宋代 黄公绍 Huang Gongshao  宋代  
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Xiaoxiang God
Stories of Diana
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Coffee Senna Seed
Xi ying move Sonchus oleraceus
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Stories of Diana

   Huang Gongshao

Shan Wai Wide Bi, month is very successful, very spring evening.
Yongjin Men like to see horses outside, Tim was greenery good tree.
Star wide field vertical, sky clouds convergence, not the Red dirt.
Wandering on the Water, in its own good at idle.
High spirits with my boat, Sanin night, Miao Miao Su streamer.
Wang Xi-day beauty corner, I would like to Ling Fengfei go.
Things float and sink, life moon, have fun like Lakeshore.
Hing Wai Red Cliff, the river through the ages East injection.
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