宋代 周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan  宋代   (1056~1121)
Su Muzhe
Man ting fang Summertime Lishui Wuxiangshanzuo
Jie Yuhua the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China)
Emperor and the assassin
Six ugly Rose Hsieh made the remarks
Thanks Xingyue slow
Separated Pu Lian Close
Guan River that
Flowers guilty
recall formerly-visited place
Watson Cup
Sai Ping Lok
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s River
Shui Dragons
Southern Poems
Guan River that
Yu Louchun
Butterfly in Love
Night Palace
Su Muzhe
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Point Jiangshouju lip
Multiple poems at a time
The west point on the horizon where the sun sets River

The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s River

   Zhou Bangyan

Beauty land. Who remember the Southern event.
Shan Wai homeland around the Qingjiang, bun from DW on.
An angry lonely fight isolated city, away from the wind mast degree horizon.
Cliff tree, still leaning back.
Department of Mo boat child has.
Spare the old gray trace Yu, Shen half base fog.
Women on the wall over night, the delightful East Point Huai.
Jiuqi play drums and even at the city.
Think vaguely, Wang Xie neighborhood.
Swallow do not know what the World.
Into the unusual
Lane street people,
Such that the relative rise and fall
Sun in the.
  Southern Qi Xie Tiao "advocacy Song": "South Pageant, the Jinling imperial state." Bai "Farewell Song Jinling Fan declared" poem: "Jinling Zhuang Zai yore He swept the hero to the world." Jinling, Liuchaojinfen land, has always been the subject of chant for the man of letters, and to chant the word of Nanking, when the devaluation Wang's "Gui Hong Jinling nostalgia." Zhou Bangyan the song "River Jinling nostalgia", written and unique, send generous so deeply that is famous article.
  Loading written word as the geographical situation of Nanking. Beginning to compliment the tone of the "beauties in" poem by Xie Tiao, points out the Jinling. "Southern win things," points out of nostalgia, buckle problems. From two to conclude. "Southern" means 二 ○ 年 四 AD on behalf of Liu Yu, Chen Jin to 五八 ○ death, his capital at Jiankang (Nanking), Song, Qi, Liang and Chen dynasties. To "Who recorded" lift, emphasized: "Southern Events" has been with the moving water, it has long been forgotten. "Mountain Circuit native country around Qingjiang, bun from DW on," but, Jinling it remains the same win-shaped mountains. Jinling Yi then _set_ in Stone City, because mountain town, because Jiang for the pool, solid dangerous situation. These two major write mountains and water as a foil, depicts the unique geographical situation of Nanking ─ ─ hills, arched mountain, river confrontation; and beauty head to the "bun DW" to describe the mountains, to "clear" to describe the river, not only the image, and showing the beautiful scenery of Nanking beautiful. As for the old dynasty, the capital, but "Roughs lonely fight isolated city, the wind mast degree of the sky away", then "luxury compete for the" Nanking, now is the seat "isolated city," reverse the tide of the flop show off the environment http silence Lengmo , sailing the sky give a sense of empty loneliness. Ci on the scene description, greatly exaggerated the historical suffering from cold, is being forgotten, with the above, "who recorded" corresponding, to express the deep feelings of nostalgia.
  Written word for the film heritage of Nanking. Beginning to view the "cliff tree, still leaning back," with a "Jew" the word, emphasizing the scenery is still so real eyes, to bring historical color. Here they catch a "Department of Mo boat had children." Mo this is not in Nanking, but Song has the legend of Mo in Jinling, it also said that the word upside down leaning against the cliff under the Department of the old trees have been Mo's boat. Here of the ancient Yue with "Mo Music": "Mo, where? Live in stone west of the city, child play two paddle boats, reminders sent Mo to", points out the monuments. Took to continue to paint a portrait, "spare the old gray trace Yu, Shen half fog base." "Yu gray", that the cloud is very strong, looked a dark green, blue, half buried in the camp city. "Jiangsu Jiang Qing Yi Tong Zhi Ning Fu": "Han Qinhu base in Spring County, four in the West." "He Ruobi twenty base in North County in the Spring." Spring County, the Jinling. Results last two, "had women on the wall late at night, the delightful Huaishui Look East", "Female wall", with the walls of the houses became crenel or small wall perforation, commonly known as crib walls. "Delightful", refers to the delightful Pavilion. "King Yasushi be built": "delightful Pavilion in the (west) into the water gate on the wall, under the provisional Qinhuai, Ferris do the wins." "Huai", refers to the Qin Huai River, the river running through the city of Nanking, when they for the Southern Women who feast of the tour. These two highlighted time is "night", place in the "delightful Pavilion", that is, late at night, the word still standing delightful booth, Ferris Mochou and Qinhuai view, can not help but still the issue of landscape Personnel no longer the sigh. These two play a role under the beam on the Kai, the scene depicted above are all relation to this concept, but also leads to leave the theaters feeling retro.
  Ci showings, write the immediate landscape. "Jiuqi even play drums at the City," which is the word to see the sight of the scenery: restaurants, theater hall with one lively scene, can not help but issue a "very at the City," asked the language, this is where the heart of the market it? Mostly written in the previous two features remains the same, the personnel has not, here is the landscape has changed writing. Of course, restaurants, movie museum of non-pure natural beauty, and the inclusion of personnel included. This caused people to guess the word: "to vaguely, Wang Xie neighborhood." "Wang Xie," referring to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, surnamed Wang, Xie, two prominent families, who live in the Wuyi Xiang. Here is the scene that these restaurants Hall location, as if the current king of the Wuyi Xiang Xie two neighbors. That is to say, when the aristocracy lived in Wuyi Xiang now changed owners. So far, dead poet can not help but sense of the vicissitudes of life, so the statement issued late "Swallow do not know what the world, into the common, people lanes, relative as saying the rise and fall, the _set_ting sun in" the rise and fall of the sigh. Swallow do not know the personnel changes are still too high fly habitat in previous years, the door mansion, and have now become the homes of ordinary people in the room, however, who see the sun_set_ afterglow of the word pairs of swallows, but that they have knowledge, and are discussing rise and fall of big miles! Of course, this is the word of one's inner sense given the rise and fall swallow it. Caused this scene from the front of the ancient capital of Nanking rise and fall of dynasties sense of the infinite, which express the meaning of the questions the history of chant.
  This is the first word nostalgia, and Zhou Bangyan the nostalgia of long on sustenance, when the Northern Song Dynasty poem on the old party was demoted channeling, or some innuendo. In artistic technique, the word embodies one of the main features of the word week, as the comments of Zhang Yan: "Tang melt, such as his were collected, what their skills" ("Etymology" Volume Two), were hidden, including the ancient Tang Yue and Liu Yuxi, "Stone City", "Wu Yixiang" and other poems from. Loading with the "Stone City": "homeland around the surrounding mountains in the tidal isolated city lonely fight back. Huaishui old east month, middle of the night also had female walls." Mainly used in the ancient Yue film "Mo Music", showings of "Wu Yixiang": "Suzaku bridge weed, Wu Yixiang mouth sun_set_. Old Yan Wang Xietang ago, flying into the homes of ordinary people," a poem into words . Through these poetic, expressing their feelings, very ironing, and without a trace. The term structure of rigorous, risk-lying poorly at Jinling solid writing, writing in the film Nanking and monuments, the films were shown front to write the scene, orderly layout. From the time that it is intermittent intertwined, and from the space that is the density and white. Loading is written vision to sparse based; in the film is written and close-range vision, dominated by dense; showings for the close-up lens, close but close. In addition, the words Law uneven tone cadence, the words beautiful, state of the Qing Kuang, tragic melancholy style, so sublime and beautiful blend. (Less potential Ming Wen)

Edited by: 白水
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