (Yan Ying cloud) I own one strong horse and strong, who folk music industry, civil and military elite, what about things? (Zhengdan singing) [] You are now fighting pence quail can not text, you are now armed soldiers careless pride. (Cloud) Scots Zai Zai is useless! Between spring and autumn, outside the monarch does not repair the gift, not within the rule of Su regulating the family. Once the blog is weak, he invaded the country compete, too late! (Yan Ying Yun) was just a matter of Yin women said their small official appreciate further. (Zhengdan singing) into the water that is willing to capture Kau, Laughlin Cihu? One intellectual light little talent as described abdominal true, how can hook Chi aspect of virtue stands alone. (Yan Ying Yun) Fangjin Spring and Autumn, all according to their territory, no power to civil and military elite! (Zhengdan singing) Do not you know Heng Qin West suffering? Know ye not that big South Qiu Chu? (Yan Ying Yun) son, a minor official view of this woman, a non-vulgar words, it is sage, which was a dream of the wise men should be. If you've got this woman as his wife, Qi great order. (Son of the cloud) the doctor, you ask him. (Yan Ying Yun) was just a minor official said Wen Yin women, women between the non-mulberry, the words are the rule regulating the family way, in the real Women Current leaders also. I Qigong Zi's wife did not see this lady, female Ruoken see Yin Xu, and Qigong Zi marry, pro-small government for the Great Barrier, Yin women think of it? (Zhengdan Cloud) You are who? (Yan Ying Yun) is a minor official Qi Yan Ying is also on the doctor. (Zhengdan clouds) Oh, Yan Chengxiang, heard so much about respect name. Concubine to adopt mulberry, is a non-marry, which they have parents in the hall, Xu Yan Gan light? (Yan Ying Yun) Yin Xu a woman willing to woo, then a son to be, and then meeting with your parents pro. (Zhengdan clouds) So, like son back flatter eloquent, to carve, the election horses, real treasuries, with the virtuous, into the blunt, so who is willing to prepare harem. Adults can not be with opera. (Yan Ying Yun) a word-based, the main one is no suitable, willing keepsake of how Feng? (Zhengdan cloud) Renda Fu whom. (Yan Ying Yun) son, and delighted Yin women have been promised, Bong keepsake to be. (Son of the cloud) the way little treasures, this right is purple Sibian letter _set_. (Yan Ying cloud) in the future. Yin woman, I believe the son to be this purple Sibian. (Zhengdan cloud) to end the couple's ceremony, not at the Zhibian things? Not. (Once the cloud of tea) worth mentioning worth mentioning, in the future cattle drive. (Yan Ying Yun) son, that wall Yin woman said, only to end the couple's ceremony. Qi is Zhibian things. (Son of the cloud) this sword of the letter given port. (Yan Ying Yun) worth mentioning worth mentioning. Yin F, son of the sword as this letter _set_ mouth. (Zhengdan cloud) weapons is an ominous thing, how can the token? (Once the cloud of tea) leaves to feed silkworms keep Qiesang. (Yan Ying Yun) son, Yin woman said, weapons are inauspicious objects are not used as a keepsake. (Son of the cloud) can be Zensheng? (Yan Ying Yun) son of the jade and Yin female waist, which serves as keepsake. (Son of the cloud) when the speaker also. This jade belt with his right to be believed. (Yan Ying cloud) will in the future. Yin F, I regarded as a son of this letter jade _set_, Yin women think of it? (Zhengdan cloud) undefined status for the time being will remain, regardless of home with their parents. (Son of the cloud) Yantai Fu, Yin women with the same on the back, different day with his parents at the bow to? (Yan Ying Yun) small woman said to the officer and Yin. Yin woman, now the son will be Yin with female car truck back, different day salute with your parents, choose auspicious really good time, get married to? (Zhengdan Cloud) This reciprocate. Necessary to marry, welcome ceremony at the door's bell, choose auspicious good, the pro-greet pass, this is also the ceremony. Jun is the same car car back, Ben is also female. (Son to listen to Branch, cloud) Yantai Fu, also remark deep justified. (Yan Ying Yun) Yin woman, who only shelter jade. (Zhengdan cloud) undefined status collected jade. (Singing) This exquisite jade] [Shua Haier as credentials, stand toward the side-chi Chu. Tsunatsune ritual given the scale of the human relations and body binding. (Yan Ying cloud) the right to _set_ the jade ritual, each afraid to lose the trust of the next two. (Zhengdan singing) Ericsson today a hard-working woman spinning and weaving, you are a worthy match dressed real man, get the person you were rich and powerful family. He Shengwen village, shine door Lu. (Son of the cloud) the doctor and asked women to return to Feng Yin gift. (Yan Ying Yun) bother about it. Yin F, a minor official Feng son's life, asked women to return to Feng Yin gift. (Zhengdan cloud) Yes Yes Yes! This is a mulberry comb, the right gift for the return mailer. (Yan Ying then Branch, cloud) son, Yin Sang Combs as a female, the right gift for the return mailer. (Son of the cloud) the doctor, my jade worth one hundred gold, the amount of hair that mulberry trees are even rare? You go. (Yan Ying Yun) to a minor official said. Yin woman, I said son, jade worth one hundred gold, mulberry trees have even this amount of matter. (Tea once the cloud) have even matter? Cast to the other children to a street vendor, thousands of hard to extremely difficult. (Zhengdan cloud) doctor, Hugh mulberry comb small can look at this, he can manage methodology. (Yan Ying Yun) good words! Son, Yin woman said he was off to see the small can, can manage methodology. (Son of the cloud) sentence, every word, are in line with Avenue. Women, you name even name who, where native of? A good _select_ion auspicious day, the next fiscal salute, married to his wife's wife. (Zhengdan cloud) you listener. (Singing) Zhongli [end] My name is the name of the spring, was originally Cangshan ancestors lived. (Son of the cloud) I know also that you and I refer to the way children we Linzi. (Zhengdan singing) You is now out of Mulberry Road, Linzi. I had no salt, Yap is the daughter of Qi. (Below) (Tea once the cloud) HE thousands of hi! I aunt who wants to do with Qigong Zi wife, got jade. I have good news to come home to. Yan Ying worthy of the doctor, articles, intelligence and almanacs; rouge powder and then a bucket of paint, I was a village of Tuan years old make up fox. (Next) (son of the cloud) the doctor, HE thousands of hi! If this dream should be. Would choose auspicious Auspicious, married his wife to the country, thanks to its own official promotion tours. Because hunter-gatherers into the mulberry, the U.S. ladies meet knot edge; Qizai Veda salt-free women, the rule regulating the family as big yin. (Same below) Wedge (Ji Qin emperor's carriage outside the play from the people on the collar, cloud) accounted dominated strong Qin Xianyang, fighting on the state treasure Lintong arch. Heroes have Shiyong Lie, Wal Jiujiu from notorious. Qin Ji is a chariot is also, as this will be in the Qin Zhaogong men. REHABILITATIVE spring of the world, Qin of the country, 11 nations, to pay tribute. Only East Sarkozy, not tribute for three years. Listening to rely bell known salt-free hero Zhiyong, a chain of jade to this East this homogeneous, single-Chennai salt, if unlock Yuhuan, truce Bazhan, if untied, soldiers go system, the sin of conquest do not tribute not to late. It is! Long to call the white tiger. (From one cloud) bother about it. Tiger Bai Changan in? (Long white tiger play on the net, cloud) is a white tiger is also long. Being drilled troops, calling adults, there are even things I do not know, claim to be born to. Can also come early. It is, to revenge, a character asks long come also. (From one cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Marshal reported that, the white tiger has long come. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) over him. (From one cloud) bother about it. In the past. (See Section) (net Tiger Bai Changyun) Marshal call teenager there use? (Qin Ji chariot cloud) do not call you to, and poor you for the mission, will a pair of jade rings, go east Qi, Chennai he untie jade rings, I Qin free him tribute, if he untied , I will soldier conquest system. Careful care, disease go back to. (Net tiger Baizhang Yun) I also, with such an errand! Marshal is today farewell until homogeneous state, were born to. Unusual errand, starry night in attendance state; solve jade rings, life and death I have when. (Next) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) long gone are the white tiger, if returned, its own idea. Xiqin Ji chariot world without, Yong Yue Huan in a real man. More Qiaoji slow that Yan Ying, Yin woman made off the organic plot. Yuhuan go together into the east, angry shock when I untied; Bingzhi Liao Kwan burst, East Qiyi Guo is Qindu. (Lower) (from outside the play leading man on the parade Sun, cloud) ancestors home closures Fan Yang, Yong Bing Li forcing home state. Term weekly sub-territory, Xiuwen Yanwu with virtuous. Sun is a general exercise is also, is the Sun Wuzi later. Learning the art of war of a grandfather, living in the Fan Yang, Zuo Yan Gongzi arm in a conservative with no fear. Qi Dong Nai is quite rude, and more soldiers will be relying on broad, claiming power. A heart grievances, making Po a piano, this piano gold micro-Yu Zhen, Feng marsh Longchi, seven string above the system Po. This poor mission, sent to Linzi, if snapping Pu Qin, Qi of the state, if the bomb does not ring Pu Qin, Qi for the next state. If refused, then led troops conquest, not of late. It is! And I call to those who would imitate Sun. (From one cloud) bother about it. (Doing call Branch, cloud) An imitation of the Sun? (Sun imitation play on the net, cloud) the villain is the Sun imitation, life is lying. Listen to the father called to see if he Hu servant cried. To have to have! Pick up horse manure to the house just before. Sun is also its own imitation, is the Sun operating Tsugio. Father calls for, there are even things I do not know, claim to be born to. Came also. To retaliate, said there are also triple came. (From one cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! General reported that, to the three homes also. (Sun parade cloud) over him. (From one cloud) bother about it. Of the past. (See Section net like to do Sun, clouds) father, call your baby that car use? (Sun parade cloud) Sun imitation, no even call you to something quite rude Qi Dong Nai, Repeated harassment of neighbors. Po you this piano, until the East together, single Chennai Linzi star. If snapping Pu Qin, Qi of the state, playing the piano does not sound Po, together for the next country. You care care, disease go back to . (Sun imitation net cloud) was that! Po is today holding a piano, farewell to his father, until the East together, were born to. This Po piano is good, really no place to discuss; if not also play sound, see how the. (Next) (Sun operating cloud) also went to Sun imitation, if returned, its own idea. Po piano craftsman work into the system, the amount of organs such as the use of troops wisdom; pop tune mountain stream, the East Daxian Qi Qi can respect. (Next) (Qigong Zi Yan Ying with Tian can, close my eyes on the tiger collar only Hou) (Qigong Zai Yun) Lady Zhen-Liang Shi Han thin, excellence Veda surprising results. Since his wife tied the knot after Shijue cozy consist together. Is also a Qigong Zi. Since the hunter should be a dream, to see such ladies, on your family governance, with Yan Ying for the media, married to his wife. According to his wife said, screen is not urgent things, lead to virtue, is satisfied with respect, peace and order as Qi. Feast Hershey doctor Yibi arrangements. People, watch for the door the first person to see what people come. (Holding net long white jade tiger on a chain, the cloud) is a white tiger is also long. Since from Xiqin, month process, may be early to the East together as well. This is the door of the house. It is, to retaliate, said a mission of this state of Qin. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, with the state of Qin mission is the first door. (Qigong Zai Yun) him over. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. In the past. (Net long do white tiger see Branch, cloud) of a Marshal Qin Ji Qin Feng I will make the chariot, into the chain and the son of Yu, Yuhuan, if solved, Xiqin tribute every year together with the East, if the solution is not open Yuhuan, east together with I Xiqin into Bong. (Qigong Zai Yun) in the future, Yibi owner. (Sun imitation holding the piano on the net, cloud) is an imitation of the Sun also. Since from Yan, Dong Qi can also come early. It is, to revenge, Sun said there are general exercise, and poor in this mission. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, there is general Sun operation, poor mission is the first door. (Qigong Zai Yun) was over. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. In the past. (See Section) (Qigong Zai Yun) mission is to come in that country? (Sun imitation net cloud) is a Yan come. Bong Sun parade marshal general of the order, this one will be a piano Po, Po above seven strings, into the East together with you, if someone parade ring, I concede defeat their tribute together with the East, exercise does not ring, receive one hundred thousand Xiong Bing, to Cangshan confrontation. (Son to do to see the piano, Yuhuan Branch, clouds) in the future, I Look we. The Zhang Qin, the above is Po seven strings, can Zensheng parade ring? This is connected with a chain of jade, and no trace road, Zensheng solution can be opened? Yan Ying, like this Zensheng care about? (Yan Ying Yun) son assured that your wife out of his own magic bullet, to discuss the matter. (Qigong Zai Yun) doctor said it. Maid, pass the report in the hall, those who call out to his wife. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. Behind the maid, please his wife out of procedure. (Outside the Department should, cloud) bother about it. (Zheng Dan, the cloud) is a female concubine is also no salt. Crackdown Qigong Zi from the past, remarks, the son's wife is satisfied for the wife. Son of the former church, it is relative to please, I do not know a thing even to be born to claim. (See Section do, cloud) son have undefined status call what is going on? (Son of the cloud) Lady, do not you come, this operation has Yanguo Fan Yang Sun, and poor mission into a Pu Qin, Qin Ji chariot further jade rings, especially to Chennai I East together. If the parade ring Pu Qin, unlock Yuhuan, China to concede defeat his tribute, if exercise does not ring Pu Qin, untied Yuhuan, a I tribute, on his country, or integration soldiers came to conquest. Do anything special to discuss his wife . (Zhengdan cloud) to the piano I think. (See Section do, cloud), where he is the son of Zhong Guan Chennai, Chennai is preferred is the undefined status! What is hard indeed! Joji used a bamboo pole, the piano hanging in the high, undefined status own idea. (Only linked climate to do Shevchenko) (Zhengdan cloud) Yan Ying, you escorted. Wu that mission, you almost come to the listener, the piano were also forbidden to cut one's heart. This piano has three top ten on the Dragons, twenty large prime sound, according to Zheng Yu Gong commercial angle. Wu fellow, you the listener: Yu Zhen Jin Hui Miaoli deep, good work specially made Pu Qin, Wu Jin Cheng Dan talk show hand, operating a mountain stream sounds. (Section piano sound) (Zhengdan cloud) Wu fellow, what you listen to the piano sound? (Sun imitation net cloud) listen, listen, if appointed piano sound. Is rang, I went back to strike. (Do take the Branch) (Zhengdan cloud) is about to win, stripping the clothes that fellow! (Only candidate to do stripping clothes Division) (Zhengdan do write back section, cloud) with a needle, and Sun operating looked! It is, grab out! (Only candidate to do to grab Branch, cloud) out! (Sun imitation net cloud) Lady Intuit rash, and strict in my business. I am not a thief, who stabbed a word how? (Next) (Zhengdan cloud) will Qinguo Yu ring me. (See Section do, cloud) son, husband who from Kun Gang Yu, difficult pendant divination with the environment, good work with intelligence, artificial chain. Wujin intention is not difficult to understand. Wu fellow, you see those, craftsman pondering non-trivial, should be linked to a pair that look; the sleeve of a Na Yun Shu hand, face to face clear solution Yuhuan. (Zhengdan do unlock Yuhuan Division) (net tiger Baizhang Yun) is also now open Yuhuan, slow in reporting back to the kid. (Do take the Branch) (Zhengdan cloud) is, the fellow to win! (Only candidate to do to get Branch) (net long do white tigers kneeling subjects, cloud) I also, how to? (Zhengdan cloud) will pen. (Do the writing section, cloud) around the needle, the tattoo of the surface of the word, you looked and Qin Ji chariot. It is, grab out! (Net long out White Tiger Division, cloud) buildings on the face of thorns, I had not a thief. However hard it is! Put the child back to their goggles to see the general reason or another, said Qin. Face tattooing may also wish to wear the county had the state Cunfang; seen a pair of downtown, is a little noisy, I panic every. (Next) (Qigong Zi Yun) wife, since Po piano sound operation, unlock Yuhuan, are his wife of Miaozhi also. The sub in the future who tattooed barbed back and back, listen to know the Sun Ji Qin emperor's carriage exceedingly heroic operation, if the sword come aroused, how the? (Zhengdan cloud) son, as he is with a small amount of Qi state. Things might have undefined status miles! (Singing) [Lu] [Flower fairy] will be off topic when speaking imposing Zhiyong Xiao Sun, afraid of what a small world Ji chariot Ying Cai, Feng Wei Qi is more marked. He has great wiseness either. (Cloud) son at ease. (Singing) I'm straight 11 countries can make to the DPRK Wu's. (Below) (Qigong Zai Yun) his wife to go also. Tin can, then daub the whole with my troops, Zheng Jian Brothers, you as the lieutenant, as the vanguard of the tiger sleep a wink. If the two Bingzhi, keep the enemy with him. (Tian can cloud) was that! Are today under the teaching field, point men, readiness belongings, such as the two countries to a single battle. Size of the armed forces, so listen to happiness! Apprenticeship was ordered from Camp, Broad Sword guns out Wan layer; Fangtianhuaji leopard tail hanging, hanging sway contradiction HY. Zhongliang the founding Ampang, well aware of military strategy with reputation; him to command Qi Bing, Ma Jian-side state, such as soil level. (Next) (close my eyes tiger cloud) is today starting point men to prepare for Bing Qin. Bing Qin Bing Qin, all heroes, quasi-I lose, will he win. (Next) (Qigong Zi Yun) also went to the captains. He is to lead the troops to two, with his wife, God Machine medication, the amount he was there to! Xiqin Ji chariot boast his talents, Fan Yang Sun speak volumes JAC; Dong Qi said that no Magi, Yuhuan Ming Kum and open solution. (Next) (Yan Ying Yun) son went well. And go back to the private residence of a minor official. Wizards Yin mother country are, who like Jones World exquisite; safety given the world in chaos, between Mulberry ability and insight to be a dream people. (Next) (Ji Qin emperor's carriage from the people on the collar) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) emissary Pro Qi, but not the letter sound back. Qin Ji is also a chariot. Since the mission will go to Qi Dong Nai Yuhuan, but not back. People, watch for the door the first person, but military thing, a revenge to know. (From one cloud) bother about it. (Long white tiger on the net, cloud) go, go, go! Their own long white tiger is also. Yuhuan go into, got him into a disaster coming. Live way back to the Qin, see Qin generals claim to be. Came also. Retaliation to go, said the white tiger has long come. (From one cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Marshal reported that, the white tiger has long come. (Qin Ji Yun chariot) had just finished, the mission came over him. (From one cloud) bother about it. In the past. (See Section do) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) long white tiger, into the issue of how Yuhuan? (Net tiger Baizhang Yun) General, well said. Went to the East together, offer a Yuhuan, the size of government officials, are not the solution. Only Qigong Zi wife, solved Yuhuan. Not lying. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) in Yuhuan security? (Net long to do with the white tiger see Section Yuhuan, cloud) that's is. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) unsalted rude woman also good, dare to Yuhuan and broke! Wu fellow, his face is black? (Net tiger Baizhang Yun) What? You see! You see! (See Section Qin Ji chariot, cloud) I Look we. Founding Ampang Qi Youxian, thousands of workers war hero, Qin palace, unlock the treasure, broke priceless jade chain. My body would rather be Qubing, off the East together as lightly. Said Cao Qin Ji chariot with children, too afraid to break your mother Tongguan. (Net tiger Baizhang Yun) Bah! You can also read miles. You almost do not, he stabbed my face look the word, wash and wash, and how can it? A Good Qin Ji chariot, then get specific things into my Yuhuan, stabbed in the face word. (Next) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) rather rude woman Chennai without salt, and broke the Yuhuan, in turn a commitment for the children to see Cao, stabbed the mission surface word, sorrow Tongrugusui. Today Zouzhi a lord, as handsome in person, point one hundred thousand Xiong Bing, in conjunction with the Great Patriotic Qi, Qi Dong conquest, capture the salt-free women, born to. Having said angry words I hear anger students to practice towards the disease will Zheng Chen. Front of the hall and broke your priceless, tattooed the verbal abuse we spray. Qi is the Great Patriotic Front, Wujin personally system armed; Qu Bing Qi leading to clinical, rest assured the capture of mulberry leaf collection between people. (Next) (operating collar pawn on Sun, cloud) around the row of tiger treasure accounts, the military left and right columns Xiongbing ; Wen-Tao Wu a little machine to seek a large, xiazhai camp ghost scared. Is also a parade is Sun. Feng Yan Guogong of the child, sent the mission into the Po piano, went to the East together, he went to Chennai. Reported for the horse, came today, the first watch for the small gate, if they come, I know revenge. (Pawn cloud) bother about it. (Sun imitation on the net, cloud) fortune to turn, only himself to. Into the piano with the Po, Rexia anxious. Sun is also an imitation is, the piano has been returned into the Po, a meteor return, came to the country also. Back to the father, then, were born to. Can also come early. To retaliate, said there are fake to the Sun also. (Pawn cloud) bother about it. Well! General reported that, with imitation to the Sun also. (Sun parade cloud) over him. (Pawn cloud) bother about it. In the past. (See Section do) (Sun operating cloud) Sun imitation, regarding how the piano into the Po? (Sun like to do the net took a deep gas, Diejiao crying Branch, cloud) the father of your baby Bong words, will the Po to the East, Qi Qin, female salt-free operation by Po piano sound. A meal of beating the baby. (Sun parade cloud) Pu Qin Qi Lady parade ring? Zhesi is able. What did he say to? (Net imitation cloud) to what he said? You come to you. (Made to undress and parade to see Branch Sun, clouds) I do not know on this backbone, what was written, the needle of the word pain to kill me, you see, you see. Po into a good piano, Rexia curse. (Read the section to see Sun do gymnastics, cloud) I Look we. Salt fame world to know, stop sign flag Octagon return volts. Countries turned to dust, riding, side swing state into a loose soil. Sun Health Qiaoji operating Yufu, Pu Qin contrived mess with disaster risk. Books and small states Zeizi see, for fear your mother as soon as possible along the East together. (Sun imitation spurt out of the mouth section, cloud) spurt out of the mouth, you still read miles. You are shy, I went also. I I get nothing about the opportunity to go from dozens of day, to do eight accused Zeizi, characters a back stab. (Next) (Sun operating cloud) rather rude Chennai mining Sang village women, dare I destroy the curse, but to be dry strike! Point is that allotments troops today, as handsome in person, I in conjunction with the two countries, Qi Dong conquest, capture the salt-free women, to snow sorrow. Size of the armed forces, so listen to happiness! Prosperous loyalty from soldiers, swords and guns in a large pool of layers; who the Tigers from the mountain, like a long horse Jiao water line. Soldiers Hill pressure to dust dark, overcast sky murderous students. Won in Yaowu with all words, Dong Qi Tasui soil level. (Next) (Qi collar pawn play outside on the cloud) body of St. Wentao Mo military strategy, operational art of war god surgery deep pass. Fame forty without success, in vain do the dignified real man. Qi is also certain is general. The first person defending the country, was built in the Mt Arts, under the command of generals Wei Wenhou this in the post. West war Qin, pull the five cities. A line of soldiers, the law, lying no seats, the line does not ride, and his soldiers with the joys, taste and Wei Wuhou River floating down, Wuhou said: "Beautiful mountains and rivers solid." A saying: "Germany is not in danger. "as a word, known as a Marshal for the civil and military. Qi rude because of this, Repeated insult I two countries, I now point Xiongbing million, and Qin Ji chariot, Yan Sun, will speak at one, conquest of the East together. Then clearly place an extra from camp today. Size of the armed forces, so listen to happiness! Owned the mountains in the clouds, flashing golden shot blue sky; horse like a dragon from the sea, such as tigers and leopards were out peak. Han Zheng Chen billowing red night, murderous war Xiaofeng; depends Yong Qi state will break a little, ye know the time of my heroes. (Below) The third fold (Zhengdan the same field can net close my eyes limp tiger pawns to fight under the banner of the horse collar) (Zhengdan cloud) undefined status is also salt-free women. Chennai Qin Ji chariot quite rude, adjusting national champion, a co-soldier, at war with the I Qi. With my God Machine medication, the amount he has to get there! (Singing) [More] [transfer] is my quail fighting array Bukui star, flag points Kei Mei, dark _set_ of virtual risk, that the row of wing wall. Potential if the reference room, shaped like a small room. Role of rare, strange art of war, while escape from the Tianshan Mountains, the division by ground water. [Order] With my purple flowers turn transported the five elements, gossip weekly flow, Vientiane Xuanji. North and south with congenital universe, Kanli things weeks back. Gen-term illness against the wind and thunder, Shanze ventilation, instant world intersect, water and fire reminders. (Net sleep a wink Tiger goes) your mother how to be with his fight today? Him to the amount of there! I killed him the other a Bing Qin. (Zhengdan cloud) the size of the captains, your military teams ranked Wan, before the array, put a Zhou Ershibasu, the name "Nine-palace Bagua Zhen." Sleep a wink the tiger! (Net sleep a wink tiger cloud) hey! Mother called reason or another? (Zhengdan Cloud) and you a thousand cavalry, and I cited war, you have to lose. Bing Qin did not know if this machine, you drive into the fraud Gai heart failure, will be in my account. (Net sleep a wink Tiger Cloud) know. Would be a I was lost. (Zhengdan clouds) is far Bing Qin dare come also. (Ji Qin emperor's carriage parade with the Sun, Qi limp pawns on the horse collar) (Qin Ji Yun chariot) is a chariot is also Qin Ji. Chennai bell quite rude without salt will smashes a Yuhuan, and return to the mission of the tattooed, sorrow Tongrugusui. A rendezvous Wei Qi, Yan Sun, gymnastics, integration trend Xiong Bing, conquest minutes without salt, were born to. Size of the armed forces, who styled battle! (Sun parade cloud) General and wait, so I was with him a test triple! Who goes? (Net sleep a wink tiger cloud) is Qigong Zi men slept for a tiger is also. (Sun parade cloud) Wu fellow, you are where it salt-free woman is, I dare to slander? I do not fight with you, you are a woman out of salt. (Net sleep a wink Tiger cloud) I said you and I can not rally it? (Sun parade cloud) the thief to open big words, small drum to the school parade! (War Department) (net slept fraud defeated Tiger Division, the cloud) almost does not he, go, go, go! (Next) (Sun operating cloud) where to go! Do not ask where the catch will go. (Zhengdan cloud) I hold with those around! (Hold the Sun to do public speaking section) (pawn cloud) Hold the parade is Sun. (Zhengdan singing) [Tease] Zhesi did not know that we transport machine, hot pursuit of the people to attack. Yeah! You now ship to the middle of the river trapping late arrival was received much timely turn to ride. Still uphold the catch-up with contention, we do not see things crashing into the array, you is a road without return. (Cloud) and I took forward to. (Pawn cloud) bother about it. Face to face. (Sun operating kneeling subjects, cloud) Lady Kelian Jian, Zensheng spared me this was. (Zhengdan cloud) you originally afraid of death. Since the fear of death, and this was to spare his. (Field to cloud) his wife, both hold can hold, and dare not in it? (Zhengdan cloud) might do, you know where! Interpretation of the tie, a small school, rush out! (Pawn cloud) bother about it. (Grab Division cloud) out! (Sun speak out section, cloud) unsalted women really strong, holy, spare my life, I go back to the camp. (Do see the public section, cloud) between the two patches, I get to be together soldiers of the past, salt-free women I came back also. (Ji Qin emperor's carriage, the horse to go limp Qi Branch, cloud) Bah! Sun exercise, you shame it? Crimping your array. Qi, we go to battle with him two. (Limp horse tiger sleep a wink on the net, cloud) Qin will go into action, I was bound to win this. (Qin Ji chariot goes) Who goes? (Net sleep a wink Tiger clouds) I say to you, I close my eyes tiger. I have children, you have to hear my name. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) Wu fellow, I do not fight with you, you woman that no salt, dare I smashes jade rings, tattoos and turn back to the mission, sorrow Tongrugusui. Salt is a woman out, I do not kill you that every man. (Net sleep a wink tiger cloud) Zhesi rude, I dare to slander his wife! Triple test of me and you. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) and small schools, speaking to drum! (War Department) (net slept Tiger defeated Division, cloud) the enemy could not he, go, go, go! (Next) (Qin Ji chariot, Qi catch Branch) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) where to go! (Zhengdan cloud) and I hold those! (Hold two public will Branch) (singing) [Ghost] three days hiding from the wisdom you have, Nayun meter, the yin and yang of truth is not gossip. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) by his wisdom earned I, mention the road indeed! (Zhengdan singing) you still uphold that soldiers machine. To be at home to their country, to show off your male sub to do the army intended to pursue. Do you not know that knowledge hidden ambush, capture your depression today was tied, had just Threatened Zihui. (Qin Qi Ji chariot with kneeling subjects, cloud) you make this short-sighted, not as strong. I now release you to go, and you locked in a stalemate, if I hold between two patches is considered you are strong. (Zhengdan cloud) you said it. Interpretation of the tie, grab out (pawn cloud) bother about it. (Grab Branch, cloud) out. (Qin Ji chariot, Qi out Section) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) Zhesi is able. Wu generals, I end two prestige, host a roundtable on the horse. Wu was salt-free woman, to run for you! (Zhengdan cloud) and small schools, the Malay knife, I battle with him. Parade drum to! (Transfer time around Division) (singing) [Children] be homogeneous bald servant raised his sword dragon, bringing peace to war like constrictor Chi. Look at you with a means to battle the disease, but also you fight side of Chi, and distinguish a high or low. (Qin Ji chariot cloud) dismount early surrender! (War Department) (Zhengdan singing) [St] that a gun Medicine King's late move, which a micro-horse suddenly see how to support the horse well looked sleepy. Zheng Chen, the murderous fans, cast a write-Ku Yang sign flag. (Qin Ji chariot, Qi, Sun operating defeated Division) (Qin Ji chariot cloud) does not, the enemy could not he, I and you walk walk! (Next) (Zhengdan singing) is knocked to see him not surmise the Bing Wei. (Zhengdan cloud) and small schools, and I Ming Jin! (Pawn cloud) bother about it. (Zhengdan singing) [End] today a retired war hero generation Sui river, known universally consistent reputation. 11 countries to be taught to do to move it, I never straight record never states the town together. (Same below) The fourth fold (Outside play Qin Guogong only waiting on the sub-leading) (Qin Gongzi cloud) eight points on the flow of water through the country, the three bright music Cheng Chuan Min; spring following the Buddha's win, Jiujiu dignity No. Daqin. Duke Ai Qin is a is also the founding in Xianyang. REHABILITATIVE Spring twelve countries, Qin of the country, with or without salt unexpected Qi woman, exceedingly Zhiyong more energy, because the solution jade chain issue, the mission of the tattooed and back. Ji Qin chariot captains of a poor, defeated and go, and down the gauntlet to. Now will I son of 11 countries to Linzi, on respect for the country together. Ten countries have agreed to a son, Ruqierzhi. Not a long stop, leading Division troops, pick up square objects tribute, were born to. White Horse Saddle jasper gold sedan, salt-free side of the hero. Luan-Feng Luo footwall red robe, sword million army knife. Wentong ritual thousand words, yin and yang of the Six Secret Teachings by force; 11 countries in the invincible hand, He would like to do when the table to North Korea. (Same below) (with Yan Ying Qigong Zi Tian can, close my eyes only waiting on the tiger collar) (Qigong Zai Yun) Yong Liefu people strange world, the line soldiers lineup by God Machine. Gossip row of military confrontation, stern Wal-Mart said Qi. Is also a Qigong Zi. Yuhuan day as a result of the solution, regarding the operation of Pu Qin, Qin emperor's carriage together with Yan Ji, Wei-two countries, a combined military, conquest of the East together. To meet the enemy with the captains to lead the troops to be his wife, a drum down the Bing Qin, win back also, people pass universal, deterrence various states. Son of this country, respect for Sarkozy as the country, the wife of the function. Son came to that country also, today has arranged Banquet, reward, celebrate Qi Bangfu people. Please come by his wife. (Yan Ying Yun) care, and Liannei maidservants, please his wife out. (Zhengdan maid collar on the whole play, cloud) undefined status is also salt-free women. Your son is to be born to claim. (Singing) [TWIN]] [fresh water to make power and influence today was a big week hero, I end chips Xionglue intellectual high spirits. See the state are now satisfied that he earth, nations do to North Korea. Xiao Yong soldiers will then Anzhe like Wal-Mart big mountain. (Zhengdan cloud) is, to retaliate, said undefined status came also. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. Well! Son reported that, with his wife came also. (Qigong Zai Yun) wife to a reception. (See Section, cloud) has invited his wife. (Zhengdan cloud) son Edmond. (Qigong Zai Yun) Lady, owned by V countries today, all depends on his wife's features. When the cover of night Mengyun month, next month today, scattered clouds, because the doctor dreams Yan Ying. If a doctor, anything today also! (Zhengdan singing) [DF] drunk Yingying today a shining bright moon, slowly fluttering clouds are compared. To transit exceptionally clear, according to Qi Guosheng shine. Was a thorough Xiao Qing Huang, Cheng toad shadow shine big move, to Miles clouds sweep net. (Qigong Zai Yun) I do not know his wife, a wife of one pair of parents barely get to this, official promotion giving tours, but not to. People, watch for the door first, if they come, I know revenge. (Bei Bu Laoer with children, once the paint) (Polo Laoer cloud) to not like at the present joy, joy to it every day. Bell is also big old man. Who wants to have such a girl to like, put down the Qi. Son of the old and young people to take I can come back also. Retaliation to his brother, said to have a large bell also. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, there is a child to a large bell also. (Qigong Zai Yun) have requested. (Only waiting cloud) bother about it. Please! (See Section) (Polo Laoer cloud) son, calling the old man have anything? (Qigong Zai Yun) large bell, you we see you girl. (Polo Laoer children to play with Bu recognize Branch, cloud) baby also, you Zensheng do is look up! I said you are not a suffering. (Zhengdan worship Branch, cloud) the father, mother, baby, you recognize it? No one piece between the other? (Singing) [Sweet] want to make frequent day mining mulberry, bow closed cocoon, the furniture repay. (Polo Laoer cloud) baby cord is hard also. (Zhengdan singing) is the end of hard day and night hard work, do not pay to get into his body, fame unsuccessful, local people are afraid of ridicule. (Cloud) taken at Mulberry, if you hear of Qigong Zi. (Singing) During this period in the wilderness can be old Gan. (Polo Laoer cloud) baby, then break the old problem. (Qigong Zai Yun) see now national allegiance, respect for the state, are his wife, horse sweat labor also. (Zhengdan singing) This Spring and Autumn] [Zhegui Ling Hao fight, put down the Linzi, clofibrate the Qi towards. Fixed sign flag, not Shi Ge A, fixed Qiangdao. Sang for children between almost to the old village women, like the day to do farm Jitian River in vain, to win a clear standard canning, free Happy. (Qigong Zai Yun) big clock, because you girls have big contributions, special thanks to you official promotion tours. Zhu Guo Feng you for the post of Grand Preceptor. Shiyi three thousand; old lady Zhu Guo Tai Furen, more praise letters three generations. (Polo Laoer cloud) deeply Grace, how dare too! (Zhengdan singing) reward you today by the official seal, repay you that parenting travail. (Below) (Qigong Zai Yun) is the door the first spy who dare to be country son to have. (Qin Gongzi pawns on the collar) (Qin Gongzi cloud) is Qingong Zi is also a. Son with other countries to Qi Guoqing He can also come early. It is, to retaliate, said Qin Gongzi come also. (Hou cloud only) bother about it. (News Section, the cloud) Well! Son reported that, there are also countries son came. (Qigong Zai Yun) to a person reception. (Interview subjects, cloud) son there, please. (Qingong Zai Yun) son of first call. (Qigong Zai Yun) dare not. (Qingong Zai Yun) I arrived late son countries, Shuzui also. (Qigong Zai Yun) what a German can. There are also labor son bent down. (Qingong Zai Yun) son, today I countries all in the same one, truce Bazhan, never as lips and teeth of the state. Are big weeks like I were branches, therefore special to celebrate also. (Qigong Zai Yun) Yan Ying, banquet arrangements, far from temporary son countries Xie, Yoshinobu Feast with the drink. Public son listener: was this legendary Madame Yin, Qi Bingsheng universal legend; parade piano seven Xianlv Po Lu, Xie Yuhuan subtle treasures. Pearl carved through nine, won the charm scale white elephant teeth; dawn over the six arts through painting, good game his best chess. Accounting literature Sky Kwong Sin, Yong Wu slightly confront a stalemate; thank you a literary talent Yasukuni Yanping Zhong, Zhi-Yong Chun, thanks Zhongli Ding-qi. Title Yanping Zhong Wencai Yasukuni 楔子
题目修德政天乙诛夏 楔子
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【尾】一点来不够身躯小,响喉咙针眼里应难到。煎聒的离人,斗来合噪。草虫之中无你般薄劣把人焦。急睡着,急惊觉,紧截定阳台路儿叫。 |