宋代 王自中 Wang Zizhong  宋代  
Stories of inscribe Fishing table
Ya Yang Cheng Zhai
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Stories of inscribe Fishing table

   Wang Zizhong

Pan-night boat to Ziling audience, Yan Ying Lu received.
Variable width of the wind shake the boat of water, according to the contract Yuet Wah new spit.
Discretionary fine springs, pouring dust chest pain, Mr. evoke language.
Lun fishing year, For Whom Gaowo smoke.
Also read through the ages, fame can be shared, to a few people Guangwu.
Star Man shocked once universal, from the enemy thou art.
Hin Sang in the end, as PC World, for some time now the heart phase.
Days of low thin clouds, awe-Wu Yu exalted.

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