五代十国 毛熙震 Mao Xizhen  五代十国   (?~947)
Southern Poems
_Set_ Zephaniah
He Manzi
woman crest
Jiuquan child
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Qingping Yue
change loophole
Southern poems auditor Wang qin chuan Auditor Swallowtail Ream
Magnolia flower
Xiaochong Mountain
Lin Jiangxian
River Mitsuko
Multiple poems at a time
Southern Poems

Southern Poems

   Mao Xizhen

Tim also provoke hate hate, led by the heartbroken intestinal
Love does not say a Fang Ning
Free stand alone Pictures curtains, embroidered Hong
Muse to cloud women should pity Fu Lang powder
Late to step out of the bedroom light
Chai cross bun slow and weak, longitudinal rampant
  The term knot or two on the sixth before and after the reading, the next three words, or read on the four characters, the next five words, to be reelected continuously, not readable sentence. Most of these words in syntax, can be on. Two words that end, for the next three for the sixth time, Song of the filling of this are many. Su Shi: "It is a good year, almost clear and bright spring," "The most difficult music silent odorless clear," Qin Guan words: "I do not know Yinhao outer guess every possible way," "Lest when they threw people to come", is working with the the same.
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