宋代 邓剡 Deng Shan  宋代   (1232~1303)
Stories of Do not relay in words
Tang and more so
Zhuyingyaohong Ice House was Cadet Line when the government _set_s Jinling Tomb
Magnolia huaman birthday Zhou Xuan-resistant prefectural magistrate
Bashengganzhou Shou Hu Cun Qi
Mo yuer Yang Qi to teach the safety of any
Sparse The flat thin bamboo shoots River
Postscript Liu Minshu painting Yang Cheng Zhai Baas Plum chart
Reported that the first Temple
Seek refuge from war Section of rock, bearing gifts to Wu Zhao public
to stroll beneath the moon
to stroll beneath the moon
Jane lonely view
Books Oolong Mountain
Summer evening
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Bashengganzhou Shou Hu Cun Qi

   Deng Shan

Fu Chai laugh, just being with desirable men.
Life will take hairpin.
Smoked bamboo wind drunk early, pine cool Hopkins, L Um kept sitting.
Thirty-six peak Yuli, dust to listen to mysterious talk.
What seems difficult old man, aged only three.
Smell good language horizon, first-class character, emphasizing the south.
Full glass of spring green, ten contained by Tong Gan.
Green temples, make worthy pictures, while the purple rock, participation in Jizuo Shu.
Are owned by Feast, Jade Pool is not too late, intoxicated charge on red.

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