宋代 左誉 Zuo Yu  宋代  
Those bewitching eyes
Multiple poems at a time
Those bewitching eyes

Those bewitching eyes

   Zuo Yu

Apricot upstairs cold evening,
Small railing on ramp.
One pair of swallows, two lines of Zheng Yan, the picture angle is the sound disabled.
Qi people in the east window, the silent spring free on.
Should also like the old, graceful youthful, light Spring Hill.
  A poetry reading for Nguyen
  Poem is written with a camp followers were after the endless love and Acacia, light and affectionate words.
  Poem retractable degree, natural transition, junction more Jiangong Li. See the image of old used to do the background in landscape-like beauty bears show lingering between head thinking, blurred walk back and forth helpless, but not the more than essence.
  Appreciation II:
  Nguyen read this deposit is only six words. Acacia is a word. The first two sentences, vivid brush strokes to draw a picture of Early Spring: chill, apricot newly sprung, Xiulou railings, sun_set_ months. This is a scene description, which wrote the activities of people of the dark time, place, for the characters tick a typical environment. Contact the context, the reader can see the contrast from the environment: a thinking woman newly sprung in the early spring when the apricot in February, against the chilly cold spell, boarded the beautiful colors of Xiulou, leaning against the railings, watching the sun_set_ sun_set_ flying, on the rising slope. She quietly watched the prospects eyes, silently miss distance hiring. This quiet, desolate cold of a typical environment, is secretly a Concerned Nannai express a modal character. From the "Twilight" to "on ramp" rising to write the scene changes over time, but also cleverly shows the thinking woman standing floor head the distant beloved, the length of time, the dark inner world of characters written. This is "three birds with one stone", a pen rather fine. "A pair of swallows" is seen in front of the King think of women, both swallow, take off together, whispering for language, this is how happy scene, contrasting it thinking woman's solitary, infinite loneliness. This is the "happy scene sad, sad scene to write music, a doubling of their funeral music." (Wang Fu-chih, "Jiang Poetry 'volume)," two lines Zheng Yan, the picture angle is the sound disabled "is thinking women look up to see and think. Looking at the clear sky, two lines of sign geese fly away, her thoughts led to the distance. Beloved, at this moment is the periphery, listening to mournful sad picture angle upstairs Shu pharynx, is homesick, miss her! Here the use of imagination, from the other side to write on, and thus effectively the performance of the thinking woman's fond.
  Poorly paint a portrait to view care situation; showings write, the scene of the layers of bedding in the above backdrop, the characters enter the picture. "Yee-man in the east window, the tears of the busy spring," written in human gorgeous apartment window while standing next Spring wind, miss distance of hiring, unknowingly tears chest. This two line drawing techniques to tick the thinking woman's form, mind sees. Poorly is that paint a portrait, dark write, love as an emotion of spring water, thus, the mighty can not stop, the situation turned into tears, sway in the wind inside. "Should be like the old, graceful youthful, light Castle," which cleverly three results, the use of imagination the way, writing their distant husband was missing: his wife is not home to remain as old as the eye such as winks, eyebrow if Spring Hill still so young and charming it! The imagination, so Bifeng steep turn, suddenly fell to the other body, so, open mood, touching, unique, more deeply touching. As the pump from the dragon said: "Heart to God, he has Chi, poetry coming from the opposite direction." This approach, commonly used in the ancient poets, such as "like beauty, makeup floor Yong Wang, wrong several times, the sky knowledge owned boat" (Liu Yong "Bashengganzhou"), "On the state tonight Lu, independent apartment, only to see . Pity the little children to relieve Yi Chang. " (Du Fu's "Moonlight") showed a Wife a go, love grow stronger, with the same purpose.
  Benpian mind sees euphemism, deep and sincere, using natural speech concisely, ingenious. The use of line drawing and imagination, paint a portrait of poorly sentence, every word written in the dark mind sees; showings written, tangible God, there are psychological characterization. Many changes on the tricks, there is a positive description of the scene contrast characters, there are "flying from the opposite" side of the description, so multi-faceted outlines, so that the entire word refined and profound. (Zhaohui Wen)

Edited by: 白水
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