短篇小说 Wave   》 Wave      Guo MoRuo

  October 23, 1938, Wuhan, prepared the day before the retreat, the public good while several evacuation ships, are in the early morning that day, has left the terminal to the upper sea.
  This is only used in peacetime, the period from the old ferry boat refugees and baggage dragging covered, panting at the surface of the river crawl, crawl, waiting for ages, but not very far away from Wuhan.
  Although not what the order of boats from the shore, when on board the kind of indescribable calm down the riots, people in the unoccupied Bizhai found its own role.
  Talkative person in the dialogue box opens.
  Could have been familiar with fellow travelers from Needless to say, is stranger who would naturally constitute a seat near one of the social environment.
  Topic is complex and diverse, the future of the founding of war, the fate of Wuhan cities, the Japanese atrocities, the brave army, international sympathy, and even oil, salt and leading a poor, clutch joys and sorrows of the class, give the water, like waves, which side flat, side up, one connected to a, a covered one, for that ship at the end machine sounds, that monotonous solo, poses a complex mixing vast accompaniment.
  On the tired, leaning on or against the ship in the luggage they dozed off the wall, talk about hungry, there is no food on board with the intention of good people who put the dry food and carry water bottles taken out to eat and drink. These are the intermittent part of the notes. Vessel tone has not stopped the machine, the other to the accompaniment has never stopped.
  Children sometimes have sharp cry, this metallic ocean spray Na, is from the stern deck and holding up the corner.
  A young couple, sitting in a corner after the deck, where there is a hand-shaped wooden box array, than a foot higher than the deck condition.
  Man wearing a Japanese-style school uniforms, is the clamp blue serge, and even the brass buttons are not replaced, we can know at a glance before students returned from Japan. But twenty-five or six young, tall and slender and pale.
  Woman should be younger, short people, no make-up of the prime face, small and yellow with twilight, on both sides of the cheek was the faint halo of brown spots. Cropped hair, high collar edge Qi, Hao Wei also be modified.
  They are widowed and with silent anxiety, and age does not accordingly.
  Woman holding a boy six months, there is a malnutrition face like a small monkey, and always sending nerve of crying.
  They are too inexperienced, and are afraid to go too hastily because of it, dry food and drinks did not take. Most of the day the ship was gone, both for the hungry and suffering with.
  More bad a baby to nurse.
  This is insufficient breast milk, as hunger, coupled with the anxious, and soon will be sucked empty. A pair of rubber nipple mouth sub-general in return for going to put the baby to suck, since no help to enhance the baby Keke hunger.
  Keep the baby wail.
  In exchange for young parents had no choice but to go to hold, hold no help. Crying is impatient, they start blaming each other in their hearts, and then actually sent a voice, and with the north accent.
  - "I had known this, to stay in Hankow Well, anyway, is the need to starve!" Men's kicks, this time the child is crying in his hands.
  Woman did not bother to bow my head.
  - "You know that the ship will not fire, and dry food that did not take. Buy canned milk okay to listen to." Man in himself, how many also have to have some discussions with the tone.
  - "You had the foresight!" Woman raised his head angrily protested with, the child cried again snatched his hand, side of the nipple into his mouth, one side went on to say: "You small things, even if you die I wear something. "
  - "Who were you die to wear it!" The men also stormed up.
  - "You run outside every day, how not to buy that?"
  - "The money is in your hand, you have to cherish the use of it!"
  - "Do not know how much money yo!"
  Men will endure through the rhetorical silence.
  - "We do that a thousand dollars?" Stop what he has deliberately used the words of this sentence in Japan.
  - "This cloak sewn inside the child." She was also forced to answer with Japanese words, and pointing to the child wearing a small red cotton cloak.
  His mouth, baby empty nipple, some thought it was cheated by it, but more violent and crying.
  Beat the aircraft suddenly, faintly heard from the air.
  Sense of the whole ship of people like the electric, as if to speak but also to stop.
  At this time the cries of children has become the target of public criticism. They begin an old woman sitting nearby chanted, the side and remembered the one hand, prohibiting children are Jizhi angry not to cry.
  Beats closer and closer, the air board are becoming increasingly nervous, and sings the cry of hunger of the children have become more violent and.
  This can be guilty of outrage, and there is better shock fiery, Karen and fool that threatened the young couple up.
  - "You always interference, children crying, what do? In fact, where the plane could hear!" Students the meaning of his mouth to say hostile.
  - "Commit a sin it!" Next to the Buddha's mother who spoke of the "devils of the aircraft is to listen to the microphone, following what sounds are heard friends. Namo Bodhisattva! Namo Bodhisattva!"
  Meng Xiong Xiong another man a break on the go. "That little bastard must cry? I give you leave the water to go!"
  So saying, he did give the woman the hands of surprise wins in the past, and that even the rush of young parents scrambling less than a living child that brute will be thrown into the river.
  Mother screams a cry, site to ship across the river to jump bar, he was holding tightly to her husband.
  - "Do not hold me, Street Fighter to rescue the baby! Fighter rescue the baby!"
  - "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Avalokiteshvara ... ..."
  Float in the wave surface of the red cloak a little, then it is rolled quickly go.
  - "Oh, boy, boy! My child!" Shouted the mother camel mad struggle, but she took her husband was still tightly.
  - "Hush!" Most people are sorry. - "Hush!"
  - "Whims of these two guys thrown together into the water to go!" Said the voice of another temper.
  - "You commit a sin, and not for the sound of it!" Buddha's mother is also angry "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva, Namo Avalokiteshvara ... ..."
  - "Why do you always tightly holding me!" Constantly struggling down the mother has gradually weakened.
  Her husband was a very sad face, always silent.
  Tense for a while, the aircraft gradually beats low, and far away, Death to hear.
  About the enemy reconnaissance aircraft flew reconnaissance and flew after the turn to go, do not, that is, the direction of conversion.
  We have drawn breath.
  Buddha's mother up and eloquently: "It is Guanyin who has experience has a soul, too high for our Buddha. Guanyin with disabilities as long as the lift of his eyes, turn to the enemy will fly. You still do not know yo, the former Changchun, a back view of the Japanese devils blow, the next egg to the head facing the Goddess of Mercy, I saw the Goddess of Mercy and then reach out to the bomb, and throw it back, he gave the Japanese ghost play down at the Aircraft. "
  A young mother is still Chou Yan.
  - "The Girl wife," Buddha's mother turned to her, "Do not grieve, your child is lost, but he rescued the boat people rescued you couple, Bodhisattva will bless his matter, we must accept him to do Jinshan Boy. you are young, birth next year he will turn to your friends. "
  A young mother is still Chou Yan. Twelve quarter of an hour before the self-interest is also a ghost who made Hush, now seem to have pity for the child's mother ran up, and even discover who the murderer is about conscience, and perhaps afraid of the father is afraid of retaliation, without attention to the , the do not know where to go hide.
  Mother Chouyan for a while, suddenly Haotao crying.
  Hug her husband outcome is to break the silence: "Do not cry now. We do not hate who only hate Japs brutal, we Chinese people do not just hate education. Thousands and thousands of children killed by the Japanese devils, our devils children killed by the Japanese equivalent of the. Never mind, we are still young, we have to take revenge! ... ... "
  - "You do not say that rich people are also friends." Buddha's mother put a sentence.
  The _insert_ion of this sentence, the mother of the crying suddenly stopped.
  - "What do you mean?" Her indifference to ask questions.
  - "You are the friends who had Japan, have money, and to always have a way of Chongqing in Sichuan."
  - "Haha, funny! Ha ha, funny!" Young mother suddenly laughed. "We have money, and give away a doll! Give away a doll! Ha ha, funny! Interesting! Give away a doll! ... ..."
  And that almost Buddha-law to read "Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva," just like this young mother will never be always remembered that a few words: "Ha ha, funny! Interesting! To the doll away together!"
  The young couple was to board the shore Shashi it.
  Woman is always smiling, always read the words that two monotonous.
  Man it? Has always held his wife, has been silent, silent.
  No one knows their names, and no one knows what they later had.
  July 14, 1942


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