宋代 田锡 Tian Xi  宋代  
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Pay Chen Department disabilities chant Snow Song
fulfil Song shi Gu huangzhong twain Bachelor Chrysanthemum What was all part of the Office of bachelor
fulfil Tonglu (in ming and qing dynasty) county magistrate Diao kan cantus
another name for cricket
Era Peony thank sb. with a gift
Allograph assume Su yijian Bachelor To curry favor (esp. from a superior) And see Send So Question of the county, also
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Dong Xi Book thing
read Member of the imperial academy group of things having a shared quality
Of wine
Kite Song
skilful writer
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And security the title of Emperor Gaoxong's reign in Tang Dynasty
And Song Taixuan December Day
And Plain Spring Books
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Parting words Langya Appraise things through discussion Also send two systems old acquaintance

   Tian Xi

Wang Liquan comments less government thing, a good clean delicate singular God.
Fencing playing good reading, Chung Yung Wun device is believed to be.
I come from Shu Xian Qin, Chang more than dust off a long time.
So moved clear Weibei, and the king of Chu Xiangshi in Peru.
Met by this two decades, looks wide memory fragmentation deed.
Ye Yuan last year's strike straight west, Jun also Liquan side Jieguan.
Yao Guanzhong Wanqiu Road, travel long distances to which they must look.
Huaiyang County, I have the honor to know something, County Kerry off to a fast welcomes news.
SJ Huang first came to the time, when the words want to back open chrysanthemum.
The owner failed to keep the hard left, King and Daisy climbing mining units.
High-profile clinical Road, Handan Road, go north.
Autumn is also the old Beijing. Yuan Chang day,
Never to return from off-day has been cold.
Although the gods for Wei Road, flesh and blood for the tired mind and wide.
Fifty-one years and the king of all, old time turn worthy of pity.
For this fall, late winter status of disability, seventy CD more than eighteen years.
Unknown eighteen years between the joys and sorrows have funeral and insurance difficulties.
Seventy is the fortune to have, in addition to Bliss mention the statement.
Coincided with heavy 九日 tomorrow, no tolerance and the king of Zu-seats.
New Ju Lu Zunqian with AIDS, cornel real stars Lili Dan.
Fang Ju cornel captures life extension, life full of Mo Guci wine.
If early for Huaiyang Jun Li, Dixiang that see each other again period.
Make friends asked if phase two systems, as I would like to thank the Qin Qin.

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