宋代 晏几道 Yan Jidao  宋代   (1035~1110)
Lin Jiangxian
Retiring music
leave (message) spring
What made six
consider people who become estranged
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Cai Sangzi

   Yan Jidao

See this evening in mid-East, Huan Italy hurry.
Tomorrow is also important.
But in the balcony of the ethereal.
Dai Qing vertical spiral whisk female singer, who sings come across.
Spring moon.
Hong quilt pillow-year-old drunk with.

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