Modern Poetry
going or ready to go in the direction of Athens of pinchers 去雅典的鞋子
Ouyang Jianghe
Enough of this place. Gotta go to visit Athens - Over the years, you are walking barefoot in the fields. So hard to leave a pair of shoes to Athens, But you took it off in New York. In the streets of New York to open your shoe, Home people selling handmade lazy way out, In exchange for selling their footprints from animals, Trees cut down from the spring legs - All of civilization is attractive. But Ulysses shoes You may not be suitable for the American dream, Age may not be suitable for sightseeing tour of Athens. Kind of shoes to wear in the feet Will not necessarily civilized people to Homer. They will not walk with felled trees, The dead will not spend money to buy shoes, Even if the money spent is dead. A pair of shoes to smell nuisance out how far For it to grow legs? Turn off your shoe. Imagine Courtesy of shoes to wear monster To go to a decent middle-class dinner. Imagine a solitary ballet toe Sleepless in the monster from the squat. Imagine a person loses his legs after Still in the running. Athens, thousands of miles away. Oh, those lonely long-distance running: Over the years Strong beat of his prosthetic earth, Flying in the abyss of his shoes - You may not want that trip to Athens shoes.