美国 弗罗斯特 Robert Frost  美国   (1874~1963)
Robert Frost anthology
The Road Not Taken
Multiple poems at a time
outland poetry

Robert Frost anthology

   Robert Frost

"I do not know what you are talking about where in pasture."
Gathered from the last snow fall, so
Hobby and career, it's like
Monkeys know, or do not understand what is very important thing?
I completed during the day
"He has not boarded a high enough that he can see it.
Release that are not King.
Each link has a lot of weight,
So he can not see if the inside
Must be sound and tell us where they are.
Also maintain our own lives.
You remember the boy ran out in a winter
Has been accumulated to the window above them.
It said I must go. If it came
"What you say?"
Sit down. "Before dawn and there is no way we are."
Bump with it, hitting, issue left rattling sound.
Paul is dark, like her shadow. All of the light
Do they think is the right thing.
And on the ground to compete with the arrival of the insects,
"Leif, where someone wants you to live in one room."
It becomes like some songs like legs
Toffler agreed, and sure enough,
The world is torn in the woods of despair,
"I hope he will: to hear him sooner or later."
Can say that the way the wind took him to his brother in front.
"Of course, I think his brother should help him.
He ate some of the bakery diet, and eat a meal and a.
Not like that. People are not afraid of traveling with us. "
Began teaching elementary school sixth grade.
Full of pine trees on his side, my side is the apple orchard.
All the tricks: do not jump out immediately hip,
Suddenly, a call from head shoots,
(Zhao Yiheng translation)
Small room piled toys toys
Later, this house is no longer a house,
She bent over toward the open fire,
When the frost curtains
With snow and ice related
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