Tired of thinking for a long time, moving clear water shield perch Hing, a very mild remarks Dan. Pei-yu Jin go back hometown, light Hushan Autumn. Eight meter penalty, Kokonoe respect pet, before it was this word Bo. Jun Hao Han family? Wong He vegetable E34 enemy. Three-path old family name, Hua Tang, at the deep stable, frequency open Yao seats. Spring in a pot so owned, a Palace of Sin Ye beads throughout. Tan Hui wind dust, fine chips such as the DC40, the number of trapped passengers before the statue. It should be per release, crazy drunk a toast to throw light. Passionate Yu, shaking off the value of the westerly, the Autumn season. You-Fang Lai has deep interpret and competition made the branches of the iridescence. For language blush Lianrong smile, mind how to say. Fragrance when the degree of shutter to stay on with cream. Who wrote Xian Zi Fu, brush off the paper, before the words off a statue. Du Yi railings to be the channel, consumers must worry about the Lonely Yin. Buque show through, Supplements incense, Dayton promised the forefront. Thank you, goods issue, one when the King and fold. Shu Liu Homelessness, twilight crows cold _set_, all doors visitor out, sun shade. Yese lifeless, Cuiwei faint, virtual point cloud outside the home. Together for a long time friendship thick, on the west to fight for tolerance Fenmei. Guests drink powder, Huachuan go in, Ping Wu miles. Result in mind. Hsiao Hsuan not sleep soundly. Night Moon Pinglan view, a total of deep Lease. Et off idle, Xingtan excellent leisure, when read with the drunken banquet. South Lakeshore far, willing to not forget, the sound frequency to send the book. Unknown Minghuan arrested person, depending on where they meet. 小窗开宴,草草杯盘具。 欢喜走儿童,庆生朝、一年一度。 风光好处,恰是小春时,香泛泛,酒醺醺,一曲歌金缕。 吾今已醉,解作醒时语。 千里念重亲,望家山、云天尽处。 深深发愿,只愿早休官,居颜巷,戏莱衣,岁岁长欢聚。 Origin of ant Hong broad floating green, yellow were recommended Fang Chen. Tee Sang Sky net clean. Preferred climb Fu, twist pen play written. Chennai garden swing can fall for? See all shade peptone Di? Repeated the eyes of a new acquaintance. High will be at Yongsan, who _set_ off the cap. 追想京都全盛日,蓬弧初记生时。 朝来朱绂照庭闱。 谁知衰谢老,还有宁馨儿。 休记蓝田生美玉,举杯听取歌词。 年方强仕未应迟。 高风轻借便,一鹗看横飞。 十月风光,小春时候,宴堂初启朱筵。 博山云润,风细袅晴烟。 坐有文章公子,争吟唱、诗满花笺。 帘帷里,时闻笑语,今日间生贤。 郎潜。 虽未贵,虚名自有,清议推先。 更那堪、高堂重庆兼全。 占取人间乐事,何必羡、玉带貂蝉。 飞觞处,深深更祝,龟鹤永齐年。 风轧云低,寒催腊近,画堂和气先春。 玳筵初启,佳会庆生辰。 漏转高张宝炬,重帘邃、深炷炉薰。 欢声里,清歌闲发,一曲绕梁尘。 慈闱,春不老,山河象服,恩被丝纶。 占人间荣贵,兰玉诜诜。 便好金尊尽醉,殷勤劝、须满十分。 深深愿,斑衣拜舞,千岁奉灵椿。 岁晚寒凝,正蓂舒四叶,梅吐孤芳。 庆诞佳辰,开筵盛集萱堂。 合坐春回锦绣,卷帘处、花簇笙簧。 除乐禁、初许闻韶,应时欢宴何妨。 人言富贵最好,算有谁能兼,福寿康强。 自是仙姿,天教占取恩光。 百和重添宝炬,十分劝、频举瑶觞。 仍教画、家庆新图,要看兰桂成行。 罗绮争春拥画堂。 翠帷深处按笙簧。 宝奁频炷郁沈香。 海上蟠桃元未老,月中仙桂看余芳。 何须龟鹤颂年长。 腊日银EB32翠管新。 潘舆迎腊庆生辰。 卷帘花簇锦堂春。 百和宝薰笼瑞雾,一声珠唱驻行云。 流霞深劝莫辞频。 象服华年两鬓青。 喜逢生日是嘉平。 何妨开宴雪初晴。 酒劝十分金凿落,舞催三叠玉娉婷。 满堂欢笑祝椿龄。 过隙光阴还自催。 生朝又送一年来。 宴堂深处强追陪。 眼眩岂堪花里笑,眉攒聊向酒边开。 与君同醉莫辞杯。 飞雪初晴,晓来佳气生庭户。 宝薰笼雾。 帘幕香风度。 鹤发龟龄,堂上潘舆驻。 花深处。 缓歌金缕。 莫惜杯频举。 罗幕重重,画堂迎腊和风转。 玳筵高展。 知是群仙宴。 银鸭香浮? 煨浞枭取? 金杯劝。 深深祝愿。 争把蟠桃献。 宝津楼下柳阴重。 画桥东。 戏鱼龙。 闻喜当时,开宴盛仪容。 遥想新年寻故事,扶醉帽,夕阳中。 可怜衰鬓飒霜丛。 借酡红。 遣愁浓。 梦入长安,惊起送飞鸿。 直下青冥休避路,九万里,看抟风。 Convergence clear smoke. Osmanthus water Qing Han. Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, friends hairpin to be, full banquet Lvbin brow. Exhausted Drinking Vessel Lei, Xing swallow massive, wonderful Gechui, sound thoroughly clouds. Independent study fade, strong accompany laughter, suddenly felt a sense of bitter old. Fame Zhi, Huang Liang Xiao dream, but since the day old. Hugh repent, the day should teach people to win free body. Like Chang E, the situation is as old, and I'm greedy Huan notes. Naipan temples, cream bottle getting full, the status of Shen waist, leather belt bandwidth. A month that ends, people who long health? for ulterior Sik crop for election? King Master, see Jun grace, why not earlier bombs crown. Do I study every year on the month, Fu Bing Riverside. Love Jiashan. To heart and goes to sit idle. Read his life, fame interested, old age and sick difficult to know. Dependents Zanying, not lead to tolerance, Chennai ape crane, long-Recall. Love Song Ju Guan, Xing cited Brasenia bass, high-Yun Zhao Xiren unseen. Fine recollected, mountain Linzhong Ding, ancient rare and all. A good return, Wong Yan Ke, stormed pleased. Western Qing Wang, Utah hundred law from, dreams like the rain rather follow precedent across Taiwan. Growing seven loose, it is a small hidden, open three-path, and happy years. Philippines Friends of the phase over, the chicken was a dolphin, fairy calmly chatted for drinking. Jun lyrics, good tie down spring, just today, a new transmission. Hugh speech wine, from teaching Zuiwu, Tasui tapestry. 解组盛明时,角巾东路。 家在深村更深处。 扫开三径,坐看一川烟雨。 故山休笑我,来何暮。 苦贪富贵,多忧多虑。 百岁光阴能几许。 醉乡日月,莫问人间寒暑。 兴来随短棹,过南浦。 年时生日宴高堂。 欢笑拥炉香。 今日山前停棹,也须随分飞觞。 东阳太守,携家远去,方溯桐江。 把酒祝君长健? 嗨婀槔衔嵯纭? Japan also Before the beginning of the Daming Palace. Legal turn cold spring. Township return dreams off several times, urging cream bottle into the temples. Year-end mountain states, but also every section so that the air before the track record. Mo sent troops opposite the wine, Choucheng fear of attack frequency. 休惊初腊冻全消。 旬日是春朝。 梅吐芳心半笑,柳含青眼相撩。 风光如许,那知太守,老去无聊。 乘兴方思把笺,归心已逐轻桡。 五日小春休屈指。 花发西轩,早已传春意。 应为高堂催燕喜。 一枝得得来呈瑞。 绮席初开云幕邃。 兰蕙腾芳,人生蓬壶里。 寿酒满斟那惜醉。 锦囊行拜恩封贵。 Yuxi Zhao Xuan Ting Ying night. Huang Ju was Fang, Autumn does not feel old. Tim Hall strange language the end of drying laugh. Peng Chang E The night comes islands. Who knows what new words Xian Shou Road. Eyed children and grandchildren, the words are clever competition. Glittering gold cup recess sprinkle. Shuang Tian Xiao Huan afraid of chasing. |