Dai six floating wave smoke away, South street trained, trained, Tree First Movement, Screens the night, À painting by dawn. Huang places to see and deep, Organization fog Jinsuo small. When the man Xiejiu listen, Expected to spring, poetry dream alerted. Flying around. Broken clouds Tsui received, New Green Waterfront grass embankment. Shushengjiaozhuan, Yuen delivery, such as depression, Song of spring adjusting tip get clever. Dust with soft low-Yan Zhao, Delicate gossamer Butterfly properly. Xu fly the most pity dance, Call it the old east. 倚东风、画阑十二,芳阴帘幕低护。 玉屏翠冷梨花瘦,寂寞小楼烟雨。 肠断处。 怅折柳柔情,旧别长亭路。 年华似羽。 任锦瑟声寒,琼箫梦远,羞对彩鸾舞。 文园赋。 重忆河桥眉妩。 啼痕犹溅纨素。 丁香共结相思恨,空托绣罗金缕。 春已暮。 纵燕约莺盟,无计留春住。 伤春倦旅。 趁暗绿稀红,扁舟短棹,载酒送春去。 杜鹃声渐老,过花信、几番风。 爱翠幄笼晴,文梭飏暖,阑槛青红。 新妆步摇未稳,捧心娇、乍入馆娃宫。 消得金壶万朵,护风帘幄重重。 匆匆。 少小忆相逢。 诗鬓已成翁。 且持杯秉烛,天香院落,同赏芳秾。 花应怕春去早,尽迟迟、待取绿阴浓。 拚却花前醉也,梦随蝴蝶西东。 秋千倦倚,正海棠半坼,不耐春寒。 殢雨弄晴,飞梭庭院绣帘闲。 梅妆欲试芳情懒。 翠颦愁入眉弯。 雾蝉香冷,霞绡泪揾,恨袭湘兰。 悄悄池台步晚。 任红薰杏靥,碧沁苔痕。 燕子未来,东风无语又黄昏。 琴心不度春云远。 断肠难托啼鹃。 夜深犹倚,垂杨二十四阑。 Hanjiang Lu cold, who will Yaose, playing to the cloud. A cool slowly crescendos Yao, an expert in the Pearl Palace month. Halo amount of yellow light, painted pink gills Yan, Luo with woven green. Fantasy disperse, wear rings You Zi Ding Dong. Looking back Kakitsubata Ting Zhou, Jin Tian Yu mirror, what day was meet. Independent fluttering waves away smoke, dust socks splash Chun shame. Miao Miao be pregnant, far-ranging good night, xxxvi Pei wind. Jiuyi where the degree of fault Yunfei Qian Feng. Canopy switch apricot afternoon. Clear leakage and lifeless, Dreaming no legal basis. Phoenix turtles yarn, empty the dust off the wine Xiang Wu. Water line of the sky four far, Yu Xiao where people sound off. Tired look for Fang, Cui town feeling sharp pressure, strong twist Fei Xu. Remember the Old Testament, tea コ open, flexor heart period, counted also the number. I Pinglan error, Nampo single sail several times. Yan Ying careless lazy spring and go, falling is still the main east. Condensate is sold, was unhappy Juan, and cry Yan Shu. Gradually into harmony, lotus place, people in the east pavilion. Fantasy blowing chariot road, not a cloud in a little net, Gui flow frost soul. Snow drift Mei, Chun Liu soft and tender, half of the volume really bead foil. The Long Ming sheath over, guard car tin bridle jade, dark dust and light grazing. Joan Long Fan blowing pipe, Chu Feng-string playing, Liu Qu unfamiliar flowers. Aoshan invasion of blue sky. Far purple raw silk, floating Chi Chun Margaret magpie. People were happy, Kingo ban quiet, clear streets sound Tsui leisure, over the green door, do stop the fish key. Early winter socks panties feel. Blame the loss side, narrow bow embroidered mandarin duck. Wrong good night, Yaotai about. Choi Ha gradually scattered, thin double-Que Smoke Vimicro. Cave who were inter-crane. 玉腕笼寒,翠阑凭晓,莺调新簧。 暗水穿苔,游丝度柳,人静芳昼长。 云南归雁,楼西飞燕,去来惯认炎凉。 王孙远,青青草色,几回望断柔肠。 蔷薇旧约,尊前一笑,等闲孤负年光。 斗草庭空,抛梭架冷,帘外风絮香。 伤春情绪,惜花时候,日斜尚未成妆。 闻嬉笑,谁家女伴,又还采桑。 Gossamer get late, look at the shutter, Yan weight to time. Positive swing pavilions, Kam nest through the spring. Dreaming Huaqing faded bath, hot condensate, purple raw silk microfold. Fang Yin at the end, people stand east Revlon as day. Should be wine. Hong cry tears of thin, drunk deep jade mark, with the spring thin. Looking back at the Valley, the early steps embroidered curtain. The shadows of clouds hovering, silent Jiao, Ye Han, after normalization. Xiao Ying window, Hua Su carrying heavy hand. Mr. Manuscripts felt, by the Fu Yun Qian Feng Cui. Send Guyun with me, places Lo windows clear. With the dawn of virtual spring and Pitt students cold, thin single leaning species of bamboo clothing bamboo. DW recognized fog, remote lock repair frown, eyebrow flatter whom worry alone. Ou may know the river light, back pairwise Zhao Ting, Ching-Fei Lu broken. A Cangyan, cut off Jiashan, dream homes around the stone window dill. North Korea also object to watch twilight phase, counted several times, red railings song. Qian poetry to be, clean back, screen writing travel pieces lying. Ji day of Autumn. Is Yilou be months, who is accompanied by flute. Green floating up, idle hands the number of stars worthy pick river. Mi Wang Cheng Guang practice net, allotments and, Yuen Fai only pen. Smoke Boxu wide flat wave clouds are far behind, one of birds taking advantage of the wind seats. Southland. Letter sounds lonely. For crossing the busy accounts Yan, Lu Ting Sha product. Lu monument weeping moss. Traces of dark sigh when pat memory. Personnel air with the PASSING, Heritage but, double a Bi. Do take, Mino total of Li, Pan-boat was. Cuckoo sings old Singing Sorrowful, tears for rouge blowing rain. Fly random point, east branch, red Cheung Chui Zhu. Dan points early Ming, Biwu habitat is not, bleak mountain dock. Jean Ji despair dreams away, Yu Xiao sound off, solitary phoenix shadow, and who dance. Forest landscape since the promises. Why count, Yu Jing Yao-po. Langan drunk leaning, loose powder, the fragrance tour, Fangfei ownerless. Scholastic monks sleep, quiet bell on floor, to fly in also. Be pine, black dragon of the best Tau Kok, carpool to the cloud. Lake just outside the railings, with the virtual remote fans 3 Chu. Old willow still green, Ping Wu from Bristol, several times toward the faint misty rain. End of the World tired journey. Love the small but travel whip, waving a total of about dust. Feel a dust cleared, compete with other Feng Xu Huan situation. Shibayama misty green and had a dream fairy Yao, Yin thought fly. Homeland tower, sun lanes, where the clouds look back. Mood Fanggu. Habitat on the Twin Towers crow, half owned by Ting Lu. Lotus stand to make a monthly Ming laughing. Hong Ji-empty rain, near the cry Jiang sedges, Lu Ting Zhou places. Gean people Zhenchu anxious, slightly cold first curtain hooks. Step tent dust high alcohol levy shirt Run, who Warm Jade Hong cage. Lantern dim, night long to raise frequency for more. Yan Zheng column should be adjusted, mandarin duck woven brocade, paid to worry about the two eyebrows. Months before the night is not like respect, a few degrees above the south tower. Leaves merciless, flower and hate, ingratitude is autumn. Convert, such as drunk, dreams like the rain while the eastward flight. 残蝉乍歇。 又乱叶打窗,蛩韵凄切。 寂寞天香院宇,露凉时节。 乘鸾扇底婆娑影,幻清虚、广寒宫阙。 小山秋重,千岩夜悄,举尊邀月。 甚赋得、仙标道骨。 倩谁捣玄霜,犹未成屑。 回首蓝桥路迥,梦魂飞越。 雕阑翠甃金英满,洒西风、非雨非雪。 惜花心性,输他少年,等闲攀折。 开尽荼コ,正桑云麦浪,天气如秋。 南园露梢半坼,金粟丝头。 温香傍酒,尽多娇、不识春愁。 莺院悄,轻阴弄晚,何人堪伴清游。 偏爱紫蕤黄袅,想金壶胜赏,依旧扬州。 花前夜阑醉后,斜月当楼。 翻阶句好,记玄晖、此日风流。 双鬓改,一枝帽底,如今应为花羞。 爱吟休问瘦,为诗句、几凭阑。 有可画亭台,宜春帐箔,如寄身闲。 胸中四时胜景,小蓬莱、幻出五云间。 一掬苹香暗沼,半梢松影虚坛。 相看。 倦羽久知还。 回首鹭盟寒。 记步屟寻云,呼灯听雨,越岭吴峦。 幽情未应共懒,把周郎旧曲谱新翻。 帘外垂杨自舞,为君时按弓弯。 Liuao first drive, misty Peng Lang, moved to Island. Still another is the floating ice Mei Pan, Qing Yang back to the sea the night table. Gradually Mei King, near the Lantern Festival, it took more than the end of the cold chilly. More good news story, triangular Yan Jing, who Yueqing flat universe. Huagucudui line spring early. Fan fireworks, Prostitute filled. On Dong Fu, Taoyuan Road, Miu. An Liu Ji outside the east wind. Margaret is Tsui, Ying Starbridge month pavilion, ten of the lotus blossoms. Qing million, half of the volume bead curtain, graceful skirt Wu Xiu songs. Wai Hong heavy Fairview tent enjoyable Luen Fung tube wire ring outs. Hope non-smoking non-fog, spring day in the pot Yi Xiao. Faint early, mid-air stars. After taking close look at lights. While Fung Shee, blown Huang Fei, flew to Kinmen jade leakage. Telephoto Qiuping. The beginning of the rain, the water full of smoke Weimang Ting. Chaos DB45 sparse Liu, Ying Youdai residual points. Who were to be leaning on heavy curtain, David intermittent twenty-three letter sound. Night how cool Zhoujue Dayton, Wan Shan ruthless. Also thinking about Canluan Su, Feng Xiao Yan Joseph read, take time dust students. Old Pan Lang, Shuangbin half have stars. Qin Jin Italian dark lazy mind, and fight Chennai, hate the West wind and wake up. Ping Shan cold, fear Menghun, the Fit is not a blue bridge. 上苑寒收,西塍雨歇,东风是处花柳。 步锦笼纱,依旧五陵台沼。 绣帘珠箔金翠袅,琐窗雕槛青红斗。 频回首。 茶灶酒垆,春时几番携手。 知否。 人渐老。 嗟眼为花狂,肩为诗瘦。 唤醒乡心,无奈数声啼鸟。 秉烛清游嫌夜短,采香新意输年少。 归来好。 皈趁故园池阁,绿阴芳草。 雁宇苍寒,蛩疏翠冷,又是凄凉时候。 小揭珠帘,夜润唾花罗皱。 饶晓鹭、独立衰荷,逆归燕、尚栖残柳。 想黄花,羞涩东篱,断无新句到重九。 孤檠清梦易觉,肠断唐宫旧曲,声迷官漏。 滴入愁心,秋似玉楼人瘦。 烟槛外、催落梧桐,带西风、乱捎鸳甃。 记画檐,灯影沈沈,共裁春夜韭。 上苑乌啼,中洲鹭起,疏钟才度云窈。 篆冷香篝,灯微尘幌,残梦犹吟芳草。 搔首卷帘看,认何处、六桥烟柳。 翠桡才舣西泠,趁取过湖人少。 掠水风花缭绕。 还暗忆年时,旗亭歌酒。 隐约春声,钿车宝勒,次第凤城开了。 惟有踏青心,纵早起、不嫌寒峭。 画阑闲立,东风旧红谁扫。 Ares glass, much to send head _set_ting sun, under the forest fill up gradually. Question leaves people go, Cailing boat loose, look in the Shuitianyise. Gui empty soul grind. Yu-rope switch goes low without a trace. Well-established gull, busy with night, calling over Central Bi Zhao. Acacia Miles, Dayton separated Chan Yuan, Hainan and Taiwan several times, with the wing in phoenix. On the west, with who asked to take, it must have Jinxi world. Palace Moon Palace should be narrow smile. Lu cold light smoke, but also points to see residual star, two lines of the new Yan, Yi Lou flute. 凝云冱晓,正コ花才积,荻絮初残。 华表翩跹何处鹤,爱吟人在孤山。 冻解苔铺,冰融沙甃,谁凭玉勾阑。 茸衫毡帽,冷香吹上吟鞍。 将次柳际琼销,梅边粉瘦,添做十分寒。 闲踏轻澌来荐菊,半潭新涨微澜。 水北峰峦,城阴楼观,留向月中看。 巘云深处,好风飞下晴湍。 |