By Yu Hui string, just playing Xunfeng song. Yao _ Changxin between two green. Yi-Aofong, even Qiao Yan, _ Ge harmony, the total in the promise, the North Gate Wai Kwok entirely. Only see in mid-summer, Yi Fen Xi Yu, Fei Yanai Longxue sunny valley. To the dense gas, the old Feng Yao feast, try flexor, read a few first fruits Merlin. Official opinions of a product to be great-great-grandson, count eighty costumes, more spare ya blessing. 薰风庭院,报槐阴拥翠,池波凝绿。 瑞气葱葱浮燕寝,羽仗霓旌相属。 __开祥,长庚入梦,诧列仙图_。 林泉高迈,肯应轩冕尘俗。 好是妙舞清歌,浮瓜沈李,荐杯中_醁。 鹊尾炉生香篆细,又作如何祈祝。 度问蓬莱,丹崖胜处,几摘蟠桃熟。 东方何在,凛然能继高躅。 □ Yuyu Peng households. Miao cool sound, well _ Shen Wu, arbitrary zero-Feng Pu. Western Hills North Korea may have to cool, cliffs million Bi thin thousands of trees. Qing Xing, deep haze. Zhu Wat romantic who is now, but the smell of chicken, middle of the night still dance. Cite view, drainage and more promises. Tsing Yi Road Miles group. Ken District, Zhou Zhang rabbit hole, indulge gold dock. Really unpredictable mountain water, the waves off the strings Zhu Fu. Any Zhanzhuan, blowing hot and cold. When on the best free music and more from now on, Mowen amazing sentence. Everything considered, the total talent. 修月三千户。 拥冰轮、同游碧落,问津牛浦。 上界真仙多才思,乞与瑶阶玉树。 渺万里、人间何处。 云叶依依分清荫,忆当时、掩映霓裳舞。 算万木,宁如许。 年年萧爽幽岩路。 倚西风、吹香金粟,超然云坞。 一洗纷纷凡花尽,堪写清商对抚。 为豁散、蛮烟瘴雨。 脱俗高标谁能领,向骚人、正欠题新句。 须大手,与君赋。 Lin Shao hanging crescent, River Road, charm Samuume. Must clear a year, good creature clever arrangement. I do not know what day today, good gas more rejoice gas themselves in an already Spring. Fun things short enough, the yellow to open the two eyebrows. Purple bearded male, weekdays things, also the high holy. Will be meritorious, sub Fulan Yu Man Ting-order. Love muddy laugh Zhang Fu, Wu Chi Lutheran higher, do not be a bosom. Year by year the longevity wine, left □ Zixia Cup. 天下伟人物,荆楚号名流。 幅员千里,英气磅礴岳南州。 雁峤高参翼轸,石鼓下盘朱府,衮衮应公侯。 常记生申旦,明日是中秋。 挈明月,翳翔凤,驷飞虬。 东南一尉,何事三载漫淹留。 谈笑洞庭青草,从此阆风阊阖,高处看鳌头。 更种阶庭玉,慈母念方稠。 祥起玉龙甲,庆衍紫枢垣。 奎文得岁,佳气磅礴斗牛间。 天意方扶兴运,贤业更看奕世,衮衮照英辀。 四海具瞻久,膏泽满湘川。 岁六月,苏大旱,作丰年。 喁喁百万生齿,何处不沾恩。 此是鸿钧事业,那更青毡步武,早晚即调元。 混一车书了,还领赤松仙。 黄色起犀表,紫绶照金章。 两朝耆德,应是南国旧龚黄。 曾上方壶蓬岛,万里鲸波不作,炎海赖清凉。 缓造鹓鸿地,高卧水云乡。 近新来,春色好,遍潇湘。 不知今日何日,佳气拥高堂。 竞把芳尊为寿,细祝遐龄难老,福禄未渠央。 国栋欠元老,仙桂看诸郎。 Kongkuo blowing cool, overcast light Shuyu convergence. Autumn Xiaoxiang river, very good at clearing. Wat a look Xishan Zhu, gas and thousands of cliff GAO, God is a strange English. Under Que Feng Wei Yao, Tan Kwai chu cloud root. Han-Yuan Hou, flow Dehou, Sun in the clouds. Jin Kunyu season, has received a total force on the Albatron. Yao Chi Sin basking classroom, under the Orchid Court of Yushu, good extraction in the door. Jinglun left about things, sooner or later since the Gongqing. 苍立箨龙秀,青压雨梅肥。 清和天气,无限佳景属斯时。 试听虞弦初理,便有薰兮入奏,风物正熙熙。 此日定何日,香篆袅金猊。 记当年,_两荚,应熊_。 男儿壮志,端在伊傅与皋夔。 况是从容书史,养就经纶功业,早晚帝王师。 但了公家事,方与赤松期。 Han Guowu in order, the public is looking clouds Sun. His life and aspirations, stern sword Sword door. Smoldering chest Deliberate, generous respect for the former talk and laugh, do-see situation. Close at hand fame thing, faint lines from North Korea. Conditions of high Huai, Wu Suo Jing, fruit can be difficult. Daughter production, smile and try to push all Queensland. Suozhi it into the Noir to go, no ill feelings for the District, who is the intention of. And a toast of wine, this is the birthday. 直下承当,本来能解,莫遣干休。 算如今蹉过,峥嵘岁月,分阴可惜,一日三秋。 闹里偷声,日中逃影,用尽机关无少留。 争知道,是沤生即水,水外无沤。 世人等是悠悠。 谁著个工夫里求。 但掩耳窃钟,将泥洗块,觅花空里,舐蜜刀头。 何以忙中,尻舆浸假,邀取三彭同载游。 真如界,向毗卢顶上,荐取无忧。 Wax over time, God closed the cold morning. Mei letter move, the spring first. Dawn to Xiang River on the scenic bottom. Spring intentionally, used to battle with the bottle fairy island. A thought to the world, turn up the Jade Pool Road. Fortunately, the heart, Ci to treasure. Peach and more years, not a few, such as melon dates. Chitose is, force is Lvbin difficult old man. Pianfan boat to get stable. And also riding, rivers and lakes road. Looking back at the capital Jiuyou. Lethal Nampo, full of equipment and hate, not by who, after complaints. Fencing of mind is a long song. Twilight is not to be interested in fame. Since the end of reciting Bailiao complex promises. Back remember that, SU poetry language, but the grass Gun Fu. Jiashan this to no more road. Long time no one, audio books to go. Do not now a holiday degrees. Yellow flowers are not, to any white, fence off the desolate place. Eventful years also fall evening. Fasting period, no good going to the toilet. Intended to pass the appointed time is not muddy Ju Xu. Nakan provoke hate, over the years this day, long a drizzly rain. Wujia family name, half Cengdeng, forget the chest can be described as odd. Ronghua foreign objects, How can it be considered human. My body's own career, the most rare, □ support pro-time. Xuantang good, purple phoenix re Patent and Yueshan Qi Shou. The world, happy things, scramble snail horn, cutting of the Crescent. 谩 change even for a moment, dark green dog clothes cloud. It seems ages life mother, fame thing, allotments my son. From now on to, and holding a feast scene color, double ribbon is more affordable. 吾母慈祥膺上寿。 福庇吾家,近世真希有。 丘嫂今年逾六九。 康宁可嗣吾慈母。 我愿慈闱多福厚。 更祝遐龄,与母齐长久。 鸾诰聊翩双命妇。 华堂千岁长生酒。 破腊先春梅有意。 管邻年华,总在清香蕊。 不逐浮花红与紫。 岁寒来寿仙翁醉。 衮衮诸公名又利。 谁似高标,摆却人间事。 长对南枝添兴致。 尊前好在三千岁。 春意茫茫春色里,又还几度花期。 淡晴时候尽融怡。 梅腮翻白后,柳眼弄青时。 正是江城天气好,楼台灯火星移。 相逢无处不相宜。 轻狂行乐处,明月夜深归。 绀滑一篙春水,云横几里江山。 一番烟雨洗晴岚。 向晓碧天如鉴。 客枕谩劳魂梦,心旌长系乡关。 封姨慳与送归帆。 愁对绿波肠断。 试数阶_有几,昨朝看到今朝。 南薰早动舜琴谣。 端为熊_梦兆。 学粹昔人经制,文高古乐箫韶。 天风从此上扶摇。 回首不劳耕钓。 飞尽林花绿叶丝。 十分春色在荼_。 多情几日风朝雨,留恋东风未许归。 天意好,与君期。 如今且醉□蛾眉。 明年上国春风里,赏遍名花得意时。 Exactly one twelfth at the present late. Longtou plum blooming all spring. Smoke from the person at the seal life, from the former self at home and well. New wedding, marriage was good. Women are filling Yin Shun Ting Lang. Thousand years from now thousands more wish to be typical of people with the state. 细数元正隔两朝。 眼看杨柳又新条。 岁寒独有江梅耐,曾伴瑶池下绛霄。 香篆袅,烛花烧。 团栾喜气沸欢谣。 慈祥自是长生乐,不用春醪飶与椒。 |