南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Butterfly in Love

   Li Qingzhao

Warm, sunny and cold wind early break.
Eye Mei Liu gills, heart has felt the spring.
Tipsy feeling poetic and who the community.
Tears melt tin heavy residual pink flower.
At first try a burial seam shirt folder.
Mountain slope interjection pillow, pillow loss Reproduction.
Hold concentration of worry-free independence dreams.
Deng Hua Yelan still get cut.
  The word "wonderful Wise Men Song Ci", "Cao Yu Collected Poems," "Ancient Words comprehensive" so questions as "away from the situation", and "I Do not _set_ Cottage Poetry" also note says: "One for the spring and pregnant" . From this, they fear are not the original title is the word for future generations, according to the contents added; In addition, the "Spring pregnant" and "away from the situation" really has summarized the main contents of Ci. From the word for the content and style point of view, when the poem was written in terms of people soon after the marriage, husband and wife little different, zhao when living alone.
  "Warm, sunny and cold wind early break, Liu Mei gills eyes, feel the spring has heart." On the first three, who look outside the word, the scene of spring put pen to paper. See, however, early spring, Dead Poets Society, warm and pleasant, earth recovery, beginning a long tender willow, such as winks slightly open, Yanmei in full bloom, like Xiangsai flush, full of cozy scene of a pack of spring. Although there is no pre-ci big ups and downs of life, but their unique talent, delicate emotions, and keen perception of the outside world, a strong concern, often surprising the like. Expressed in words for years, is often wisdom Duzhao, fat people are not made, see no people. "Warm, sunny and the wind" may not adequately express the characteristics of the arrival of spring, and immediately the "Eye Mei Liu gills", so the arrival of spring is more direct and image. Yin in the "February 2," a poem "Liu took the eye to be the rogue, and the purple butterfly Hornets all sentient beings," Su Shi "Shuilong Yin" word in the Lancet described the situation like a "Ying loss Rouchang, sleepy eyes intoxicated Johnson, To open yet closed. " Inspired by female poets seem to seize the characteristics of the two great things, to write the spring of life. The third sentence of the "heart has been feeling the spring," from the semantic point of view, is a general summary of spring, is his real feelings are moving Huaichun revealed. Ci Spring Tour and enjoy the spring and see moments of beauty, will look a gift horse, phrase after the two words are dark, people start to express the mind sees: "tipsy feeling and common poetic Who? Tears melt tin heavy residual pink flower." Poetess person's delicate, sensitive thoughts and insights to further strengthen the face of such a great spring, naturally think of their purdah alone, lonely, isolated habitats, which together with the past and play with her husband Mingcheng stone, Peng Ming cooking wine, a warm appreciation of poetry atmosphere was in stark contrast. A "Who and common", tells one's heart at the moment the word bitter. Followed by a word people use to further describe the details of the bitterness of his heart, tears flowing, face powder on whom ablation, with a heavy heart that wearing a flower that tin is heavy.
  Ci showings Ci to minor strokes, tight bearing poorly at the last sentence, describe their specific focus on women's apartment in the lonely life. "At first try a burial seam shirt folder, mountain slope interjection pillow, pillow loss of Reproduction." Few warm sunny spring first test, but the poet was staying at home to watch the good of spring, but inclined in the mountains pillow interjection that the Reproduction of a fine crushed. "Pillow Mountain", that Tan pillow, its like "concave" shape, it said Hill pillow. Spring scene could not ci households watching, was cited for fear of moments of beauty touch feeling sad, and second, that the depressed state of mind, extremely lazy. A "loss", which also suggests that Ci lazy, listless. Last two: "concentration of worry-free dream alone hold, Yelan firepans still get cut." Worry about the invisible, but words, "hold", their worry is evidenced by how "strong", multiple, not to mention "independence hold ", this situation is embarrassing. "No dream," the reality is that very lonely bored and want to seek solace in a dream, but it has never been able to sleep until almost midnight when the cut still get firepans to distraction Chouhuai. "Jew" living the poet to write the word bored modality. In addition, the lights get cut, the number of ancient divination women often husband to the return date. These two written very detailed and vivid, seemingly inadvertently cents, such as Narrations life itself, is actually several times Kulian, no life experience and deep artistic skill can not be written to the. He Sang Qing Ci assessment of these two homes as "ecstatic the sentence" ("wrinkle Shuixuan word trap"). (Less potential Ming Wen)

Edited by: 白水
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