MULTIPURPOSE not into, bronze, according to the Eyes. Star frost shock into the temples, the world felt cruel. Was nearly half a century, gradually Health couple of stems. Children urged Hugh tweezers, wave was the old fame. 人生行乐是便宜,惯入深林细品题。 有石两行如壁立,登楼一望觉天低。 亭前秋意惊松露,山外湖光拍柳堤。 此景欲吟吟不尽,夜深分付野猿啼。 一舸西风到水乡,半痕残月浸沧浪。 湖中有影浑如画,天下无桥似此长。 题品垂虹多古作,去来征雁带秋霜。 三高千古英灵在,经过祠前菊正黄。 西风吹客过唐栖,袖拂尘埃读断碑。 适意绕廊询古迹,老僧引看建炎诗。 苍寒松竹满,此地称僧居。 寺僻啼林鸟,廊空响木鱼。 煮茶烧树叶,带雨翦园蔬。 待了功名债,重来买地锄。 For the wind shock cowardly stubborn, hungry Funing dead Shouyangshan. Su Zhou year if the food does not necessarily name weight room forever. 自来京口足清游,天下闻名只此楼。 山结人愁成北固,江和客泪向东流。 痕留很石传千古,望断中原知几州。 有景虽多非可乐,明朝准拟渡瓜洲。 Youjun been to church, reading the altar there. What song marked the beginning of the water, waste ink tank is not dry. Many people find sites, I also crossing the cold beach. Lanting should remember, caress drunk seeing. Zhu À shielded stone for Taiwan, but said to be planted in Yangzhou. And the Eight Immortals, if the same Japanese, why nine core has incense. The flowers to be worthy of debate Yong Xi, who moved from the old refused to open. Warriors may have to look on the Pavilion, Temple sprinkle the wine leaves the Pro Cup. Come down the rivers and lakes, people suspected Dixian. Four comes just drunk, long owned the book on sleep. But Tim points coming from the snow, intimate only days. Linquan hard for a long time trapped, not the entire fishing boat. Leaning over the railings that care, the Early Han Yin Henbu body. Account for how many brothels leisure, a wide field of vision looking arena. Autumn International Long Xian Tian Xu W, Bu Mei was cold January night. Fishermen sometimes hear later, a mass of snow startled gull. Eguchi places last night, the wind has been floating off clothing. Two reference peaks tower, wrapped in a mountain temple. Shave guazhou crossing, tobacco raw Yangtze Bridge. Flowers and asked Liu to find, end of the Ming Dynasty. 古刹号承天,规模阔万间。 寺中重有寺,山外更无山。 供佛香犹在,寻僧客亦闲。 渡淮难久驻,此去别阊关。 Haiyun Kongkuo vast open water stuff Zhejiang Gean Okuma. I went to call crossing late Longshan, who pump while the tide back from fishing. Suddenly startled plug Yansheng Liao cracking, static and unique look between the gull. Mountains are in sight outside the Central Plains, the hero who will be disheartened. 踏破芒鞋客倦归,暮云深处夕阳西。 身如晚鹤无拘束,向此亭中独自栖。 曾向西风把别杯,知君黄色上眉催。 浙江莫道音书隔,一日潮声两度来。 暂泊喜天晴,丹阳住晚程。 半窗留月色,隔岸送钟声。 江绕金山寺,云生铁瓮城。 片帆催早发,莫待暗潮平。 Wu grave less than a long, heavy to another seven spring. Mountains as old acquaintances, ape Crane re blind date. Dreams and memories are, Qing Yu tire frequency. Call tired than done wine, walking out the lake. Traces of life arrived in duckweed, off in Kozo exceptionally light. Half-day liquor ban on holding the wind, oars shoot on three-shift shake. Portable piano to temporarily carry the sword, and was Khe eyes clear. Water Yin thinking of foot pain, who was unknown and poetry Union. After too hastily, to lead to the mount. James dew guest laundry, county unfamiliar with the spring. Shall buy wine from the village market, bull riding any man. Yin who meet there, about the city I'm drunk. Sea water walking, idle in the the body, Depression Sengsi near, and from the boat off frequency. Hard liquor into the village drunk, Shanhua also spring. Life to seize the day, what bitter love Beijing dust. 自从骑鹤到,船泊画桥堤。 新酒斟花露,高楼傍竹西。 拭盘将蟹擘,拂壁把诗题。 早过瓜洲渡,秋深怕马嘶。 Literary circles around their sleep, smile can room. Rivers and lakes no such friends, the sound re-price in the mountains. Poetry on the mustache still twisting, like spots coming from the text of the poor. Moved home from the city, things are not relevant. 依然一册巧装成,故纸为胎越样轻。 四畔黑云都罩尽,中间只有月长明。 |