宋代 张伯端 Zhang Baduan  宋代   (984~1082)
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade twain gospel
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade 2 of 3
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade 2 of 4
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade 2
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river three
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river four
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river five
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river hexad
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river seven
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river nine
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river eleven
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

present White natural cave (cavern) surname A respectful form of address for a taoist priest cantus

   Zhang Baduan

Yu Yao busy taking two gold fly, before they smell fresh flowers autumn frost.
Act boast Jian Shou years old, one may also wish to cloud lightning.
An electro-optical, He is too fast,
Hundred thirty days have come. During the summer and winter torment each other,
Tong Yan secretly feel lost. Even if we have children and grandchildren over the present,
Turn it into a loving Qianchan. And Hujingjieshen frail old,
Who knows what is in temporary extension of JJ. Extension of temporary resident,
Neither count, can not help but to return the body of water dead.
But looking to the sages of ancient people, the body of several solutions to stay alive.
The body alive, but also well and
People are not only measured too. Competition to find the mountain vegetation,
V Lead widely Danyang. Point of Danyang,
Something utterly different, and seek Ferricyanide required to Hom.
Hole symmetry breaking off-site system of sex fluid, has to reconcile with the season.
Season now, with the matchmaker,
Jingongchanv marry marriage. Golden tiger riding public preferences,
Cha Red Dragon women often drive themselves. Akiyama tiger to sit in,
From the Green Lake Fen Shen Long. A battle of two animals meet,
Ding Fei waves, such as the Pentium. Old cheer Ding Ling Huang Po,
Shake heaven and earth to go ghost. A minute later cruised to clouds and rain collection,
A mysterious kind of beads in the mud bottom. From root to shoot grew into,
Always hold true essence of irrigation. October bodiless swallow entrance
Unaware of where the body has spirit. This one thing,
Rare earth, not the other idlers know.
Sushi Without Sin bone points, easy to have met it.
Have met it, should be refined,
Edge of an arrow are urgent circumstances. To get the fish to be knot fishnet,
Mo Yuan empty Tanxian be temporary. Wenjun medicine has been known for many years,
Why do not win their hearts and lead smelting mercury. Hugh taught candle from the wind,
Six reincarnation Mo blaming Heaven. Recently, many people the world fraud,
Praise those who make a commoner. Asked him what wood is like gold,
Jinkou silent as the dumb victims. V gas and off they go to food,
Do not have doors to a long road. Do not you see that broken fan in the song,
Tai-true methods with the most good. No wonder, then words and more crazy bad,
Difficult to identify when people only taught. However, the heart and my heart with the king,
'm Inclined to side Huai-chun.
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