宋代 窃杯女子 Qie Beinvzi  宋代  
Partridge days Glim Stand Everywhere new
Multiple poems at a time
Partridge days

Partridge days Glim Stand Everywhere new

   Qie Beinvzi

New tower lights everywhere,
Royal Street, laugh lines carrying my hand.
Greed see Crane array Shengge move, feel lost group of ducks.
Days near the table, Royal Enrong.
Stop drinking the wines face Seng Chun.
Strange fear of being children returning husband is willing to give Gold Cup for the proof.
  This is a narrative written word Lantern Festival, the author is an unknown woman.
  "Vision and the Heritage of the Great Song", the record of such a story: North Song Vision and years of social peace and prosperity, the Festival of Lights downtown. That night, every family decorated, the streets of men and women have come to play lanterns. A young wife can go shopping with her husband hand in hand lanterns. Unexpectedly, the two squeezed by the crowd scattered.
  At that time, the emperor and the public, tours to the people to drink wine, the little woman can get on to go, grab a cup of drink, and secretly hides the glass into his arms. Unexpectedly, she was as happy and less preparedness, discovered by patrolling guards, took her to catch up, to see the emperor. To get in front of the emperor, she calmly recites the poem, explains the reason to take glass, the Emperor heard her make sense, they understand her. From this story, we can see the development of Song has a very broad mass base.
  Words with a two piece, writing Loading bright lights, complains Dancer, the couple was separated crowded situation. Gold showings write the reason to steal. Popular understand the language, coherent narrative, is unique for the lyrics of a song. (Pu Ren)
  Women's Mimosa Cup stolen
  The phrase "people of non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect" may in fact just the opposite, because the plants have feelings is a conscious, mimosa is one of the most typical one. I first saw this grass in my colleagues at home, colleagues said: "mimosa, very shy, do not believe you touch it," So I reached out touched, saw mimosa immediately shrunk to a group, a shy look.
  I love flowers, but also love the word, the spirit of Song as my back garden, flowers are blooming, fragrant, pleasant. Today, read about a burglary in the Song Dynasty Cup women's stories, I think among the mimosa flowers.
  A word, a flower there is a beautiful story, mimosa as well. There was once a girl said from her front walk in love with a teenager, she looked at his loved one again and again pass in front of her home, she did not dare say hello, stay in front of her house waiting for her loved one came to her confession of love, but unfortunately did so too has the old yellow fading roots, can not wait that this is a confession of love to into a small blade of grass, people called it as mimosa.
  "Vision and the Heritage of the Great Song" recorded such a story: one between sun and Huizong Lantern Festival night, a young wife and her husband, shopping hand in hand by the crowd when the crowd scattered lanterns. Helpless in case of the emperor to the people is the wine tour, we squeezed into the drink went to win the cup, and the silver cup bosom. This will be the guards found her to face to catch king. She calmly recited a poem to the emperor that the narrative reason for the word stolen cup "Partridge days." The young wife so much why bear the risk of deliberately leave a "fear of husband were strange children," the evidence? Reason only: Lantern Festival in the Song Dynasty is generally considered the day of Valentine's Rendezvous, Allure and the joy of the night, inevitably encounter old love, encounter new knowledge and more "dark dust with the horse." Undefined status is now someone else's bride, allay, often clear, the place to be much more careful listening is the ... ... Huizong who wish to re-test to steal Cup women's talent, he ordered and then given Ci Yishou young woman Hui Ci Yishou would then improvise "Nian Nujiao" said: "soul Gui Cheng Hui, forbidden city, ten thousand lanterns are listed. infinite beauty wearing embroidered tracks, how many flirtatious Wonderful. Feng cross candle light, Yindeng phase radio, Xiao Shao played the early break. Ming sheath at the ring, and the people visited the palace. concubine from the women's apartment door to leave, together with her husband, Dramas Lantern Festival. error to the Jade Emperor Mirage puzzle, thanks to the wine full _set_ Gold Cup. the amount of narrow-ever, red coagulation noodles, see no proof that respect. calendula false king, free in-laws Chenqie punishment. ", Yan Bi, Long made great harmony, to give the Gold Cup, life guards get go.
  Throughout the Song, burglary Cup women's two words as a typical mimosa. I think the reason why the shy, one steal her beauty from the heart, the silver cup stolen into his arms, with the shame of shame; Second, the couple distributed, steal the silver cup to testify, "fear of being children fu Devil" , on husband's true feelings hidden and loyalty. Her guardian was found stealing move, just like mimosa was scared then blow being shy but she embodies the wisdom and talent, and let the generation of Emperor of the understanding. Flowers not a thief stole the saying goes, in my understanding has become the United States is not a thief stealing, burglary theft Cup women move to the United States has become a widely read classic story of people.
  I always feel love for flowers and beauty culture is not acquired, it should be an innate human intuitive sense for the character from the kind and gentle disposition, but also from being indifferent to the fame and fortune. In fact, my heart has always been a mimosa keep such a fragrance in the leaves in each lobe are sincere feelings deep in water, like the one in the blood vessel, it will have any deeply touched the touch just like the human mind, the more calm the more stretch ... ...
  (Zhou Ying)
  Smart and lovely woman steal Cup
  Close reading of poems, saw the woman stolen cup "Partridge Sky": bright lights on full Penghu, and Lang together to the side door. Greed see Crane array Shengge move, feel lost group of ducks. Days gradually dawn, a sense of infinite royal. Biography gives the wine drinking cup Tour Vision. Return home fear being Wenggu responsibility for the theft of photos by Gold. The effect that the Lantern Festival lanterns and her husband went hand in hand, to the south main entrance of the palace, the woman because of greed see Shengge Crane Dance, do not want to squeeze by the crowd scattered, and their rarely go out, can not find my way home, a people in the crowd and turn and watch the sky is bright, and are anxiously helpless, suddenly declared that the emperor heard the transmission to try giving each person a glass of wine, so the woman Jizhongshengzhi, squeezed into the drink to go win a cup, and will be bosom Gold Cup because of fear of being home Wenggu ask, would like to use this as a proof. Words to the effect that clear, but the problem has come. First of all, stands to reason that the emperor had stolen a golden cup the wine should not be given quiet, slip away, we should not leave a few words giving others a handle; Also, why does she steal a cup to prove and want to prove?且待 following careful to have been.
  Burglary Cup Women Who? Nobody knows, but also difficult to trace, only that the ordinary folk of a Guandeng women only. She probably did not think their response time will be made by the poem included the word home, and was stolen Cup Women's Department as the name, and more than a thousand years after they are passed down. Burglary Cup women who stole the cup is also a woman. On the surface like a thief name, a woman does not seem to leave such a glorious reputation, but the name is a trace of one kind of makes fun of inquiry, as if hiding something during the story. And so he did.
  Anonymous, according to Song's "Vision and the Heritage of the" _set_: Vision and between Spring lanterns, Xu Shinv look at. All give a glass of wine. Gold stolen by a woman to drink. See Guardian, remanded omae. Women chanting "Partridge Sky" word and so on. Huizong overjoyed to give the Gold Cup, defender sent to return.
  Read this text, feel people suddenly realized that this woman was caught stealing Gold Cup is the current guardian, they were before the disposal of the Executive to the Emperor. Now think about the defender also interesting, for this unexpected little things, guards should be fully empowered to deal with, at most, but also for the transfer Yousi, face the woman he has chosen to Huizong before in my surmise, there are two possibilities: one , the defender to desire. This woman wanted to come pretty impressive, to guard her romantic Huizong literary grace, and perhaps win the Long Yantai Yue, a pleasure to own raised him, what kind of official post; Second, this group of unlettered women see the guards with the theory is unclear, Jizhongshengzhi and confidently insisted to meet with in the field with the public statement of their own to steal the Emperor's reasons for the cup, defender stubborn, however, forced her to the front Huizong. Went on to more interesting things happened, the woman was brought before the Emperor, no cry representations, oral accounts, very slowly, the song "Partridge days." Though expensive for the ninety-five Huizong of respect, in fact, be regarded as a literary bones, not only through rhythm good at Dan, but also the word master, see the front of talented women, Dunsheng loving heart, not only does not blame, but also in the presence of the face of the Gold Cup crowd reward to her, and asked the guards to escort her home. During this period there may be details of this, find asked the woman Yoshina Huizong, women because of concerns about the reputation of himself and Wengxu home, to avoid without answer, so the cup will leave a woman stealing a reputation to such an interesting. In this way, with smart and talented woman, to a discredited themselves and their families may make not only suddenly to resolve the crisis, but also left such a beautiful story and a euphemistic term nature filled with interesting people.
  Here fans be solved first, then she wanted to prove? This was the nature of the Lantern Festival from the Northern Song Dynasty to find clues to the.
  Since the time when Emperor Kaiyuan, due to "put the lights and three nights" and warming the Lantern Festival, to open treasure brought in between two nights was added, Metropolis Bianjing (now Kaifeng) from the first month-fourth to "trouble" to the eighth square off, saying that "five nights Lantern" ("Vision and the Heritage of the" pre _set_), to celebrate the heat increased. According to Meng veterans "Tokyo Menghualu" description, when King called the Grand lights, such as "light mountain color, Golden-phase radio, Fairview Jiao Hui", and "twisted with the pulley lights jian high water, with storage lockers of, by the time drop, such as the waterfall (quite similar to today's colorful fountain), but also on the left and right doors, all tied into the grass to play the dragon-like, cover the cage with a green screen, lights in the tens of thousands of closely spaced on the grass light, hope the wind like dragons fly. "kind of people live in the word pen had a more dazzling metamorphosis, after years of wear and tear of thousands of years are still vivid and bright:" The wind off purple-red wax, Lu Yi HL, light Radio City Light phase "(Zhou Bangyan" Whisper solution? Lantern ")," Trees with the flowers the night wind, more wind the, stars like rain. BMW cars carved incense over the road. Feng Xiao Sheng move, Yu Hu light switch, fish and dragons dance the night ... ... "(ji" Qing Yuan? Lantern Festival "). Activities at the Ren Yong-year period in the "Spring Festival" in the Chronicle, said, "Hing Ka Day, when thirty-five, column lantern bustling," Wang Shen Shenzong period "person full moon," the song says "every year this evening , H.-T. Sheng portrait. " Ouyang Xiu, "Health check child? Lantern Festival" will also chase past ask this, "Last year, per night, the flower market signals such as day ... ... Night yuan this year, with the lights still." And even the shame of the Song Dynasty moved through all Jingkang Lin'an (Hangzhou) soon after the "continued on the fireworks." Nandu Qingzhao made after the "Yong Yule" license, "Lantern Festival, the weather ... ... to the phase integration of call, Dream Car BMW," Jiang Kui Yuan for three years in Ningzong Qing (AD 1197) of the "Partridge days ? Lantern Festival has been a dream, "also said," who taught Year by year the lotus (of lotus lanterns) night. " Can be said that history is almost no holiday can be like in the Song as Lantern Festival, a highlight of an entire generation of literary attention.
  However, charming eyes peel them colorful Lantern Festival lights caused by the fog, Song of the "Little Red Flowers" means the Lantern Festival is only a background mood and background, men and women intended to _set_ off passionate debut. Or "as see who the picturesque" (Su Shi's "Butterfly in Love? Missouri Lantern"): such as Zhou Bangyan the "city of light relative to shoot light" is indeed "elegant clothes, Chu F, waist a" gross Pang's "Wen Chang Road, good night light," followed by "carving wheel BMW clouds" ("Lin Jiangxian? Capital Lantern Festival"), in the zhao "Yong Yule," the woman described by travel per night are all "shop Cuiguan children, twisted gold Xue Liu, Chu cluster with economic competition." Characters who have the looming, ready to come out of those who have. The most classic of the lens when the number of ji "Qing Yuan," the entire word thirteen, his best of them stretched to nine with the rendering of the downtown lights, dress clogs of-sheng, who went so far as the eyes only masterpiece, "Girl" appeared to heighten the appearance than on - "People look for her thousands of Baidu, when I look back, that person is in the dim light." And Ouyang Xiu's "Health check child", also in the "flower market signals such as day", the touch of a switch, put together a pair of elegant tryst to mobilize men and women out, "Liu Shao on the head, Renyuehuanghun after." Left an indelible in the minds of the classic "Love" King - Song of the Lantern Festival Uncharted "Valentine tryst," which points out. Evidence of "Vision and the Heritage of the Great Song" and when people push the notes, the "feeling" King is not the poet's self-ignited and simulation complex, but the focus of a fashion folk. For the ancient social order considerations, the implementation of curfew the city (street cut off access.) Tang Dynasty, the capital before and after the routine lifting of the ban on the fifteenth day, saying "let the night." Song greater openness above. "Zifu put the night wind" (He Zhu, "The more people think"), "God put the city night, hope one thousand day" (Zhou Bangyan "solution florid"), highly spiritual depression, many have constraints on action young men and women finally looked forward to a release of a gala day ("Tokyo Menghualu" yes "when the argument million people surnamed Le Shan Hu," the account.) "Nine times street Luo Qi" (Yong), exposure to "Ying Huang days without night lights, complains to Changchun noisy" (the "sun and Romance"), the moments of beauty, "Inner door and more leisure," "laughing travel rule" of the occasion vertical and horizontal terraced rice paddies, deep Square alley place, have a chance, another place, even the heart have (Lantern Festival is considered to be "the moon is full of people," Wang Shen) sentence, - all have romance and love have the conditions , Yan Debu collisions, induce, breed out one after another "feeling" things to!
  Ci sensitive and delicate all stare at the "feeling" things, point pen into the "words eye", such examples abound. He cast such as "thinking more people" "Step Lian Li Wo farmers with one to go home" Jiang Kui's "Partridge days? Lantern Festival has been a dream," "Endless east of fertilizer, the original sub-species of Acacia." Bianjing custom picture books called the Liu Yong Lantern Festival "Spring," a word, the screen capture to the more typical: "getting days like water, prime months when the afternoon. Hong diameter, the fruit must throw countless Ying. More Lanna candle Shadow Flower Yin, the young tend to adventure. "you can imagine, lanterns how many occurred in the flow of people and not excessive in the romantic music Aventure! Zhou Bangyan "liberation florid? Lantern" under the tie down the "love" section which seems a bit complicated: he "look one thousand as bright as day, laughing and tour the rule" the larger context, such a freeze-frame close-up: "tin car Ropa, meet at, dust chasing its own dark horse "- has a woman sitting tin car, with the period after the men met the agreed place, there is actually not far from a horse in the chase track Qianzong dust in the "third party." Su from this point of view if the "Missouri Lantern," "blowing off the bottom spit Sheng Hong deer, but no feature dust with the horse", when there is a heart of a lonely and disappointed, after all.
  This is really a smart and lovely woman, although women have been human, but who also left the innocence of young girls, more resourceful and talented, and perhaps there are still a fraction of daily life, skin and sense of humor to play it. Unfortunately, her talent is just in time to prove his innocence taken the first step a eureka moment, and then submerged obscurity. What she looked like, her happy marriage there, she had a kind of life? These are beyond the Millennium years in search of dust. Yanjuan Way back, since life can not help feeling a ray of light in the coaching.
  Note: This article is part of the information is quoted from Mr. Li Zhongguo the "Song of the Lantern Festival," Love "State", in this deeply grateful.
  (Lan Tseng person)
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