现实百态 无名的裘德 Jude the Obscure   》 第一部 在马利格林 Part First      托马斯·哈代 Thomas Hardy

     Part First
中文片名:无名的裘德 导演:迈克尔·温特伯顿Michael Winterbottom 编剧:Hossein Amini .....screenplay 托马斯·哈代Thomas Hardy .....novel Jude the Obscure 主演:克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿Christopher Eccleston .....Jude Fawley 凯特·温丝莱特Kate Winslet .....Sue Bridehead 瑞切尔·格里菲斯Rachel Griffiths .....Arabella 影片类型:爱情 / 剧情 片长:123 min / Germany:118 min (TV version) 国家/地区:英国 对白语言:英语 拉丁语 色彩:彩色 黑白 幅面:35毫米胶片变形宽银幕 混音:杜比数码环绕声 电影《无名的裘德》-剧情梗概 裘德是一个聪明而勤奋的孤儿,自小被农夫养大,但他渴望有朝一日成为大学生,能过上美好的生活。可惜他跟当地的美少女阿尔贝拉一度春风之后被逼成婚,失去念大学的资格,但他还是搬到大学城附近工作,希望获得入学机会。开始的激情永远也敌不过时间的冲刷,加上不同的性格和文化水平使得两人间慢慢地出现了不愉快。裘德逐渐无法忍受阿拉贝拉本性那粗野和难以相融的性格,阿拉贝拉也一样。一天,阿拉贝拉终于离开了裘德。此时,裘德心中的理想又再恢复了。 满怀信心的裘德终于要展开他人生的另一个旅途。他离开了玛格利伦村前往大学城去寻找自己的梦想。裘德在大学城里安顿了下来,他找到了一份石匠的工作,可以一边工作一边学习一边申请进入大学。在此期间,他找到了儿时的恩师——费乐生。可是费乐生并不如裘德所想的已经取得了大学的学位,成为高级的学者,而是一间简陋的小学的校长。原来大学一直没有接纳这位乡间的小学教师,在失败中费乐生早已放弃进入大学的理想。 在此期间,爱的女神又一次来到裘德的身边。在大学城的街道上, 他遇到了令他又一次心动的女子表妹——苏。可是有一天,苏却要提出离开大学城。原来她已被工艺店开除,因为前卫的思想和她的那些工艺品为店东所不容。可是裘德却不想让苏离开这个城市,于是裘德请求老师聘请苏,使得苏得到了工作。可是裘德马上要为他的决定感到后悔了!费乐生一开始便对苏产生了好感,这使得裘德很是痛苦。迫于亲缘的关系,裘德和苏都不敢打破禁忌。 当苏嫁给了他人,裘德终于冲破了心中压抑已久的感情。他们不理世俗,不想后果,只要一起,即使流浪到天涯都无所畏惧。 一番的流离,他们又回到了大学城,而此时裘德刚好又碰到大学城的游行,这使得裘德的心中的愿望更加强烈了。不久,裘德以渊博学识在大学中得到教职。可得当梦想实现的那一天,悲剧却出现了。小裘德在杀死两个弟妹后,自己也自杀了。可怜的小裘德艰辛的生活选择了绝路。命运也从此毁灭了这个家庭。苏也巨大的痛苦中离开了裘德,她认为现在的情况是自己的不洁的罪过所遭到的巨大的惩罚。 电影《无名的裘德》-导演介绍 迈克尔·温特伯顿1961出生于英国布莱克本,最初他从事的是电视行业,而后开始从电视转行电影导演。他一直是英国当代导演的中坚力量。 “争议”似乎是温特伯顿的作品的共同属性。其故事片处女作《蝴蝶之吻》 (1994)是典型的英国公路电影,疯狂与极端的表现手段和女同性恋题材令温特伯顿一鸣惊人; 《欢迎来到萨拉热窝》 (1997)大胆地提出自己对巴尔干半岛战争的看法;2003年,仿纪录片风格的《尘世之间》为他赢得柏林电影节金熊奖,随后他推出了在上海取景的未来题材影片《代码46》 ;去年推出小成本情色电影《情欲九歌》和根据历史改编的影片《项狄传:无稽之谈》均引来褒贬两方面极端的评价。 2006年他携新作《关塔那摩之路》参加了柏林电影节,一举获得了最佳导演银熊奖,这是一部敏感的政治题材影片,再现了美军攻打阿富汗期间,三名英国穆斯林被美军无故在古巴关塔纳摩监狱关押了两年的事件。 电影《无名的裘德》-精彩视点 《无名的裘德》改编自英国著名小说家托马斯·哈代的同名小说,并由名导演迈克尔·温特博特姆执导。原小说一经问世,就在当时的社会引起很大的反响,书中人物的历程颇受争议。现在把小说改编成电影,加入电影新元素使之更加淋漓尽致地表达了人性动人一面。 这部电影讲述的是英国维多利亚时代一位下层青年对事业以及理想追求,而不得以导致毁灭的悲剧。影片从个人背景、社会环境以及人物行为等方面展开,刻画了这段浪漫的悲剧,展现了当时社会的不平与当时青年奋发追求的悲哀。同时,这部影片也是凯特·温斯莱特在演出《泰坦尼克号》走红之前主演的著名文艺片,其在片中的高超演技,更使影片所要表达的感情内容得到完美的发挥。本片曾获得2006年卡罗维发利国际电影节水晶球奖的提名。 感动的片段 (1)裘德和苏离开费劳孙后,对未来满怀憧憬,在海滩和自行车上嬉戏`为了生活四处奔波 (2)苏生下女婴,裘德叮嘱抱着女婴的儿子:“Be careful.” 电影《无名的裘德》-影片评论 这是一部好电影,虽然是某个人类个体的命运故事,但是其中表现了非常丰富的生活细节,很文学化,所以有了史诗的气魄和韵律,这是关于某个无名小卒的史诗,凄美而又波澜壮阔。 裘德一个生于农村的孩子,小时候他就被灌输大学生是多么的伟大、多么的好,于是,他就努力在努力的读书,所以他很厉害,他懂希腊语,他会用拉丁语背诵教条,直到他认识了屠户的女儿,当他在屋内读书,外面却是自己妻子在杀猪,放血、破肚取肠,妻子看出了他的不齿,于是,离开了他,随后,他搬到了大学城附近,找了一个石匠的工作,也在不停的往学院送去录取信,但是,得到的都是轻蔑的回复和惨淡的微笑,他又一次遇到了妻子并且离了婚,他的表妹苏美丽大方,渐渐两人的接触促使了一段凄惨的恋情... 苏为了掩饰对表哥的暧昧不得已而成婚,但是,她对表哥的爱却愈演愈烈,最终两人各自放弃婚姻走到了一起,他们并没有去教堂正式登记结婚,这也成为他们今后生活无法逾越的障碍,裘德和前妻的孩子由于没人抚养,只好裘德作为其唯一监护人抚养小裘德,苏这时也怀了孕,时光飞逝,他们有了三个孩子,并且回到了大学城,可是这种情况下,生活已经极其艰难,他们找到一家旅店,旅店的男主人回来,知道他们没有结婚却带着三个孩子,则勒令他们只住一晚,这时,小裘德问起是否是我们孩子太多了,人家不收留我们,苏说是我们人太多了,第二天,小裘德掐死了自己的两个妹妹,自己也上吊自杀了,苏离开了裘德,几年后裘德在孩子们的墓地再次遇见了苏,他们吻后黯然离别,这段凄惨的恋情结束了,但是他们还是彼此爱着对方! 这部电影透过裘德的两段感情来反映出社会的黑暗以及下层人民无聊度日的龌龊思想,其实无论裘德如何努力、如何进取,他都不会成为大学生,因为在当时的社会下层人民是无法成为实现自己理想和远大报负的高等贵族,尽管,你知道几国语言,知道上帝的一切,这已经不是关键了! 裘德会说:“我们不结婚、我们的爱没有错,只是我们要等着时代的改变!”裘德的话很真诚,两个彼此相爱的人在一起生活,互相帮扶,是没有错,唯一使他们低贱无法正视生活的是社会, 电影《无名的裘德》电影《无名的裘德》 是那个披着高尚绅士的外衣内心却无比狭隘和龌龊的社会,影片最后裘德的最后一句控诉:“世上还有谁比我们更像夫妻”!是啊!在当时肯定会有无数的有情人因为各种原因不能在一起而发出这样的慨叹,这又是社会带来的挤压,社会就想一个葫芦,上层的人们可以透过壶口迎接阳光,而这些社会底层只能被夹在中间无法呼吸,无法生存,尽管他们很坚强,但是任何坚强的臂膀也无法对抗无形的重压!就如那个中文片名《无名的裘德》,其实是一种无声的呐喊,这部影片放在任何时间、任何社会都会是一部警醒人类且荡气回肠的平民史诗!! “天下还有谁能比我们更像夫妻,理想的灵魂不容于时代,只能领受时代给人的悲哀。”这是一个书生的爱情。但可能很少的人敢于从肺腑里喊出来:“我们比世上的任何夫妻更像夫妻!”。 爱从来就不会完全自由,如果秩序是无往不在的枷锁,理性是生存得以可能的要义,那么人的感性必须受排挤。这或是悲剧的宿命,却是JUDE不信的。所理解的爱的实现是“要活在一起”才是爱,超越一切就是为了能够与爱厮守,也就是JUDE执意追寻的那种,想要看到苏,想要得到苏,为了苏他愿意辗转于许多城市,让理想于现实中找到可以栖息的天地。或许悲剧的存在就在于此---人们善于为爱找到万千种坚持的理由,却不善于为爱找到绿野仙踪似的途径;拥有感性的火热,但却不足把心炼铄为金。 看这电影,是一次悲情的求证。
第一部 在马利格林 “是啊,确有许多人醉心于女人,神魂颠倒,不惜为了她们而当奴仆。 还有许多人因女人之故身败名裂,执迷不悟,罪孽深重……啊,难道女人 真是这么强大,你们男人只好让她们为所欲为?” ——艾司德拉斯

Jude the Obscure is the last of Thomas Hardy's novels, begun as a magazine serial and first published in book form in 1895. The book was burned publicly by William Walsham How, Bishop of Wakefield, in that same year. Its hero, Jude Fawley, is a working-class young man who dreams of becoming a scholar. The two other main characters are his earthy wife, Arabella, and his cousin, Sue. Themes include class, scholarship, religion, marriage, and the modernisation of thought and society. Plot introduction The novel has an elaborately structured plot, in which subtle details and accidents lead to the characters' ruin. It also develops many different themes. These include how human loneliness and sexuality can stop a person from trying to fulfill his dreams, how, when free from the trap of marriage, one's dreams will not be fulfilled if one is of a lower status, how the educated classes are often more like sophists than intellectuals, how living a libertine life full of integrity and passion will be condemned as scandalous in traditional society, and how religion is nothing but a mistaken sense that the tragedies that wear down an individual are the result of having sinned against a higher being. There are strong autobiographical references to Hardy's own life in Jude the Obscure. Like Jude, Hardy did not go to university; like Sue, Hardy's first wife, Emma Gifford, also became more and more religious as years passed. Plot summary The novel tells the story of Jude Fawley, a village stonemason in the southwest English region of Wessex who yearns to be a scholar at "Christminster", a city modelled on Oxford, England. In his spare time while working in his aunt's bakery, he teaches himself Greek and Latin. Before he can try to enter the university, the naïve Jude is manipulated, through a process he later calls erotolepsy, into marrying a rather coarse and superficial local girl, Arabella Donn, who deserts him within two years. By this time, he has abandoned the classics altogether. After Arabella leaves him, Jude moves to Christminster and supports himself as a mason while studying alone, hoping to be able to enter the university later. There, he meets and falls in love with his free-spirited cousin, Sue Bridehead. Jude shortly introduces Sue to his former schoolteacher, Mr. Phillotson, whom she later marries. Sue is satisfied by the normality of her married life, but quickly finds the relationship an unhappy one; besides being in love with Jude, she is physically disgusted by her husband, and, apparently, by sex in general. Sue eventually leaves Phillotson for Jude. Sue and Jude spend some time living together without any sexual relationship; they are both afraid to get married because their family has a history of tragic unions, and think that being legally bound to one another might destroy their love. Jude eventually convinces Sue to sleep with him and, over the years, they have two children together. They are also bestowed with a child "of an intelligent age" from Jude's first marriage, whom Jude did not know about earlier. He is named Jude and nicknamed "Little Father Time". Jude and Sue are socially ostracised for living together unmarried, especially after the children are born. Jude's employers always dismiss him when they find out, and landlords evict them. The precocious Little Father Time, believing that he and his half-siblings are the source of the family's woes, murders Sue's two children and commits suicide by hanging himself; and the suicide and murder note reads: "Done because we are too menny." Beside herself with grief, Sue turns to the church that has ostracised her and comes to believe that the children's deaths were divine retribution for her relationship with Jude. Although horrified at the thought of resuming her physical relationship with Phillotson, she nevertheless returns to him and becomes his wife again. Jude is devastated, and remarries Arabella in a drunken haze. After one final, desperate visit to Sue in freezing weather, Jude becomes seriously ill and dies within the year, whilst Sue has grown 'staid and worn' with Phillotson. Reviews Called "Jude the Obscene" by at least one reviewer, Jude the Obscure received a harsh reception from scandalised critics; it is thought largely for this reason that Hardy made the decision to produce only poetry and drama for his remaining 32 years. Jude was first published under the title The Simpletons; and then Hearts Insurgent in the European and American editions of Harper's New Monthly Magazine from December 1894 until November 1895. The initial, serialised edition was substantially different from the later novelized form. Many minor changes were made because the magazine publishers insisted — for moral reasons. Large portions of the plot were also different. D. H. Lawrence, an admirer of Hardy, was puzzled by the character of Sue Bridehead, and attempted to analyse her sexual problem in his essay "A Study of Thomas Hardy" (1914). At least one recent scholar has postulated that Jude borrowed heavily from an earlier novel The Wages of Sin by Lucas Malet. Film, TV or theatrical adaptations The novel has been adapted into two major feature films: * Jude the Obscure (1971) , directed by Hugh David, and starring Robert Powell and Fiona Walker * Jude (1996) , directed by Michael Winterbottom, and starring Christopher Eccleston and Kate Winslet
Part First AT MARYGREEN "Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become servants for their sakes. Many also have perished, have erred, and sinned, for women.... O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do thus?"--ESDRAS.

后一章回 >>   
第一部 在马利格林 Part First1 Chapter I2 Chapter II3 Chapter III
4 Chapter IV5 Chapter V6 Chapter VI7 Chapter VII
8 Chapter VIII9 Chapter IX10 Chapter X11 Chapter XI
第二部 在基督堂 Part Second1 Chapter I2 Chapter II3 Chapter III
4 Chapter IV5 Chapter V6 Chapter VI7 Chapter VII
第三部 在麦尔切斯特 Part Third1 Chpater I2 Chapter II3 Chapter III
第   I   [II]   [III]   页

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