短篇小说 》 波 Wave 》
波 Wave
郭沫若 Guo MoRuo
Wave 一 1938年10月23日,武漢準備撤退前的第二天,有好幾艘疏散市民的輪船,都在這天的清早,先後離開了碼頭嚮上遊駛去。 這一隻在平時充作輪渡使用的老船拖着滿身的難民和行李,喘息着在江面上匍匐,匍匐,好半天了,但離武漢還不很遠。 二 儘管是怎樣的沒有秩序,船一離了岸,上船時那種不可名狀的騷亂鎮定了下來,人們在逼窄的隙地中找到了各自的定位。 愛說話的人把話匣於打開了。 本來是有相熟的同路人自不用說,便是陌生的人衹要座位鄰近便自然構成出一個個的社交環境。 話題是復雜多樣的,抗戰建國的前途,武漢三鎮的命運,日寇的暴行,我軍的勇敢,國際的同情,乃至油????柴米,離合悲歡之類,就給水裏的波瀾一樣,這邊平了,那邊起來,一個接上一個,一個掩蓋一個,為那輪船底機音,那單調的獨唱,構成着一片復雜混茫的伴奏。 談倦了,斜倚在行李上或靠着船壁上便打起盹來,談餓了,船上是沒有飲食的配備的,用意周到的人便把隨身帶着的幹糧和水瓶取出來吃喝。這些是間歇音符的一部分。輪船的機音始終沒有停止,其它的伴奏也始終沒有停止。 時而有小兒的尖銳哭聲,這金屬性的洋噴吶,正從船尾甲板上的一角又高舉起來了。 三 一對年輕的夫婦,坐在後甲板的一隻角落上,那兒有一面小方格形的木陣,要比甲板高過一尺光景。 男的穿着一件日本式的學生裝,是鉗青嗶嘰的,連銅製的鈕扣都還沒有換掉,一眼看去便可以知道是纔從日本回來的留學生。年紀不過二十五六,身材細長而臉色蒼白。 女的要年輕些,人也矮小,沒有化妝的素臉,小巧而帶着暮黃色,兩邊的頰上隱隱呈着褐色的暈斑。剪得短短的頭髮,高齊領緣,也毫未加以修飾。 兩人都很寡默而帶着焦躁,和年齡不相應地。 女的抱着一個六八個月的男孩,有一個營養不良的小猴兒一樣的面孔,時時發出神經性的哭聲。 兩人太沒經驗了,也怕因為走得太倉猝吧,幹糧和飲料絲毫也沒有帶。船已經走了大半天,兩人都在為着饑渴而煎熬着。 更加不好的是嬰兒要吃奶。 本是不足的母奶,因為饑渴,又加上心焦,很快地便被吸空了。一對橡皮嘴子一般的奶頭,換來換去地把給嬰兒咂,自無補於刻刻增進着的嬰兒的饑餓。 嬰兒不斷地號哭。 年輕的父母衹好換來換去地抱,抱也無濟於事。哭得令人不耐煩了,便開始在心裏互相埋怨,繼而竟發出了聲來,帶着北邊的口音。 ——“早知道這樣,留在漢口好了,反正是該餓死的!”男的埋怨着,這時候哭着的孩子是在他的手裏。 女的埋着頭沒有理會。 ——“明知道船上是不會開火的,幹糧一點也沒有帶。買得聽罐頭牛奶也好啦。”男的在自言自語中,多少還含得有一些商量的口氣。 ——“你真有先見之明!”女的擡起了頭來,憤憤地抗議着,又把哭着的孩子奪過手去,一面把奶頭塞進他的嘴裏,一面又繼續着說:“你這小東西,你把我磨死就算事。” ——“誰個要磨死你啦!”男的也憤然起來了。 ——“你天天在外邊跑,怎麽不買一點呢?” ——“錢是在你手裏的,你要惜着用啦!” ——“不知道你究竟有多少錢喲!” 男的經這一反詰也就忍耐着沉默了。 ——“我們那一千塊錢呢?”停一下他故意用日本話來說了這一句。 ——“縫在孩子的這鬥篷裏面了。”她很勉強的也用日本話來回答,並指着孩子身上穿的一件紅色的小棉鬥篷。 含着空奶頭的嬰兒,大約以為是受了欺騙吧,哭得可是更加火烈。 四 突然有飛機的拍音,隱隱從空中傳來。 全船的人就象感了電一樣,說話的也把話停了。 這時小兒的哭聲便成為了衆矢之的。坐在近旁的一位老婆婆念起佛號來,一面念着,一面也在戟指怒目地禁止小兒不要哭。 拍音愈來愈近,船上的空氣愈見緊張,而啼饑的小兒的哭聲也愈見火烈。 這可犯了衆怒了,有好些激躁的人便嚮那對年輕的夫婦唬嚇了起來。 ——“你們老是干涉,小孩子哭有什麽辦法呢?其實飛機上哪裏聽得見!”留學生含着敵對的意思這樣說。 ——“造孽的!”旁邊的那位念佛的婆婆發言了,“鬼子的飛機上是有聽話筒的,下面的什麽聲音都聽得見啦。南無觀世音菩薩!南無觀世音菩薩!” 另外有一位猛兇兇的男子闖上前去。“一定要那小雜種哭嗎?我要給你丟下水去!” 說着,他出其不意的便從那女子手中奪了過去,那對年輕的父母連搶也搶不及,一個活生生的孩子便被那兇漢投進江裏去了。 母親慘叫了一聲,立地想越過船欄跳下江去,卻被她的丈夫死死地抱着。 ——“不要抱着我,快打救孩子!快打救孩子!” ——“南無觀世音菩薩,南無觀世音菩薩……” 紅鬥篷在波面上浮起了一下,很快的又被捲下去了。 ——“呵,孩子,孩子!我的孩子!”母親發狂般地大呼而掙紮,可是她的丈夫仍死死地把她抱着。 ——“噓!”大部分的人都在噓。——“噓!” ——“率性把這兩個傢夥一道摜下水去!”又有暴躁的聲音這樣說。 ——“你們這些造孽的,沒作聲呀!”念佛的婆婆也在生氣“南無觀世音菩薩,南無觀世音菩薩,南無觀世音菩薩……” ——“你為什麽老是死死抱着我呢!”不斷的掙紮着的母親也漸漸衰弱下來了。 丈夫呈着一個極其悲慘的面容,始終沒有作聲。 五 緊張了好一會,飛機的拍音漸漸低了,遠了,卒至聽不見了。 大約是敵人的偵察機飛來偵察了之後又飛轉去了,再不,便是轉換了方向。 大傢都抽了一口氣。 念佛的婆婆又雄辯起來了:“還是觀音大士有靈有驗,我們的菩薩供得高。觀音大士衹要把眼睛一擡,敵機就要飛轉去的。你們還不曉得喲,前一回日本鬼子炸長春觀,下一個蛋來正對着觀音菩薩的頭,我親眼看見觀音菩薩伸出手去把炸彈接着,又扔回去,便把日本鬼於的飛機打下來了。” 年輕的母親還在抽咽着。 ——“這位女太太,”念佛的婆婆轉嚮着她,“你不要傷心了,你的孩子雖然丟了,但他搭救了一船的人,搭救了你兩口子,觀音菩薩會保佑他的啦,一定要收他去做金山童子。你們還年輕,明年他就會轉胎來的啦。” 年輕的母親依然抽咽着。一兩刻鐘前還在發噓的利己鬼們,現在好象都為孩子的母親憫然起來了,連那位兇手大約是天良發現,或許也怕是害怕那父親報復,在未經註意之間,也不知道躲到什麽地方去了。 母親抽咽了一會,突然又號陶痛哭。 擁抱着她的丈夫結局是打破了沉默:“不要哭了吧。我們也不怨恨誰,衹怨恨日本鬼子殘暴,衹怨恨我們中國人沒有教育。成千成萬的兒童都被日本鬼子炸死了,我們的孩子也等於被日本鬼子炸死了的。不要緊,我們還年輕,我們要報仇!……” ——“你們不用說也是有錢的人啦。”念佛的婆婆插了一句。 經這一句的插入,母親的痛哭突然止住了。 ——“你說什麽?”她漠然的發問。 ——“你們是出過東洋的人啦,有的是錢,到了四川重慶總是有辦法的。” ——“哈哈,有趣!哈哈,有趣!”年輕的母親突然大笑了起來。“我們有的是錢,給娃娃一道帶走了!給娃娃一道帶走了!哈哈,有趣!有趣!給娃娃一道帶走了!……” 差不多就和那念佛婆婆念“南無觀世音菩薩”一樣,這年輕的母親從此便老是念着這幾句:“哈哈,有趣!有趣!給娃娃一道帶走了!” 六 這一對年輕的夫婦到了沙市便登了岸。 女的老是笑,老是念那兩句單調的話。 男的呢?也老是扶着他的夫人,一直是沉默着,沉默着。 沒有人知道他們的姓名,也沒有人知道他們後來怎樣了。 1942年7月14日
A October 23, 1938, Wuhan, prepared the day before the retreat, the public good while several evacuation ships, are in the early morning that day, has left the terminal to the upper sea. This is only used in peacetime, the period from the old ferry boat refugees and baggage dragging covered, panting at the surface of the river crawl, crawl, waiting for ages, but not very far away from Wuhan. II Although not what the order of boats from the shore, when on board the kind of indescribable calm down the riots, people in the unoccupied Bizhai found its own role. Talkative person in the dialogue box opens. Could have been familiar with fellow travelers from Needless to say, is stranger who would naturally constitute a seat near one of the social environment. Topic is complex and diverse, the future of the founding of war, the fate of Wuhan cities, the Japanese atrocities, the brave army, international sympathy, and even oil, salt and leading a poor, clutch joys and sorrows of the class, give the water, like waves, which side flat, side up, one connected to a, a covered one, for that ship at the end machine sounds, that monotonous solo, poses a complex mixing vast accompaniment. On the tired, leaning on or against the ship in the luggage they dozed off the wall, talk about hungry, there is no food on board with the intention of good people who put the dry food and carry water bottles taken out to eat and drink. These are the intermittent part of the notes. Vessel tone has not stopped the machine, the other to the accompaniment has never stopped. Children sometimes have sharp cry, this metallic ocean spray Na, is from the stern deck and holding up the corner. C A young couple, sitting in a corner after the deck, where there is a hand-shaped wooden box array, than a foot higher than the deck condition. Man wearing a Japanese-style school uniforms, is the clamp blue serge, and even the brass buttons are not replaced, we can know at a glance before students returned from Japan. But twenty-five or six young, tall and slender and pale. Woman should be younger, short people, no make-up of the prime face, small and yellow with twilight, on both sides of the cheek was the faint halo of brown spots. Cropped hair, high collar edge Qi, Hao Wei also be modified. They are widowed and with silent anxiety, and age does not accordingly. Woman holding a boy six months, there is a malnutrition face like a small monkey, and always sending nerve of crying. They are too inexperienced, and are afraid to go too hastily because of it, dry food and drinks did not take. Most of the day the ship was gone, both for the hungry and suffering with. More bad a baby to nurse. This is insufficient breast milk, as hunger, coupled with the anxious, and soon will be sucked empty. A pair of rubber nipple mouth sub-general in return for going to put the baby to suck, since no help to enhance the baby Keke hunger. Keep the baby wail. In exchange for young parents had no choice but to go to hold, hold no help. Crying is impatient, they start blaming each other in their hearts, and then actually sent a voice, and with the north accent. - "I had known this, to stay in Hankow Well, anyway, is the need to starve!" Men's kicks, this time the child is crying in his hands. Woman did not bother to bow my head. - "You know that the ship will not fire, and dry food that did not take. Buy canned milk okay to listen to." Man in himself, how many also have to have some discussions with the tone. - "You had the foresight!" Woman raised his head angrily protested with, the child cried again snatched his hand, side of the nipple into his mouth, one side went on to say: "You small things, even if you die I wear something. " - "Who were you die to wear it!" The men also stormed up. - "You run outside every day, how not to buy that?" - "The money is in your hand, you have to cherish the use of it!" - "Do not know how much money yo!" Men will endure through the rhetorical silence. - "We do that a thousand dollars?" Stop what he has deliberately used the words of this sentence in Japan. - "This cloak sewn inside the child." She was also forced to answer with Japanese words, and pointing to the child wearing a small red cotton cloak. His mouth, baby empty nipple, some thought it was cheated by it, but more violent and crying. IV Beat the aircraft suddenly, faintly heard from the air. Sense of the whole ship of people like the electric, as if to speak but also to stop. At this time the cries of children has become the target of public criticism. They begin an old woman sitting nearby chanted, the side and remembered the one hand, prohibiting children are Jizhi angry not to cry. Beats closer and closer, the air board are becoming increasingly nervous, and sings the cry of hunger of the children have become more violent and. This can be guilty of outrage, and there is better shock fiery, Karen and fool that threatened the young couple up. - "You always interference, children crying, what do? In fact, where the plane could hear!" Students the meaning of his mouth to say hostile. - "Commit a sin it!" Next to the Buddha's mother who spoke of the "devils of the aircraft is to listen to the microphone, following what sounds are heard friends. Namo Bodhisattva! Namo Bodhisattva!" Meng Xiong Xiong another man a break on the go. "That little bastard must cry? I give you leave the water to go!" So saying, he did give the woman the hands of surprise wins in the past, and that even the rush of young parents scrambling less than a living child that brute will be thrown into the river. Mother screams a cry, site to ship across the river to jump bar, he was holding tightly to her husband. - "Do not hold me, Street Fighter to rescue the baby! Fighter rescue the baby!" - "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Avalokiteshvara ... ..." Float in the wave surface of the red cloak a little, then it is rolled quickly go. - "Oh, boy, boy! My child!" Shouted the mother camel mad struggle, but she took her husband was still tightly. - "Hush!" Most people are sorry. - "Hush!" - "Whims of these two guys thrown together into the water to go!" Said the voice of another temper. - "You commit a sin, and not for the sound of it!" Buddha's mother is also angry "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Avalokiteshvara ... ..." - "Why do you always tightly holding me!" Constantly struggling down the mother has gradually weakened. Her husband was a very sad face, always silent. V Tense for a while, the aircraft gradually beats low, and far away, Death to hear. About the enemy reconnaissance aircraft flew reconnaissance and flew after the turn to go, do not, that is, the direction of conversion. We have drawn breath. Buddha's mother up and eloquently: "It is Guanyin who has experience has a soul, too high for our Buddha. Guanyin with disabilities as long as the lift of his eyes, turn to the enemy will fly. You still do not know yo, the former Changchun, a back view of the Japanese devils blow, the next egg to the head facing the Goddess of Mercy, I saw the Goddess of Mercy and then reach out to the bomb, and throw it back, he gave the Japanese ghost play down at the Aircraft. " A young mother is still Chou Yan. - "The Girl wife," Buddha's mother turned to her, "Do not grieve, your child is lost, but he rescued the boat people rescued you couple, Bodhisattva will bless his matter, we must accept him to do Jinshan Boy. you are young, birth next year he will turn to your friends. " A young mother is still Chou Yan. Twelve quarter of an hour before the self-interest is also a ghost who made Hush, now seem to have pity for the child's mother ran up, and even discover who the murderer is about conscience, and perhaps afraid of the father is afraid of retaliation, without attention to the , the do not know where to go hide. Mother Chouyan for a while, suddenly Haotao crying. Hug her husband outcome is to break the silence: "Do not cry now. We do not hate who only hate Japs brutal, we Chinese people do not just hate education. Thousands and thousands of children killed by the Japanese devils, our devils children killed by the Japanese equivalent of the. Never mind, we are still young, we have to take revenge! ... ... " - "You do not say that rich people are also friends." Buddha's mother put a sentence. The _insert_ion of this sentence, the mother of the crying suddenly stopped. - "What do you mean?" Her indifference to ask questions. - "You are the friends who had Japan, have money, and to always have a way of Chongqing in Sichuan." - "Haha, funny! Ha ha, funny!" Young mother suddenly laughed. "We have money, and give away a doll! Give away a doll! Ha ha, funny! Interesting! Give away a doll! ... ..." And that almost Buddha-law to read "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva," just like this young mother will never be always remembered that a few words: "Ha ha, funny! Interesting! To the doll away together!" Six The young couple was to board the shore Shashi it. Woman is always smiling, always read the words that two monotonous. Man it? Has always held his wife, has been silent, silent. No one knows their names, and no one knows what they later had. July 14, 1942
请给我换一个看看! 拜托,快把噪音停掉!我读累了,想听点音乐或者请来支歌曲!